diff --git a/examples/index.html b/examples/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..696f080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+ Name |
+ Position |
+ Office |
+ Age |
+ Start date |
+ Salary |
+ Tiger Nixon |
+ System Architect |
+ Edinburgh |
+ 61 |
+ 2011/04/25 |
+ $320,800 |
+ Garrett Winters |
+ Accountant |
+ Tokyo |
+ 63 |
+ 2011/07/25 |
+ $170,750 |
+ Ashton Cox |
+ Junior Technical Author |
+ San Francisco |
+ 66 |
+ 2009/01/12 |
+ $86,000 |
+ Cedric Kelly |
+ Senior Javascript Developer |
+ Edinburgh |
+ 22 |
+ 2012/03/29 |
+ $433,060 |
+ Airi Satou |
+ Accountant |
+ Tokyo |
+ 33 |
+ 2008/11/28 |
+ $162,700 |
+ Brielle Williamson |
+ Integration Specialist |
+ New York |
+ 61 |
+ 2012/12/02 |
+ $372,000 |
+ Herrod Chandler |
+ Sales Assistant |
+ San Francisco |
+ 59 |
+ 2012/08/06 |
+ $137,500 |
+ Rhona Davidson |
+ Integration Specialist |
+ Tokyo |
+ 55 |
+ 2010/10/14 |
+ $327,900 |
+ Colleen Hurst |
+ Javascript Developer |
+ San Francisco |
+ 39 |
+ 2009/09/15 |
+ $205,500 |
+ Sonya Frost |
+ Software Engineer |
+ Edinburgh |
+ 23 |
+ 2008/12/13 |
+ $103,600 |
+ Jena Gaines |
+ Office Manager |
+ London |
+ 30 |
+ 2008/12/19 |
+ $90,560 |
+ Quinn Flynn |
+ Support Lead |
+ Edinburgh |
+ 22 |
+ 2013/03/03 |
+ $342,000 |
+ Charde Marshall |
+ Regional Director |
+ San Francisco |
+ 36 |
+ 2008/10/16 |
+ $470,600 |
+ Haley Kennedy |
+ Senior Marketing Designer |
+ London |
+ 43 |
+ 2012/12/18 |
+ $313,500 |
+ Tatyana Fitzpatrick |
+ Regional Director |
+ London |
+ 19 |
+ 2010/03/17 |
+ $385,750 |
+ Michael Silva |
+ Marketing Designer |
+ London |
+ 66 |
+ 2012/11/27 |
+ $198,500 |
+ Paul Byrd |
+ Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
+ New York |
+ 64 |
+ 2010/06/09 |
+ $725,000 |
+ Gloria Little |
+ Systems Administrator |
+ New York |
+ 59 |
+ 2009/04/10 |
+ $237,500 |
+ Bradley Greer |
+ Software Engineer |
+ London |
+ 41 |
+ 2012/10/13 |
+ $132,000 |
+ Dai Rios |
+ Personnel Lead |
+ Edinburgh |
+ 35 |
+ 2012/09/26 |
+ $217,500 |
+ Jenette Caldwell |
+ Development Lead |
+ New York |
+ 30 |
+ 2011/09/03 |
+ $345,000 |
+ Yuri Berry |
+ Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) |
+ New York |
+ 40 |
+ 2009/06/25 |
+ $675,000 |
+ Caesar Vance |
+ Pre-Sales Support |
+ New York |
+ 21 |
+ 2011/12/12 |
+ $106,450 |
+ Doris Wilder |
+ Sales Assistant |
+ Sidney |
+ 23 |
+ 2010/09/20 |
+ $85,600 |
+ Angelica Ramos |
+ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
+ London |
+ 47 |
+ 2009/10/09 |
+ $1,200,000 |
+ Gavin Joyce |
+ Developer |
+ Edinburgh |
+ 42 |
+ 2010/12/22 |
+ $92,575 |
+ Jennifer Chang |
+ Regional Director |
+ Singapore |
+ 28 |
+ 2010/11/14 |
+ $357,650 |
+ Brenden Wagner |
+ Software Engineer |
+ San Francisco |
+ 28 |
+ 2011/06/07 |
+ $206,850 |
+ Fiona Green |
+ Chief Operating Officer (COO) |
+ San Francisco |
+ 48 |
+ 2010/03/11 |
+ $850,000 |
+ Shou Itou |
+ Regional Marketing |
+ Tokyo |
+ 20 |
+ 2011/08/14 |
+ $163,000 |
+ Michelle House |
+ Integration Specialist |
+ Sidney |
+ 37 |
+ 2011/06/02 |
+ $95,400 |
+ Suki Burks |
+ Developer |
+ London |
+ 53 |
+ 2009/10/22 |
+ $114,500 |
+ Prescott Bartlett |
+ Technical Author |
+ London |
+ 27 |
+ 2011/05/07 |
+ $145,000 |
+ Gavin Cortez |
+ Team Leader |
+ San Francisco |
+ 22 |
+ 2008/10/26 |
+ $235,500 |
+ Martena Mccray |
+ Post-Sales support |
+ Edinburgh |
+ 46 |
+ 2011/03/09 |
+ $324,050 |
+ Unity Butler |
+ Marketing Designer |
+ San Francisco |
+ 47 |
+ 2009/12/09 |
+ $85,675 |
+ Howard Hatfield |
+ Office Manager |
+ San Francisco |
+ 51 |
+ 2008/12/16 |
+ $164,500 |
+ Hope Fuentes |
+ Secretary |
+ San Francisco |
+ 41 |
+ 2010/02/12 |
+ $109,850 |
+ Vivian Harrell |
+ Financial Controller |
+ San Francisco |
+ 62 |
+ 2009/02/14 |
+ $452,500 |
+ Timothy Mooney |
+ Office Manager |
+ London |
+ 37 |
+ 2008/12/11 |
+ $136,200 |
+ Jackson Bradshaw |
+ Director |
+ New York |
+ 65 |
+ 2008/09/26 |
+ $645,750 |
+ Olivia Liang |
+ Support Engineer |
+ Singapore |
+ 64 |
+ 2011/02/03 |
+ $234,500 |
+ Bruno Nash |
+ Software Engineer |
+ London |
+ 38 |
+ 2011/05/03 |
+ $163,500 |
+ Sakura Yamamoto |
+ Support Engineer |
+ Tokyo |
+ 37 |
+ 2009/08/19 |
+ $139,575 |
+ Thor Walton |
+ Developer |
+ New York |
+ 61 |
+ 2013/08/11 |
+ $98,540 |
+ Finn Camacho |
+ Support Engineer |
+ San Francisco |
+ 47 |
+ 2009/07/07 |
+ $87,500 |
+ Serge Baldwin |
+ Data Coordinator |
+ Singapore |
+ 64 |
+ 2012/04/09 |
+ $138,575 |
+ Zenaida Frank |
+ Software Engineer |
+ New York |
+ 63 |
+ 2010/01/04 |
+ $125,250 |
+ Zorita Serrano |
+ Software Engineer |
+ San Francisco |
+ 56 |
+ 2012/06/01 |
+ $115,000 |
+ Jennifer Acosta |
+ Junior Javascript Developer |
+ Edinburgh |
+ 43 |
+ 2013/02/01 |
+ $75,650 |
+ Cara Stevens |
+ Sales Assistant |
+ New York |
+ 46 |
+ 2011/12/06 |
+ $145,600 |
+ Hermione Butler |
+ Regional Director |
+ London |
+ 47 |
+ 2011/03/21 |
+ $356,250 |
+ Lael Greer |
+ Systems Administrator |
+ London |
+ 21 |
+ 2009/02/27 |
+ $103,500 |
+ Jonas Alexander |
+ Developer |
+ San Francisco |
+ 30 |
+ 2010/07/14 |
+ $86,500 |
+ Shad Decker |
+ Regional Director |
+ Edinburgh |
+ 51 |
+ 2008/11/13 |
+ $183,000 |
+ Michael Bruce |
+ Javascript Developer |
+ Singapore |
+ 29 |
+ 2011/06/27 |
+ $183,000 |
+ Donna Snider |
+ Customer Support |
+ New York |
+ 27 |
+ 2011/01/25 |
+ $112,000 |
+ Name |
+ Position |
+ Office |
+ Age |
+ Start date |
+ Salary |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/dataTables.uikit3.css b/src/dataTables.uikit3.css
index d753b91..234a7ba 100644
--- a/src/dataTables.uikit3.css
+++ b/src/dataTables.uikit3.css
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * See accompanying LICENSE file.
+ */
table.dataTable {
clear: both;
margin-top: 6px !important;
@@ -147,7 +151,8 @@ table.dataTable thead > tr > .sorting.uk-text-right:before {
/*top: 2px;*/
/*content: "\f21f";*/
top: 0;
- content: "\f286";
+ /*content: "\f286";*/
+ content: "\f3d8";
color: rgba(167, 167, 167, .3);
@@ -162,19 +167,15 @@ table.dataTable thead > tr > .sorting.uk-text-right:before {
table.dataTable thead > tr > .sorting_asc:not(.uk-text-right):after,
table.dataTable thead > tr > .sorting_asc.uk-text-right:before {
top: 0;
- /*content: "\f0de";*/
- /*content: "\f28b";*/
- /*content: "\f11a";*/
- content: "\f286"
+ /*content: "\f286"*/
+ content: "\f3d8"
table.dataTable thead > tr > .sorting_desc:not(.uk-text-right):after,
table.dataTable thead > tr > .sorting_desc.uk-text-right:before {
top: 0;
- /*content: "\f0dd";*/
- /*content: "\f289";*/
- /*content: "\f118";*/
- content: "\f280"
+ /*content: "\f280"*/
+ content: "\f3d0"
table.dataTable.uk-table-small thead > tr > .sorting:not(.uk-text-right):after,
@@ -234,17 +235,17 @@ table.dataTable.uk-table-small thead > tr > .sorting_desc.uk-text-right:before {
/* General Datatables padding fix */
-table.dataTable.uk-table th,
-table.dataTable.uk-table td {
- padding-left: 14px;
- padding-right: 14px;
+/*table.dataTable.uk-table th,*/
+/*table.dataTable.uk-table td {*/
+ /*padding-left: 14px;*/
+ /*padding-right: 14px;*/
-table.dataTable.uk-table-small th,
-table.dataTable.uk-table-small td {
- padding-left: 6px;
- padding-right: 6px;
+/*table.dataTable.uk-table-small th,*/
+/*table.dataTable.uk-table-small td {*/
+ /*padding-left: 6px;*/
+ /*padding-right: 6px;*/
div.dataTables_scrollBody > table.uk-table.uk-table-divider thead tr,
div.dataTables_scrollBody > table.uk-table.uk-table-divider tfoot tr {
@@ -252,33 +253,61 @@ div.dataTables_scrollBody > table.uk-table.uk-table-divider tfoot tr {
/** Customizable */
-table.dataTable th.sorting_asc,
-table.dataTable th.sorting_desc {
+/** Sorted column (2 rules) */
+.uk-light table.dataTable th.sorting_asc,
+.uk-light table.dataTable th.sorting_desc,
+.uk-light table.dataTable .sorting:hover,
+.uk-light table.dataTable .sorting:not(.uk-text-right):hover:after,
+.uk-light table.dataTable .sorting.uk-text-right:hover:before,
+.uk-light div.dataTables_paginate li.paginate_button.uk-active > * {
/*border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(252, 104, 0) !important;*/
- color: white;
+ background-color: #1e87f0 !important;
+ color: white !important;
+ /* nvidia green
+ background-color: green;
+ color: rgb(250, 233, 66);
+ */
+table.dataTable th.sorting_asc,
+table.dataTable th.sorting_desc,
table.dataTable .sorting:hover,
table.dataTable .sorting:not(.uk-text-right):hover:after,
table.dataTable .sorting.uk-text-right:hover:before,
div.dataTables_paginate li.paginate_button.uk-active > * {
- background-color: #1e87f0;
+ /*border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(252, 104, 0) !important;*/
+ color: #1e87f0 !important;
+/** Font size (5 rules) */
+.uk-light table.dataTable.uk-table th {
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
color: white;
- /* nvidia green
- background-color: green;
- color: rgb(250, 233, 66);
- */
-table.dataTable.uk-table td,
table.dataTable.uk-table th {
+ vertical-align: top;
+ font-weight: 500;
+ text-transform: unset;
+ color: black;
+table.dataTable.uk-table th {
+ font-size: 13px; /*.9rem*/
+table.dataTable.uk-table td {
font-size: 1rem;
+table.dataTable.uk-table-small th {
+ font-size: 12px; /*.85rem*/
table.dataTable.uk-table-small td,
-table.dataTable.uk-table-small th,
div.dataTables_paginate li.paginate_button > * {
- font-size: .95rem;
+ font-size: 13px; /*.95rem*/
/*table.dataTable td,*/
diff --git a/src/dataTables.uikit3.js b/src/dataTables.uikit3.js
index 1e15aa5..356d6d1 100644
--- a/src/dataTables.uikit3.js
+++ b/src/dataTables.uikit3.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-/*! DataTables UIkit 3 integration
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * See accompanying LICENSE file.
- * This is a tech preview of UIKit integration with DataTables.
+ * This is a UIKit 3.0 integration with DataTables.
(function(factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
@@ -43,7 +44,14 @@
"<'row uk-grid'<'uk-width-1-2'l><'uk-width-1-2'f>>" +
"<'row uk-grid dt-merge-grid'<'uk-width-1-1'tr>>" +
"<'row uk-grid dt-merge-grid'<'uk-width-2-5'i><'uk-width-3-5'p>>",
- renderer: 'uikit'
+ renderer: 'uikit',
+ // todo: these are unrelated look and feel tweaks
+ language: {
+ sZeroRecords:
+ '
We didn\'t find anything
Try a different keyword
+ sEmptyTable:
+ '
No data available
Looks empty over here
+ },
/* Default class modification */
@@ -84,7 +92,7 @@
switch (button) {
case 'ellipsis':
- btnDisplay = '...';
+ btnDisplay = '';
btnClass = 'uk-disabled disabled';
@@ -95,13 +103,13 @@
case 'previous':
- btnDisplay = ' ' + lang.sPrevious;
+ btnDisplay = '' + lang.sPrevious;
btnClass = (page > 0 ?
'' : 'uk-disabled disabled');
case 'next':
- btnDisplay = lang.sNext + '';
+ btnDisplay = lang.sNext + '';
btnClass = (page < pages - 1 ?
'' : 'uk-disabled disabled');