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StepZen Example: with-auth0


This project builds a GraphQL API connected to Auth0, using the Authorization Code Flow. Which is used for frontend applications.

Auth0 is a cloud-based identity management platform that provides authentication, authorization, and user management for web, mobile, IoT, and internal applications.

Getting started​

In this section, we will configure our Auth0 client, so we can easily integrate it into our StepZen GraphQL API.

You need to have an Auth0 account to complete this tutorial. If you don't have an account, you can sign up for a free Auth0 account.\

Perform the following steps to set up your Auth0 client:​

Create an API

This API is used to represent your StepZen GraphQL API, and give it access to the Auth0 authorization server.

  • Click the Applications link in the left navigation pane.
  • Click the APIs` link in the left navigation pane.
  • Click the + Create API button.
  • On this page you need to fill out the following fields:​
    • Enter a name in the Name field to help you identify this client. For example: "My StepZen API".
    • For the Identifier field, enter a unique value. For example: "".
  • And click the Create button.

Create an Application

This application is the authorization server that will be used to generate access tokens for your StepZen GraphQL API.

  • Go Back to the Applications page.
  • Click the + Create Application button.
  • Fill out the following fields:​
    • Enter a name in the Name field to help you identify this client. For example: "My StepZen App".
    • For application type, select Single Page Web Applications (or Regular Web Applications).
  • Click the Create button.
  • Go the Settings tab to find the configuration needed to integrate with StepZen:
    • Domain​
    • Client ID​
    • Client Secret​
  • Scroll down to the Allowed Callback URLs field:

Read the Auth0 documentation for more information on how to set up a Machine to Machine application.

Next, we need to set up our StepZen GraphQL API to use the Auth0 authorization server. Copy the file sample.config.yaml to config.yaml and add the following configuration:

# Add the JWKS endpoint
    jwksendpoint: 'https://YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN/.well-known/jwks.json'

After adding these details, it's time to run and deploy the StepZen GraphQL API. Run the following command to start the GraphQL API:

stepzen start

In your terminal, you should see the endpoint of the StepZen GraphQL API. Copy this endpoint.

We need to add this value the environment variables of our Next.js app. Rename .env.sample file to .env and add your Auth0 credentials and the StepZen GraphQL API endpoint to the file:

AUTH0_SECRET='LONG_RANDOM_VALUE' # A long, secret value used to encrypt the session cookie

# Your StepZen endpoint

The value for AUTH0_AUDIENCE is the identifier you set for your API in Auth0.

Try it out

Now that we have configured everything, we can try it out. Run the following command to start the Next.js app:

npm run dev
# or yarn dev

Open the app in your browser at http://localhost:3000. You should see a login button. Click the button to log in. You will be redirected to the Auth0 login page. Enter your credentials and log in.

On the screen you should see the email address you used to login. This is the email address that was returned by Auth0 after the StepZen GraphQL API verified the JWT that was sent by Auth0.

Learn More

You can learn more in the StepZen documentation. Questions? Head over to Discord or GitHub Discussions to ask questions.