diff --git a/Snakefile b/Snakefile
index 2718015..9c3c86d 100644
--- a/Snakefile
+++ b/Snakefile
@@ -157,6 +157,24 @@ rule manim_shapley_value:
+rule manim_comparative_equilibrium_entry:
+ input:
+ script = "src/manim_figures/comparative_equilibrium_entry.py"
+ output:
+ videos = expand(
+ "out/manim_figures/videos/comparative_equilibrium_entry/{height}p{fps}/sections/{section}.mp4",
+ section = find_manim_sections("src/manim_figures/comparative_equilibrium_entry.py"),
+ allow_missing=True
+ )
+ params:
+ width = lambda wildcards: wildcards.height,
+ shell:
+ "manim render -qh {input.script} --save_sections --media_dir out/manim_figures \
+ -r {params.width},{wildcards.height} --fps {wildcards.fps} && \
+ python src/util/makeutils.py rename-manim-sections \
+ out/manim_figures/videos/comparative_equilibrium_entry/{wildcards.height}p{wildcards.fps}/sections"
rule figure_two_sided:
fig = "out/figures/two_sided_lambda2-{lambda_2}.{ext}"
@@ -171,6 +189,15 @@ rule figure_weighting_functions:
+rule figure_equilibrium_presentation:
+ input:
+ csv = "out/figures/equilibrium_{value_function}_{bargaining}_scale-{n_c}_lambda-{lambda_P}.csv"
+ output:
+ fig = "out/figures/equilibrium_{var}_{add_bargaining}-bargaining_{value_function}_{bargaining}_scale-{n_c}_lambda-{lambda_P}.{ext}"
+ script:
+ "src/figures/equilibrium_presentation.py"
rule figure_equilibrium:
script = "src/figures/equilibrium_symbolic.py"
diff --git a/src/figures/equilibrium_presentation.py b/src/figures/equilibrium_presentation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adcb363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/figures/equilibrium_presentation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import pandas as pd
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+plt.rcParams.update({"text.usetex": True})
+VARS = {
+ "entry-fee": {
+ "benchmark": "K_F_opt",
+ "bargaining": "K_F_implied",
+ "pure_retail": None,
+ "y_label": "$K_F$",
+ },
+ "platform-profit": {
+ "benchmark": "pi_P_bench",
+ "bargaining": "pi_P",
+ "pure_retail": "pi_P_noF",
+ "y_label": "$pi_P$",
+ },
+ "fringe-number": {
+ "benchmark": "N_F_bench",
+ "bargaining": "N_F",
+ "pure_retail": None,
+ "y_label": "$N_F$",
+ },
+ "aggregate": {
+ "benchmark": "A_bench",
+ "bargaining": "A",
+ "pure_retail": "A_noF",
+ "y_label": "$A$",
+ },
+ "consumer-surplus": {
+ "benchmark": "CS_bench",
+ "bargaining": "CS",
+ "pure_retail": "CS_noF",
+ "y_label": "$CS$",
+ },
+def plot_equilibrium_outcomes(
+ df: pd.DataFrame,
+ benchmark_var: str,
+ bargaining_var: str | None = None,
+ pure_retail_var: str | None = None,
+ y_label: str = "",
+ hybrid_indicator_benchmark: str | None = None,
+ hybrid_indicator_bargaining: str | None = None,
+) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]:
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ ax.plot(df["N_P"], df[benchmark_var], label="Benchmark")
+ if bargaining_var is not None:
+ ax.plot(df["N_P"], df[bargaining_var], label="Bargaining")
+ if pure_retail_var is not None:
+ ax.plot(
+ df["N_P"],
+ df[pure_retail_var],
+ label="Pure retail",
+ color="black",
+ linestyle=":",
+ )
+ if hybrid_indicator_benchmark is not None:
+ shade_end = df.loc[df[hybrid_indicator_benchmark] != 0, "N_P"].max()
+ ax.axvspan(0, shade_end, color="gray", alpha=0.2)
+ if hybrid_indicator_bargaining is not None:
+ shade_end = df.loc[df[hybrid_indicator_bargaining] != 0, "N_P"].max()
+ ax.axvspan(0, shade_end, color="gray", alpha=0.2)
+ ax.set_xlabel("$N_P$")
+ ax.set_ylabel(y_label)
+ ax.set_xlim(0, df["N_P"].max())
+ ax.set_xticks([0, df["N_P"].max()])
+ ax.spines[["right", "top"]].set_visible(False)
+ ax.legend()
+ return fig, ax
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ input_data = snakemake.input.csv # type: ignore # noqa: F821
+ output_figure = snakemake.output[0] # type: ignore # noqa: F821
+ var = snakemake.wildcards.var # type: ignore # noqa: F821
+ plot_bargaining = snakemake.wildcards.add_bargaining == "with" # type: ignore # noqa: F821
+ # TODO: handle vars
+ df = pd.read_csv(input_data)
+ fig, _ = plot_equilibrium_outcomes(
+ df=df,
+ benchmark_var=VARS[var]["benchmark"],
+ bargaining_var=VARS[var]["bargaining"] if plot_bargaining else None,
+ pure_retail_var=VARS[var]["pure_retail"] if plot_bargaining else None,
+ y_label=VARS[var]["y_label"],
+ hybrid_indicator_benchmark="hybrid_bench",
+ hybrid_indicator_bargaining="hybrid" if plot_bargaining else None,
+ )
+ fig.set_size_inches(3, 2.5)
+ fig.tight_layout()
+ fig.savefig(output_figure, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
diff --git a/src/manim_figures/comparative_equilibrium_entry.py b/src/manim_figures/comparative_equilibrium_entry.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eae2189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/manim_figures/comparative_equilibrium_entry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+from manim import (
+ RED_D,
+ UP,
+ Axes,
+ Brace,
+ BraceBetweenPoints,
+ Create,
+ Line,
+ MathTex,
+ ParametricFunction,
+ Scene,
+ Tex,
+ Text,
+ Transform,
+ Write,
+from numpy import log
+from scipy.optimize import fsolve
+def pi_F(N_P, N_F):
+ numerator = N_F * (N_F + N_P) - (N_F + N_P + 1) * (
+ N_F + log(N_P + 1) - log(N_F + N_P + 1)
+ )
+ denominator = N_F * (N_F + N_P + 1)
+ return numerator / denominator
+class Baseline(Scene):
+ def construct(self):
+ self.next_section("draw_graph")
+ self.camera.background_color = WHITE # type: ignore
+ Text.set_default(color=BLACK)
+ Line.set_default(color=BLACK)
+ Tex.set_default(color=BLACK)
+ MathTex.set_default(color=BLACK)
+ Brace.set_default(color=BLACK)
+ ParametricFunction.set_default(color=BLACK)
+ # Create plane
+ ax = Axes(
+ x_range=[0.005, 30, 0.1],
+ y_range=[0, 0.25, 0.01],
+ x_length=12,
+ y_length=8,
+ x_axis_config={"include_ticks": False},
+ y_axis_config={"include_ticks": False},
+ )
+ x_label = ax.get_x_axis_label(r"N_F")
+ y_label = ax.get_y_axis_label(r"\pi_F")
+ N_P_0 = 0
+ N_P_1 = 0.5
+ I_F = 0.005
+ # Intersections
+ N_F_opt_0 = fsolve(lambda N_F: pi_F(N_P_0, N_F) - I_F * N_F, 20)[0]
+ N_F_opt_0_val = pi_F(N_P_0, N_F_opt_0)
+ N_F_opt_point_0 = ax.c2p(N_F_opt_0, N_F_opt_0_val)
+ N_F_opt_1 = fsolve(lambda N_F: pi_F(N_P_1, N_F) - I_F * N_F, 20)[0]
+ N_F_opt_1_val = pi_F(N_P_1, N_F_opt_1)
+ N_F_opt_point_1 = ax.c2p(N_F_opt_1, N_F_opt_1_val)
+ # Destinations
+ pi_F_orig = ax.plot(lambda x: pi_F(N_P_0, x), color=BLUE_D)
+ pi_F_alt = ax.plot(lambda x: pi_F(N_P_1, x), color=RED_D)
+ pi_F_orig_label = ax.get_graph_label(
+ pi_F_orig,
+ r"\pi_F(N_P, N_F)",
+ direction=UP, # type: ignore
+ )
+ pi_F_alt_label = ax.get_graph_label(
+ pi_F_alt,
+ r"\pi_F(N_P', N_F)",
+ direction=DOWN, # type: ignore
+ )
+ N_F_opt_0_bar = ax.get_vertical_line(N_F_opt_point_0, color=BLACK)
+ N_F_opt_1_bar = ax.get_vertical_line(N_F_opt_point_1, color=BLACK)
+ # N_F_opt_0_label = MathTex(r"N_F^*(N_P)", color=BLUE_D)
+ # N_F_opt_0_label.next_to(N_F_opt_0_bar, DOWN)
+ # N_F_opt_1_label = MathTex(r"N_F^*(N_P')", color=RED_D)
+ # N_F_opt_1_label.next_to(N_F_opt_1_bar, DOWN)
+ investment_cost = ax.plot(lambda x: I_F * x)
+ investment_cost_label = ax.get_graph_label(
+ investment_cost,
+ r"I_F N_F",
+ direction=UP, # type: ignore
+ )
+ brace_loss = BraceBetweenPoints(
+ N_F_opt_1_bar.get_bottom(), # type: ignore
+ N_F_opt_0_bar.get_bottom(), # type: ignore
+ )
+ brace_label = MathTex(r"> N_P' - N_P", color=BLACK)
+ brace_label.next_to(brace_loss, DOWN)
+ # Moving objects
+ pi_F_plot = pi_F_orig.copy()
+ pi_F_label = pi_F_orig_label.copy()
+ N_F_opt_bar = N_F_opt_0_bar.copy()
+ # N_F_opt_label = N_F_opt_0_label.copy()
+ # First phase: Draw pi_F and investment cost
+ self.play(Create(ax), Write(x_label), Write(y_label))
+ self.play(Create(pi_F_plot), Create(pi_F_label))
+ self.play(Create(investment_cost), Create(investment_cost_label))
+ # Second phase: mark equilibrium
+ self.next_section("mark_equilibrium")
+ self.play(Create(N_F_opt_bar))
+ # Third phase: move to alternative equilibrium
+ self.next_section("alternate_equilibrium")
+ self.add(pi_F_orig, pi_F_orig_label, N_F_opt_0_bar)
+ self.play(Transform(pi_F_plot, pi_F_alt), Transform(pi_F_label, pi_F_alt_label))
+ self.wait(0.5)
+ self.play(
+ Transform(N_F_opt_bar, N_F_opt_1_bar),
+ # Transform(N_F_opt_label, N_F_opt_1_label)
+ )
+ # Fourth phase: show loss
+ self.next_section("show_loss")
+ self.play(Create(brace_loss), Write(brace_label))
+ self.wait(0.1)
diff --git a/src/presentation/defense.qmd b/src/presentation/defense.qmd
index 72f499b..44e120a 100644
--- a/src/presentation/defense.qmd
+++ b/src/presentation/defense.qmd
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ $$
::: {.column width="58%"}
::: {.highlight-block .fragment fragment-index=2 .smaller}
-**Theorem 1.1**
+**Theorem 1.1.**
- Let $f$ be continuous on $[0, 1]$.
- Let $X_n \coloneqq \frac{|\mathrm{prec}_P|}{n} \xrightarrow[]{d} X$
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ The **big player** gets a **larger slice** when
::: {.column width="58%"}
::: {.highlight-block .fragment .smaller}
-**Theorem 1.2**
+**Theorem 1.2.**
- Let $X^j_n \coloneqq \frac{|\mathrm{prec}_{P_j}|}{n} \xrightarrow[]{d} X^j$
- with cdf $G(t) \, \forall j$
@@ -573,11 +573,10 @@ $$
::: {.highlight-block .fragment .smaller}
-**Theorem 1.4**
+**Theorem. 1.4.** Assume that
-- Assume that
- - $f$ is continuous on $[0, 1]^L$
- - $X_n \coloneqq \left( \frac{n_{A_1}(\mathrm{prec})}{n}, \dots, \frac{n_{A_L}(\mathrm{prec})}{n} \right) \xrightarrow[]{d} X$ with cdf $G(t_1, \dots, t_L)$
+- $f$ is continuous on $[0, 1]^L$
+- $X_n \coloneqq \left( \frac{n_{A_1}(\mathrm{prec})}{n}, \dots, \frac{n_{A_L}(\mathrm{prec})}{n} \right) \xrightarrow[]{d} X$ with cdf $G(t_1, \dots, t_L)$
\implies \varphi_P^\infty = \int_0^1 \dots \int_0^1 f(t_1, \dots, t_L) \mathrm{d}G(t_1, \dots t_L)
@@ -611,7 +610,7 @@ $$
::: {.column width="58%" .fragment .smaller}
::: {.highlight-block}
-**Proposition 1.7**
+**Proposition 1.7.**
Let $f$ be continuous on $[0, 1]^L$.
@@ -696,7 +695,7 @@ General idea: @sec-heterogeneity-general
::: {.column width="58%" .fragment .smaller}
::: {.highlight-block}
-**Proposition 1.8**
+**Proposition 1.8.**
Let $f$ be continuous on $[0, 1]^L$.
@@ -746,7 +745,7 @@ Weighted value with **$\lambda_1 < \lambda_2$**
-## Conclusion
+## Summary
::: {.fragment}
- Provide a **tool-kit** for modeling **bargaining** in settings with one (few) **central player**(s) and many small ones
@@ -764,12 +763,344 @@ Weighted value with **$\lambda_1 < \lambda_2$**
# Chapter 2 – Application
Hybrid platforms and bargaining power
+## Motivation
+::: {.fragment}
+- Hybrid platforms are
+ - Getting more and more common
+ - Seemingly obvious concerns and high-profile competition policy cases
+ - Despite this, relatively little reserach
+::: {.fragment}
+- Bargaining between participants is not well understood in the platform setting
+ - Authors generally assume take-it-or-leave-it offers
+::: {.highlight-block .fragment}
+Examine the bargaining power implications of hybrid platforms and its welfare consequences
+## Main ideas
+::: {.fragment}
+- **Shapley-value** based bargaining rule
+ - Analytically more **tractable**
+ - Has **bargaining microfoundations** [e.g. @hart1996bargaining; @stole1996intra]
+ - Has precedents in the IO literature [e.g. @hart1990property; @montez2007downstream]
+::: {.fragment}
+- **Abstract away all frictions**
+ - Focus on the **bargaining channel**
+ - Offers a good benchmark model
+::: {.fragment}
+- Consider a **continuum of small players** case for tractability
+ - Good approximation of the finite player case even for not too many players
+## Related literature
+::: {.fragment}
+ - Multi-sided markets
+ - Platform markets: @rochet2003platform, @hagiu2004optimal, @armstrong2006competition
+ - Hybrid platforms: **@anderson2021hybrid**, @gutierrez2021welfare, @hagiu2022should
+::: {.fragment}
+ - Other similarly structured markets
+ - Private labels in retail: @steiner2004nature
+ - Vertical integration: @hart1990vertical, @de2005vertical, @montez2007downstream
+::: {.fragment}
+ - Cooperative games in IO
+ - @hart1990property, @levy1997individual, **@montez2007downstream**, **@anderson2021hybrid**
+## Model – Players
+::: {.fragment}
+ - One **platform**: $P$
+ - Without the platform, no value can be created
+ - Might have its own products (hybrid mode)
+::: {.fragment}
+ - A continuum of potential **fringe entrants**: $F_i, i \in \mathbb{R}_0^+$
+ - Infinitesimally small
+ - Have one product each
+ - Can only sell through the platform
+## Model – Timing and overview
+:::: {.columns}
+::: {.column width="50%" .fragment}
+**Benchmark model**
+//| fig-width: 100%
+digraph G {
+ node [shape=box, fontsize=18, style=rounded, margin=0.2, penwidth=2];
+ edge [penwidth=2];
+ entry_fee [label=<T1: Platform unilaterally
sets the entry fee>];
+ entry_decision [label=<T2: Potential entrants decide to
invest in a product and enter>];
+ sales [label=<T3: Platform and fringe
set product prices>];
+ final [label=<T4: Consumers make
consumption decisions>];
+ entry_fee -> entry_decision;
+ entry_decision -> sales;
+ sales -> final;
+::: {.column width="50%" .fragment}
+**Bargaining model**
+//| fig-width: 100%
+digraph G {
+ node [shape=box, fontsize=18, style=rounded, margin=0.2, penwidth=2];
+ edge [penwidth=2];
+ entry_decision [label=<T1: Potential entrants decide to
invest in a product>, color="#5692e4"];
+ entry_fee [label=<T2: Entry fees are negotiated
between platform and fringe entrants>, color="#5692e4"];
+ sales [label=<T3: Platform and fringe
set product prices>];
+ final [label=<T4: Consumers make
consumption decisions>];
+ entry_decision -> entry_fee;
+ entry_fee -> sales;
+ sales -> final;
+## Demand {#sec-demand}
+Logit-like demand for each product $T_i$
+::: {.fragment .smaller}
+- $T \in \{P, F\}$
+- $v$: value of the product
+- $p$: price
+x_{Ti} = \frac{\exp\left( \frac{v_T - p_{T_i}}{\mu} \right)}{A}
+::: {.fragment .smaller}
+A = \int_0^{N_F} \exp\left( \frac{v_F - p_{Fi}}{\mu} \right) \mathrm{d}i + \int_0^{N_P} \exp\left( \frac{v_P - p_{Pi}}{\mu} \right) \mathrm{d}i + 1
+::: {.crossref}
+Utility function: @sec-utility-function
+## Production
+::: {.fragment}
+- Assume that the platform prices its products as if they were made by separate, competitive sellers
+ - Possible interpretation: profit-maximizing subsidiaries
+ - More importantly: "best case scenario"
+::: {.fragment .highlight-block .smaller}
+**Proposition 2.3.**
+The optimal price is an additive markup over marginal costs:
+- $p^*_{Ti} = c_T + \mu$
+- $\pi^{v*}_{T_i} = \mu \frac{\exp \left( \frac{v_T - c_T - \mu}{\mu} \right)}{A} \coloneqq \frac{V_T}{A}$
+## Free enetry
+::: {.fragment}
+- Potential entrants decide to enter if they can cover the
+ - Investment cost $I_F$
+ - Platform entry fee $K_F$
+::: {.fragment .highlight-block .smaller}
+**Proposition 2.4.**
+If $I_F$ and $K_F$ are low enough, the equilibrium size of the aggregate is
+A = \mu \frac{V_F}{K_F + I_F}
+::: {.fragment}
+- Does not directly depend on the platform's product variety
+## Benchmark model
+::: {.fragment .highlight-block .smaller}
+**Theorem. 2.1**
+The optimal entry fee is given by
+$$K_F^{opt} = \sqrt{\mu I_F V_F} - I_F$$
+::: {.fragment .highlight-block .smaller}
+**Theorem. 2.2**
+In the benchmark model under hybrid regime,
+- The equilibrium number of fringe firms is decreasing in the platform's product variety: $\frac{\mathrm{d} N_F}{\mathrm{d} N_P} = -\frac{V_P}{V_F} < 0$.
+- The equilibrium size of the aggregate and consumer surplus are independent of the platform's product variety: $\frac{\mathrm{d} A}{\mathrm{d} N_P} = \frac{\mathrm{d} CS}{\mathrm{d} N_P} = 0$.
+## Benchmark model
+::: {layout-ncol=2}
+![Entry fee](/out/figures/equilibrium_entry-fee_without-bargaining_profit_onesided_scale-1_lambda-1.svg){width=95% height=100%}
+![Number of fringe entrants](/out/figures/equilibrium_fringe-number_without-bargaining_profit_onesided_scale-1_lambda-1.svg){width=95% height=100%}
+## Bargaining model – profit division
+::: {.fragment}
+- Total profits (≈ characteristic function):
+\Pi(N_P, N_F) = \mu \frac{N_F V_F + N_P V_P}{N_F V_F + N_P V_P + 1}
+::: {.fragment}
+- Everyone gets their **Shapley-value**:
+\pi^t_P = \int_0^1 \Pi(N_P, sN_F) \mathrm{d}s
+## Bargaining model – fringe entry
+::::: {.columns}
+:::: {.column width="40%"}
+::: {.fragment fragment-index=1}
+- The fringe profits are hump-shaped
+::: {.fragment fragment-index=3}
+- Platform product variety reduces fringe entry
+::: {.fragment fragment-index=4}
+- In the bargaining case, more than proportionally
+:::: {.column width="60%"}
+::: {.r-stack}
+::: {.fragment fragment-index=1}
+::: {.fragment fragment-index=2}
+::: {.fragment fragment-index=3}
+::: {.fragment fragment-index=4}
+## Bargaining model – outcomes
+::: {.fragment .highlight-block .smaller}
+**Proposition 2.9.**
+In the hybrid regime, the *implied entry fee* is increasing in the platform's product variety:
+\frac{\partial K_F^{impl}(N_P)}{\partial N_P} > 0
+::: {.fragment .highlight-block .smaller}
+**Theorem 2.3.**
+In the bargaining model under hybrid regime
+- The equilibrium number of fringe firms is decreasing *fast* in the platform's product variety: $\frac{\mathrm{d} N_F}{\mathrm{d} N_P} = -\frac{V_P}{V_F} < 0$.
+- The equilibrium size of the aggregate and consumer surplus are decreasing in the platform's product variety: $\frac{\mathrm{d} A}{\mathrm{d} N_P}, \frac{\mathrm{d} CS}{\mathrm{d} N_P} < 0$.
+## Bargaining model – outcomes
+::: {layout-ncol=2}
+![(Implied) Entry fee](/out/figures/equilibrium_entry-fee_with-bargaining_profit_onesided_scale-1_lambda-1.svg){width=95% height=100%}
+![Number of fringe entrants](/out/figures/equilibrium_fringe-number_with-bargaining_profit_onesided_scale-1_lambda-1.svg){width=95% height=100%}
+## Bargaining model – outcomes {#sec-hybrid-mode-figures}
+::: {layout-ncol=2}
+![Consumer surplus](/out/figures/equilibrium_consumer-surplus_with-bargaining_profit_onesided_scale-1_lambda-1.svg){width=95% height=100%}
+![Platform profits](/out/figures/equilibrium_platform-profit_with-bargaining_profit_onesided_scale-1_lambda-1.svg){width=95% height=100%}
+::: {.crrossref}
+Platform's choice of product variety: @sec-appendix-platform-choice
+## Conclusion
+::: {.fragment}
+- Tractable model of **hybrid platforms** in which **bargaining** plays a key role
+ - Applicable to other settings, too (e.g. vertical markets, franchises)
+::: {.fragment}
+- Highlight an important aspect of hybrid platforms
+ - **Hybrid mode increases bargaining power** against entrants
+ - This can have **negative welfare consequences**
+::: {.fragment}
+- **Policy implications** for such markets
+ - Apple, Google, etc. having their own apps
+ - Microsoft acquiring Activision/Blizzard
# Chapter 3 – Experiment
Characterizing multiplayer free-form bargaining
@@ -1180,6 +1511,31 @@ $$
# Appendix – Chapter 2 {visibility="uncounted" .unnumbered .unlisted}
+## Utility function {#sec-utility-function}
+::: {.incremental}
+ - Follow @anderson2021hybrid
+ - Unit mass of customers, each choosing one product maximizing $$u_{ij}^T = v^T - p_i^T + \mu \varepsilon_{ij}^T$$
+ - $T \in \{P, F, 0\}$
+ - Unit mass of outside options at price $p_i^0 = 0$
+ - $v_T$: value of the product
+ - $\mu$: degree of horizontal differentiation
+ - $\varepsilon_{ij}^T \sim \mathrm{Gumbel}(0, 1)$: taste shocks
+::: {.crossref}
+🔙 @sec-demand
+## Platform's choice of product variety {#sec-appendix-platform-choice}
+::: {.crossref}
+🔙 @sec-hybrid-mode-figures
# Appendix – Chapter 3 {visibility="uncounted" .unnumbered .unlisted}