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File metadata and controls

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The Clubhouse Slack integration sends messages to Slack when stories are opened, but doesn't send a notification when stories are complete. Here's a quick way to hook that together that using AWS Lambda!

Suggestions, pull requests, comments, etc all welcome.


  1. Install a Slack Incoming Webhook app: and note down the Webhook URL
  2. From Clubhouse, create an API Token from Settings -> API Tokens
  3. Create an AWS Lambda function named clubhouse-webhook
    • Set the following environment variables for the Lambda:
      • SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL - the Webhook URL from Slack
      • SLACK_CHANNEL - name of the Slack channel to post to
      • CLUBHOUSE_API_TOKEN - the Clubhouse API token
  4. Push the code, including npm dependencies, to Lambda by running the following:
cd clubhouse-webhook; yarn install; zip -r ../ .; cd ..
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name clubhouse-webhook --zip-file fileb://
  1. Create an AWS API Gateway POST endpoint that calls the Lambda function
  2. From Clubhouse, create a Webhook from Integrations -> Webhooks and set the endpoint to the API Gateway URL
  3. Move some stories to Completed, and watch the magic happen!