This is a quick-start guide to getting go-sbot running on your server and testing that it's working.
Install Go (Version 1.13 or higher) for your operating system:
go --version
to confirm go is installed.
On your server:
git clone
cd go-ssb
go install ./cmd/go-sbot
go install ./cmd/sbotcli
Then make sure that the go binaries are in your PATH.
You may need to add this to your ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:${HOME}/go/bin
On the server, run:
optional step: configure your node in one of the ways outlined in the configuration guide
While go-sbot is running, in another terminal on the server run:
sbotcli call whoami
It should output your ssb public key.
The following command creates an invite with 100 uses (number can be changed):
sbotcli invite create --uses 100
Take the output, and replace [::] with the IP address or domain name pointing to the server.
On your laptop, in your SSB client (Patchwork, Oasis, etc.), redeem the invite.
On the server run,
sbotcli publish post "your message"
You should see the message soon appear in your SSB client.
The full documentation for the API for sbotcli is here (does this exist?)
Here are some helpful commands:
See log of all messages (large output):
sbotcli log
Follow another SSB server and connect with it. (note you need to follow a pub before you can connect with it)
sbotcli publish contact --following @uMiN0TRVMGVNTQUb6KCbiOi/8UQYcyojiA83rCghxGo=.ed25519
sbotcli connect ""
The above commands are to connect to, and the domain and public key can be changed as needed.
This could be done in a number of ways. One way to do this:
Create a file called with the following:
while true; do
sleep 3
Then run sh
in a detachable session.
If your ssb client is unable to redeem the invite created by go-sbot, the necessary ports for go-sbot may be blocked on the server.
For your cloud provider, ensure that port 8008 is open for your server.