Enonics repo store is being accessed by the library /lib/xp/repo
Manipulation of nodes in the repo, is done with the library /lib/xp/node
The MIMIR application have two library wrappers that simplifies the
connecting to repo and node manipulations in /src/main/resources/lib/repo/repo.ts
and /src/main/resources/lib/repo/common.ts
If you need to create new repos or need to manipulate nodes, please use the wrapper libraries.
After a repo is created, you can store data in it. The data is stored as nodes
To get, create, modify or delete nodes, a connection to a repo is neccessery. It is done by
calling connect
from enoics node library.
automatically sets up no.ssb.dataset
repo and one child node for each of the different dataset sources.
const myDataset: DatasetRepoNode<MyDatasetType> = getDataset(DataSource.TALLBYGGER, '123456')
Returns (undefined if the node with the key doesnt exist)
"_id": "daa48def-8a6b-45fb-b190-b35f90a24234",
"_name": "123456",
"_path": "/tallbygger/123456",
"_childOrder": "_ts DESC",
"_indexConfig": {
"default": {
"decideByType": true,
"enabled": true,
"nGram": false,
"fulltext": false,
"includeInAllText": false,
"path": false,
"indexValueProcessors": [],
"languages": []
"configs": []
"_inheritsPermissions": false,
"_permissions": [
"principal": "role:system.admin",
"deny": []
"principal": "role:system.everyone",
"allow": ["READ"],
"deny": []
"_state": "DEFAULT",
"_nodeType": "default",
"_versionKey": "4b861349-f298-4fb8-a9eb-fc3fd9c7c20d",
"_ts": "2020-06-26T12:02:35.779Z",
"data": {
"json": {
"test": "321"
"xml": "<test>test1</test>"
const newOrUpdatedDataset: DatasetRepoNode<MyDatasetType> = createOrUpdateDataset(DataSource.TALLBYGGER, '123456', {
json: {
test: '321'
xml: '<test>test1</test>'
"_id": "daa48def-8a6b-45fb-b190-b35f90a24234",
"_name": "123456",
"_path": "/tallbygger/123456",
"_childOrder": "_ts DESC",
"_indexConfig": {
"default": {
"decideByType": true,
"enabled": true,
"nGram": false,
"fulltext": false,
"includeInAllText": false,
"path": false,
"indexValueProcessors": [],
"languages": []
"configs": []
"_inheritsPermissions": false,
"_permissions": [
"principal": "role:system.admin",
"deny": []
"principal": "role:system.everyone",
"allow": ["READ"],
"deny": []
"_state": "DEFAULT",
"_nodeType": "default",
"_versionKey": "4b861349-f298-4fb8-a9eb-fc3fd9c7c20d",
"_ts": "2020-06-26T12:02:35.779Z",
"data": {
"json": {
"test": "321"
"xml": "<test>test1</test>"
const success = deleteDataset(Datasource.TALLBYGGER, '123456')