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Unlock Your NFT Storefront: Clone & Customize Your Path to Blockchain Success with this whitelabel marketplace template!

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Project Walkthrough


install dependencies

pnpm install

and run the project

pnpm dev

This guide will take you step by step through the process of creating a basic marketplace where you can purchase tokens and filter your selection by store. It uses mintbase-js/data for retrieving data and mintbase-js/sdk for executing marketplace methods.

The mintbase-js/data package provides convenient functions for retrieving data from our indexer. In this example, you will be able to view and purchase NFTs from a specific store.

You can find more information on Github: GitHub link

A live demo of the marketplace can be found here: Live demo link

Step 1: Connect Wallet

Before proceeding, it is important to have a wallet connection feature implemented in your application in order to interact with the contract. To do this, you can check our guide Wallet Connection Guide.

Step 2: Get NFTs from Store

In this example, we utilized react-query to manage the loading state when retrieving NFTs from the contract via the storeNfts method. This method returns all listed NFTs from the specified contract, allowing you to display them in the user interface.

// src/hooks/useStoreNfts.ts
import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
import { storeNfts } from '@mintbase-js/data';

const useStoreNfts = (store?: string) => {
  const defaultStores = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STORES || MAINNET_CONFIG.stores;
  const formattedStores = defaultStores.split(/[ ,]+/);

  const { isLoading, error, data } = useQuery(['storeNfts', store], () => storeNfts(store || formattedStores, true), {
    retry: false,
    refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
    select: mapStoreNfts,

  return {, error, loading: isLoading };

export { useStoreNfts };

Step 3: Get Store Data

To control the tabs, we need to retrieve store data using the storeData method. This method returns the data from the specified contract, enabling you to display it in the user interface.

// src/hooks/useStoreData.ts
import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
import { storeData } from '@mintbase-js/data';

const useStoreData = () => {
  const defaultStores = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STORES || MAINNET_CONFIG.stores;
  const formattedStores = defaultStores.split(/[ ,]+/);

  const { isLoading, error, data } = useQuery('storeData', () => storeData(formattedStores), {
    retry: false,
    refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
    select: mapStoreData,

  return {, error, loading: isLoading };

export { useStoreData };

Step 4: Get Metadata from an NFT

To display NFT pricing information, available quantities, and other details in the user interface, it is necessary to access the NFT metadata using the metadataByMetadataId method.

// src/hooks/useMetadataByMetadataId.ts
import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
import { metadataByMetadataId } from '@mintbase-js/data';

const useMetadataByMetadataId = ({ metadataId }) => {
  const { isLoading, data: metadata } = useQuery('metadataByMetadataId', () => metadataByMetadataId(metadataId), {
    retry: false,
    refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
    select: mapMetadata,

  return { ...metadata, isTokenListLoading: isLoading };

export { useMetadataByMetadataId };

Step 5: Get Current NEAR Price

To obtain the current price of the NFT in USD, it is necessary to retrieve the current Near price. We accomplish this by using the nearPrice method.

// src/hooks/useNearPrice.ts
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { nearPrice } from '@mintbase-js/data';

const useNearPrice = () => {
  const [nearPriceData, setNearPriceData] = useState('0');

  useEffect(() => {
    const getNearPrice = async () => {
      const { data: priceData, error } = await nearPrice();
      setNearPriceData(error ? '0' : priceData);

  }, []);

  return nearPriceData;

export { useNearPrice };

Step 6: Execute the Contract Call - Buy

The execute method accepts one or more contract call objects and executes them using a specified wallet instance. In this example, we need to use the execute method to execute the "buy" call, allowing the user to purchase the desired NFT.

const singleBuy = async () => {
    const wallet = await selector.wallet();

    if (tokenId) {
      (await execute(
        { wallet, callbackArgs: callback },
            contractAddress: nftContractId,
              process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT ||
            price: nearToYocto(currentPrice?.toString()) || "0",
      )) as FinalExecutionOutcome;

Set ENV variables

Once that's done, copy the .env.example file in this directory to .env.local (which will be ignored by Git):

cp .env.example .env.local

if you use windows without powershell or cygwin:

copy .env.example .env.local

To get your api key visit :

Mintbase Developers Page for Mainnet: Mintbase Developers Page for testnet:


NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK could be testnet or mainnet


NEXT_PUBLIC_STORES is your store's ids


NEXT_PUBLIC_AFFILIATE_ACCOUNT is your near account where your should get your market fee


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