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nandhu edited this page Jan 2, 2017 · 1 revision

#Create constraint by loading CSV


Create nodes from the CSV uniquely

Creates all nodes from the CSV, for the mentioned node type

USING PERIODIC COMMIT 50 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///javaConceptsToIntent.csv" AS Line WITH Line WHERE Line.node type = 'term' MERGE (n:Term {}) SET n.nodeid = Line.node id return n

Creates all nodes from the CSV, for the mentioned node type

USING PERIODIC COMMIT 50 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///javaConceptsToIntent.csv" AS Line WITH Line WHERE Line.node type = 'intent' MERGE (n:Intent {}) SET n.nodeid = Line.node id return n

Creates all nodes from the CSV, for the mentioned node type

USING PERIODIC COMMIT 50 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///javaConceptsToIntent.csv" AS Line WITH Line WHERE Line.node type = 'domain' MERGE (n:Domain {}) SET n.nodeid = Line.node id return n

Creates all nodes from the CSV, you need add one FOREACH clause for each node type, which is possible in the CSV

USING PERIODIC COMMIT 50 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///javaConceptsToIntent.csv" AS Line WITH Line WHERE Line.node type IS NOT NULL FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN Line.node type = 'term' THEN [1] ELSE [] END | MERGE (n:Term {}) SET n.nodeid = Line.node id) FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN Line.node type = 'intent' THEN [1] ELSE [] END | MERGE (n:Intent {}) SET n.nodeid = Line.node id)

-- END of Creating Nodes ---

Create relationship among intent-domain, term-term and term-intent

Create intent-domain relations

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///javaConceptsToIntent.csv" AS Line WITH Line WHERE Line.node type IS NOT NULL MATCH (i:Intent {}) MATCH (pi:Domain {nodeid:Line.parent node id}) call apoc.create.relationship(i, Line.parent relation,{weight:Line.weight}, pi) YIELD rel as r return i,pi,r

Create term-intent relations

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///javaConceptsToIntent.csv" AS Line WITH Line WHERE Line.node type IS NOT NULL MATCH (n:Term {}) MATCH (pn:Intent {nodeid:Line.parent node id}) call apoc.create.relationship(n, Line.parent relation,{weight:Line.weight}, pn) YIELD rel as r return n, pn, r

Create term-term relations

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///javaConceptsToIntent.csv" AS Line WITH Line WHERE Line.node type IS NOT NULL MATCH (n:Term {}) MATCH (pn:Term {nodeid:Line.parent node id}) call apoc.create.relationship(n, Line.parent relation, {weight:Line.weight}, pn) YIELD rel as r return n, pn, r

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