diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50eb487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+charset = utf-8
+end_of_line = lf
+indent_size = 4
+indent_style = space
+insert_final_newline = false
+max_line_length = 170
+tab_width = 4
+ij_continuation_indent_size = 8
+ij_formatter_off_tag = @formatter:off
+ij_formatter_on_tag = @formatter:on
+ij_formatter_tags_enabled = true
+ij_smart_tabs = false
+ij_visual_guides =
+ij_wrap_on_typing = false
+ij_editorconfig_align_group_field_declarations = false
+ij_editorconfig_space_after_colon = false
+ij_editorconfig_space_after_comma = true
+ij_editorconfig_space_before_colon = false
+ij_editorconfig_space_before_comma = false
+ij_editorconfig_spaces_around_assignment_operators = true
+indent_size = 2
+tab_width = 2
+ij_shell_binary_ops_start_line = false
+ij_shell_keep_column_alignment_padding = false
+ij_shell_minify_program = false
+ij_shell_redirect_followed_by_space = false
+ij_shell_switch_cases_indented = false
+ij_shell_use_unix_line_separator = true
+ij_python_align_collections_and_comprehensions = true
+ij_python_align_multiline_imports = true
+ij_python_align_multiline_parameters = true
+ij_python_align_multiline_parameters_in_calls = true
+ij_python_blank_line_at_file_end = true
+ij_python_blank_lines_after_imports = 1
+ij_python_blank_lines_after_local_imports = 0
+ij_python_blank_lines_around_class = 1
+ij_python_blank_lines_around_method = 1
+ij_python_blank_lines_around_top_level_classes_functions = 2
+ij_python_blank_lines_before_first_method = 0
+ij_python_call_parameters_new_line_after_left_paren = false
+ij_python_call_parameters_right_paren_on_new_line = false
+ij_python_call_parameters_wrap = on_every_item
+ij_python_dict_alignment = 0
+ij_python_dict_new_line_after_left_brace = false
+ij_python_dict_new_line_before_right_brace = true
+ij_python_dict_wrapping = 5
+ij_python_from_import_new_line_after_left_parenthesis = false
+ij_python_from_import_new_line_before_right_parenthesis = false
+ij_python_from_import_parentheses_force_if_multiline = false
+ij_python_from_import_trailing_comma_if_multiline = false
+ij_python_from_import_wrapping = 1
+ij_python_hang_closing_brackets = false
+ij_python_keep_blank_lines_in_code = 1
+ij_python_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations = 1
+ij_python_keep_indents_on_empty_lines = false
+ij_python_keep_line_breaks = true
+ij_python_method_parameters_new_line_after_left_paren = false
+ij_python_method_parameters_right_paren_on_new_line = false
+ij_python_method_parameters_wrap = on_every_item
+ij_python_new_line_after_colon = false
+ij_python_new_line_after_colon_multi_clause = true
+ij_python_optimize_imports_always_split_from_imports = false
+ij_python_optimize_imports_case_insensitive_order = false
+ij_python_optimize_imports_join_from_imports_with_same_source = true
+ij_python_optimize_imports_sort_by_type_first = true
+ij_python_optimize_imports_sort_imports = true
+ij_python_optimize_imports_sort_names_in_from_imports = true
+ij_python_space_after_comma = true
+ij_python_space_after_number_sign = true
+ij_python_space_after_py_colon = true
+ij_python_space_before_backslash = true
+ij_python_space_before_comma = false
+ij_python_space_before_for_semicolon = false
+ij_python_space_before_lbracket = false
+ij_python_space_before_method_call_parentheses = false
+ij_python_space_before_method_parentheses = false
+ij_python_space_before_number_sign = true
+ij_python_space_before_py_colon = false
+ij_python_space_within_empty_method_call_parentheses = false
+ij_python_space_within_empty_method_parentheses = false
+ij_python_spaces_around_additive_operators = true
+ij_python_spaces_around_assignment_operators = true
+ij_python_spaces_around_bitwise_operators = true
+ij_python_spaces_around_eq_in_keyword_argument = false
+ij_python_spaces_around_eq_in_named_parameter = false
+ij_python_spaces_around_equality_operators = true
+ij_python_spaces_around_multiplicative_operators = true
+ij_python_spaces_around_power_operator = true
+ij_python_spaces_around_relational_operators = true
+ij_python_spaces_around_shift_operators = true
+ij_python_spaces_within_braces = false
+ij_python_spaces_within_brackets = false
+ij_python_spaces_within_method_call_parentheses = false
+ij_python_spaces_within_method_parentheses = false
+ij_python_use_continuation_indent_for_arguments = false
+ij_python_use_continuation_indent_for_collection_and_comprehensions = false
+ij_python_use_continuation_indent_for_parameters = true
+ij_python_wrap_long_lines = false
diff --git a/resources/c_number/__get_c_number.py b/resources/c_number/__get_c_number.py
index 274556f..a677210 100644
--- a/resources/c_number/__get_c_number.py
+++ b/resources/c_number/__get_c_number.py
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def get_c_number():
while i:
- url = ('https://www.sehuatang.org/forum-103-%s.html' % i)
+ url = (f'https://www.sehuatang.org/forum-103-{i}.html')
# 获取当前页面信息
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ def get_c_number():
html = etree.HTML(res.text.replace('encoding="utf-8"', ''))
if i == 1:
page_total = html.xpath('//a[@class="last"]/text()')[0][-3:]
- print('当前共 %s 页数据!' % page_total)
+ print('当前共 {} 页数据!'.format(page_total))
print('\n' + '**' * 20)
- print('开始下载第 %s 页数据...\n页面地址:%s' % (i, url))
+ print(f'开始下载第 {i} 页数据...\n页面地址:{url}')
# 获取当前页面帖子列表
post_info = html.xpath('//tbody[contains(@id, "normal")]/tr/th/a[2]')
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ def get_c_number():
post_number = len(post_info)
- print('帖子数量:%s' % post_number)
+ print(f'帖子数量:{post_number}')
j = 0
for each in post_info:
j += 1
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ def get_c_number():
print(number + ' : ' + title)
- print('\n当前第 %s 页数据...\n页面地址:%s' % (i, url))
+ print(f'\n当前第 {i} 页数据...\n页面地址:{url}')
print('**' * 20)
with open(json_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
diff --git a/src/controllers/cut_window.py b/src/controllers/cut_window.py
index 157910a..63b4893 100644
--- a/src/controllers/cut_window.py
+++ b/src/controllers/cut_window.py
@@ -64,11 +64,10 @@ def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.Ui.pushButton_select_cutrange.setGeometry(QRect(420, 0, 379, 539))
- self.Ui.pushButton_select_cutrange.setStyleSheet(
- u"background-color: rgba(200, 200, 200, 80);\n"
- "font-size:13px;\n" "font-weight:normal;"
- "color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 255);\n"
- "border:2px solid rgba(0, 55, 255, 255);\n")
+ self.Ui.pushButton_select_cutrange.setStyleSheet(u"background-color: rgba(200, 200, 200, 80);\n"
+ "font-size:13px;\n" "font-weight:normal;"
+ "color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 255);\n"
+ "border:2px solid rgba(0, 55, 255, 255);\n")
@@ -80,8 +79,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent=None):
def set_style(self):
# 控件美化 裁剪弹窗
- self.Ui.widget.setStyleSheet(
- '''
+ self.Ui.widget.setStyleSheet('''
* {
font-family: Consolas, 'PingFang SC', 'Microsoft YaHei UI', 'Noto Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji';
@@ -121,8 +119,7 @@ def set_style(self):
- '''
- )
+ ''')
def change_postion_left(self):
# abc: 0-10000
@@ -146,8 +143,7 @@ def change_postion_right(self):
# 打开图片选择框
def open_image(self):
- img_path, img_type = QFileDialog. \
- getOpenFileName(None, "打开图片", "", "*.jpg *.png;;All Files(*)", options=self.parent().options)
+ img_path, img_type = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "打开图片", "", "*.jpg *.png;;All Files(*)", options=self.parent().options)
if img_path:
@@ -212,8 +208,8 @@ def showimage(self, img_path='', json_data={}):
if '.nfo' in each:
temp_path = os.path.join(img_folder, each)
- json_data, movie_number, folder_old_path, file_name, file_ex, \
- sub_list, file_show_name, file_show_path = models.core.file.get_file_info(temp_path, copy_sub=False)
+ json_data, movie_number, folder_old_path, file_name, file_ex, sub_list, file_show_name, file_show_path = models.core.file.get_file_info(temp_path,
+ copy_sub=False)
self.setWindowTitle(json_data.get('number') + ' 封面图片裁剪') # 设置窗口标题
@@ -226,9 +222,7 @@ def showimage(self, img_path='', json_data={}):
poster_path = os.path.join(img_folder, 'poster.jpg')
if pic_name == 0: # 文件名-poster.jpg
if '-' in img_name:
- poster_path = img_path.replace('-fanart', '').replace('-thumb', '').replace('-poster',
- '').replace(
- img_ex, '') + '-poster.jpg'
+ poster_path = img_path.replace('-fanart', '').replace('-thumb', '').replace('-poster', '').replace(img_ex, '') + '-poster.jpg'
thumb_path = poster_path.replace('poster.', 'thumb.')
fanart_path = poster_path.replace('poster.', 'fanart.')
self.cut_thumb_path = thumb_path # 裁剪后的thumb路径
@@ -273,8 +267,7 @@ def showimage(self, img_path='', json_data={}):
self.rect_h = int(self.rect_w * self.rect_h_w_ratio) # 计算裁剪框的高度
self.rect_x = 0 # 裁剪框左上角的x值
self.rect_y = int((self.pic_new_h - self.rect_h) / 2) # 裁剪框左上角的y值(默认垂直居中)
- self.Ui.pushButton_select_cutrange.setGeometry(
- QRect(self.rect_x, self.rect_y, self.rect_w, self.rect_h)) # 显示裁剪框
+ self.Ui.pushButton_select_cutrange.setGeometry(QRect(self.rect_x, self.rect_y, self.rect_w, self.rect_h)) # 显示裁剪框
self.getRealPos() # 显示裁剪框实际位置
# 计算在原图的裁剪位置
@@ -333,8 +326,7 @@ def getRealPos(self):
self.c_y = int(self.c_y)
# 显示实际裁剪位置
- self.Ui.label_cut_postion.setText(
- '%s, %s, %s, %s' % (str(self.c_x), str(self.c_y), str(self.c_x2), str(self.c_y2)))
+ self.Ui.label_cut_postion.setText('%s, %s, %s, %s' % (str(self.c_x), str(self.c_y), str(self.c_x2), str(self.c_y2)))
# self.show_traceback_log('选择位置: %s, %s, %s, %s' % (str(self.c_x), str(self.c_y), str(self.c_x2), str(self.c_y2)))
# 显示实际裁剪尺寸
diff --git a/src/controllers/main_window/init.py b/src/controllers/main_window/init.py
index a7aab27..0bfe94f 100644
--- a/src/controllers/main_window/init.py
+++ b/src/controllers/main_window/init.py
@@ -227,15 +227,11 @@ def Init_Singal(self):
def n(a): ... # mousePressEvent 的返回值必须是 None, 用这个包装一下
- self.Ui.label_download_actor_zip.mousePressEvent = lambda e: n(webbrowser.open(
- 'https://github.com/moyy996/AVDC/releases/tag/%E5%A4%B4%E5%83%8F%E5%8C%85-2'))
- self.Ui.label_download_sub_zip.mousePressEvent = lambda e: n(webbrowser.open(
- 'https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vkbxawm6mwmwswr/AADqZiF8aUHmK6qIc7JSlURIa'))
- self.Ui.label_download_mark_zip.mousePressEvent = lambda e: n(webbrowser.open(
- 'https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vkbxawm6mwmwswr/AADqZiF8aUHmK6qIc7JSlURIa'))
+ self.Ui.label_download_actor_zip.mousePressEvent = lambda e: n(webbrowser.open('https://github.com/moyy996/AVDC/releases/tag/%E5%A4%B4%E5%83%8F%E5%8C%85-2'))
+ self.Ui.label_download_sub_zip.mousePressEvent = lambda e: n(webbrowser.open('https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vkbxawm6mwmwswr/AADqZiF8aUHmK6qIc7JSlURIa'))
+ self.Ui.label_download_mark_zip.mousePressEvent = lambda e: n(webbrowser.open('https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vkbxawm6mwmwswr/AADqZiF8aUHmK6qIc7JSlURIa'))
self.Ui.label_get_cookie_url.mousePressEvent = lambda e: n(webbrowser.open('https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5492736764'))
- self.Ui.label_download_actor_db.mousePressEvent = lambda e: n(webbrowser.open(
- 'https://github.com/sqzw-x/mdcx/releases/tag/actor_info_database'))
+ self.Ui.label_download_actor_db.mousePressEvent = lambda e: n(webbrowser.open('https://github.com/sqzw-x/mdcx/releases/tag/actor_info_database'))
# endregion
# region 控件更新
@@ -267,8 +263,7 @@ def n(a): ... # mousePressEvent 的返回值必须是 None, 用这个包装一
- self.label_show_version.connect(self.Ui.label_show_version.setText)
- # endregion
+ self.label_show_version.connect(self.Ui.label_show_version.setText) # endregion
def Init_QSystemTrayIcon(self):
@@ -289,7 +284,8 @@ def Init_QSystemTrayIcon(self):
- # self.tray_icon.showMessage(f"MDCx {self.localversion}", u'已启动!欢迎使用!', QIcon(self.icon_ico), 3000) # icon的值 0没有图标 1是提示 2是警告 3是错误
+ # self.tray_icon.showMessage(f"MDCx {self.localversion}", u'已启动!欢迎使用!', QIcon(self.icon_ico), 3000)
+ # icon的值 0没有图标 1是提示 2是警告 3是错误
def init_QTreeWidget(self):
diff --git a/src/controllers/main_window/load_config.py b/src/controllers/main_window/load_config.py
index bae3062..9b8f7ce 100644
--- a/src/controllers/main_window/load_config.py
+++ b/src/controllers/main_window/load_config.py
@@ -1057,10 +1057,29 @@ def load_config(self):
self.statement = int(config.statement) # 间歇刮削间隔时间
+ self.Ui.checkBox_show_web_log.setChecked(config.show_web_log == 'on') # 显示字段刮削过程
+ self.Ui.checkBox_show_from_log.setChecked(config.show_from_log == 'on') # 显示字段来源信息
+ self.Ui.checkBox_show_data_log.setChecked(config.show_data_log == 'on') # 显示字段内容信息
+ if config.save_log == 'off': # 保存日志
+ self.Ui.radioButton_log_off.setChecked(True)
+ else:
+ self.Ui.radioButton_log_on.setChecked(True)
+ if config.update_check == 'off': # 检查更新
+ self.Ui.radioButton_update_off.setChecked(True)
+ else:
+ self.Ui.radioButton_update_on.setChecked(True)
+ self.Ui.lineEdit_local_library_path.setText(convert_path(config.local_library)) # 本地资源库
+ self.Ui.lineEdit_actors_name.setText(str(config.actors_name)) # 演员名
+ self.Ui.lineEdit_netdisk_path.setText(convert_path(config.netdisk_path)) # 网盘目录
+ self.Ui.lineEdit_localdisk_path.setText(convert_path(config.localdisk_path)) # 本地磁盘目录
+ self.Ui.checkBox_hide_window_title.setChecked(config.window_title == 'hide') # 窗口标题栏
+ # endregion
+ # region switch_on
switch_on = config.switch_on
if read_version < 20230404:
switch_on += 'ipv4_only,'
- # region switch_on
self.Ui.checkBox_auto_start.setChecked('auto_start' in switch_on)
self.Ui.checkBox_auto_exit.setChecked('auto_exit' in switch_on)
self.Ui.checkBox_rest_scrape.setChecked('rest_scrape' in switch_on)
@@ -1100,8 +1119,7 @@ def load_config(self):
if not mdcx_config:
- self.tray_icon.showMessage(f"MDCx {self.localversion}", u'配置写入失败!所在目录没有读写权限!',
- QIcon(resources.icon_ico), 3000)
+ self.tray_icon.showMessage(f"MDCx {self.localversion}", u'配置写入失败!所在目录没有读写权限!', QIcon(resources.icon_ico), 3000)
if 'passthrough' in switch_on:
if not os.path.isfile('highdpi_passthrough'):
@@ -1126,9 +1144,7 @@ def load_config(self):
if not mdcx_config:
- self.tray_icon.showMessage(f"MDCx {self.localversion}",
- u'配置写入失败!所在目录没有读写权限!',
- QIcon(resources.icon_ico), 3000)
+ self.tray_icon.showMessage(f"MDCx {self.localversion}", u'配置写入失败!所在目录没有读写权限!', QIcon(resources.icon_ico), 3000)
# TODO macOS上运行pyinstaller打包的程序,这个处理方式有问题
@@ -1152,26 +1168,6 @@ def load_config(self):
except Exception as e:
signal.show_traceback_log(f'hide_dock_flag_file: {os.path.realpath(hide_dock_flag_file)}')
- # endregion
- self.Ui.checkBox_show_web_log.setChecked(config.show_web_log == 'on') # 显示字段刮削过程
- self.Ui.checkBox_show_from_log.setChecked(config.show_from_log == 'on') # 显示字段来源信息
- self.Ui.checkBox_show_data_log.setChecked(config.show_data_log == 'on') # 显示字段内容信息
- if config.save_log == 'off': # 保存日志
- self.Ui.radioButton_log_off.setChecked(True)
- else:
- self.Ui.radioButton_log_on.setChecked(True)
- if config.update_check == 'off': # 检查更新
- self.Ui.radioButton_update_off.setChecked(True)
- else:
- self.Ui.radioButton_update_on.setChecked(True)
- self.Ui.lineEdit_local_library_path.setText(convert_path(config.local_library)) # 本地资源库
- self.Ui.lineEdit_actors_name.setText(str(config.actors_name)) # 演员名
- self.Ui.lineEdit_netdisk_path.setText(convert_path(config.netdisk_path)) # 网盘目录
- self.Ui.lineEdit_localdisk_path.setText(convert_path(config.localdisk_path)) # 本地磁盘目录
- self.Ui.checkBox_hide_window_title.setChecked(config.window_title == 'hide') # 窗口标题栏
- # endregion
# endregion
@@ -1186,13 +1182,12 @@ def load_config(self):
scrape_like_text += " · 软连接开"
elif config.soft_link == 2:
scrape_like_text += " · 硬连接开"
- signal.show_log_text(
- f' 🛠 当前配置:{config.path} 加载完成!\n '
- f'📂 程序目录:{get_main_path()} \n '
- f'📂 刮削目录:{get_movie_path_setting()[0]} \n '
- f'💠 刮削模式:{Flags.main_mode_text} · {scrape_like_text} \n '
- f'🖥️ 系统信息:{platform.platform()} \n '
- f'🐰 软件版本:{self.localversion} \n')
+ signal.show_log_text(f' 🛠 当前配置:{config.path} 加载完成!\n '
+ f'📂 程序目录:{get_main_path()} \n '
+ f'📂 刮削目录:{get_movie_path_setting()[0]} \n '
+ f'💠 刮削模式:{Flags.main_mode_text} · {scrape_like_text} \n '
+ f'🖥️ 系统信息:{platform.platform()} \n '
+ f'🐰 软件版本:{self.localversion} \n')
diff --git a/src/controllers/main_window/main_window.py b/src/controllers/main_window/main_window.py
index f967db7..312b1f4 100644
--- a/src/controllers/main_window/main_window.py
+++ b/src/controllers/main_window/main_window.py
@@ -8,25 +8,22 @@
from PyQt5.QtCore import QEvent, QPoint, QTimer, Qt, pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtGui import QCursor, QHoverEvent, QIcon, QKeySequence
-from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QApplication, QFileDialog, QInputDialog, QMainWindow, QMenu, QMessageBox, \
- QShortcut, QTreeWidgetItem
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QApplication, QFileDialog, QInputDialog, QMainWindow, QMenu, QMessageBox, QShortcut, QTreeWidgetItem
from controllers.cut_window import CutWindow
from controllers.main_window.init import Init_QSystemTrayIcon, Init_Singal, Init_Ui, init_QTreeWidget
from controllers.main_window.load_config import load_config
from controllers.main_window.save_config import save_config
from controllers.main_window.style import set_dark_style, set_style
-from models.base.file import _open_file_thread, delete_file, move_file, split_path
+from models.base.file import _open_file_thread, delete_file, split_path
from models.base.image import get_pixmap
from models.base.number import get_info
from models.base.path import get_main_path, get_path
from models.base.utils import _async_raise, add_html, convert_path, get_current_time, get_used_time, kill_a_thread
-from models.base.web import check_theporndb_api_token, check_version, get_avsox_domain, get_html, ping_host, \
- scraper_html
+from models.base.web import check_theporndb_api_token, check_version, get_avsox_domain, get_html, ping_host, scraper_html
from models.config.config import config
from models.config.resources import resources
-from models.core.file import check_and_clean_files, get_success_list, movie_lists, \
- newtdisk_creat_symlink, save_remain_list, save_success_list
+from models.core.file import check_and_clean_files, get_success_list, movie_lists, newtdisk_creat_symlink, save_remain_list, save_success_list
from models.core.flags import Flags
from models.core.image import add_del_extrafanart_copy
from models.core.nfo import write_nfo
@@ -148,20 +145,19 @@ def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.show_scrape_info() # 主界面左下角显示一些配置信息
self.show_net_info('\n🏠 代理设置在:【设置】 - 【网络】 - 【代理设置】。\n') # 检查网络界面显示提示信息
show_netstatus() # 检查网络界面显示当前网络代理信息
- self.show_net_info(
- '\n💡 说明:\n '
- '任意代理:javbus、jav321、javlibrary、mywife、giga、freejavbt、'
- 'mdtv、madouqu、7mmtv、faleno、dahlia、prestige、theporndb、cnmdb、fantastica、kin8\n '
- '非日本代理:javdb、airav-cc、avsex(日本代理会报错)\n '
- '日本代理:seesaawiki、mgstage\n '
- '无需代理:avsex、hdouban、iqqtv、airav-wiki、love6、lulubar、fc2、fc2club、fc2hub\n\n'
- '▶️ 点击右上角 【开始检测】按钮以测试网络连通性。') # 检查网络界面显示提示信息
+ self.show_net_info('\n💡 说明:\n '
+ '任意代理:javbus、jav321、javlibrary、mywife、giga、freejavbt、'
+ 'mdtv、madouqu、7mmtv、faleno、dahlia、prestige、theporndb、cnmdb、fantastica、kin8\n '
+ '非日本代理:javdb、airav-cc、avsex(日本代理会报错)\n '
+ '日本代理:seesaawiki、mgstage\n '
+ '无需代理:avsex、hdouban、iqqtv、airav-wiki、love6、lulubar、fc2、fc2club、fc2hub\n\n'
+ '▶️ 点击右上角 【开始检测】按钮以测试网络连通性。') # 检查网络界面显示提示信息
signal.add_log("🍯 你可以点击左下角的图标来 显示 / 隐藏 请求信息面板!")
self.show_version() # 日志页面显示版本信息
self.creat_right_menu() # 加载右键菜单
self.pushButton_main_clicked() # 切换到主界面
self.auto_start() # 自动开始刮削
- # self.load_langid()# 后台加载langid,第一次加载需要时间,预加载避免卡住
+ # self.load_langid() # 后台加载langid,第一次加载需要时间,预加载避免卡住
# endregion
# region Init
@@ -473,7 +469,7 @@ def pushButton_min_clicked(self):
def pushButton_min_clicked2(self):
if not config.is_windows:
self.setWindowFlag(Qt.FramelessWindowHint, False) # 不隐藏边框
- # self.show() # 加上后可以显示缩小动画
+ # self.show() # 加上后可以显示缩小动画
# 重置左侧按钮样式
@@ -481,33 +477,20 @@ def set_left_button_style(self):
if self.dark_mode:
- 'background: #1F272F;border-right: 1px solid #20303F;border-top-left-radius: %spx;border-bottom-left-radius: %spx;' % (
- self.window_radius, self.window_radius))
- self.Ui.pushButton_main.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_main{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
- self.Ui.pushButton_log.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_log{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
- self.Ui.pushButton_net.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_net{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
- self.Ui.pushButton_tool.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_tool{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
- self.Ui.pushButton_setting.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_setting{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
- self.Ui.pushButton_about.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_about{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ f'background: #1F272F;border-right: 1px solid #20303F;border-top-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;border-bottom-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_main.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_main{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_log.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_log{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_net.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_net{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_tool.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_tool{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_setting.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_setting{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_about.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_about{color: white;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
- self.Ui.pushButton_main.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_main{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
- self.Ui.pushButton_log.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_log{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
- self.Ui.pushButton_net.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_net{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
- self.Ui.pushButton_tool.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_tool{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
- self.Ui.pushButton_setting.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_setting{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
- self.Ui.pushButton_about.setStyleSheet(
- 'QPushButton:hover#pushButton_about{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_main.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_main{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_log.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_log{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_net.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_net{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_tool.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_tool{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_setting.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_setting{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
+ self.Ui.pushButton_about.setStyleSheet('QPushButton:hover#pushButton_about{color: black;background-color: rgba(160,160,165,40);}')
@@ -595,40 +578,28 @@ def label_version_clicked(self, test):
# region 左侧切换页面
# 点左侧的主界面按钮
def pushButton_main_clicked(self):
- self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(
- 'background: #F5F5F6;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: %spx;border-bottom-left-radius: %spx;' % (
- self.window_radius, self.window_radius))
+ self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(f'background: #F5F5F6;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;border-bottom-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;')
self.Ui.pushButton_main.setStyleSheet('font-weight: bold; background-color: rgba(160,160,165,60);')
# 点左侧的日志按钮
def pushButton_show_log_clicked(self):
- self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(
- 'background: #EFFFFC;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: %spx;border-bottom-left-radius: %spx;' % (
- self.window_radius, self.window_radius))
+ self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(f'background: #EFFFFC;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;border-bottom-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;')
- self.Ui.pushButton_log.setStyleSheet('font-weight: bold; background-color: rgba(160,160,165,60);')
- # self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().setValue(
- # self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().maximum())
- # self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_2.verticalScrollBar().setValue(
- # self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_2.verticalScrollBar().maximum())
+ self.Ui.pushButton_log.setStyleSheet('font-weight: bold; background-color: rgba(160,160,165,60);') # self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().setValue( # self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().maximum()) # self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_2.verticalScrollBar().setValue( # self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_2.verticalScrollBar().maximum())
# 点左侧的工具按钮
def pushButton_tool_clicked(self):
- self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(
- 'background: #FFEFF6;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: %spx;border-bottom-left-radius: %spx;' % (
- self.window_radius, self.window_radius))
+ self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(f'background: #FFEFF6;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;border-bottom-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;')
self.Ui.pushButton_tool.setStyleSheet('font-weight: bold; background-color: rgba(160,160,165,60);')
# 点左侧的设置按钮
def pushButton_setting_clicked(self):
- self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(
- 'background: #84CE9A;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: %spx;border-bottom-left-radius: %spx;' % (
- self.window_radius, self.window_radius))
+ self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(f'background: #84CE9A;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;border-bottom-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;')
@@ -642,18 +613,14 @@ def pushButton_setting_clicked(self):
# 点击左侧【检测网络】按钮,切换到检测网络页面
def pushButton_show_net_clicked(self):
- self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(
- 'background: #E1F2FF;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: %spx;border-bottom-left-radius: %spx;' % (
- self.window_radius, self.window_radius))
+ self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(f'background: #E1F2FF;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;border-bottom-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;')
self.Ui.pushButton_net.setStyleSheet('font-weight: bold; background-color: rgba(160,160,165,60);')
# 点左侧的关于按钮
def pushButton_about_clicked(self):
- self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(
- 'background: #FFEFEF;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: %spx;border-bottom-left-radius: %spx;' % (
- self.window_radius, self.window_radius))
+ self.Ui.left_backgroud_widget.setStyleSheet(f'background: #FFEFEF;border-right: 1px solid #EDEDED;border-top-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;border-bottom-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;')
self.Ui.pushButton_about.setStyleSheet('font-weight: bold; background-color: rgba(160,160,165,60);')
@@ -703,8 +670,7 @@ def _show_stop_info(self):
Flags.rest_time_convert = Flags.rest_time_convert_
if Flags.stop_other:
signal.show_scrape_info('⛔️ 已手动停止!')
- signal.show_log_text(
- "⛔️ 已手动停止!\n================================================================================")
+ signal.show_log_text("⛔️ 已手动停止!\n================================================================================")
self.set_label_file_path.emit('⛔️ 已手动停止!')
@@ -715,18 +681,13 @@ def _show_stop_info(self):
average_time = used_time
signal.show_scrape_info('⛔️ 刮削已手动停止!')
- self.set_label_file_path.emit(
- '⛔️ 刮削已手动停止!\n 已刮削 %s 个视频,还剩余 %s 个!刮削用时 %s 秒' % (
- Flags.scrape_done, (Flags.total_count - Flags.scrape_done), used_time))
- signal.show_log_text(
- '\n ⛔️ 刮削已手动停止!\n 😊 已刮削 %s 个视频,还剩余 %s 个!刮削用时 %s 秒,停止用时 %s 秒' % (
- Flags.scrape_done, (Flags.total_count - Flags.scrape_done), used_time, self.stop_used_time))
+ self.set_label_file_path.emit('⛔️ 刮削已手动停止!\n 已刮削 %s 个视频,还剩余 %s 个!刮削用时 %s 秒' % (
+ Flags.scrape_done, (Flags.total_count - Flags.scrape_done), used_time))
+ signal.show_log_text('\n ⛔️ 刮削已手动停止!\n 😊 已刮削 %s 个视频,还剩余 %s 个!刮削用时 %s 秒,停止用时 %s 秒' % (
+ Flags.scrape_done, (Flags.total_count - Flags.scrape_done), used_time, self.stop_used_time))
- signal.show_log_text(
- ' ⏰ Start time'.ljust(13) + ': ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
- time.localtime(Flags.start_time)))
- signal.show_log_text(
- ' 🏁 End time'.ljust(13) + ': ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(end_time)))
+ signal.show_log_text(' ⏰ Start time'.ljust(13) + ': ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(Flags.start_time)))
+ signal.show_log_text(' 🏁 End time'.ljust(13) + ': ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(end_time)))
signal.show_log_text(' ⏱ Used time'.ljust(13) + ': %sS' % used_time)
signal.show_log_text(' 🍕 Per time'.ljust(13) + ': %sS' % average_time)
@@ -750,17 +711,14 @@ def _kill_threads(self, ):
Flags.total_kills = len(new_thread_list)
Flags.now_kill = 0
start_time = time.time()
- self.set_label_file_path.emit(
- f'⛔️ 正在停止刮削...\n 正在停止已在运行的任务线程(1/{Flags.total_kills})...')
- signal.show_log_text(
- f'\n ⛔️ {get_current_time()} 已停止添加新的刮削任务,正在停止已在运行的任务线程({Flags.total_kills})...')
+ self.set_label_file_path.emit(f'⛔️ 正在停止刮削...\n 正在停止已在运行的任务线程(1/{Flags.total_kills})...')
+ signal.show_log_text(f'\n ⛔️ {get_current_time()} 已停止添加新的刮削任务,正在停止已在运行的任务线程({Flags.total_kills})...')
signal.show_traceback_log(f"⛔️ 正在停止正在运行的任务线程 ({Flags.total_kills}) ...")
i = 0
for each in new_thread_list:
i += 1
signal.show_traceback_log(f'正在停止线程: {i}/{Flags.total_kills} {each.getName()} ...')
- signal.show_traceback_log(
- '线程正在停止中,请稍后...\n 🍯 停止时间与线程数量及线程正在执行的任务有关,比如正在执行网络请求、文件下载等IO操作时,需要等待其释放资源。。。\n')
+ signal.show_traceback_log('线程正在停止中,请稍后...\n 🍯 停止时间与线程数量及线程正在执行的任务有关,比如正在执行网络请求、文件下载等IO操作时,需要等待其释放资源。。。\n')
signal.stop = True
for each in new_thread_list: # 线程池的线程
if 'MDCx-Pool' not in each.getName():
@@ -770,8 +728,7 @@ def _kill_threads(self, ):
signal.stop = False
self.stop_used_time = get_used_time(start_time)
- signal.show_log_text(
- ' 🕷 %s 已停止线程:%s/%s %s' % (get_current_time(), Flags.total_kills, Flags.total_kills, other_name))
+ signal.show_log_text(' 🕷 %s 已停止线程:%s/%s %s' % (get_current_time(), Flags.total_kills, Flags.total_kills, other_name))
signal.show_traceback_log(f'所有线程已停止!!!({self.stop_used_time}s)\n ⛔️ 刮削已手动停止!\n')
signal.show_log_text(f' ⛔️ {get_current_time()} 所有线程已停止!({self.stop_used_time}s)')
thread_remain_list = []
@@ -967,12 +924,7 @@ def add_label_info_Thread(self, json_data):
def set_pixmap_thread(self, poster_path='', thumb_path='', poster_from='', cover_from=''):
- t = threading.Thread(target=self._set_pixmap, args=(
- poster_path,
- thumb_path,
- poster_from,
- cover_from,
- ))
+ t = threading.Thread(target=self._set_pixmap, args=(poster_path, thumb_path, poster_from, cover_from,))
def _set_pixmap(self, poster_path='', thumb_path='', poster_from='', cover_from=''):
@@ -1088,8 +1040,7 @@ def search_by_number_clicked(self):
file_path = self.file_main_open_path
main_file_name = split_path(file_path)[1]
default_text = os.path.splitext(main_file_name)[0].upper()
- text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, '输入番号重新刮削', f'文件名: {main_file_name}\n请输入番号:',
- text=default_text)
+ text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, '输入番号重新刮削', f'文件名: {main_file_name}\n请输入番号:', text=default_text)
if ok and text:
Flags.again_dic[file_path] = [text, '', '']
signal.show_scrape_info('💡 已添加刮削!%s' % get_current_time())
@@ -1103,11 +1054,10 @@ def search_by_url_clicked(self):
if self._check_main_file_path():
file_path = self.file_main_open_path
main_file_name = split_path(file_path)[1]
- text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, '输入网址重新刮削',
- f'文件名: {main_file_name}\n支持网站:airav_cc、airav、avsex、avsox、dmm、getchu、fc2'
- f'、fc2club、fc2hub、iqqtv、jav321、javbus、javdb、freejavbt、javlibrary、mdtv'
- f'、madouqu、mgstage、7mmtv、xcity、mywife、giga、faleno、dahlia、fantastica'
- f'、prestige、hdouban、lulubar、love6、cnmdb、theporndb、kin8\n请输入番号对应的网址(不是网站首页地址!!!是番号页面地址!!!):')
+ text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, '输入网址重新刮削', f'文件名: {main_file_name}\n支持网站:airav_cc、airav、avsex、avsox、dmm、getchu、fc2'
+ f'、fc2club、fc2hub、iqqtv、jav321、javbus、javdb、freejavbt、javlibrary、mdtv'
+ f'、madouqu、mgstage、7mmtv、xcity、mywife、giga、faleno、dahlia、fantastica'
+ f'、prestige、hdouban、lulubar、love6、cnmdb、theporndb、kin8\n请输入番号对应的网址(不是网站首页地址!!!是番号页面地址!!!):')
if ok and text:
website, url = deal_url(text)
if website:
@@ -1328,10 +1278,8 @@ def show_hide_logs(self, show):
self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.resize(790, 418)
- self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().setValue(
- self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().maximum())
- self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_2.verticalScrollBar().setValue(
- self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_2.verticalScrollBar().maximum())
+ self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().setValue(self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().maximum())
+ self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_2.verticalScrollBar().setValue(self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_2.verticalScrollBar().maximum())
# self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_2.moveCursor(self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_2.textCursor().End)
@@ -1339,8 +1287,7 @@ def show_hide_logs(self, show):
self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.resize(790, 689)
- self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().setValue(
- self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().maximum())
+ self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().setValue(self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.verticalScrollBar().maximum())
# 日志页点展开折叠失败列表
def pushButton_show_hide_failed_list_clicked(self):
@@ -1355,8 +1302,7 @@ def show_hide_failed_list(self, show):
- self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_3.verticalScrollBar().setValue(
- self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_3.verticalScrollBar().maximum())
+ self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_3.verticalScrollBar().setValue(self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main_3.verticalScrollBar().maximum())
@@ -1374,8 +1320,7 @@ def pushButton_save_failed_list_clicked(self):
if len(Flags.failed_file_list) or True:
log_name = 'failed_' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) + '.txt'
log_name = convert_path(os.path.join(get_movie_path_setting()[0], log_name))
- filename, filetype = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, "保存失败文件列表", log_name, "Text Files (*.txt)",
- options=self.options)
+ filename, filetype = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, "保存失败文件列表", log_name, "Text Files (*.txt)", options=self.options)
if filename:
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
@@ -1419,7 +1364,7 @@ def show_log_text(self, text):
self.logs_counts = 0
self.main_logs_show.emit(add_html(' 🗑️ 日志过多,已清屏!'))
- # self.show_traceback_log(self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.document().lineCount())
+ # self.show_traceback_log(self.Ui.textBrowser_log_main.document().lineCount())
@@ -1476,13 +1421,11 @@ def pushButton_creat_symlink_clicked(self):
self.pushButton_show_log_clicked() # 点击按钮后跳转到日志页面
- if bool('copy_netdisk_nfo' in config.switch_on) != bool(
- self.Ui.checkBox_copy_netdisk_nfo.isChecked()):
+ if bool('copy_netdisk_nfo' in config.switch_on) != bool(self.Ui.checkBox_copy_netdisk_nfo.isChecked()):
- t = threading.Thread(target=newtdisk_creat_symlink,
- args=(bool(self.Ui.checkBox_copy_netdisk_nfo.isChecked()),))
+ t = threading.Thread(target=newtdisk_creat_symlink, args=(bool(self.Ui.checkBox_copy_netdisk_nfo.isChecked()),))
t.start() # 启动线程,即让线程开始执行
@@ -1497,8 +1440,7 @@ def pushButton_find_missing_number_clicked(self):
self.pushButton_show_log_clicked() # 点击按钮后跳转到日志页面
# 如果本地资源库或演员与配置内容不同,则自动保存
- if self.Ui.lineEdit_actors_name.text() != config.actors_name \
- or self.Ui.lineEdit_local_library_path.text() != config.local_library:
+ if self.Ui.lineEdit_actors_name.text() != config.actors_name or self.Ui.lineEdit_local_library_path.text() != config.local_library:
t = threading.Thread(target=check_missing_number, args=(True,))
@@ -1513,7 +1455,9 @@ def pushButton_select_file_clicked(self):
media_path = self.Ui.lineEdit_movie_path.text() # 获取待刮削目录作为打开目录
if not media_path:
media_path = get_main_path()
- file_path, filetype = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "选取视频文件", media_path,
+ file_path, filetype = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None,
+ "选取视频文件",
+ media_path,
"Movie Files(*.mp4 " "*.avi *.rmvb *.wmv " "*.mov *.mkv *.flv *.ts " "*.webm *.MP4 *.AVI " "*.RMVB *.WMV *.MOV " "*.MKV *.FLV *.TS " "*.WEBM);;All Files(*)",
if file_path:
@@ -1555,9 +1499,7 @@ def pushButton_select_thumb_clicked(self):
path = self.Ui.lineEdit_movie_path.text()
if not path:
path = get_main_path()
- file_path, fileType = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "选取缩略图", path,
- "Picture Files(*.jpg *.png);;All Files(*)",
- options=self.options)
+ file_path, fileType = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "选取缩略图", path, "Picture Files(*.jpg *.png);;All Files(*)", options=self.options)
if file_path != '':
@@ -1956,8 +1898,7 @@ def switch_custom_website_change(self, new_website_name):
def config_file_change(self, new_config_file):
if new_config_file != config.file:
new_config_path = os.path.join(config.folder, new_config_file)
- signal.show_log_text(
- '\n================================================================================\n切换配置:%s' % new_config_path)
+ signal.show_log_text('\n================================================================================\n切换配置:%s' % new_config_path)
with open(config.get_mark_file_path(), 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
temp_dark = self.dark_mode
@@ -2001,7 +1942,8 @@ def checkBox_i_agree_clean_clicked(self):
def _check_mac_config_folder(self):
if self.check_mac and not config.is_windows and '.app/Contents/Resources' in config.folder:
self.check_mac = False
- box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, '选择配置文件目录',
+ box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning,
+ '选择配置文件目录',
f'检测到当前配置文件目录为:\n {config.folder}\n\n由于 MacOS 平台在每次更新 APP 版本时会覆盖该目录的配置,因此请选择其他的配置目录!\n这样下次更新 APP 时,选择相同的配置目录即可读取你之前的配置!!!')
box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No)
@@ -2044,73 +1986,75 @@ def network_check(self):
# 检测网络连通性
signal.show_net_info(' 开始检测网络连通性...')
- net_info = {'github': ['https://raw.githubusercontent.com', ''],
- 'airav_cc': ['https://airav.io', ''],
- 'iqqtv': ['https://iqq5.xyz', ''],
- 'avsex': ['https://paycalling.com', ''],
- 'freejavbt': ['https://freejavbt.com', ''],
- 'javbus': ['https://www.javbus.com', ''],
- 'javdb': ['https://javdb.com', ''],
- 'jav321': ['https://www.jav321.com', ''],
- 'javlibrary': ['https://www.javlibrary.com', ''],
- 'dmm': ['https://www.dmm.co.jp', ''],
- 'mgstage': ['https://www.mgstage.com', ''],
- 'getchu': ['http://www.getchu.com', ''],
- 'theporndb': ['https://api.theporndb.net', ''],
- 'avsox': [get_avsox_domain(), ''],
- 'xcity': ['https://xcity.jp', ''],
- '7mmtv': ['https://7mmtv.sx', ''],
- 'mdtv': ['https://www.mdpjzip.xyz', ''],
- 'madouqu': ['https://madouqu.com', ''],
- 'cnmdb': ['https://cnmdb.net', ''],
- 'hscangku': ['https://hscangku.net', ''],
- 'cableav': ['https://cableav.tv', ''],
- 'lulubar': ['https://lulubar.co', ''],
- 'love6': ['https://love6.tv', ''],
- 'yesjav': ['http://www.yesjav.info', ''],
- 'fc2': ['https://adult.contents.fc2.com', ''],
- 'fc2club': ['https://fc2club.top', ''],
- 'fc2hub': ['https://javten.com', ''],
- 'airav': ['https://www.airav.wiki', ''],
- 'av-wiki': ['https://av-wiki.net', ''],
- 'seesaawiki': ['https://seesaawiki.jp', ''],
- 'mywife': ['https://mywife.cc', ''],
- 'giga': ['https://www.giga-web.jp', ''],
- 'kin8': ['https://www.kin8tengoku.com', ''],
- 'fantastica': ['http://fantastica-vr.com', ''],
- 'faleno': ['https://faleno.jp', ''],
- 'dahlia': ['https://dahlia-av.jp', ''],
- 'prestige': ['https://www.prestige-av.com', ''],
- 's1s1s1': ['https://s1s1s1.com', ''],
- 'moodyz': ['https://moodyz.com', ''],
- 'madonna': ['https://www.madonna-av.com', ''],
- 'wanz-factory': ['https://www.wanz-factory.com', ''],
- 'ideapocket': ['https://ideapocket.com', ''],
- 'kirakira': ['https://kirakira-av.com', ''],
- 'ebody': ['https://www.av-e-body.com', ''],
- 'bi-av': ['https://bi-av.com', ''],
- 'premium': ['https://premium-beauty.com', ''],
- 'miman': ['https://miman.jp', ''],
- 'tameikegoro': ['https://tameikegoro.jp', ''],
- 'fitch': ['https://fitch-av.com', ''],
- 'kawaiikawaii': ['https://kawaiikawaii.jp', ''],
- 'befreebe': ['https://befreebe.com', ''],
- 'muku': ['https://muku.tv', ''],
- 'attackers': ['https://attackers.net', ''],
- 'mko-labo': ['https://mko-labo.net', ''],
- 'dasdas': ['https://dasdas.jp', ''],
- 'mvg': ['https://mvg.jp', ''],
- 'opera': ['https://av-opera.jp', ''],
- 'oppai': ['https://oppai-av.com', ''],
- 'v-av': ['https://v-av.com', ''],
- 'to-satsu': ['https://to-satsu.com', ''],
- 'bibian': ['https://bibian-av.com', ''],
- 'honnaka': ['https://honnaka.jp', ''],
- 'rookie': ['https://rookie-av.jp', ''],
- 'nanpa': ['https://nanpa-japan.jp', ''],
- 'hajimekikaku': ['https://hajimekikaku.com', ''],
- 'hhh-av': ['https://hhh-av.com', '']}
+ net_info = {
+ 'github': ['https://raw.githubusercontent.com', ''],
+ 'airav_cc': ['https://airav.io', ''],
+ 'iqqtv': ['https://iqq5.xyz', ''],
+ 'avsex': ['https://paycalling.com', ''],
+ 'freejavbt': ['https://freejavbt.com', ''],
+ 'javbus': ['https://www.javbus.com', ''],
+ 'javdb': ['https://javdb.com', ''],
+ 'jav321': ['https://www.jav321.com', ''],
+ 'javlibrary': ['https://www.javlibrary.com', ''],
+ 'dmm': ['https://www.dmm.co.jp', ''],
+ 'mgstage': ['https://www.mgstage.com', ''],
+ 'getchu': ['http://www.getchu.com', ''],
+ 'theporndb': ['https://api.theporndb.net', ''],
+ 'avsox': [get_avsox_domain(), ''],
+ 'xcity': ['https://xcity.jp', ''],
+ '7mmtv': ['https://7mmtv.sx', ''],
+ 'mdtv': ['https://www.mdpjzip.xyz', ''],
+ 'madouqu': ['https://madouqu.com', ''],
+ 'cnmdb': ['https://cnmdb.net', ''],
+ 'hscangku': ['https://hscangku.net', ''],
+ 'cableav': ['https://cableav.tv', ''],
+ 'lulubar': ['https://lulubar.co', ''],
+ 'love6': ['https://love6.tv', ''],
+ 'yesjav': ['http://www.yesjav.info', ''],
+ 'fc2': ['https://adult.contents.fc2.com', ''],
+ 'fc2club': ['https://fc2club.top', ''],
+ 'fc2hub': ['https://javten.com', ''],
+ 'airav': ['https://www.airav.wiki', ''],
+ 'av-wiki': ['https://av-wiki.net', ''],
+ 'seesaawiki': ['https://seesaawiki.jp', ''],
+ 'mywife': ['https://mywife.cc', ''],
+ 'giga': ['https://www.giga-web.jp', ''],
+ 'kin8': ['https://www.kin8tengoku.com', ''],
+ 'fantastica': ['http://fantastica-vr.com', ''],
+ 'faleno': ['https://faleno.jp', ''],
+ 'dahlia': ['https://dahlia-av.jp', ''],
+ 'prestige': ['https://www.prestige-av.com', ''],
+ 's1s1s1': ['https://s1s1s1.com', ''],
+ 'moodyz': ['https://moodyz.com', ''],
+ 'madonna': ['https://www.madonna-av.com', ''],
+ 'wanz-factory': ['https://www.wanz-factory.com', ''],
+ 'ideapocket': ['https://ideapocket.com', ''],
+ 'kirakira': ['https://kirakira-av.com', ''],
+ 'ebody': ['https://www.av-e-body.com', ''],
+ 'bi-av': ['https://bi-av.com', ''],
+ 'premium': ['https://premium-beauty.com', ''],
+ 'miman': ['https://miman.jp', ''],
+ 'tameikegoro': ['https://tameikegoro.jp', ''],
+ 'fitch': ['https://fitch-av.com', ''],
+ 'kawaiikawaii': ['https://kawaiikawaii.jp', ''],
+ 'befreebe': ['https://befreebe.com', ''],
+ 'muku': ['https://muku.tv', ''],
+ 'attackers': ['https://attackers.net', ''],
+ 'mko-labo': ['https://mko-labo.net', ''],
+ 'dasdas': ['https://dasdas.jp', ''],
+ 'mvg': ['https://mvg.jp', ''],
+ 'opera': ['https://av-opera.jp', ''],
+ 'oppai': ['https://oppai-av.com', ''],
+ 'v-av': ['https://v-av.com', ''],
+ 'to-satsu': ['https://to-satsu.com', ''],
+ 'bibian': ['https://bibian-av.com', ''],
+ 'honnaka': ['https://honnaka.jp', ''],
+ 'rookie': ['https://rookie-av.jp', ''],
+ 'nanpa': ['https://nanpa-japan.jp', ''],
+ 'hajimekikaku': ['https://hajimekikaku.com', ''],
+ 'hhh-av': ['https://hhh-av.com', '']
+ }
for website in config.SUPPORTED_WEBSITES:
if hasattr(config, f"{website}_website"):
signal.show_net_info(f" ⚠️{website} 使用自定义网址:{getattr(config, f'{website}_website')}")
@@ -2180,8 +2124,7 @@ def network_check(self):
if signal.stop:
signal.show_net_info('\n⛔️ 当前有刮削任务正在停止中,请等待刮削停止后再进行检测!')
- signal.show_net_info(
- "================================================================================\n")
+ signal.show_net_info("================================================================================\n")
@@ -2317,9 +2260,7 @@ def _check_javbus_cookie(self):
new_cookie = {'cookie': input_cookie}
cookies = config.javbus
headers_o = config.headers
- headers = {
- 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7,ja;q=0.6',
- }
+ headers = {'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7,ja;q=0.6', }
javbus_url = getattr(config, 'javbus_website', 'https://javbus.com') + '/FSDSS-660'
@@ -2473,11 +2414,9 @@ def auto_scrape(self):
timed_interval = config.timed_interval
self.atuo_scrape_count += 1
- signal.show_log_text(
- f'\n\n 🍔 已启用「循环刮削」!间隔时间:{timed_interval}!即将开始第 {self.atuo_scrape_count} 次循环刮削!')
+ signal.show_log_text(f'\n\n 🍔 已启用「循环刮削」!间隔时间:{timed_interval}!即将开始第 {self.atuo_scrape_count} 次循环刮削!')
if Flags.scrape_start_time:
- signal.show_log_text(
- ' ⏰ 上次刮削时间: ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(Flags.scrape_start_time)))
+ signal.show_log_text(' ⏰ 上次刮削时间: ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(Flags.scrape_start_time)))
def auto_start(self):
diff --git a/src/controllers/main_window/save_config.py b/src/controllers/main_window/save_config.py
index fcf3f28..a005841 100644
--- a/src/controllers/main_window/save_config.py
+++ b/src/controllers/main_window/save_config.py
@@ -924,13 +924,12 @@ def save_config(self):
scrape_like_text += " · 软连接开"
elif config.soft_link == 2:
scrape_like_text += " · 硬连接开"
- signal.show_log_text(
- f' 🛠 当前配置:{config.path} 保存完成!\n '
- f'📂 程序目录:{get_main_path()} \n '
- f'📂 刮削目录:{get_movie_path_setting()[0]} \n '
- f'💠 刮削模式:{Flags.main_mode_text} · {scrape_like_text} \n '
- f'🖥️ 系统信息:{platform.platform()} \n '
- f'🐰 软件版本:{self.localversion} \n')
+ signal.show_log_text(f' 🛠 当前配置:{config.path} 保存完成!\n '
+ f'📂 程序目录:{get_main_path()} \n '
+ f'📂 刮削目录:{get_movie_path_setting()[0]} \n '
+ f'💠 刮削模式:{Flags.main_mode_text} · {scrape_like_text} \n '
+ f'🖥️ 系统信息:{platform.platform()} \n '
+ f'🐰 软件版本:{self.localversion} \n')
diff --git a/src/controllers/main_window/style.py b/src/controllers/main_window/style.py
index e4fae6e..5cc5a4f 100644
--- a/src/controllers/main_window/style.py
+++ b/src/controllers/main_window/style.py
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ def set_style(self):
# 控件美化 左侧栏样式
- self.Ui.widget_setting.setStyleSheet(
- f'''
+ self.Ui.widget_setting.setStyleSheet(f'''
background: #F5F5F6;
border-top-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;
@@ -26,11 +25,9 @@ def set_style(self):
color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 250);
border: 0px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 80);
- '''
- )
+ ''')
# 主界面
- self.Ui.page_main.setStyleSheet(
- '''
+ self.Ui.page_main.setStyleSheet('''
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: bold;
@@ -55,8 +52,7 @@ def set_style(self):
# 工具页
- self.Ui.page_tool.setStyleSheet(
- '''
+ self.Ui.page_tool.setStyleSheet('''
* {
font-size: 13px;
@@ -86,11 +82,9 @@ def set_style(self):
background-color: rgba(245,245,246,220);
border-radius: 10px;
- '''
- )
+ ''')
# 使用帮助页
- self.Ui.page_about.setStyleSheet(
- '''
+ self.Ui.page_about.setStyleSheet('''
* {
font-size: 13px;
@@ -103,8 +97,7 @@ def set_style(self):
# 设置页
- self.Ui.page_setting.setStyleSheet(
- '''
+ self.Ui.page_setting.setStyleSheet('''
* {
@@ -170,11 +163,9 @@ def set_style(self):
background-color: rgba(245,245,246,220);
border-radius: 10px;
- '''
- )
+ ''')
# 整个页面
- self.Ui.centralwidget.setStyleSheet(
- f'''
+ self.Ui.centralwidget.setStyleSheet(f'''
* {{
font-family: Consolas, 'PingFang SC', 'Microsoft YaHei UI', 'Noto Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji';
@@ -312,14 +303,12 @@ def set_style(self):
width: 3px; /*区块宽度*/
margin: 0px;
- '''
- )
+ ''')
def set_dark_style(self):
# 控件美化 左侧栏样式 暗黑模式
- self.Ui.widget_setting.setStyleSheet(
- f'''
+ self.Ui.widget_setting.setStyleSheet(f'''
background: #1F272F;
border-top-left-radius: {self.window_radius}px;
@@ -340,11 +329,9 @@ def set_dark_style(self):
color: rgba(210, 210, 210, 250);
border: 0px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 80);
- '''
- )
+ ''')
# 主界面
- self.Ui.page_main.setStyleSheet(
- '''
+ self.Ui.page_main.setStyleSheet('''
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: bold;
@@ -369,8 +356,7 @@ def set_dark_style(self):
# 工具页
- self.Ui.page_tool.setStyleSheet(
- '''
+ self.Ui.page_tool.setStyleSheet('''
* {
font-size: 13px;
@@ -392,11 +378,9 @@ def set_dark_style(self):
background-color: rgba(180, 180, 180, 20);
border-radius: 10px;
- '''
- )
+ ''')
# 使用帮助页
- self.Ui.page_about.setStyleSheet(
- '''
+ self.Ui.page_about.setStyleSheet('''
* {
font-size: 13px;
@@ -409,8 +393,7 @@ def set_dark_style(self):
# 设置页
- self.Ui.page_setting.setStyleSheet(
- '''
+ self.Ui.page_setting.setStyleSheet('''
* {
@@ -475,11 +458,9 @@ def set_dark_style(self):
color: black;
- '''
- )
+ ''')
# 整个页面
- self.Ui.centralwidget.setStyleSheet(
- f'''
+ self.Ui.centralwidget.setStyleSheet(f'''
* {{
font-family: Consolas, 'PingFang SC', 'Microsoft YaHei UI', 'Noto Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji';
@@ -658,5 +639,4 @@ def set_dark_style(self):
width: 3px; /*区块宽度*/
margin: 0px;
- '''
- )
+ ''')
diff --git a/src/models/base/image.py b/src/models/base/image.py
index 2c39b04..c593e15 100644
--- a/src/models/base/image.py
+++ b/src/models/base/image.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def get_pixmap(pic_path, poster=True, pic_from=''):
w = int(220 * pic_width / pic_height)
h = 220
- msg = '%s: %s*%s/%sKB' % (pic_from.title(), pic_width, pic_height, pic_file_size)
+ msg = f'{pic_from.title()}: {pic_width}*{pic_height}/{pic_file_size}KB'
return [True, pix, msg, w, h]
if poster:
@@ -126,14 +126,11 @@ def cut_thumb_to_poster(json_data, thumb_path, poster_path, image_cut=''):
img_new_png.save(poster_path, quality=95, subsampling=0)
if check_pic(poster_path):
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 Poster done! (%s)(%ss)" % (
- json_data['poster_from'], get_used_time(start_time))
+ json_data['logs'] += f"\n 🍀 Poster done! ({json_data['poster_from']})({get_used_time(start_time)}s)"
return True
- json_data['logs'] += '\n 🥺 Poster cut failed! (%s)(%ss)' % (
- json_data['poster_from'], get_used_time(start_time))
+ json_data['logs'] += f'\n 🥺 Poster cut failed! ({json_data["poster_from"]})({get_used_time(start_time)}s)'
except Exception as e:
- json_data['logs'] += '\n 🥺 Poster failed! (%s)(%ss)\n %s' % (
- json_data['poster_from'], get_used_time(start_time), str(e))
+ json_data['logs'] += f'\n 🥺 Poster failed! ({json_data["poster_from"]})({get_used_time(start_time)}s)\n {str(e)}'
return False
diff --git a/src/models/base/number.py b/src/models/base/number.py
index 7fa69fb..cb3d910 100644
--- a/src/models/base/number.py
+++ b/src/models/base/number.py
@@ -11,10 +11,9 @@ def is_uncensored(number):
return True
- key_start_word = ['BT-', 'CT-', 'EMP-', 'CCDV-', 'CWP-', 'CWPBD-', 'DSAM-', 'DRC-', 'DRG-', 'GACHI-', 'heydouga',
- 'JAV-', 'LAF-', 'LAFBD-', 'HEYZO-', 'KTG-', 'KP-', 'KG-', 'LLDV-', 'MCDV-', 'MKD-', 'MKBD-',
- 'MMDV-', 'NIP-', 'PB-', 'PT-', 'QE-', 'RED-', 'RHJ-', 'S2M-', 'SKY-', 'SKYHD-', 'SMD-', 'SSDV-',
- 'SSKP-', 'TRG-', 'TS-', 'xxx-av-', 'YKB-', 'bird', 'bouga']
+ key_start_word = ['BT-', 'CT-', 'EMP-', 'CCDV-', 'CWP-', 'CWPBD-', 'DSAM-', 'DRC-', 'DRG-', 'GACHI-', 'heydouga', 'JAV-', 'LAF-', 'LAFBD-', 'HEYZO-', 'KTG-', 'KP-',
+ 'KG-', 'LLDV-', 'MCDV-', 'MKD-', 'MKBD-', 'MMDV-', 'NIP-', 'PB-', 'PT-', 'QE-', 'RED-', 'RHJ-', 'S2M-', 'SKY-', 'SKYHD-', 'SMD-', 'SSDV-', 'SSKP-',
+ 'TRG-', 'TS-', 'xxx-av-', 'YKB-', 'bird', 'bouga']
for each in key_start_word:
if number.upper().startswith(each.upper()):
return True
@@ -33,8 +32,8 @@ def is_suren(number):
def get_number_letters(number):
number_upper = number.upper()
- if re.search(r'([A-Za-z0-9-\.]{3,})[-_\. ]{1}\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}', number):
- return re.search(r'([A-Za-z0-9-\.]{3,})[-_\. ]{1}\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}', number)[1]
+ if re.search(r'([A-Za-z0-9-.]{3,})[-_. ]\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}', number):
+ return re.search(r'([A-Za-z0-9-.]{3,})[-_. ]\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}', number)[1]
if number_upper.startswith('FC2'):
return 'FC2'
if number_upper.startswith('MYWIFE'):
@@ -106,10 +105,9 @@ def remove_escape_string(filename, replace_char=''):
for string in config.escape_string_list:
if string:
filename = filename.replace(string.upper(), replace_char)
- short_strings = ['4K', '4KS', '8K', 'HD', 'LR', 'VR', 'DVD', 'FULL', 'HEVC', 'H264', 'H265', 'X264', 'X265', 'AAC',
- 'XXX', 'PRT']
+ short_strings = ['4K', '4KS', '8K', 'HD', 'LR', 'VR', 'DVD', 'FULL', 'HEVC', 'H264', 'H265', 'X264', 'X265', 'AAC', 'XXX', 'PRT']
for each in short_strings:
- filename = re.sub(r'[-_ \.\[]%s[-_ \.\]]' % each.upper(), '-', filename)
+ filename = re.sub(r'[-_ .\[]%s[-_ .\]]' % each.upper(), '-', filename)
return filename.replace('--', '-').strip('-_ .')
@@ -120,12 +118,7 @@ def get_file_number(filepath):
file_name = remove_escape_string(real_name) + '.'
# 替换cd_part、EP、-C
- filename = (file_name.
- replace('-C.', '.').
- replace('.PART', '-CD').
- replace('-PART', '-CD').
- replace(' EP.', '.EP').
- replace('-CD-', ''))
+ filename = (file_name.replace('-C.', '.').replace('.PART', '-CD').replace('-PART', '-CD').replace(' EP.', '.EP').replace('-CD-', ''))
# 去除分集
filename = re.sub(r'[-_ .]CD\d{1,2}', '', filename) # xxx-CD1.mp4
@@ -138,10 +131,7 @@ def get_file_number(filepath):
filename = re.sub(r"[-\[]\d{2}[-_.]\d{2}[-_.]\d{2}]?", "", filename) # 去除文件名中时间
# 转换番号
- filename = (filename.replace('FC2-PPV', 'FC2-').
- replace('FC2PPV', 'FC2-').
- replace('--', '-').
- replace('GACHIPPV', 'GACHI'))
+ filename = (filename.replace('FC2-PPV', 'FC2-').replace('FC2PPV', 'FC2-').replace('--', '-').replace('GACHIPPV', 'GACHI'))
# 提取番号
if 'MYWIFE' in filename and re.search(r'NO\.\d*', filename): # 提取 mywife No.1111
@@ -156,13 +146,12 @@ def get_file_number(filepath):
file_number = re.search(r'MMR-?[A-Z]{2,}-?\d+[A-Z]*', filename).group()
return file_number.replace('MMR-', 'MMR')
- elif re.search(r'([^A-Z]|^)(MD[A-Z-]*\d{4,}(-\d{1})?)', file_name) and 'MDVR' not in file_name: # 提取番号 md-0165-1
- file_number = re.search(r'([^A-Z]|^)(MD[A-Z-]*\d{4,}(-\d{1})?)', file_name).group(2)
+ elif re.search(r'([^A-Z]|^)(MD[A-Z-]*\d{4,}(-\d)?)', file_name) and 'MDVR' not in file_name: # 提取番号 md-0165-1
+ file_number = re.search(r'([^A-Z]|^)(MD[A-Z-]*\d{4,}(-\d)?)', file_name).group(2)
return file_number
- elif re.findall(r'([A-Z0-9_]{2,})[-\.]{1}2?0?(\d{2}[-\.]\d{2}[-\.]\d{2})',
- oumei_filename): # 提取欧美番号 sexart.11.11.11
- result = re.findall(r'([A-Z0-9-]{2,})[-_\.]{1}2?0?(\d{2}[-\.]\d{2}[-\.]\d{2})', oumei_filename)
+ elif re.findall(r'([A-Z0-9_]{2,})[-.]2?0?(\d{2}[-.]\d{2}[-.]\d{2})', oumei_filename): # 提取欧美番号 sexart.11.11.11
+ result = re.findall(r'([A-Z0-9-]{2,})[-_.]2?0?(\d{2}[-.]\d{2}[-.]\d{2})', oumei_filename)
return (long_name(result[0][0].strip('-')) + '.' + result[0][1].replace('-', '.')).capitalize()
elif re.search(r'XXX-AV-\d{4,}', filename): # 提取xxx-av-11111
@@ -246,7 +235,7 @@ def get_file_number(filepath):
file_number = temp[0] + '-' + temp[1]
- temp_name = re.sub(r'[【((\[].+?[\]))】]', '', file_name).strip('@. ') # 去除[]
+ temp_name = re.sub(r'[【((\[].+?[]))】]', '', file_name).strip('@. ') # 去除[]
temp_name = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', temp_name) # Mac 把会拆成两个字符,即 NFD,而网页请求使用的是 NFC
temp_name = temp_name.encode('cp932').decode('shift_jis') # 转换为常见日文,比如~ 转换成 〜
diff --git a/src/models/base/path.py b/src/models/base/path.py
index b846e0f..79ce90e 100644
--- a/src/models/base/path.py
+++ b/src/models/base/path.py
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
import traceback
from os.path import abspath, dirname, realpath
-from models.signals import signal
from models.config.config import config
+from models.signals import signal
def get_main_path():
diff --git a/src/models/base/utils.py b/src/models/base/utils.py
index c6ecc26..bc70967 100644
--- a/src/models/base/utils.py
+++ b/src/models/base/utils.py
@@ -79,11 +79,10 @@ def kill_a_thread(t):
def get_user_agent():
- temp_l = random.randint(109, 111)
+ temp_l = random.randint(109, 129)
temp_m = random.randint(1, 5563)
temp_n = random.randint(1, 180)
- return 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/%s.0.%s.%s Safari/537.36' % (
- temp_l, temp_m, temp_n)
+ return f'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/{temp_l}.0.{temp_m}.{temp_n} Safari/537.36'
def convert_path(path):
diff --git a/src/models/base/web.py b/src/models/base/web.py
index dec9883..d9b3e07 100644
--- a/src/models/base/web.py
+++ b/src/models/base/web.py
@@ -15,9 +15,8 @@
import urllib3.util.connection as urllib3_cn
from PIL import Image
from ping3 import ping
-from requests.exceptions import ChunkedEncodingError, ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError, ContentDecodingError, HTTPError, \
- InvalidHeader, InvalidProxyURL, InvalidURL, ProxyError, ReadTimeout, SSLError, StreamConsumedError, Timeout, \
- TooManyRedirects, URLRequired
+from requests.exceptions import ChunkedEncodingError, ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError, ContentDecodingError, HTTPError, InvalidHeader, InvalidProxyURL, InvalidURL, \
+ ProxyError, ReadTimeout, SSLError, StreamConsumedError, Timeout, TooManyRedirects, URLRequired
from models.base.utils import get_user_agent, singleton
from models.config.config import config
@@ -51,57 +50,53 @@ def __init__(self):
self.pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(32)
self.curl_session = curl_cffi.requests.Session(max_redirects=10)
- def get_html(self, url: str, headers=None, cookies=None, proxies=True, allow_redirects=True, json_data=False,
+ def get_html(self,
+ url: str,
+ headers=None,
+ cookies=None,
+ proxies=True,
+ allow_redirects=True,
+ json_data=False,
- res=False, keep=True, timeout=False, encoding='utf-8', back_cookie=False):
+ res=False,
+ keep=True,
+ timeout=False,
+ encoding='utf-8',
+ back_cookie=False):
# 获取代理信息
retry_times = config.retry
if proxies:
proxies = config.proxies
- proxies = {
- "http": None,
- "https": None,
- }
+ proxies = {"http": None, "https": None, }
if not headers:
headers = config.headers
if not timeout:
timeout = config.timeout
if 'getchu' in url:
- headers_o = {
- 'Referer': 'http://www.getchu.com/top.html',
- }
+ headers_o = {'Referer': 'http://www.getchu.com/top.html', }
elif 'xcity' in url:
- headers_o = {
- 'referer': 'https://xcity.jp/result_published/?genre=%2Fresult_published%2F&q=2&sg=main&num=60',
- }
+ headers_o = {'referer': 'https://xcity.jp/result_published/?genre=%2Fresult_published%2F&q=2&sg=main&num=60', }
# javbus封面图需携带refer,refer似乎没有做强校验,但须符合格式要求,否则403
elif 'javbus' in url:
- headers_o = {
- 'Referer': 'https://www.javbus.com/',
- }
+ headers_o = {'Referer': 'https://www.javbus.com/', }
elif 'giga' in url:
# 搜索时需要携带refer,获取cookies时不能携带
giga_refer = '' if 'cookie_set.php' in url else 'https://www.giga-web.jp/top.html'
- headers_o = {
- 'Referer': giga_refer,
- }
+ headers_o = {'Referer': giga_refer, }
signal.add_log(f'🔎 请求 {url}')
for i in range(int(retry_times)):
if keep:
- response = self.session_g.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, proxies=proxies,
- timeout=timeout,
- verify=False, allow_redirects=allow_redirects)
+ response = self.session_g.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False, allow_redirects=allow_redirects)
- response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout,
- verify=False, allow_redirects=allow_redirects)
+ response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False, allow_redirects=allow_redirects)
# print(response.headers.items())
# print(response.status_code, url)
_header = response.headers
@@ -130,8 +125,7 @@ def get_html(self, url: str, headers=None, cookies=None, proxies=True, allow_red
signal.add_log(f"🔴 请求失败!{error_info}")
return False, error_info
- def post_html(self, url: str, data=None, json=None, headers=None, cookies=None, proxies=True, json_data=False,
- keep=True):
+ def post_html(self, url: str, data=None, json=None, headers=None, cookies=None, proxies=True, json_data=False, keep=True):
# 获取代理信息
timeout = config.timeout
retry_times = config.retry
@@ -140,20 +134,15 @@ def post_html(self, url: str, data=None, json=None, headers=None, cookies=None,
if proxies:
proxies = config.proxies
- proxies = {
- "http": None,
- "https": None,
- }
+ proxies = {"http": None, "https": None, }
signal.add_log(f'🔎 POST请求 {url}')
for i in range(int(retry_times)):
if keep:
- response = self.session_g.post(url=url, data=data, json=json, headers=headers, cookies=cookies,
- proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False)
+ response = self.session_g.post(url=url, data=data, json=json, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False)
- response = requests.post(url=url, data=data, json=json, headers=headers, cookies=cookies,
- proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False)
+ response = requests.post(url=url, data=data, json=json, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False)
if response.status_code > 299:
error_info = f"{response.status_code} {url}"
signal.add_log('🔴 重试 [%s/%s] %s' % (i + 1, retry_times, error_info))
@@ -287,20 +276,17 @@ def _start_download(self, task) -> bool:
_headers['Range'] = f'bytes={start}-{end}'
for _ in range(int(retry_times)):
- response = self.session_g.get(url, headers=_headers, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False,
- stream=True)
+ response = self.session_g.get(url, headers=_headers, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False, stream=True)
chunk_size = 128
chunks = []
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):
- chunks.append(chunk)
- # bar.update(chunk_size)
+ chunks.append(chunk) # bar.update(chunk_size)
with open(file_path, "rb+") as fp:
for chunk in chunks:
- # 释放锁
del chunks
return True
@@ -316,16 +302,12 @@ def curl_html(self, url, headers=None, proxies=True, cookies=None):
if proxies:
proxies = config.proxies
- proxies = {
- "http": None,
- "https": None,
- }
+ proxies = {"http": None, "https": None, }
signal.add_log(f'🔎 请求 {url}')
for i in range(int(retry_times)):
- response = self.curl_session.get(url_encode(url), headers=headers, cookies=cookies, proxies=proxies,
- impersonate="chrome120")
+ response = self.curl_session.get(url_encode(url), headers=headers, cookies=cookies, proxies=proxies, impersonate="chrome120")
if 'amazon' in url:
response.encoding = 'Shift_JIS'
@@ -377,22 +359,17 @@ def check_url(url, length=False, real_url=False):
return 0
if 'getchu' in url:
- headers_o = {
- 'Referer': 'http://www.getchu.com/top.html',
- }
+ headers_o = {'Referer': 'http://www.getchu.com/top.html', }
# javbus封面图需携带refer,refer似乎没有做强校验,但须符合格式要求,否则403
elif 'javbus' in url:
- headers_o = {
- 'Referer': 'https://www.javbus.com/',
- }
+ headers_o = {'Referer': 'https://www.javbus.com/', }
for j in range(retry_times):
- r = requests.head(url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False,
- allow_redirects=True)
+ r = requests.head(url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False, allow_redirects=True)
# 不输出获取 dmm预览视频(trailer) 最高分辨率的测试结果到日志中
# get_dmm_trailer() 函数在多条错误的链接中找最高分辨率的链接,错误没有必要输出,避免误解为网络或软件问题
if r.status_code == 404 and '_w.mp4' in url:
@@ -435,8 +412,7 @@ def check_url(url, length=False, real_url=False):
# 获取文件大小。如果没有获取到文件大小,尝试下载15k数据,如果失败,视为不可用
content_length = r.headers.get('Content-Length')
if not content_length:
- response = requests.get(true_url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False,
- stream=True)
+ response = requests.get(true_url, headers=headers, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout, verify=False, stream=True)
i = 0
chunk_size = 5120
for _ in response.iter_content(chunk_size):
@@ -507,11 +483,7 @@ def get_amazon_data(req_url):
获取 Amazon 数据,修改地区为540-0002
- headers = {
- "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
- 'Host': 'www.amazon.co.jp',
- 'User-Agent': get_user_agent(),
- }
+ headers = {"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", 'Host': 'www.amazon.co.jp', 'User-Agent': get_user_agent(), }
result, html_info = curl_html(req_url)
@@ -522,18 +494,13 @@ def get_amazon_data(req_url):
session_id = x[0]
if x := re.findall(r'ubid-acbjp=([^ ]+)', html_info):
ubid_acbjp = x[0]
- headers_o = {
- 'cookie': f'session-id={session_id}; ubid_acbjp={ubid_acbjp}',
- }
+ headers_o = {'cookie': f'session-id={session_id}; ubid_acbjp={ubid_acbjp}', }
result, html_info = curl_html(req_url, headers=headers)
if not result:
if '503 http' in html_info:
- headers = {
- 'Host': 'www.amazon.co.jp',
- 'User-Agent': get_user_agent(),
- }
+ headers = {'Host': 'www.amazon.co.jp', 'User-Agent': get_user_agent(), }
result, html_info = get_html(req_url, headers=headers, keep=False, back_cookie=True)
if not result:
@@ -553,10 +520,7 @@ def get_amazon_data(req_url):
ubid_acbjp = re.findall(r'ubid-acbjp=([^ ]+)', str(result))[0]
- headers_o = {
- 'Anti-csrftoken-a2z': anti_csrftoken_a2z,
- 'cookie': f'session-id={session_id}; ubid_acbjp={ubid_acbjp}',
- }
+ headers_o = {'Anti-csrftoken-a2z': anti_csrftoken_a2z, 'cookie': f'session-id={session_id}; ubid_acbjp={ubid_acbjp}', }
mid_url = 'https://www.amazon.co.jp/portal-migration/hz/glow/get-rendered-toaster' \
@@ -576,15 +540,11 @@ def get_amazon_data(req_url):
post_url = 'https://www.amazon.co.jp/portal-migration/hz/glow/address-change?actionSource=glow'
- data = {"locationType": "LOCATION_INPUT", "zipCode": "540-0002", "storeContext": "generic",
- "deviceType": "web", "pageType": "Search", "actionSource": "glow"}
+ data = {"locationType": "LOCATION_INPUT", "zipCode": "540-0002", "storeContext": "generic", "deviceType": "web", "pageType": "Search", "actionSource": "glow"}
result, html = post_html(post_url, json=data, headers=headers)
if result:
if '540-0002' in str(html):
- headers = {
- 'Host': 'www.amazon.co.jp',
- 'User-Agent': get_user_agent(),
- }
+ headers = {'Host': 'www.amazon.co.jp', 'User-Agent': get_user_agent(), }
result, html_info = curl_html(req_url, headers=headers)
print('Amazon 修改地区失败: ', req_url, str(result), str(html))
@@ -600,16 +560,13 @@ def get_amazon_data(req_url):
if "__main__" == __name__:
# 测试下载文件
- list1 = [
- 'https://issuecdn.baidupcs.com/issue/netdisk/yunguanjia/BaiduNetdisk_7.2.8.9.exe',
- 'https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/1/118/118abw015/118abw015_mhb_w.mp4',
- 'https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/1/118/118abw00016/118abw00016_mhb_w.mp4',
- 'https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/1/118/118abw00017/118abw00017_mhb_w.mp4',
- 'https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/1/118/118abw00018/118abw00018_mhb_w.mp4',
- 'https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/1/118/118abw00019/118abw00019_mhb_w.mp4',
- 'https://www.prestige-av.com/images/corner/goods/prestige/tktabw/018/pb_tktabw-018.jpg',
- 'https://iqq1.one/preview/80/b/3SBqI8OjheI-800.jpg?v=1636404497',
- ]
+ list1 = ['https://issuecdn.baidupcs.com/issue/netdisk/yunguanjia/BaiduNetdisk_7.2.8.9.exe',
+ 'https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/1/118/118abw015/118abw015_mhb_w.mp4',
+ 'https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/1/118/118abw00016/118abw00016_mhb_w.mp4',
+ 'https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/1/118/118abw00017/118abw00017_mhb_w.mp4',
+ 'https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/1/118/118abw00018/118abw00018_mhb_w.mp4',
+ 'https://cc3001.dmm.co.jp/litevideo/freepv/1/118/118abw00019/118abw00019_mhb_w.mp4',
+ 'https://www.prestige-av.com/images/corner/goods/prestige/tktabw/018/pb_tktabw-018.jpg', 'https://iqq1.one/preview/80/b/3SBqI8OjheI-800.jpg?v=1636404497', ]
for each in list1:
url = each
file_path = each.split('/')[-1]
@@ -705,8 +662,7 @@ def ping_host(host_address):
for i in range(count):
new_list = [each for each in result_list if each]
- return f' ⏱ Ping {int(sum(new_list) / len(new_list))} ms ({len(new_list)}/{count})' \
- if new_list else f' 🔴 Ping - ms (0/{count})'
+ return f' ⏱ Ping {int(sum(new_list) / len(new_list))} ms ({len(new_list)}/{count})' if new_list else f' 🔴 Ping - ms (0/{count})'
def check_version():
@@ -729,12 +685,7 @@ def check_theporndb_api_token():
timeout = config.timeout
api_token = config.theporndb_api_token
url = 'https://api.theporndb.net/scenes/hash/8679fcbdd29fa735'
- headers = {
- 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_token}',
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'User-Agent': get_user_agent(),
- }
+ headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': get_user_agent(), }
if not api_token:
tips = '❌ 未填写 API Token,影响欧美刮削!可在「设置」-「网络」添加!'
@@ -816,14 +767,12 @@ def _get_pic_by_google(pic_url):
def get_big_pic_by_google(pic_url, poster=False):
url, pic_size, big_pic = _get_pic_by_google(pic_url)
if not poster:
- if big_pic or (
- pic_size and int(pic_size[0]) > 800 and int(pic_size[1]) > 539): # cover 有大图时或者图片高度 > 800 时使用该图片
+ if big_pic or (pic_size and int(pic_size[0]) > 800 and int(pic_size[1]) > 539): # cover 有大图时或者图片高度 > 800 时使用该图片
return url, pic_size
return '', ''
if url and int(pic_size[1]) < 1000: # poster,图片高度小于 1500,重新搜索一次
url, pic_size, big_pic = _get_pic_by_google(url)
- if pic_size and (big_pic or 'blogger.googleusercontent.com' in url or int(
- pic_size[1]) > 560): # poster,大图或高度 > 560 时,使用该图片
+ if pic_size and (big_pic or 'blogger.googleusercontent.com' in url or int(pic_size[1]) > 560): # poster,大图或高度 > 560 时,使用该图片
return url, pic_size
return '', ''
diff --git a/src/models/config/config.py b/src/models/config/config.py
index 5bde580..085c4db 100644
--- a/src/models/config/config.py
+++ b/src/models/config/config.py
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
import os
import os.path
import platform
-import random
import re
import time
from configparser import RawConfigParser
-from models.base.utils import singleton
+from models.base.utils import get_user_agent, singleton
from models.config.config_generated import GeneratedConfig
from models.config.config_manual import ManualConfig
@@ -323,15 +322,9 @@ def init_config(self):
def update_config(self):
# 获取proxies
if self.type == 'http':
- self.proxies = {
- "http": "http://" + self.proxy,
- "https": "http://" + self.proxy,
- }
+ self.proxies = {"http": "http://" + self.proxy, "https": "http://" + self.proxy, }
elif self.type == 'socks5':
- self.proxies = {
- "http": "socks5h://" + self.proxy,
- "https": "socks5h://" + self.proxy,
- }
+ self.proxies = {"http": "socks5h://" + self.proxy, "https": "socks5h://" + self.proxy, }
self.proxies = None
@@ -339,13 +332,7 @@ def update_config(self):
self.theporndb_no_hash = 'theporndb_no_hash' in self.switch_on
# 获取User-Agent
- temp_l = random.randint(110, 117)
- temp_m = random.randint(1, 5563)
- temp_n = random.randint(1, 180)
- self.headers = {
- 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/%s.0.%s.%s Safari/537.36' % (
- temp_l, temp_m, temp_n),
- }
+ self.headers = {'User-Agent': get_user_agent(), }
# 去掉^符号!!!
self.cnword_style = self.cnword_style.strip('^')
@@ -363,17 +350,13 @@ def update_config(self):
# 是否清理文件以及清理列表
can_clean = True if 'i_know' in self.clean_enable and 'i_agree' in self.clean_enable else False
can_clean_auto = True if can_clean and 'clean_auto' in self.clean_enable else False
- clean_ext_list = re.split(r'[||,,]', self.clean_ext) \
- if can_clean and self.clean_ext and 'clean_ext' in self.clean_enable else []
- clean_name_list = re.split(r'[||,,]', self.clean_name) \
- if can_clean and self.clean_name and 'clean_name' in self.clean_enable else []
- clean_contains_list = re.split(r'[||,,]', self.clean_contains) \
- if can_clean and self.clean_contains and 'clean_contains' in self.clean_enable else []
+ clean_ext_list = re.split(r'[||,,]', self.clean_ext) if can_clean and self.clean_ext and 'clean_ext' in self.clean_enable else []
+ clean_name_list = re.split(r'[||,,]', self.clean_name) if can_clean and self.clean_name and 'clean_name' in self.clean_enable else []
+ clean_contains_list = re.split(r'[||,,]', self.clean_contains) if can_clean and self.clean_contains and 'clean_contains' in self.clean_enable else []
clean_size_list = self.clean_size if can_clean and 'clean_size' in self.clean_enable else ''
- clean_ignore_ext_list = re.split(r'[||,,]', self.clean_ignore_ext) \
- if can_clean and self.clean_ignore_ext and 'clean_ignore_ext' in self.clean_enable else []
- clean_ignore_contains_list = re.split(r'[||,,]', self.clean_ignore_contains) \
- if can_clean and self.clean_ignore_contains and 'clean_ignore_contains' in self.clean_enable else []
+ clean_ignore_ext_list = re.split(r'[||,,]', self.clean_ignore_ext) if can_clean and self.clean_ignore_ext and 'clean_ignore_ext' in self.clean_enable else []
+ clean_ignore_contains_list = re.split(r'[||,,]',
+ self.clean_ignore_contains) if can_clean and self.clean_ignore_contains and 'clean_ignore_contains' in self.clean_enable else []
self.can_clean = can_clean
self.can_clean_auto = can_clean_auto
self.clean_ext_list = clean_ext_list
diff --git a/src/models/config/config_manual.py b/src/models/config/config_manual.py
index d033308..9919926 100644
--- a/src/models/config/config_manual.py
+++ b/src/models/config/config_manual.py
@@ -3,78 +3,17 @@ class ManualConfig:
local_version = 120240924
# 定义配置值类型
- INT_KEY = [
- 'version',
- 'thread_number',
- 'thread_time',
- 'javdb_time',
- 'main_mode',
- 'soft_link',
- 'success_file_move',
- 'failed_file_move',
- 'success_file_rename',
- 'del_empty_folder',
- 'show_poster',
- 'folder_name_max',
- 'file_name_max',
- 'actor_name_max',
- 'cd_name',
- 'pic_name',
- 'trailer_name',
- 'use_database',
- 'poster_mark',
- 'thumb_mark',
- 'fanart_mark',
- 'mark_size',
- 'timeout',
- 'retry',
- 'rest_count',
- 'statement',
- 'actor_photo_kodi_auto',
- 'auto_link',
- ]
- 'file_size',
- 'clean_size',
+ INT_KEY = ['version', 'thread_number', 'thread_time', 'javdb_time', 'main_mode', 'soft_link', 'success_file_move', 'failed_file_move', 'success_file_rename',
+ 'del_empty_folder', 'show_poster', 'folder_name_max', 'file_name_max', 'actor_name_max', 'cd_name', 'pic_name', 'trailer_name', 'use_database',
+ 'poster_mark', 'thumb_mark', 'fanart_mark', 'mark_size', 'timeout', 'retry', 'rest_count', 'statement', 'actor_photo_kodi_auto', 'auto_link', ]
+ FLOAT_KEY = ['file_size', 'clean_size',
- ]
+ ]
# 支持的网站, 用于支持自定义域名
- '7mmtv',
- 'airav',
- 'airav_cc',
- 'avsex',
- 'avsox',
- 'cnmdb',
- 'dahlia',
- 'dmm',
- 'faleno',
- 'fantastica',
- 'fc2',
- 'fc2club',
- 'fc2hub',
- 'freejavbt',
- 'getchu',
- 'giga',
- 'iqqtv',
- 'jav321',
- 'javday',
- 'javbus',
- 'javdb',
- 'javlibrary',
- 'kin8',
- 'love6',
- 'lulubar',
- 'madouqu',
- 'mdtv',
- 'hscangku',
- 'cableav',
- 'mgstage',
- 'mywife',
- 'prestige',
- 'theporndb',
- 'xcity']
+ SUPPORTED_WEBSITES = ['7mmtv', 'airav', 'airav_cc', 'avsex', 'avsox', 'cnmdb', 'dahlia', 'dmm', 'faleno', 'fantastica', 'fc2', 'fc2club', 'fc2hub', 'freejavbt',
+ 'getchu', 'giga', 'iqqtv', 'jav321', 'javday', 'javbus', 'javdb', 'javlibrary', 'kin8', 'love6', 'lulubar', 'madouqu', 'mdtv', 'hscangku',
+ 'cableav', 'mgstage', 'mywife', 'prestige', 'theporndb', 'xcity']
# 刮削过程所需预设值
oumei_name = {
@@ -371,8 +310,7 @@ class ManualConfig:
'zb': 'ZoliBoy',
official = {
- 'https://s1s1s1.com': 'sivr|ssis|ssni|snis|soe|oned|one|onsd|ofje|sps|tksoe',
- # https://s1s1s1.com/search/list?keyword=soe
+ 'https://s1s1s1.com': 'sivr|ssis|ssni|snis|soe|oned|one|onsd|ofje|sps|tksoe', # https://s1s1s1.com/search/list?keyword=soe
'https://moodyz.com': 'mdvr|midv|mide|midd|mibd|mimk|miid|migd|mifd|miae|miad|miaa|mdl|mdj|mdi|mdg|mdf|mde|mdld|mded|mizd|mird|mdjd|rmid|mdid|mdmd|mimu|mdpd|mivd|mdud|mdgd|mdvd|mias|miqd|mint|rmpd|mdrd|tkmide|tkmidd|kmide|tkmigd|mdfd|rmwd|miab',
'https://www.madonna-av.com': 'juvr|jusd|juq|juy|jux|jul|juk|juc|jukd|jusd|oba|jufd|roeb|roe|ure|mdon|jfb|obe|jums',
'https://www.wanz-factory.com': 'wavr|waaa|bmw|wanz',
@@ -403,101 +341,43 @@ class ManualConfig:
'https://hhh-av.com': 'huntb|hunta|hunt|hunbl|royd|tysf',
'https://www.prestige-av.com': 'abp|mbm|ezd|docp|onez|yrh|abw|abs|chn|mgt|tre|edd|ult|cmi|mbd|dnw|sga|rdd|dcx|evo|rdt|ppt|gets|sim|kil|tus|dtt|gnab|man|mas|tbl|rtp|ctd|fiv|dic|esk|kbi|tem|ama|kfne|trd|har|yrz|srs|mzq|zzr|gzap|tgav|rix|aka|bgn|lxv|afs|goal|giro|cpde|nmp|mct|abc|inu|shl|mbms|pxh|nrs|ftn|prdvr|fst|blo|shs|kum|gsx|ndx|atd|dld|kbh|bcv|raw|soud|job|chs|yok|bsd|fsb|nnn|hyk|sor|hsp|jbs|xnd|mei|day|mmy|kzd|jan|gyan|tdt|tok|dms|fnd|cdc|jcn|pvrbst|sdvr|docvr|fcp|abf',
- suren_dic = {
- 'SHN-': '116', # 116SHN-045
- 'GANA': '200', # 200GANA-2556
- 'CUTE-': '229', # 229SCUTE-953
- 'LUXU': '259', # 200LUXU-2556
- 'ARA-': '261', # 261ARA-094
- 'DCV-': '277', # 277DCV-102
- 'EWDX': '299', # 299EWDX-400
- 'MAAN': '300', # 300MAAN-673
- 'MIUM': '300', # 300MIUM-745
- 'NTK-': '300', # 300NTK-635
- 'KIRAY-': '314', # 314KIRAY-128
- 'KJO-': '326', # 326KJO-002
- 'NAMA-': '332', # 332NAMA-077
- 'KNB-': '336', # 336KNB-172
- 'SIMM-': '345', # 345SIMM-662
- 'NTR-': '348', # 348NTR-001
- 'JAC-': '390', # 390JAC-034
- 'KIWVR': '408', # 408KIWVR-254
- 'INST': '413', # 413INST-202
- 'SRYA': '417', # 417SRYA-015
- 'SUKE-': '428', # 428SUKE-086
- 'MFC-': '435', # 435MFC-142
- 'HHH-': '451', # 451HHH-027
- 'TEN-': '459', # 459TEN-024
- 'MLA-': '476', # 476MLA-043
- 'SGK-': '483', # 483SGK-054
- 'GCB-': '485', # 485GCB-015
- 'SEI-': '502', # 502SEI-001
- 'STCV': '529', # 529STCV-009
- 'MY-': '292', # 292MY-425
- 'DANDY': '104', # 104DANDY-852A
- 'ICHK': '368', # 368ICHK-018
- }
- repl_list = [
- 'CARIB',
- '1PONDO',
- '1PON',
- 'PACO',
- '10MUSUME',
- '-10MU',
- 'Tokyo Hot',
- 'Tokyo_Hot',
- '(S1)',
- '[THZU.CC]',
- '「麻豆」',
- '(',
- ')',
- '.PRT',
- 'MP4-KTR',
- 'rarbg',
- 'WEBDL',
- 'x2160x',
- 'x1080x',
- 'x2160p',
- 'x1080p',
- 'x264 aac',
- 'x264_aac',
- 'x264-aac',
- 'x265 aac',
- 'x265_aac',
- 'x265-aac',
- 'H.264',
- 'H.265',
- 'DVD ',
- '2160P',
- '1440P',
- '1080P',
- '960P',
- '720P',
- '540P',
- '480P',
- '360P',
- '4096x2160',
- '1920x1080',
- '1280x720',
- '960x720',
- '640x480',
- '4096×2160',
- '1920×1080',
- '1280×720',
- '960×720',
- '640×480',
- '90fps',
- '60fps',
- '30fps',
- '.cht',
- '.chs',
- ]
+ suren_dic = {'SHN-': '116', # 116SHN-045
+ 'GANA': '200', # 200GANA-2556
+ 'CUTE-': '229', # 229SCUTE-953
+ 'LUXU': '259', # 200LUXU-2556
+ 'ARA-': '261', # 261ARA-094
+ 'DCV-': '277', # 277DCV-102
+ 'EWDX': '299', # 299EWDX-400
+ 'MAAN': '300', # 300MAAN-673
+ 'MIUM': '300', # 300MIUM-745
+ 'NTK-': '300', # 300NTK-635
+ 'KIRAY-': '314', # 314KIRAY-128
+ 'KJO-': '326', # 326KJO-002
+ 'NAMA-': '332', # 332NAMA-077
+ 'KNB-': '336', # 336KNB-172
+ 'SIMM-': '345', # 345SIMM-662
+ 'NTR-': '348', # 348NTR-001
+ 'JAC-': '390', # 390JAC-034
+ 'KIWVR': '408', # 408KIWVR-254
+ 'INST': '413', # 413INST-202
+ 'SRYA': '417', # 417SRYA-015
+ 'SUKE-': '428', # 428SUKE-086
+ 'MFC-': '435', # 435MFC-142
+ 'HHH-': '451', # 451HHH-027
+ 'TEN-': '459', # 459TEN-024
+ 'MLA-': '476', # 476MLA-043
+ 'SGK-': '483', # 483SGK-054
+ 'GCB-': '485', # 485GCB-015
+ 'SEI-': '502', # 502SEI-001
+ 'STCV': '529', # 529STCV-009
+ 'MY-': '292', # 292MY-425
+ 'DANDY': '104', # 104DANDY-852A
+ 'ICHK': '368', # 368ICHK-018
+ }
+ repl_list = ['HEYDOUGA', 'CARIBBEANCOM', 'CARIB', '1PONDO', '1PON', 'PACOMA', 'PACO', '10MUSUME', '-10MU', 'Tokyo Hot', 'Tokyo_Hot', 'TOKYO-HOT', 'TOKYOHOT', '(S1)',
+ '[THZU.CC]', '「麻豆」', '(', ')', '.PRT', 'MP4-KTR', 'rarbg', 'WEBDL', 'x2160x', 'x1080x', 'x2160p', 'x1080p', 'x264 aac', 'x264_aac', 'x264-aac',
+ 'x265 aac', 'x265_aac', 'x265-aac', 'H.264', 'H.265', 'DVDRIP', 'DVD ', '2160P', '1440P', '1080P', '960P', '720P', '540P', '480P', '360P', '4096x2160',
+ '1920x1080', '1280x720', '960x720', '640x480', '4096×2160', '1920×1080', '1280×720', '960×720', '640×480', '90fps', '60fps', '30fps', '.cht', '.chs', ]
web_dic = {
'airav.io': 'airav_cc',
'airav.wiki': 'airav',
@@ -539,181 +419,127 @@ class ManualConfig:
'theporndb': 'theporndb',
'prestige': 'prestige',
- char_list = [
- '[高清] (中文字幕)',
- '[高清 (中文字幕)',
- ' (中文字幕)',
- ' (中文字幕)',
- '[高清中文字幕]',
- '[高清中文字幕',
- '高清中文字幕]',
- '【高清中文字幕】',
- '[高清]',
- '无码流出版',
- '无码流出',
- '无码破解版',
- '无码破解',
- '韩文转译版',
- '独家听译版',
- '完整版',
- '特别版',
- '完全版',
- '时间轴修复版',
- '导演剪辑最终版',
- '堂友',
- ]
- all_key_word = ['title', 'originaltitle', 'outline', 'originalplot', 'series', 'director', 'studio',
- 'publisher']
- all_rep_word = {
- '&': '&', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的&(实际意义为&)的字符全局替换成&(大写的&,不会被emby误判,显示更美观)
- '<': '<', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的<(实际意义为<)的字符全局替换成<
- '>': '>', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的>(实际意义为>)的字符替全局换成>
- ''': "'", # 将网页中存在二次抓取的'(实际意义为')的字符全局替换成'
- '"': '"', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的"(实际意义为")的字符替全局换成"
- '‘': '「', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的‘(实际意义为「)的字符全局替换成「
- '’': '」', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的’(实际意义为」)的字符全局替换成」
- '…': '…', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的…(实际意义为…)的字符全局替换成…
- '→': '→', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的→(实际意义为→)的字符全局替换成→
- '
': '', # 将网页中存在的隐藏换行符全局替换成空白
- '&': '&', # 将网页本身抓取到的&全局替换成&(大写的&,不会被emby误判,避免Emby的nfo读取错误,显示更美观)
- '—': '—', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的—(实际意义为—破折号)的字符全局替换成—,破折号”—“不等于数字“一”
- '<': '<', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的<字符全局替换成<(大写的<,不会被emby误判,避免Emby的nfo读取错误,显示更美观)
- '>': '>', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的>字符全局替换成>(大写的>,不会被emby误判,避免Emby的nfo读取错误,显示更美观)
- '・': '·', # 将网页本身的・(人名间隔号)全局替换成·
- '“': '「', # 将前双引号“全局替换为「,更美观
- '”': '」', # 将后双引号”全局替换为」,更美观
- '...': '…', # 将非标准省略号...全局替换成标准省略号…
- '……': '…', # 将并列的两个省略号……全局替换成单个省略号… 解决......替换成……后出现两个省略号
- '’s': "'s", # 将非标准英文单引号的’替换全局为标准英文单引号',避免’s被以下规则替换成」s,例如:love’s替换成love's
- '‘': '「', # 将前单引号‘全局替换为「,更美观
- '’': '」', # 将后单引号’全局替换为」,更美观
- ',': ',', # 将英文逗号,全局替换成中文逗号,
- '?': '?', # 将英文问号?全局替换成中文问号?
- '! ': '!', # 去除感叹号后面不必要的空格
- '!': '!', # 将英文感叹号!全局替换成中文感叹号!
- 'A': 'A', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'B': 'B', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'C': 'C', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'D': 'D', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'E': 'E', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'F': 'F', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'G': 'G', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'H': 'H', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'I': 'I', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'J': 'J', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'K': 'K', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'L': 'L', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'M': 'M', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'N': 'N', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'O': 'O', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'P': 'P', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'Q': 'Q', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'R': 'R', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'S': 'S', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'T': 'T', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'U': 'U', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'V': 'V', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'W': 'W', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'X': 'X', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'Y': 'Y', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'Z': 'Z', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
- 'a': 'a', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'b': 'b', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'c': 'c', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'd': 'd', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'e': 'e', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'f': 'f', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'g': 'g', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'h': 'h', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'i': 'i', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'j': 'j', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'k': 'k', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'l': 'l', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'm': 'm', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'n': 'n', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'o': 'o', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'p': 'p', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'q': 'q', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'r': 'r', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 's': 's', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 't': 't', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'u': 'u', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'v': 'v', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'w': 'w', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'x': 'x', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'y': 'y', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- 'z': 'z', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
- '1': '1', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
- '2': '2', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
- '3': '3', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
- '4': '4', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
- '5': '5', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
- '6': '6', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
- '7': '7', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
- '8': '8', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
- '9': '9', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
- '0': '0', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
- '\t': ' ', # 将制表符替换为空格
- }
- chinese_rep_word = {
- '姊': '姐', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '著': '着', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '慾': '欲', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '肏': '操', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '裡': '里', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '係': '系', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '繫': '联', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '豔': '艳', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '妳': '你', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '歳': '岁', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '廿': '二十', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '卅': '三十', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- '卌': '四十', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
- }
- title_rep = ['第一集', '第二集', ' - 上', ' - 下', ' 上集', ' 下集', ' -上', ' -下', 'Part.1 (HD)',
- '(蓝光碟版)', '(蓝光版)', '(ブルーレイ版)']
- show_key = [
- 'number',
- 'letters',
- 'has_sub',
- 'cd_part',
- 'mosaic',
- 'title',
- 'originaltitle',
- 'actor',
- 'outline',
- 'originalplot',
- 'tag',
- 'release',
- 'year',
- 'runtime',
- 'score',
- 'wanted',
- 'series',
- 'director',
- 'studio',
- 'publisher',
- 'trailer',
- 'website',
- 'javdbid'
- ]
- full_half_char = [
- (u"・", u"·"), (u".", u"."), (u",", u","), (u"!", u"!"), (u"?", u"?"), (u"”", u'"'), (u"’", u"'"),
- (u"‘", u"`"), (u"@", u"@"), (u"_", u"_"), (u":", u":"), (u";", u";"), (u"#", u"#"), (u"$", u"$"),
- (u"%", u"%"), (u"&", u"&"), (u"(", u"("), (u")", u")"), (u"‐", u"-"), (u"=", u"="), (u"*", u"*"),
- (u"+", u"+"), (u"-", u"-"), (u"/", u"/"), (u"<", u"<"), (u">", u">"), (u"[", u"["), (u"¥", u"\\"),
- (u"]", u"]"), (u"^", u"^"), (u"{", u"{"), (u"|", u"|"), (u"}", u"}"), (u"~", u"~"), (u"a", u"a"),
- (u"b", u"b"), (u"c", u"c"), (u"d", u"d"), (u"e", u"e"), (u"f", u"f"), (u"g", u"g"), (u"h", u"h"),
- (u"i", u"i"), (u"j", u"j"), (u"k", u"k"), (u"l", u"l"), (u"m", u"m"), (u"n", u"n"), (u"o", u"o"),
- (u"p", u"p"), (u"q", u"q"), (u"r", u"r"), (u"s", u"s"), (u"t", u"t"), (u"u", u"u"), (u"v", u"v"),
- (u"w", u"w"), (u"x", u"x"), (u"y", u"y"), (u"z", u"z"), (u"A", u"A"), (u"B", u"B"), (u"C", u"C"),
- (u"D", u"D"), (u"E", u"E"), (u"F", u"F"), (u"G", u"G"), (u"H", u"H"), (u"I", u"I"), (u"J", u"J"),
- (u"K", u"K"), (u"L", u"L"), (u"M", u"M"), (u"N", u"N"), (u"O", u"O"), (u"P", u"P"), (u"Q", u"Q"),
- (u"R", u"R"), (u"S", u"S"), (u"T", u"T"), (u"U", u"U"), (u"V", u"V"), (u"W", u"W"), (u"X", u"X"),
- (u"Y", u"Y"), (u"Z", u"Z"), (u"0", u"0"), (u"1", u"1"), (u"2", u"2"), (u"3", u"3"), (u"4", u"4"),
- (u"5", u"5"), (u"6", u"6"), (u"7", u"7"), (u"8", u"8"), (u"9", u"9"), (u" ", u" ")
- ]
+ char_list = ['[高清] (中文字幕)', '[高清 (中文字幕)', ' (中文字幕)', ' (中文字幕)', '[高清中文字幕]', '[高清中文字幕', '高清中文字幕]', '【高清中文字幕】', '[高清]',
+ '无码流出版', '无码流出', '无码破解版', '无码破解', 'TOKYO-HOT-', '韩文转译版', '独家听译版', '完整版', '特别版', '完全版', '时间轴修复版',
+ '导演剪辑最终版', '堂友', ]
+ all_key_word = ['title', 'originaltitle', 'outline', 'originalplot', 'series', 'director', 'studio', 'publisher']
+ all_rep_word = {'&': '&', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的&(实际意义为&)的字符全局替换成&(大写的&,不会被emby误判,显示更美观)
+ '<': '<', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的<(实际意义为<)的字符全局替换成<
+ '>': '>', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的>(实际意义为>)的字符替全局换成>
+ ''': "'", # 将网页中存在二次抓取的'(实际意义为')的字符全局替换成'
+ '"': '"', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的"(实际意义为")的字符替全局换成"
+ '‘': '「', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的‘(实际意义为「)的字符全局替换成「
+ '’': '」', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的’(实际意义为」)的字符全局替换成」
+ '…': '…', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的…(实际意义为…)的字符全局替换成…
+ '→': '→', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的→(实际意义为→)的字符全局替换成→
+ '
': '', # 将网页中存在的隐藏换行符全局替换成空白
+ '&': '&', # 将网页本身抓取到的&全局替换成&(大写的&,不会被emby误判,避免Emby的nfo读取错误,显示更美观)
+ '—': '—', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的—(实际意义为—破折号)的字符全局替换成—,破折号”—“不等于数字“一”
+ '<': '<', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的<字符全局替换成<(大写的<,不会被emby误判,避免Emby的nfo读取错误,显示更美观)
+ '>': '>', # 将网页中存在二次抓取的>字符全局替换成>(大写的>,不会被emby误判,避免Emby的nfo读取错误,显示更美观)
+ '・': '·', # 将网页本身的・(人名间隔号)全局替换成·
+ '“': '「', # 将前双引号“全局替换为「,更美观
+ '”': '」', # 将后双引号”全局替换为」,更美观
+ '...': '…', # 将非标准省略号...全局替换成标准省略号…
+ '……': '…', # 将并列的两个省略号……全局替换成单个省略号… 解决......替换成……后出现两个省略号
+ '’s': "'s", # 将非标准英文单引号的’替换全局为标准英文单引号',避免’s被以下规则替换成」s,例如:love’s替换成love's
+ '‘': '「', # 将前单引号‘全局替换为「,更美观
+ '’': '」', # 将后单引号’全局替换为」,更美观
+ ',': ',', # 将英文逗号,全局替换成中文逗号,
+ '?': '?', # 将英文问号?全局替换成中文问号?
+ '! ': '!', # 去除感叹号后面不必要的空格
+ '!': '!', # 将英文感叹号!全局替换成中文感叹号!
+ 'A': 'A', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'B': 'B', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'C': 'C', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'D': 'D', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'E': 'E', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'F': 'F', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'G': 'G', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'H': 'H', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'I': 'I', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'J': 'J', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'K': 'K', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'L': 'L', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'M': 'M', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'N': 'N', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'O': 'O', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'P': 'P', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'Q': 'Q', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'R': 'R', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'S': 'S', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'T': 'T', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'U': 'U', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'V': 'V', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'W': 'W', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'X': 'X', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'Y': 'Y', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'Z': 'Z', # 将全角大写英文替换成半角大写英文
+ 'a': 'a', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'b': 'b', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'c': 'c', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'd': 'd', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'e': 'e', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'f': 'f', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'g': 'g', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'h': 'h', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'i': 'i', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'j': 'j', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'k': 'k', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'l': 'l', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'm': 'm', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'n': 'n', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'o': 'o', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'p': 'p', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'q': 'q', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'r': 'r', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 's': 's', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 't': 't', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'u': 'u', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'v': 'v', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'w': 'w', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'x': 'x', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'y': 'y', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ 'z': 'z', # 将全角小写英文替换成半角小写英文
+ '1': '1', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
+ '2': '2', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
+ '3': '3', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
+ '4': '4', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
+ '5': '5', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
+ '6': '6', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
+ '7': '7', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
+ '8': '8', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
+ '9': '9', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
+ '0': '0', # 将全角数字替换成半角数字
+ '\t': ' ', # 将制表符替换为空格
+ }
+ chinese_rep_word = {'姊': '姐', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '著': '着', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '慾': '欲', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '肏': '操', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '裡': '里', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '係': '系', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '繫': '联', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '豔': '艳', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '妳': '你', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '歳': '岁', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '廿': '二十', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '卅': '三十', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ '卌': '四十', # 中文简体常见错字全局替换
+ }
+ title_rep = ['第一集', '第二集', ' - 上', ' - 下', ' 上集', ' 下集', ' -上', ' -下', 'Part.1 (HD)', '(蓝光碟版)', '(蓝光版)', '(ブルーレイ版)']
+ show_key = ['number', 'letters', 'has_sub', 'cd_part', 'mosaic', 'title', 'originaltitle', 'actor', 'outline', 'originalplot', 'tag', 'release', 'year', 'runtime',
+ 'score', 'wanted', 'series', 'director', 'studio', 'publisher', 'trailer', 'website', 'javdbid']
+ full_half_char = [(u"・", u"·"), (u".", u"."), (u",", u","), (u"!", u"!"), (u"?", u"?"), (u"”", u'"'), (u"’", u"'"), (u"‘", u"`"), (u"@", u"@"), (u"_", u"_"),
+ (u":", u":"), (u";", u";"), (u"#", u"#"), (u"$", u"$"), (u"%", u"%"), (u"&", u"&"), (u"(", u"("), (u")", u")"), (u"‐", u"-"), (u"=", u"="),
+ (u"*", u"*"), (u"+", u"+"), (u"-", u"-"), (u"/", u"/"), (u"<", u"<"), (u">", u">"), (u"[", u"["), (u"¥", u"\\"), (u"]", u"]"), (u"^", u"^"),
+ (u"{", u"{"), (u"|", u"|"), (u"}", u"}"), (u"~", u"~"), (u"a", u"a"), (u"b", u"b"), (u"c", u"c"), (u"d", u"d"), (u"e", u"e"), (u"f", u"f"),
+ (u"g", u"g"), (u"h", u"h"), (u"i", u"i"), (u"j", u"j"), (u"k", u"k"), (u"l", u"l"), (u"m", u"m"), (u"n", u"n"), (u"o", u"o"), (u"p", u"p"),
+ (u"q", u"q"), (u"r", u"r"), (u"s", u"s"), (u"t", u"t"), (u"u", u"u"), (u"v", u"v"), (u"w", u"w"), (u"x", u"x"), (u"y", u"y"), (u"z", u"z"),
+ (u"A", u"A"), (u"B", u"B"), (u"C", u"C"), (u"D", u"D"), (u"E", u"E"), (u"F", u"F"), (u"G", u"G"), (u"H", u"H"), (u"I", u"I"), (u"J", u"J"),
+ (u"K", u"K"), (u"L", u"L"), (u"M", u"M"), (u"N", u"N"), (u"O", u"O"), (u"P", u"P"), (u"Q", u"Q"), (u"R", u"R"), (u"S", u"S"), (u"T", u"T"),
+ (u"U", u"U"), (u"V", u"V"), (u"W", u"W"), (u"X", u"X"), (u"Y", u"Y"), (u"Z", u"Z"), (u"0", u"0"), (u"1", u"1"), (u"2", u"2"), (u"3", u"3"),
+ (u"4", u"4"), (u"5", u"5"), (u"6", u"6"), (u"7", u"7"), (u"8", u"8"), (u"9", u"9"), (u" ", u" ")]
special_word = {
'強●': '強制',
'犯●': '犯さ',
@@ -740,6 +566,5 @@ class ManualConfig:
'メイド': 'メイド',
'ホールド': 'ホールド',
- actress_wiki_keywords = ['AV idol', 'pornographic', 'pornoactrice', 'Japanese idol', 'Japanese actress',
- 'AV actress', 'porn star', 'gravure', 'director', 'voice actor', 'gravure idol', 'model',
- 'Porn actresses']
+ actress_wiki_keywords = ['AV idol', 'pornographic', 'pornoactrice', 'Japanese idol', 'Japanese actress', 'AV actress', 'porn star', 'gravure', 'director',
+ 'voice actor', 'gravure idol', 'model', 'Porn actresses']
diff --git a/src/models/config/resources.py b/src/models/config/resources.py
index a7b03b6..689807b 100644
--- a/src/models/config/resources.py
+++ b/src/models/config/resources.py
@@ -70,14 +70,7 @@ def __init__(self):
def get_actor_data(self, actor):
# 初始化数据
- actor_data = {
- 'zh_cn': actor,
- 'zh_tw': actor,
- 'jp': actor,
- 'keyword': [actor],
- 'href': '',
- 'has_name': False,
- }
+ actor_data = {'zh_cn': actor, 'zh_tw': actor, 'jp': actor, 'keyword': [actor], 'href': '', 'has_name': False, }
# 查询映射表
xml_actor = self.actor_mapping_data
@@ -100,13 +93,7 @@ def get_actor_data(self, actor):
def get_info_data(self, info):
# 初始化数据
- info_data = {
- 'zh_cn': info,
- 'zh_tw': info,
- 'jp': info,
- 'keyword': [info],
- 'has_name': False,
- }
+ info_data = {'zh_cn': info, 'zh_tw': info, 'jp': info, 'keyword': [info], 'has_name': False, }
# 查询映射表
xml_info = self.info_mapping_data
@@ -114,11 +101,9 @@ def get_info_data(self, info):
info_name = ',%s,' % info.upper()
for each in config.full_half_char:
info_name = info_name.replace(each[0], each[1])
- info_ob = xml_info.xpath(
- '//a[contains(translate(@keyword, '
- '"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ・", '
- name=info_name)
+ info_ob = xml_info.xpath('//a[contains(translate(@keyword, '
+ '"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ・", '
if info_ob:
info_ob = info_ob[0]
info_data['zh_cn'] = info_ob.get('zh_cn').replace('删除', '')
@@ -186,8 +171,7 @@ def _get_or_generate_local_data(self):
content = f.read()
self.info_mapping_data = etree.HTML(content.encode('utf-8'), parser=parser)
except Exception as e:
- signal.show_log_text(' %s 读取失败!请检查该文件是否存在问题!如需重置请删除该文件!错误信息:\n%s' % (
- actor_map_local_path, str(e)))
+ signal.show_log_text(f' {actor_map_local_path} 读取失败!请检查该文件是否存在问题!如需重置请删除该文件!错误信息:\n{str(e)}')
self.actor_mapping_data = {}
diff --git a/src/models/core/crawler.py b/src/models/core/crawler.py
index 29a9a9b..7c04330 100644
--- a/src/models/core/crawler.py
+++ b/src/models/core/crawler.py
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
from models.base.number import get_number_letters, is_uncensored
from models.config.config import config
from models.core.flags import Flags
-from models.crawlers import airav, airav_cc, avsex, avsox, cableav, cnmdb, dahlia, dmm, faleno, fantastica, fc2, \
- fc2club, fc2hub, freejavbt, getchu, getchu_dmm, giga, hdouban, hscangku, iqqtv_new, jav321, javbus, javdb, \
- javlibrary_new, kin8, love6, lulubar, madouqu, mdtv, mgstage, mmtv, mywife, official, prestige, theporndb, xcity , javday
+from models.crawlers import airav, airav_cc, avsex, avsox, cableav, cnmdb, dahlia, dmm, faleno, fantastica, fc2, fc2club, fc2hub, freejavbt, getchu, getchu_dmm, giga, \
+ hdouban, hscangku, iqqtv_new, jav321, javbus, javday, javdb, javlibrary_new, kin8, love6, lulubar, madouqu, mdtv, mgstage, mmtv, mywife, official, prestige, \
+ theporndb, xcity
from models.entity.enums import FileMode
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ def _get_new_website_list(field_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
same_list = _deal_some_list(field, 'dahlia', same_list)
- elif re.search(r'FA[A-Z]{2}-?\d+', file_number.upper()) or file_number.upper().startswith(
- 'CLASS') or file_number.upper().startswith('FADRV') or file_number.upper().startswith(
- 'FAPRO') or file_number.upper().startswith('FAKWM') or file_number.upper().startswith('PDS'):
+ elif re.search(r'FA[A-Z]{2}-?\d+',
+ file_number.upper()) or file_number.upper().startswith('CLASS') or file_number.upper().startswith('FADRV') or file_number.upper().startswith('FAPRO') or file_number.upper().startswith(
+ 'FAKWM') or file_number.upper().startswith('PDS'):
same_list = _deal_some_list(field, 'fantastica', same_list)
return same_list
@@ -132,17 +132,13 @@ def _call_crawler(json_data, website, language, file_number, short_number, mosai
elif website == 'fc2club':
json_data = json.loads(fc2club.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language))
elif website == 'mdtv':
- json_data = json.loads(
- mdtv.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number))
+ json_data = json.loads(mdtv.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number))
elif website == 'madouqu':
- json_data = json.loads(
- madouqu.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number))
+ json_data = json.loads(madouqu.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number))
elif website == 'hscangku':
- json_data = json.loads(
- hscangku.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number))
+ json_data = json.loads(hscangku.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number))
elif website == 'cableav':
- json_data = json.loads(
- cableav.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number))
+ json_data = json.loads(cableav.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number))
elif website == 'getchu':
json_data = json.loads(getchu.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language))
elif website == 'getchu_dmm':
@@ -152,15 +148,13 @@ def _call_crawler(json_data, website, language, file_number, short_number, mosai
elif website == 'giga':
json_data = json.loads(giga.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language))
elif website == 'hdouban':
- json_data = json.loads(
- hdouban.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number, mosaic))
+ json_data = json.loads(hdouban.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number, mosaic))
elif website == 'lulubar':
json_data = json.loads(lulubar.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language))
elif website == 'love6':
json_data = json.loads(love6.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language))
elif website == 'cnmdb':
- json_data = json.loads(
- cnmdb.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number))
+ json_data = json.loads(cnmdb.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language, file_path, appoint_number))
elif website == 'faleno':
json_data = json.loads(faleno.main(file_number, appoint_url, log_info, req_web, language))
elif website == 'fantastica':
@@ -209,42 +203,24 @@ def _decide_websites(json_data, number_website_list):
studio_website_list = config.studio_website.split(',')
publisher_website_list = config.publisher_website.split(',')
wanted_website_list = config.wanted_website.split(',')
- title_jp_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(title_jp_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'title')
- title_zh_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(title_zh_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'title_zh')
- outline_jp_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(outline_jp_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'outline')
- outline_zh_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(outline_zh_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'outline_zh')
- actor_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(actor_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'actor')
- thumb_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(thumb_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'thumb')
- poster_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(poster_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'poster')
- extrafanart_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(extrafanart_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'extrafanart')
- trailer_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(trailer_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'trailer')
- tag_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(tag_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'tag')
- release_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(release_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'release')
- runtime_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(runtime_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'runtime')
- score_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(score_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'score')
- director_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(director_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'director')
- series_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(series_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'series')
- studio_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(studio_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'studio')
- publisher_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(publisher_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'publisher')
- wanted_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(wanted_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'wanted')
+ title_jp_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(title_jp_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'title')
+ title_zh_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(title_zh_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'title_zh')
+ outline_jp_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(outline_jp_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'outline')
+ outline_zh_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(outline_zh_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'outline_zh')
+ actor_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(actor_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'actor')
+ thumb_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(thumb_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'thumb')
+ poster_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(poster_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'poster')
+ extrafanart_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(extrafanart_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'extrafanart')
+ trailer_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(trailer_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'trailer')
+ tag_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(tag_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'tag')
+ release_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(release_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'release')
+ runtime_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(runtime_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'runtime')
+ score_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(score_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'score')
+ director_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(director_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'director')
+ series_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(series_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'series')
+ studio_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(studio_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'studio')
+ publisher_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(publisher_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'publisher')
+ wanted_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(wanted_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'wanted')
# 初始化变量
all_json_data = {}
@@ -255,26 +231,16 @@ def _decide_websites(json_data, number_website_list):
if 'official' in config.website_set:
title_jp_website_new_list.insert(0, 'official')
- request_field_list = [
- ['title', '标题', 'title_language', title_jp_website_new_list],
- ['title_zh', '中文标题', 'title_language', title_zh_website_new_list],
- ['outline', '简介', 'outline_language', outline_jp_website_new_list],
- ['outline_zh', '中文简介', 'outline_language', outline_zh_website_new_list],
- ['actor', '演员', 'actor_language', actor_website_new_list],
- ['cover', '背景图', 'title_language', thumb_website_new_list],
- ['poster', '封面图', 'title_language', poster_website_new_list],
- ['extrafanart', '剧照', 'title_language', extrafanart_website_new_list],
- ['tag', '标签', 'tag_language', tag_website_new_list],
- ['release', '发行日期', 'title_language', release_website_new_list],
- ['runtime', '时长', 'title_language', runtime_website_new_list],
- ['score', '评分', 'title_language', score_website_new_list],
- ['director', '导演', 'director_language', director_website_new_list],
- ['series', '系列', 'series_language', series_website_new_list],
- ['studio', '片商', 'studio_language', studio_website_new_list],
- ['publisher', '发行商', 'publisher_language', publisher_website_new_list],
- ['trailer', '预告片', 'title_language', trailer_website_new_list],
- ['wanted', '想看人数', 'title_language', wanted_website_new_list],
- ]
+ request_field_list = [['title', '标题', 'title_language', title_jp_website_new_list], ['title_zh', '中文标题', 'title_language', title_zh_website_new_list],
+ ['outline', '简介', 'outline_language', outline_jp_website_new_list],
+ ['outline_zh', '中文简介', 'outline_language', outline_zh_website_new_list], ['actor', '演员', 'actor_language', actor_website_new_list],
+ ['cover', '背景图', 'title_language', thumb_website_new_list], ['poster', '封面图', 'title_language', poster_website_new_list],
+ ['extrafanart', '剧照', 'title_language', extrafanart_website_new_list], ['tag', '标签', 'tag_language', tag_website_new_list],
+ ['release', '发行日期', 'title_language', release_website_new_list], ['runtime', '时长', 'title_language', runtime_website_new_list],
+ ['score', '评分', 'title_language', score_website_new_list], ['director', '导演', 'director_language', director_website_new_list],
+ ['series', '系列', 'series_language', series_website_new_list], ['studio', '片商', 'studio_language', studio_website_new_list],
+ ['publisher', '发行商', 'publisher_language', publisher_website_new_list],
+ ['trailer', '预告片', 'title_language', trailer_website_new_list], ['wanted', '想看人数', 'title_language', wanted_website_new_list], ]
if config.outline_language == 'jp':
if config.title_language == 'jp':
@@ -286,8 +252,7 @@ def _decide_websites(json_data, number_website_list):
field_name, field_cnname, field_language, website_list = each_f
if field_name in none_fields:
- _call_crawlers(all_json_data, json_data, website_list, field_name, field_cnname, field_language, config,
- file_number, short_number, json_data['mosaic'])
+ _call_crawlers(all_json_data, json_data, website_list, field_name, field_cnname, field_language, config, file_number, short_number, json_data['mosaic'])
if field_name == 'title' and not json_data['title']:
return json_data
@@ -305,62 +270,33 @@ def _decide_websites(json_data, number_website_list):
title_website_list = title_zh_website_list + title_jp_website_list
if config.outline_language != 'jp':
outline_website_list = outline_zh_website_list + outline_jp_website_list
- title_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(title_website_list, new_number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'title', all=True)
- title_jp_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(title_jp_website_list, new_number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'title', all=True)
- outline_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(outline_website_list, new_number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'outline', all=True)
- outline_jp_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(outline_jp_website_list, new_number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'outline', all=True)
- actor_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(actor_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'actor', all=True)
- thumb_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(thumb_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'thumb', all=True)
- poster_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(poster_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'poster', all=True)
- extrafanart_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(extrafanart_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'extrafanart', all=True)
- tag_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(tag_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'tag', all=True)
- release_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(release_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'release', all=True)
- runtime_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(runtime_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'runtime', all=True)
- score_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(score_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'score', all=True)
- director_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(director_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'director', all=True)
- series_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(series_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'series', all=True)
- studio_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(studio_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'studio', all=True)
- publisher_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(publisher_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'publisher', all=True)
- trailer_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(trailer_website_list, number_website_list, file_number,
- short_number, 'trailer', all=True)
- wanted_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(wanted_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number,
- 'wanted')
- deal_field_list = [
- ['title', '标题', 'title_language', title_website_new_list],
- ['originaltitle', '原标题', 'outline_language', title_jp_website_new_list],
- ['outline', '简介', 'outline_language', outline_website_new_list],
- ['originalplot', '原简介', 'outline_language', outline_jp_website_new_list],
- ['actor', '演员', 'actor_language', actor_website_new_list],
- ['cover', '背景图', 'title_language', thumb_website_new_list],
- ['poster', '封面图', 'title_language', poster_website_new_list],
- ['extrafanart', '剧照', 'title_language', extrafanart_website_new_list],
- ['tag', '标签', 'tag_language', tag_website_new_list],
- ['release', '发行日期', 'title_language', release_website_new_list],
- ['runtime', '时长', 'title_language', runtime_website_new_list],
- ['score', '评分', 'title_language', score_website_new_list],
- ['director', '导演', 'director_language', director_website_new_list],
- ['series', '系列', 'series_language', series_website_new_list],
- ['studio', '片商', 'studio_language', studio_website_new_list],
- ['publisher', '发行商', 'publisher_language', publisher_website_new_list],
- ['trailer', '预告片', 'title_language', trailer_website_new_list],
- ['wanted', '想看人数', 'title_language', wanted_website_list],
- ]
+ title_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(title_website_list, new_number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'title', all=True)
+ title_jp_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(title_jp_website_list, new_number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'title', all=True)
+ outline_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(outline_website_list, new_number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'outline', all=True)
+ outline_jp_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(outline_jp_website_list, new_number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'outline', all=True)
+ actor_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(actor_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'actor', all=True)
+ thumb_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(thumb_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'thumb', all=True)
+ poster_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(poster_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'poster', all=True)
+ extrafanart_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(extrafanart_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'extrafanart', all=True)
+ tag_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(tag_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'tag', all=True)
+ release_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(release_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'release', all=True)
+ runtime_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(runtime_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'runtime', all=True)
+ score_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(score_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'score', all=True)
+ director_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(director_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'director', all=True)
+ series_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(series_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'series', all=True)
+ studio_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(studio_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'studio', all=True)
+ publisher_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(publisher_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'publisher', all=True)
+ trailer_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(trailer_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'trailer', all=True)
+ wanted_website_new_list = _get_new_website_list(wanted_website_list, number_website_list, file_number, short_number, 'wanted')
+ deal_field_list = [['title', '标题', 'title_language', title_website_new_list], ['originaltitle', '原标题', 'outline_language', title_jp_website_new_list],
+ ['outline', '简介', 'outline_language', outline_website_new_list], ['originalplot', '原简介', 'outline_language', outline_jp_website_new_list],
+ ['actor', '演员', 'actor_language', actor_website_new_list], ['cover', '背景图', 'title_language', thumb_website_new_list],
+ ['poster', '封面图', 'title_language', poster_website_new_list], ['extrafanart', '剧照', 'title_language', extrafanart_website_new_list],
+ ['tag', '标签', 'tag_language', tag_website_new_list], ['release', '发行日期', 'title_language', release_website_new_list],
+ ['runtime', '时长', 'title_language', runtime_website_new_list], ['score', '评分', 'title_language', score_website_new_list],
+ ['director', '导演', 'director_language', director_website_new_list], ['series', '系列', 'series_language', series_website_new_list],
+ ['studio', '片商', 'studio_language', studio_website_new_list], ['publisher', '发行商', 'publisher_language', publisher_website_new_list],
+ ['trailer', '预告片', 'title_language', trailer_website_new_list], ['wanted', '想看人数', 'title_language', wanted_website_list], ]
if not wanted_website_new_list or (scrape_like == 'speed' and json_data['source'] not in wanted_website_new_list):
@@ -384,8 +320,7 @@ def _decide_websites(json_data, number_website_list):
actor_amazon_list_cn = []
actor_amazon_list_tw = []
actor_new_website = []
- [actor_new_website.append(i) for i in title_jp_website_new_list + title_website_new_list + actor_website_new_list if
- i not in actor_new_website]
+ [actor_new_website.append(i) for i in title_jp_website_new_list + title_website_new_list + actor_website_new_list if i not in actor_new_website]
for each_website in actor_new_website:
if each_website in all_json_data.keys() and all_json_data[each_website]['jp']['title']:
temp_actor = all_json_data[each_website]['jp']['actor']
@@ -435,8 +370,7 @@ def _deal_each_field(all_json_data, json_data, website_list, field_name, field_c
backup_data = ''
- json_data['log_info'] += '\n\n 🙋🏻 %s \n ====================================\n 🌐 来源优先级:%s' % (
- field_cnname, ' -> '.join(website_list))
+ json_data['log_info'] += '\n\n 🙋🏻 %s \n ====================================\n 🌐 来源优先级:%s' % (field_cnname, ' -> '.join(website_list))
for website in website_list:
title_language = getattr(config, field_language)
if website not in ['airav_cc', 'iqqtv', 'airav', 'avsex', 'javlibrary', 'mdtv', 'madouqu', 'lulubar']:
@@ -475,10 +409,8 @@ def _deal_each_field(all_json_data, json_data, website_list, field_name, field_c
elif field_name == 'outline':
json_data['outline_from'] = website
elif field_name == 'actor':
- json_data['all_actor'] = json_data['all_actor'] if json_data.get('all_actor') else web_data_json[
- 'actor']
- json_data['all_actor_photo'] = json_data['all_actor_photo'] if json_data.get('all_actor_photo') else \
- web_data_json['actor_photo']
+ json_data['all_actor'] = json_data['all_actor'] if json_data.get('all_actor') else web_data_json['actor']
+ json_data['all_actor_photo'] = json_data['all_actor_photo'] if json_data.get('all_actor_photo') else web_data_json['actor_photo']
elif field_name == 'originaltitle':
if web_data_json['actor']:
json_data['amazon_orginaltitle_actor'] = web_data_json['actor'].split(',')[0]
@@ -497,8 +429,7 @@ def _deal_each_field(all_json_data, json_data, website_list, field_name, field_c
json_data['fields_info'] += '\n ' + f"{field_name:<13}" + f': {"-----"} ({"not found"})'
-def _call_crawlers(all_json_data, json_data, website_list, field_name, field_cnname, field_language, config,
- file_number, short_number, mosaic): # 4
+def _call_crawlers(all_json_data, json_data, website_list, field_name, field_cnname, field_language, config, file_number, short_number, mosaic): # 4
@@ -508,8 +439,7 @@ def _call_crawlers(all_json_data, json_data, website_list, field_name, field_cnn
backup_jsondata = {}
for website in website_list:
- if (website in ['avsox', 'mdtv'] and mosaic in ['有码', '无码破解', '流出', '里番', '动漫']) or (
- website == 'mdtv' and mosaic == '无码'):
+ if (website in ['avsox', 'mdtv'] and mosaic in ['有码', '无码破解', '流出', '里番', '动漫']) or (website == 'mdtv' and mosaic == '无码'):
if field_name != 'title':
if field_name in ['title_zh', 'outline_zh']:
@@ -525,8 +455,7 @@ def _call_crawlers(all_json_data, json_data, website_list, field_name, field_cnn
web_data_json = all_json_data[website][title_language]
- web_data = _call_crawler(json_data, website, title_language, file_number, short_number, mosaic,
- config.title_language)
+ web_data = _call_crawler(json_data, website, title_language, file_number, short_number, mosaic, config.title_language)
web_data_json = all_json_data.get(website).get(title_language)
json_data['req_web'] = web_data_json['req_web']
@@ -551,12 +480,10 @@ def _call_crawlers(all_json_data, json_data, website_list, field_name, field_cnn
if field_name in ['title', 'outline', 'originaltitle', 'originalplot']:
if langid.classify(web_data_json[field_name])[0] != 'ja':
if title_language == 'jp':
- json_data[
- 'log_info'] += f'\n 🔴 {field_cnname} 检测为非日文,跳过!({website})\n ↳ {web_data_json[field_name]}'
+ json_data['log_info'] += f'\n 🔴 {field_cnname} 检测为非日文,跳过!({website})\n ↳ {web_data_json[field_name]}'
elif title_language != 'jp':
- json_data[
- 'log_info'] += f'\n 🔴 {field_cnname} 检测为日文,跳过!({website})\n ↳ {web_data_json[field_name]}'
+ json_data['log_info'] += f'\n 🔴 {field_cnname} 检测为日文,跳过!({website})\n ↳ {web_data_json[field_name]}'
elif website == 'official':
website = all_json_data['official']['jp']['source']
@@ -564,8 +491,7 @@ def _call_crawlers(all_json_data, json_data, website_list, field_name, field_cnn
if len(backup_jsondata):
- json_data[
- 'log_info'] += f'\n 🟢 {field_cnname} 使用备用数据!({backup_website})\n ↳ {backup_jsondata[field_name]} '
+ json_data['log_info'] += f'\n 🟢 {field_cnname} 使用备用数据!({backup_website})\n ↳ {backup_jsondata[field_name]} '
if field_cnname == '标题':
@@ -652,13 +578,11 @@ def _call_specific_crawler(json_data, website):
if short_number:
json_data['number'] = file_number
- temp_actor = web_data[website]['jp']['actor'] + ',' + web_data[website]['zh_cn']['actor'] + ',' + \
- web_data[website]['zh_tw']['actor']
+ temp_actor = web_data[website]['jp']['actor'] + ',' + web_data[website]['zh_cn']['actor'] + ',' + web_data[website]['zh_tw']['actor']
json_data['actor_amazon'] = []
[json_data['actor_amazon'].append(i) for i in temp_actor.split(',') if i and i not in json_data['actor_amazon']]
json_data['all_actor'] = json_data['all_actor'] if json_data.get('all_actor') else web_data_json['actor']
- json_data['all_actor_photo'] = json_data['all_actor_photo'] if json_data.get('all_actor_photo') else web_data_json[
- 'actor_photo']
+ json_data['all_actor_photo'] = json_data['all_actor_photo'] if json_data.get('all_actor_photo') else web_data_json['actor_photo']
return json_data
@@ -691,9 +615,8 @@ def _crawl(json_data, website_name): # 从JSON返回元数据
if website_name == 'all': # 从全部网站刮削
# =======================================================================先判断是不是国产,避免浪费时间
- if mosaic == '国产' or mosaic == '國產' or (
- re.search(r'([^A-Z]|^)MD[A-Z-]*\d{4,}', file_number) and 'MDVR' not in file_number) or re.search(
- r'MKY-[A-Z]+-\d{3,}', file_number):
+ if mosaic == '国产' or mosaic == '國產' or (re.search(r'([^A-Z]|^)MD[A-Z-]*\d{4,}', file_number) and 'MDVR' not in file_number) or re.search(r'MKY-[A-Z]+-\d{3,}',
+ file_number):
json_data['mosaic'] = '国产'
website_list = config.website_guochan.split(',')
json_data = _decide_websites(json_data, website_list)
@@ -729,8 +652,7 @@ def _crawl(json_data, website_name): # 从JSON返回元数据
json_data['error_info'] = '未识别到FC2番号:%s' % file_number
# =======================================================================sexart.15.06.14
- elif re.search(r'[^.]+\.\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}', file_number) or (
- '欧美' in file_path and '东欧美' not in file_path):
+ elif re.search(r'[^.]+\.\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}', file_number) or ('欧美' in file_path and '东欧美' not in file_path):
website_list = config.website_oumei.split(',')
json_data = _decide_websites(json_data, website_list)
@@ -854,9 +776,8 @@ def _deal_json_data(json_data):
return json_data
# 演员
- json_data['actor'] = str(json_data['actor']).strip(" [ ]").replace("'", '').replace(', ', ',').replace('<',
- '(').replace(
- '>', ')').strip(',') # 列表转字符串(避免个别网站刮削返回的是列表)
+ json_data['actor'] = str(json_data['actor']).strip(" [ ]").replace("'", '').replace(', ', ',').replace('<', '(').replace('>',
+ ')').strip(',') # 列表转字符串(避免个别网站刮削返回的是列表)
# 标签
tag = str(json_data['tag']).strip(" [ ]").replace("'", '').replace(', ', ',') # 列表转字符串(避免个别网站刮削返回的是列表)
@@ -928,8 +849,7 @@ def _deal_json_data(json_data):
json_data['wanted'] = ''
# 字符转义,避免显示问题
- key_word = ['title', 'originaltitle', 'number', 'outline', 'originalplot', 'actor', 'tag', 'series', 'director',
- 'studio', 'publisher']
+ key_word = ['title', 'originaltitle', 'number', 'outline', 'originalplot', 'actor', 'tag', 'series', 'director', 'studio', 'publisher']
rep_word = {
'&': '&',
'<': '<',
diff --git a/src/models/core/file.py b/src/models/core/file.py
index 48bbc78..050897f 100644
--- a/src/models/core/file.py
+++ b/src/models/core/file.py
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
import traceback
from models.base.file import copy_file, delete_file, move_file, read_link, split_path
-from models.base.number import deal_actor_more, get_file_number, get_info, get_number_first_letter, \
- get_number_letters, is_uncensored, remove_escape_string
+from models.base.number import deal_actor_more, get_file_number, get_info, get_number_first_letter, get_number_letters, is_uncensored, remove_escape_string
from models.base.path import showFilePath
from models.base.utils import convert_path, get_current_time, get_used_time
from models.config.config import config
@@ -59,8 +58,7 @@ def _need_clean(file_path, file_name, file_ext):
return False
-def creat_folder(json_data, folder_new_path, file_path, file_new_path, thumb_new_path_with_filename,
- poster_new_path_with_filename):
+def creat_folder(json_data, folder_new_path, file_path, file_new_path, thumb_new_path_with_filename, poster_new_path_with_filename):
json_data['dont_move_movie'] = False # 不需要移动和重命名视频
@@ -223,14 +221,12 @@ def move_torrent(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_name, movie_n
torrent_file2 = os.path.join(folder_old_path, (movie_number + '.torrent'))
torrent_file1_new_path = os.path.join(folder_new_path, (naming_rule + '.torrent'))
torrent_file2_new_path = os.path.join(folder_new_path, (movie_number + '.torrent'))
- if os.path.exists(torrent_file1) and torrent_file1 != torrent_file1_new_path and not os.path.exists(
- torrent_file1_new_path):
+ if os.path.exists(torrent_file1) and torrent_file1 != torrent_file1_new_path and not os.path.exists(torrent_file1_new_path):
move_file(torrent_file1, torrent_file1_new_path)
json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 Torrent done!"
if torrent_file2 != torrent_file1:
- if os.path.exists(torrent_file2) and torrent_file2 != torrent_file2_new_path and not os.path.exists(
- torrent_file2_new_path):
+ if os.path.exists(torrent_file2) and torrent_file2 != torrent_file2_new_path and not os.path.exists(torrent_file2_new_path):
move_file(torrent_file2, torrent_file2_new_path)
json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 Torrent done!"
@@ -250,8 +246,7 @@ def check_file(json_data, file_path, file_escape_size):
if 'no_skip_small_file' not in config.no_escape:
file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) / float(1024 * 1024)
if file_size < file_escape_size:
- json_data['error_info'] = '文件小于 %s MB 被过滤!(实际大小 %s MB)已跳过刮削!' % (
- file_escape_size, round(file_size, 2))
+ json_data['error_info'] = '文件小于 %s MB 被过滤!(实际大小 %s MB)已跳过刮削!' % (file_escape_size, round(file_size, 2))
json_data['req_web'] = 'do_not_update_json_data_dic'
json_data['outline'] = split_path(file_path)[1]
json_data['tag'] = file_path
@@ -332,8 +327,7 @@ def move_other_file(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_name, nami
if '-cd' not in old_file.lower(): # 避免多分集时,其他分级的内容被移走
old_file_old_path = os.path.join(folder_old_path, old_file)
old_file_new_path = os.path.join(folder_new_path, old_file)
- if old_file_old_path != old_file_new_path and os.path.exists(
- old_file_old_path) and not os.path.exists(old_file_new_path):
+ if old_file_old_path != old_file_new_path and os.path.exists(old_file_old_path) and not os.path.exists(old_file_new_path):
move_file(old_file_old_path, old_file_new_path)
json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 Move %s done!" % old_file
@@ -436,8 +430,7 @@ def move_movie(json_data, file_path, file_new_path):
temp_path = file_path
# 自身是软链接时,获取真实路径
if os.path.islink(file_path):
- file_path = read_link(file_path)
- # delete_file(temp_path)
+ file_path = read_link(file_path) # delete_file(temp_path)
# 删除目标路径存在的文件,否则会创建失败,
@@ -488,8 +481,7 @@ def move_movie(json_data, file_path, file_new_path):
if result:
json_data['logs'] += f"\n 🍀 Movie done! \n 🙉 [Movie] {file_new_path}"
if os.path.islink(file_new_path):
- json_data['logs'] += f"\n It's a symlink file! Source file: \n {read_link(file_new_path)}"
- # win 不能用os.path.realpath(),返回的结果不准
+ json_data['logs'] += f"\n It's a symlink file! Source file: \n {read_link(file_new_path)}" # win 不能用os.path.realpath(),返回的结果不准
json_data['file_path'] = file_new_path
return True
@@ -615,12 +607,10 @@ def _get_folder_path(file_path, success_folder, json_data):
temp_4k = definition.replace('UHD8', 'UHD')
# 替换文件夹名称
- repl_list = [['4K', temp_4k.strip('-')], ['originaltitle', originaltitle], ['title', title],
- ['outline', outline], ['number', number], ['first_actor', first_actor], ['all_actor', all_actor],
- ['actor', actor], ['release', release], ['year', str(year)], ['runtime', str(runtime)],
- ['director', director], ['series', series], ['studio', studio], ['publisher', publisher],
- ['mosaic', mosaic], ['definition', definition.replace('UHD8', 'UHD')], ['cnword', cnword],
- ['moword', moword], ['first_letter', first_letter], ['letters', letters], ['filename', filename],
+ repl_list = [['4K', temp_4k.strip('-')], ['originaltitle', originaltitle], ['title', title], ['outline', outline], ['number', number], ['first_actor', first_actor],
+ ['all_actor', all_actor], ['actor', actor], ['release', release], ['year', str(year)], ['runtime', str(runtime)], ['director', director],
+ ['series', series], ['studio', studio], ['publisher', publisher], ['mosaic', mosaic], ['definition', definition.replace('UHD8', 'UHD')],
+ ['cnword', cnword], ['moword', moword], ['first_letter', first_letter], ['letters', letters], ['filename', filename],
['wanted', str(json_data['wanted'])], ['score', str(score)]]
folder_new_name = folder_name
for each_key in repl_list:
@@ -637,16 +627,13 @@ def _get_folder_path(file_path, success_folder, json_data):
if len(folder_new_name) > folder_name_max:
cut_index = folder_name_max - len(folder_new_name)
if 'originaltitle' in folder_name:
- json_data['logs'] += '\n 💡 当前目录名长度:%s,最大允许长度:%s,目录命名时将去除原标题后%s个字符!' % (
- len(folder_new_name), folder_name_max, abs(cut_index))
+ json_data['logs'] += '\n 💡 当前目录名长度:%s,最大允许长度:%s,目录命名时将去除原标题后%s个字符!' % (len(folder_new_name), folder_name_max, abs(cut_index))
folder_new_name = folder_new_name.replace(originaltitle, originaltitle[0:cut_index])
elif 'title' in folder_name:
- json_data['logs'] += '\n 💡 当前目录名长度:%s,最大允许长度:%s,目录命名时将去除标题后%s个字符!' % (
- len(folder_new_name), folder_name_max, abs(cut_index))
+ json_data['logs'] += '\n 💡 当前目录名长度:%s,最大允许长度:%s,目录命名时将去除标题后%s个字符!' % (len(folder_new_name), folder_name_max, abs(cut_index))
folder_new_name = folder_new_name.replace(title, title[0:cut_index])
elif 'outline' in folder_name:
- json_data['logs'] += '\n 💡 当前目录名长度:%s,最大允许长度:%s,目录命名时将去除简介后%s个字符!' % (
- len(folder_new_name), folder_name_max, abs(cut_index))
+ json_data['logs'] += '\n 💡 当前目录名长度:%s,最大允许长度:%s,目录命名时将去除简介后%s个字符!' % (len(folder_new_name), folder_name_max, abs(cut_index))
folder_new_name = folder_new_name.replace(outline, outline[0:cut_index])
# 替换一些字符
@@ -656,8 +643,7 @@ def _get_folder_path(file_path, success_folder, json_data):
folder_new_name = re.sub(r'[\\:*?"<>|\r\n]+', '', folder_new_name).strip(' /')
# 过滤文件夹名字前后的空格
- folder_new_name = folder_new_name.replace(' /', '/').replace(' \\', '\\').replace('/ ', '/').replace('\\ ',
- '\\')
+ folder_new_name = folder_new_name.replace(' /', '/').replace(' \\', '\\').replace('/ ', '/').replace('\\ ', '\\')
# 日文浊音转换(mac的坑,osx10.12以下使用nfd)
folder_new_name = nfd2c(folder_new_name)
@@ -759,12 +745,10 @@ def _generate_file_name(file_path, json_data):
temp_4k = definition.replace('UHD8', 'UHD')
# 替换文件名
- repl_list = [['4K', temp_4k.strip('-')], ['originaltitle', originaltitle], ['title', title],
- ['outline', outline], ['number', number], ['first_actor', first_actor], ['all_actor', all_actor],
- ['actor', actor], ['release', release], ['year', str(year)], ['runtime', str(runtime)],
- ['director', director], ['series', series], ['studio', studio], ['publisher', publisher],
- ['mosaic', mosaic], ['definition', definition.replace('UHD8', 'UHD')], ['cnword', cnword],
- ['moword', moword], ['first_letter', first_letter], ['letters', letters], ['filename', filename],
+ repl_list = [['4K', temp_4k.strip('-')], ['originaltitle', originaltitle], ['title', title], ['outline', outline], ['number', number], ['first_actor', first_actor],
+ ['all_actor', all_actor], ['actor', actor], ['release', release], ['year', str(year)], ['runtime', str(runtime)], ['director', director],
+ ['series', series], ['studio', studio], ['publisher', publisher], ['mosaic', mosaic], ['definition', definition.replace('UHD8', 'UHD')],
+ ['cnword', cnword], ['moword', moword], ['first_letter', first_letter], ['letters', letters], ['filename', filename],
['wanted', str(json_data['wanted'])], ['score', str(score)]]
for each_key in repl_list:
file_name = file_name.replace(each_key[0], each_key[1])
@@ -1036,32 +1020,44 @@ def movie_lists(escape_folder_list, movie_type, movie_path):
found_count = len(total)
if found_count >= i:
i = found_count + 100
- signal.show_traceback_log(
- f"✅ Found ({found_count})! "
- f"Skip successfully scraped ({skip}) repeat softlink ({skip_repeat_softlink})! "
- f"({get_used_time(start_time)}s)... Still searching, please wait... \u3000")
- signal.show_log_text(
- f' {get_current_time()} Found ({found_count})! '
- f'Skip successfully scraped ({skip}) repeat softlink ({skip_repeat_softlink})! '
- f'({get_used_time(start_time)}s)... Still searching, please wait... \u3000')
+ signal.show_traceback_log(f"✅ Found ({found_count})! "
+ f"Skip successfully scraped ({skip}) repeat softlink ({skip_repeat_softlink})! "
+ f"({get_used_time(start_time)}s)... Still searching, please wait... \u3000")
+ signal.show_log_text(f' {get_current_time()} Found ({found_count})! '
+ f'Skip successfully scraped ({skip}) repeat softlink ({skip_repeat_softlink})! '
+ f'({get_used_time(start_time)}s)... Still searching, please wait... \u3000')
- signal.show_traceback_log(
- f"🎉 Done!!! Found ({len(total)})! "
- f"Skip successfully scraped ({skip}) repeat softlink ({skip_repeat_softlink})! "
- f"({get_used_time(start_time)}s) \u3000")
- signal.show_log_text(
- f' Done!!! Found ({len(total)})! '
- f'Skip successfully scraped ({skip}) repeat softlink ({skip_repeat_softlink})! '
- f'({get_used_time(start_time)}s) \u3000')
+ signal.show_traceback_log(f"🎉 Done!!! Found ({len(total)})! "
+ f"Skip successfully scraped ({skip}) repeat softlink ({skip_repeat_softlink})! "
+ f"({get_used_time(start_time)}s) \u3000")
+ signal.show_log_text(f' Done!!! Found ({len(total)})! '
+ f'Skip successfully scraped ({skip}) repeat softlink ({skip_repeat_softlink})! '
+ f'({get_used_time(start_time)}s) \u3000')
return total
def get_file_info(file_path, copy_sub=True):
- json_data = {'version': config.version, 'logs': '', 'req_web': '', 'image_download': '', 'outline_from': '',
- 'cover_from': '', 'poster_from': '', 'extrafanart_from': '', 'trailer_from': '',
- 'short_number': '', 'appoint_number': '', 'appoint_url': '', 'website_name': '', 'fields_info': '',
- 'poster_path': '', 'thumb_path': '', 'fanart_path': '', 'cover_list': []}
+ json_data = {
+ 'version': config.version,
+ 'logs': '',
+ 'req_web': '',
+ 'image_download': '',
+ 'outline_from': '',
+ 'cover_from': '',
+ 'poster_from': '',
+ 'extrafanart_from': '',
+ 'trailer_from': '',
+ 'short_number': '',
+ 'appoint_number': '',
+ 'appoint_url': '',
+ 'website_name': '',
+ 'fields_info': '',
+ 'poster_path': '',
+ 'thumb_path': '',
+ 'fanart_path': '',
+ 'cover_list': []
+ }
movie_number = ''
has_sub = False
c_word = ''
@@ -1150,8 +1146,7 @@ def get_file_info(file_path, copy_sub=True):
if len(cd_path_2[0]) == 1 or 'digital' in cd_char:
cd_part = str(int(cd_path_2[0]))
elif cd_path_3 and 'letter' in cd_char:
- letter_list = ['', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q',
- 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
+ letter_list = ['', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
if cd_path_3[0][1] != 'c' or 'endc' in cd_char:
cd_part = letter_list.index(cd_path_3[0][1])
elif cd_path_4 and 'middle_number' in cd_char:
@@ -1181,9 +1176,8 @@ def get_file_info(file_path, copy_sub=True):
if '国产' in file_path or '麻豆' in file_path or '國產' in file_path:
mosaic = '国产'
- md_list = ['国产', '國產', '麻豆', '传媒', '傳媒', '皇家华人', '皇家華人', '精东', '精東',
- '猫爪影像', '貓爪影像', '91CM', '91MS', '导演系列', '導演系列', 'MDWP', 'MMZ', 'MLT',
- 'MSM', 'LAA', 'MXJ', 'SWAG']
+ md_list = ['国产', '國產', '麻豆', '传媒', '傳媒', '皇家华人', '皇家華人', '精东', '精東', '猫爪影像', '貓爪影像', '91CM', '91MS', '导演系列', '導演系列',
+ 'MDWP', 'MMZ', 'MLT', 'MSM', 'LAA', 'MXJ', 'SWAG']
for each in md_list:
if each in file_path:
mosaic = '国产'
@@ -1198,8 +1192,7 @@ def get_file_info(file_path, copy_sub=True):
# 判断是否无码
wuma_style = str(config.wuma_style)
if not mosaic:
- if '无码' in file_path or '無碼' in file_path or '無修正' in file_path or 'uncensored' in file_path.lower() or is_uncensored(
- movie_number):
+ if '无码' in file_path or '無碼' in file_path or '無修正' in file_path or 'uncensored' in file_path.lower() or is_uncensored(movie_number):
wuma = wuma_style
mosaic = '无码'
@@ -1435,8 +1428,7 @@ def _clean_empty_fodlers(path, file_mode):
def get_success_list():
Flags.success_save_time = time.time()
if os.path.isfile(resources.userdata_path('success.txt')):
- with open(resources.userdata_path('success.txt'), 'r', encoding='utf-8',
- errors='ignore') as f:
+ with open(resources.userdata_path('success.txt'), 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f:
temp = f.read()
Flags.success_list = set(temp.split('\n')) if temp.strip() else set()
if '' in Flags.success_list:
@@ -1445,9 +1437,19 @@ def get_success_list():
signal.view_success_file_settext.emit(f'查看 ({len(Flags.success_list)})')
-def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_new_path,
- thumb_new_path_with_filename, poster_new_path_with_filename, fanart_new_path_with_filename,
- nfo_new_path, file_ex, poster_final_path, thumb_final_path, fanart_final_path):
+def deal_old_files(json_data,
+ folder_old_path,
+ folder_new_path,
+ file_path,
+ file_new_path,
+ thumb_new_path_with_filename,
+ poster_new_path_with_filename,
+ fanart_new_path_with_filename,
+ nfo_new_path,
+ file_ex,
+ poster_final_path,
+ thumb_final_path,
+ fanart_final_path):
@@ -1481,15 +1483,12 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
poster_old_path_no_filename = convert_path(os.path.join(folder_old_path, 'poster.jpg'))
thumb_old_path_no_filename = convert_path(os.path.join(folder_old_path, 'thumb.jpg'))
fanart_old_path_no_filename = convert_path(os.path.join(folder_old_path, 'fanart.jpg'))
- file_path_list = {nfo_old_path, nfo_new_path, thumb_old_path_with_filename, thumb_old_path_no_filename,
- thumb_new_path_with_filename, thumb_final_path, poster_old_path_with_filename,
- poster_old_path_no_filename, poster_new_path_with_filename, poster_final_path,
- fanart_old_path_with_filename, fanart_old_path_no_filename, fanart_new_path_with_filename,
- fanart_final_path, trailer_old_file_path_with_filename, trailer_new_file_path_with_filename}
- folder_path_list = {extrafanart_old_path, extrafanart_new_path, extrafanart_copy_old_path,
- extrafanart_copy_new_path, trailer_old_folder_path, trailer_new_folder_path,
- theme_videos_old_path, theme_videos_new_path, extrafanart_extra_old_path,
- extrafanart_extra_new_path}
+ file_path_list = {nfo_old_path, nfo_new_path, thumb_old_path_with_filename, thumb_old_path_no_filename, thumb_new_path_with_filename, thumb_final_path,
+ poster_old_path_with_filename, poster_old_path_no_filename, poster_new_path_with_filename, poster_final_path, fanart_old_path_with_filename,
+ fanart_old_path_no_filename, fanart_new_path_with_filename, fanart_final_path, trailer_old_file_path_with_filename,
+ trailer_new_file_path_with_filename}
+ folder_path_list = {extrafanart_old_path, extrafanart_new_path, extrafanart_copy_old_path, extrafanart_copy_new_path, trailer_old_folder_path,
+ trailer_new_folder_path, theme_videos_old_path, theme_videos_new_path, extrafanart_extra_old_path, extrafanart_extra_new_path}
# 视频模式进行清理
main_mode = config.main_mode
@@ -1553,8 +1552,7 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
done_poster_path_copy = True
# 图片最终路径等于已下载路径时,图片是已下载的,不需要处理
- if done_poster_path and os.path.exists(done_poster_path) and split_path(done_poster_path)[0] == \
- split_path(poster_final_path)[0]: # 如果存在已下载完成的文件,尝试复制
+ if done_poster_path and os.path.exists(done_poster_path) and split_path(done_poster_path)[0] == split_path(poster_final_path)[0]: # 如果存在已下载完成的文件,尝试复制
done_poster_path_copy = False # 标记未复制!此处不复制,在poster download中复制
elif os.path.exists(poster_final_path):
pass # windows、mac大小写不敏感,暂不解决
@@ -1570,14 +1568,11 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
if poster_exists:
Flags.file_done_dic[json_data['number']].update({'local_poster': poster_final_path})
# 清理旧图片
- if poster_old_path_with_filename.lower() != poster_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- poster_old_path_with_filename):
+ if poster_old_path_with_filename.lower() != poster_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(poster_old_path_with_filename):
- if poster_old_path_no_filename.lower() != poster_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- poster_old_path_no_filename):
+ if poster_old_path_no_filename.lower() != poster_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(poster_old_path_no_filename):
- if poster_new_path_with_filename.lower() != poster_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- poster_new_path_with_filename):
+ if poster_new_path_with_filename.lower() != poster_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(poster_new_path_with_filename):
elif Flags.file_done_dic[json_data['number']]['local_poster']:
copy_file(Flags.file_done_dic[json_data['number']]['local_poster'], poster_final_path)
@@ -1590,8 +1585,7 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
done_thumb_path_copy = True
# 图片最终路径等于已下载路径时,图片是已下载的,不需要处理
- if done_thumb_path and os.path.exists(done_thumb_path) and split_path(done_thumb_path)[0] == \
- split_path(thumb_final_path)[0]:
+ if done_thumb_path and os.path.exists(done_thumb_path) and split_path(done_thumb_path)[0] == split_path(thumb_final_path)[0]:
done_thumb_path_copy = False # 标记未复制!此处不复制,在 thumb download中复制
elif os.path.exists(thumb_final_path):
@@ -1607,14 +1601,11 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
if thumb_exists:
Flags.file_done_dic[json_data['number']].update({'local_thumb': thumb_final_path})
# 清理旧图片
- if thumb_old_path_with_filename.lower() != thumb_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- thumb_old_path_with_filename):
+ if thumb_old_path_with_filename.lower() != thumb_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(thumb_old_path_with_filename):
- if thumb_old_path_no_filename.lower() != thumb_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- thumb_old_path_no_filename):
+ if thumb_old_path_no_filename.lower() != thumb_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(thumb_old_path_no_filename):
- if thumb_new_path_with_filename.lower() != thumb_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- thumb_new_path_with_filename):
+ if thumb_new_path_with_filename.lower() != thumb_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(thumb_new_path_with_filename):
elif Flags.file_done_dic[json_data['number']]['local_thumb']:
copy_file(Flags.file_done_dic[json_data['number']]['local_thumb'], thumb_final_path)
@@ -1627,8 +1618,7 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
done_fanart_path_copy = True
# 图片最终路径等于已下载路径时,图片是已下载的,不需要处理
- if done_fanart_path and os.path.exists(done_fanart_path) and split_path(done_fanart_path)[0] == \
- split_path(fanart_final_path)[0]:
+ if done_fanart_path and os.path.exists(done_fanart_path) and split_path(done_fanart_path)[0] == split_path(fanart_final_path)[0]:
done_fanart_path_copy = False # 标记未复制!此处不复制,在 fanart download中复制
elif os.path.exists(fanart_final_path):
@@ -1644,14 +1634,11 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
if fanart_exists:
Flags.file_done_dic[json_data['number']].update({'local_fanart': fanart_final_path})
# 清理旧图片
- if fanart_old_path_with_filename.lower() != fanart_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- fanart_old_path_with_filename):
+ if fanart_old_path_with_filename.lower() != fanart_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(fanart_old_path_with_filename):
- if fanart_old_path_no_filename.lower() != fanart_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- fanart_old_path_no_filename):
+ if fanart_old_path_no_filename.lower() != fanart_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(fanart_old_path_no_filename):
- if fanart_new_path_with_filename.lower() != fanart_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- fanart_new_path_with_filename):
+ if fanart_new_path_with_filename.lower() != fanart_final_path.lower() and os.path.exists(fanart_new_path_with_filename):
elif Flags.file_done_dic[json_data['number']]['local_fanart']:
copy_file(Flags.file_done_dic[json_data['number']]['local_fanart'], fanart_final_path)
@@ -1701,17 +1688,14 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
# 删除带文件名文件,用不到了
if os.path.exists(trailer_old_file_path_with_filename):
- if trailer_new_file_path_with_filename != trailer_old_file_path_with_filename and os.path.exists(
- trailer_new_file_path_with_filename):
+ if trailer_new_file_path_with_filename != trailer_old_file_path_with_filename and os.path.exists(trailer_new_file_path_with_filename):
# 目标文件带文件名
if os.path.exists(trailer_new_file_path_with_filename):
- if trailer_old_file_path_with_filename != trailer_new_file_path_with_filename and os.path.exists(
- trailer_old_file_path_with_filename):
+ if trailer_old_file_path_with_filename != trailer_new_file_path_with_filename and os.path.exists(trailer_old_file_path_with_filename):
- elif trailer_old_file_path_with_filename != trailer_new_file_path_with_filename and os.path.exists(
- trailer_old_file_path_with_filename):
+ elif trailer_old_file_path_with_filename != trailer_new_file_path_with_filename and os.path.exists(trailer_old_file_path_with_filename):
move_file(trailer_old_file_path_with_filename, trailer_new_file_path_with_filename)
elif os.path.exists(trailer_old_file_path):
move_file(trailer_old_file_path, trailer_new_file_path_with_filename)
@@ -1728,8 +1712,7 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
if trailer_new_folder_path != trailer_old_folder_path and os.path.exists(trailer_new_folder_path):
shutil.rmtree(trailer_new_folder_path, ignore_errors=True)
# 删除带文件名旧文件,用不到了
- if trailer_old_file_path_with_filename != trailer_new_file_path_with_filename and os.path.exists(
- trailer_old_file_path_with_filename):
+ if trailer_old_file_path_with_filename != trailer_new_file_path_with_filename and os.path.exists(trailer_old_file_path_with_filename):
local_trailer = Flags.file_done_dic.get(json_data['number']).get('local_trailer')
@@ -1741,8 +1724,7 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
# 处理 extrafanart
if os.path.exists(extrafanart_new_path):
- if extrafanart_old_path.lower() != extrafanart_new_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- extrafanart_old_path):
+ if extrafanart_old_path.lower() != extrafanart_new_path.lower() and os.path.exists(extrafanart_old_path):
shutil.rmtree(extrafanart_old_path, ignore_errors=True)
elif os.path.exists(extrafanart_old_path):
move_file(extrafanart_old_path, extrafanart_new_path)
@@ -1752,8 +1734,7 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
# extrafanart副本
if os.path.exists(extrafanart_copy_new_path):
- if extrafanart_copy_old_path.lower() != extrafanart_copy_new_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- extrafanart_copy_old_path):
+ if extrafanart_copy_old_path.lower() != extrafanart_copy_new_path.lower() and os.path.exists(extrafanart_copy_old_path):
shutil.rmtree(extrafanart_copy_old_path, ignore_errors=True)
elif os.path.exists(extrafanart_copy_old_path):
move_file(extrafanart_copy_old_path, extrafanart_copy_new_path)
@@ -1762,16 +1743,14 @@ def deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_
# 主题视频
if os.path.exists(theme_videos_new_path):
- if theme_videos_old_path.lower() != theme_videos_new_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- theme_videos_old_path):
+ if theme_videos_old_path.lower() != theme_videos_new_path.lower() and os.path.exists(theme_videos_old_path):
shutil.rmtree(theme_videos_old_path, ignore_errors=True)
elif os.path.exists(theme_videos_old_path):
move_file(theme_videos_old_path, theme_videos_new_path)
# 附加视频
if os.path.exists(extrafanart_extra_new_path):
- if extrafanart_extra_old_path.lower() != extrafanart_extra_new_path.lower() and os.path.exists(
- extrafanart_extra_old_path):
+ if extrafanart_extra_old_path.lower() != extrafanart_extra_new_path.lower() and os.path.exists(extrafanart_extra_old_path):
shutil.rmtree(extrafanart_extra_old_path, ignore_errors=True)
elif os.path.exists(extrafanart_extra_old_path):
move_file(extrafanart_extra_old_path, extrafanart_extra_new_path)
@@ -1866,7 +1845,6 @@ def check_and_clean_files():
_clean_empty_fodlers(movie_path, '')
signal.set_label_file_path.emit('🗑 清理完成!')
- signal.show_log_text(
- f" 🎉🎉🎉 All finished!!!({get_used_time(start_time)}s) Total {total} , Success {succ} , Failed {fail} ")
+ signal.show_log_text(f" 🎉🎉🎉 All finished!!!({get_used_time(start_time)}s) Total {total} , Success {succ} , Failed {fail} ")
diff --git a/src/models/core/image.py b/src/models/core/image.py
index e6a8467..7cca0be 100644
--- a/src/models/core/image.py
+++ b/src/models/core/image.py
@@ -127,41 +127,17 @@ def _add_to_pic(pic_path, img_pic, mark_size, count, mark_name):
# 固定一个位置
if mark_fixed == 'corner':
corner_top_left = [(0, 0), (scroll_width, 0), (scroll_width * 2, 0)]
- corner_bottom_left = [(0, img_pic.height - scroll_high), (scroll_width, img_pic.height - scroll_high),
- (scroll_width * 2, img_pic.height - scroll_high)]
- corner_top_right = [(img_pic.width - scroll_width * 4, 0), (img_pic.width - scroll_width * 2, 0),
- (img_pic.width - scroll_width, 0)]
- corner_bottom_right = [(img_pic.width - scroll_width * 4, img_pic.height - scroll_high),
- (img_pic.width - scroll_width * 2, img_pic.height - scroll_high),
+ corner_bottom_left = [(0, img_pic.height - scroll_high), (scroll_width, img_pic.height - scroll_high), (scroll_width * 2, img_pic.height - scroll_high)]
+ corner_top_right = [(img_pic.width - scroll_width * 4, 0), (img_pic.width - scroll_width * 2, 0), (img_pic.width - scroll_width, 0)]
+ corner_bottom_right = [(img_pic.width - scroll_width * 4, img_pic.height - scroll_high), (img_pic.width - scroll_width * 2, img_pic.height - scroll_high),
(img_pic.width - scroll_width, img_pic.height - scroll_high)]
- corner_dic = {
- 'top_left': corner_top_left,
- 'bottom_left': corner_bottom_left,
- 'top_right': corner_top_right,
- 'bottom_right': corner_bottom_right,
- }
+ corner_dic = {'top_left': corner_top_left, 'bottom_left': corner_bottom_left, 'top_right': corner_top_right, 'bottom_right': corner_bottom_right, }
mark_postion = corner_dic[mark_pos_corner][count]
# 封面四个角的位置
- pos = [
- {
- 'x': 0,
- 'y': 0
- },
- {
- 'x': img_pic.width - scroll_width,
- 'y': 0
- },
- {
- 'x': img_pic.width - scroll_width,
- 'y': img_pic.height - scroll_high
- },
- {
- 'x': 0,
- 'y': img_pic.height - scroll_high
- },
- ]
+ pos = [{'x': 0, 'y': 0}, {'x': img_pic.width - scroll_width, 'y': 0}, {'x': img_pic.width - scroll_width, 'y': img_pic.height - scroll_high},
+ {'x': 0, 'y': img_pic.height - scroll_high}, ]
mark_postion = (pos[count]['x'], pos[count]['y'])
try: # 图片如果下载不完整时,这里会崩溃,跳过
img_pic.paste(img_subt, mark_postion, mask=a)
@@ -201,12 +177,7 @@ def add_mark_thread(pic_path, mark_list):
_add_to_pic(pic_path, img_pic, mark_size, count, mark_name)
count += 1
- pos = {
- 'top_left': 0,
- 'top_right': 1,
- 'bottom_right': 2,
- 'bottom_left': 3,
- }
+ pos = {'top_left': 0, 'top_right': 1, 'bottom_right': 2, 'bottom_left': 3, }
mark_pos_count = pos.get(mark_pos) # 获取自定义位置, 取余配合pos达到顺时针添加的效果
count_hd = ''
for mark_name in mark_list:
diff --git a/src/models/core/nfo.py b/src/models/core/nfo.py
index e87ff08..3fcd424 100644
--- a/src/models/core/nfo.py
+++ b/src/models/core/nfo.py
@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ def write_nfo(json_data, nfo_new_path, folder_new_path, file_path, edit_mode=Fal
# 字符转义,避免emby无法解析
json_data_nfo = json_data.copy()
- key_word = ['title', 'originaltitle', 'outline', 'originalplot', 'actor', 'series', 'director', 'studio',
- 'publisher', 'tag', 'website', 'cover', 'poster', 'trailer']
+ key_word = ['title', 'originaltitle', 'outline', 'originalplot', 'actor', 'series', 'director', 'studio', 'publisher', 'tag', 'website', 'cover', 'poster', 'trailer']
rep_word = {
'&': '&',
'<': '<',
@@ -92,13 +91,10 @@ def write_nfo(json_data, nfo_new_path, folder_new_path, file_path, edit_mode=Fal
temp_all_actor = deal_actor_more(json_data['all_actor'])
temp_actor = deal_actor_more(actor)
- repl_list = [['4K', temp_4k], ['originaltitle', originaltitle], ['title', title], ['outline', outline],
- ['number', number], ['first_actor', first_actor], ['all_actor', temp_all_actor],
- ['actor', temp_actor], ['release', temp_release], ['year', year], ['runtime', runtime],
- ['director', director], ['series', series], ['studio', studio], ['publisher', publisher],
- ['mosaic', mosaic], ['definition', definition.replace('UHD8', 'UHD')], ['cnword', c_word],
- ['first_letter', first_letter], ['letters', letters], ['filename', filename],
- ['wanted', json_data['wanted']]]
+ repl_list = [['4K', temp_4k], ['originaltitle', originaltitle], ['title', title], ['outline', outline], ['number', number], ['first_actor', first_actor],
+ ['all_actor', temp_all_actor], ['actor', temp_actor], ['release', temp_release], ['year', year], ['runtime', runtime], ['director', director],
+ ['series', series], ['studio', studio], ['publisher', publisher], ['mosaic', mosaic], ['definition', definition.replace('UHD8', 'UHD')],
+ ['cnword', c_word], ['first_letter', first_letter], ['letters', letters], ['filename', filename], ['wanted', json_data['wanted']]]
for each_key in repl_list:
nfo_title = nfo_title.replace(each_key[0], each_key[1])
diff --git a/src/models/core/scraper.py b/src/models/core/scraper.py
index 13b18c4..5acbca6 100644
--- a/src/models/core/scraper.py
+++ b/src/models/core/scraper.py
@@ -13,15 +13,13 @@
from models.config.config import config
from models.config.resources import resources
from models.core.crawler import crawl
-from models.core.file import _clean_empty_fodlers, _pic_some_deal, check_file, copy_trailer_to_theme_videos, \
- creat_folder, deal_old_files, get_file_info, get_movie_list, get_output_name, move_bif, move_file_to_failed_folder, \
- move_movie, move_other_file, move_torrent, newtdisk_creat_symlink, save_success_list
+from models.core.file import _clean_empty_fodlers, _pic_some_deal, check_file, copy_trailer_to_theme_videos, creat_folder, deal_old_files, get_file_info, get_movie_list, \
+ get_output_name, move_bif, move_file_to_failed_folder, move_movie, move_other_file, move_torrent, newtdisk_creat_symlink, save_success_list
from models.core.flags import Flags
from models.core.image import add_mark, extrafanart_copy2, extrafanart_extras_copy
from models.core.nfo import get_nfo_data, write_nfo
from models.core.translate import translate_actor, translate_info, translate_title_outline
-from models.core.utils import deal_some_field, get_movie_path_setting, get_video_size, \
- replace_special_word, replace_word, show_data_result, show_movie_info
+from models.core.utils import deal_some_field, get_movie_path_setting, get_video_size, replace_special_word, replace_word, show_data_result, show_movie_info
from models.core.web import extrafanart_download, fanart_download, poster_download, thumb_download, trailer_download
from models.entity.enums import FileMode
from models.signals import signal
@@ -41,8 +39,7 @@ def _scrape_one_file(file_path, file_info, file_mode):
json_data, movie_number, folder_old_path, file_name, file_ex, sub_list, file_show_name, file_show_path = file_info
# 获取设置的媒体目录、失败目录、成功目录
- movie_path, success_folder, failed_folder, escape_folder_list, \
- extrafanart_folder, softlink_path = get_movie_path_setting(file_path)
+ movie_path, success_folder, failed_folder, escape_folder_list, extrafanart_folder, softlink_path = get_movie_path_setting(file_path)
json_data['failed_folder'] = failed_folder
# 检查文件大小
@@ -62,7 +59,7 @@ def _scrape_one_file(file_path, file_info, file_mode):
if 'has_nfo_update' not in read_mode: # 不更新并返回
show_data_result(json_data, start_time)
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🙉 [Movie] %s" % file_path
+ json_data['logs'] += f"\n 🙉 [Movie] {file_path}"
save_success_list(file_path, file_path) # 保存成功列表
return True, json_data
@@ -104,8 +101,7 @@ def _scrape_one_file(file_path, file_info, file_mode):
json_data_new['4K'] = ''
def deal_tag_data(tag):
- for each in ['中文字幕', '无码流出', '無碼流出', '无码破解', '無碼破解', '无码', '無碼', '有码', '有碼',
- '国产', '國產', '里番', '裏番', '动漫', '動漫']:
+ for each in ['中文字幕', '无码流出', '無碼流出', '无码破解', '無碼破解', '无码', '無碼', '有码', '有碼', '国产', '國產', '里番', '裏番', '动漫', '動漫']:
tag = tag.replace(each, '')
return tag.replace(',,', ',')
@@ -144,9 +140,11 @@ def deal_tag_data(tag):
# 生成输出文件夹和输出文件的路径
- folder_new_path, file_new_path, nfo_new_path, poster_new_path_with_filename, \
- thumb_new_path_with_filename, fanart_new_path_with_filename, naming_rule, poster_final_path, \
- thumb_final_path, fanart_final_path = get_output_name(json_data, file_path, success_folder, file_ex)
+ folder_new_path, file_new_path, nfo_new_path, poster_new_path_with_filename, thumb_new_path_with_filename, fanart_new_path_with_filename, naming_rule, poster_final_path, thumb_final_path, fanart_final_path = get_output_name(
+ json_data,
+ file_path,
+ success_folder,
+ file_ex)
# 判断输出文件的路径是否重复
if config.soft_link == 0:
@@ -156,8 +154,7 @@ def deal_tag_data(tag):
done_file_new_path_list.append(file_path) # 已存在时,添加到列表,停止刮削
- json_data['error_info'] = '存在重复文件(指刮削后的文件路径相同!),请检查:\n 🍁 %s' % '\n 🍁 '.join(
- done_file_new_path_list)
+ json_data['error_info'] = '存在重复文件(指刮削后的文件路径相同!),请检查:\n 🍁 ' + '\n 🍁 '.join(done_file_new_path_list)
# json_data['req_web'] = 'do_not_update_json_data_dic'
# do_not_update_json_data_dic 是不要更新json_data的标识,表示这个文件的数据有问题
json_data['outline'] = split_path(file_path)[1]
@@ -165,8 +162,7 @@ def deal_tag_data(tag):
return False, json_data
# 判断输出文件夹和文件是否已存在,如无则创建输出文件夹
- if not creat_folder(json_data, folder_new_path, file_path, file_new_path, thumb_new_path_with_filename,
- poster_new_path_with_filename):
+ if not creat_folder(json_data, folder_new_path, file_path, file_new_path, thumb_new_path_with_filename, poster_new_path_with_filename):
return False, json_data # 返回MDCx1_1main, 继续处理下一个文件
# 初始化图片已下载地址的字典
@@ -188,10 +184,19 @@ def deal_tag_data(tag):
# 移动文件
if move_movie(json_data, file_path, file_new_path):
if 'sort_del' in config.switch_on:
- deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_new_path,
- thumb_new_path_with_filename, poster_new_path_with_filename,
- fanart_new_path_with_filename, nfo_new_path, file_ex, poster_final_path,
- thumb_final_path, fanart_final_path) # 清理旧的thumb、poster、fanart、nfo
+ deal_old_files(json_data,
+ folder_old_path,
+ folder_new_path,
+ file_path,
+ file_new_path,
+ thumb_new_path_with_filename,
+ poster_new_path_with_filename,
+ fanart_new_path_with_filename,
+ nfo_new_path,
+ file_ex,
+ poster_final_path,
+ thumb_final_path,
+ fanart_final_path) # 清理旧的thumb、poster、fanart、nfo
save_success_list(file_path, file_new_path) # 保存成功列表
return True, json_data
@@ -200,10 +205,19 @@ def deal_tag_data(tag):
return False, json_data
# 清理旧的thumb、poster、fanart、extrafanart、nfo
- pic_final_catched, single_folder_catched = \
- deal_old_files(json_data, folder_old_path, folder_new_path, file_path, file_new_path,
- thumb_new_path_with_filename, poster_new_path_with_filename, fanart_new_path_with_filename,
- nfo_new_path, file_ex, poster_final_path, thumb_final_path, fanart_final_path)
+ pic_final_catched, single_folder_catched = deal_old_files(json_data,
+ folder_old_path,
+ folder_new_path,
+ file_path,
+ file_new_path,
+ thumb_new_path_with_filename,
+ poster_new_path_with_filename,
+ fanart_new_path_with_filename,
+ nfo_new_path,
+ file_ex,
+ poster_final_path,
+ thumb_final_path,
+ fanart_final_path)
# 如果 final_pic_path 没处理过,这时才需要下载和加水印
if pic_final_catched:
@@ -223,8 +237,7 @@ def deal_tag_data(tag):
_pic_some_deal(json_data, thumb_final_path, fanart_final_path)
# 加水印
- add_mark(json_data, json_data['poster_marked'], json_data['thumb_marked'],
- json_data['fanart_marked'])
+ add_mark(json_data, json_data['poster_marked'], json_data['thumb_marked'], json_data['fanart_marked'])
# 下载剧照和剧照副本
if single_folder_catched:
@@ -276,8 +289,7 @@ def _scrape_exec_thread(task):
file_name_temp = file_name_temp[:40] + '...'
# 处理间歇任务
- while config.main_mode != 4 and 'rest_scrape' in config.switch_on \
- and count - Flags.rest_now_begin_count > config.rest_count:
+ while config.main_mode != 4 and 'rest_scrape' in config.switch_on and count - Flags.rest_now_begin_count > config.rest_count:
@@ -287,8 +299,7 @@ def _scrape_exec_thread(task):
thread_time = config.thread_time
if count == 1 or thread_time == 0 or config.main_mode == 4:
Flags.next_start_time = time.time()
- signal.show_log_text(
- f' 🕷 {get_current_time()} 开始刮削:{Flags.scrape_starting}/{count_all} {file_name_temp}')
+ signal.show_log_text(f' 🕷 {get_current_time()} 开始刮削:{Flags.scrape_starting}/{count_all} {file_name_temp}')
thread_time = 0
Flags.next_start_time += thread_time
@@ -303,8 +314,7 @@ def _scrape_exec_thread(task):
Flags.scrape_started += 1
if count > 1 and thread_time != 0:
- signal.show_log_text(
- f' 🕷 {get_current_time()} 开始刮削:{Flags.scrape_started}/{count_all} {file_name_temp}')
+ signal.show_log_text(f' 🕷 {get_current_time()} 开始刮削:{Flags.scrape_started}/{count_all} {file_name_temp}')
start_time = time.time()
file_mode = Flags.file_mode
@@ -315,12 +325,10 @@ def _scrape_exec_thread(task):
# 显示刮削信息
progress_value = Flags.scrape_started / count_all * 100
- progress_percentage = '%.2f' % progress_value + '%'
+ progress_percentage = f'{progress_value:.2f}%'
- signal.set_label_file_path.emit(
- f'正在刮削: {Flags.scrape_started}/{count_all} {progress_percentage} \n {convert_path(file_show_path)}')
- signal.label_result.emit(f' 刮削中:{Flags.scrape_started - Flags.succ_count - Flags.fail_count} '
- f'成功:{Flags.succ_count} 失败:{Flags.fail_count}')
+ signal.set_label_file_path.emit(f'正在刮削: {Flags.scrape_started}/{count_all} {progress_percentage} \n {convert_path(file_show_path)}')
+ signal.label_result.emit(f' 刮削中:{Flags.scrape_started - Flags.succ_count - Flags.fail_count} 成功:{Flags.succ_count} 失败:{Flags.fail_count}')
json_data['logs'] += '\n' + "👆" * 50
json_data['logs'] += "\n 🙈 [Movie] " + convert_path(file_path)
json_data['logs'] += "\n 🚘 [Number] " + movie_number
@@ -328,8 +336,7 @@ def _scrape_exec_thread(task):
# 如果指定了单一网站,进行提示
website_single = config.website_single
if config.scrape_like == 'single' and file_mode != FileMode.Single and config.main_mode != 4:
- json_data['logs'] += \
- "\n 😸 [Note] You specified 「 %s 」, some videos may not have results! " % website_single
+ json_data['logs'] += f"\n 😸 [Note] You specified 「 {website_single} 」, some videos may not have results! "
# 获取刮削数据
@@ -348,13 +355,11 @@ def _scrape_exec_thread(task):
if result:
Flags.succ_count += 1
- succ_show_name = str(Flags.count_claw) + '-' + str(Flags.succ_count) + '.' + file_show_name.replace(
- movie_number, json_data['number']) + json_data['4K']
+ succ_show_name = str(Flags.count_claw) + '-' + str(Flags.succ_count) + '.' + file_show_name.replace(movie_number, json_data['number']) + json_data['4K']
signal.show_list_name(succ_show_name, 'succ', json_data, movie_number)
Flags.fail_count += 1
- fail_show_name = str(Flags.count_claw) + '-' + str(Flags.fail_count) + '.' + file_show_name.replace(
- movie_number, json_data['number']) + json_data['4K']
+ fail_show_name = str(Flags.count_claw) + '-' + str(Flags.fail_count) + '.' + file_show_name.replace(movie_number, json_data['number']) + json_data['4K']
signal.show_list_name(fail_show_name, 'fail', json_data, movie_number)
if json_data['error_info']:
json_data['logs'] += f'\n 🔴 [Failed] Reason: {json_data["error_info"]}'
@@ -377,14 +382,11 @@ def _scrape_exec_thread(task):
Flags.scrape_done += 1
count = Flags.scrape_done
progress_value = count / count_all * 100
- progress_percentage = '%.2f' % progress_value + '%'
+ progress_percentage = f'{progress_value:.2f}%'
used_time = get_used_time(start_time)
- scrape_info_begin = '%d/%d (%s) round(%s) %s 新的刮削线程' % (
- count, count_all, progress_percentage, Flags.count_claw, split_path(file_path)[1])
- scrape_info_begin = '\n\n\n' + '👇'*50 + '\n' + scrape_info_begin
- scrape_info_after = f'\n ' \
- f'🕷 {get_current_time()} {count}/{count_all} ' \
- f'{split_path(file_path)[1]} 刮削完成!用时 {used_time} 秒!'
+ scrape_info_begin = f'{count:d}/{count_all:d} ({progress_percentage}) round({Flags.count_claw}) {split_path(file_path)[1]} 新的刮削线程'
+ scrape_info_begin = '\n\n\n' + '👇' * 50 + '\n' + scrape_info_begin
+ scrape_info_after = f'\n 🕷 {get_current_time()} {count}/{count_all} {split_path(file_path)[1]} 刮削完成!用时 {used_time} 秒!'
json_data['logs'] = scrape_info_begin + json_data['logs'] + scrape_info_after
remain_count = Flags.scrape_started - count
@@ -459,7 +461,7 @@ def scrape(file_mode: FileMode, movie_list):
signal.add_label_info({}) # 清空主界面显示信息
thread_number = config.thread_number # 线程数量
thread_time = config.thread_time # 线程延时
- signal.label_result.emit(' 刮削中:%s 成功:%s 失败:%s' % (0, Flags.succ_count, Flags.fail_count))
+ signal.label_result.emit(f' 刮削中:{0} 成功:{Flags.succ_count} 失败:{Flags.fail_count}')
# 日志页面显示开始时间
@@ -477,8 +479,7 @@ def scrape(file_mode: FileMode, movie_list):
signal.show_log_text(f'{n} 🖥 File path: {each_f}\n 🌐 File url: {each_i[1]}')
# 获取设置的媒体目录、失败目录、成功目录
- movie_path, success_folder, failed_folder, escape_folder_list, \
- extrafanart_folder, softlink_path = get_movie_path_setting()
+ movie_path, success_folder, failed_folder, escape_folder_list, extrafanart_folder, softlink_path = get_movie_path_setting()
# 获取待刮削文件列表的相关信息
if not movie_list:
@@ -510,9 +511,7 @@ def scrape(file_mode: FileMode, movie_list):
thread_number = count_all
signal.show_log_text(f' 🕷 开启多线程,线程数量({thread_number}),线程延时({thread_time})秒...')
if 'rest_scrape' in config.switch_on and config.main_mode != 4:
- signal.show_log_text(
- f' 🍯 间歇刮削 已启用,连续刮削 {config.rest_count} 个文件后,'
- f'将自动休息 {Flags.rest_time_convert} 秒...')
+ signal.show_log_text(f' 🍯 间歇刮削 已启用,连续刮削 {config.rest_count} 个文件后,将自动休息 {Flags.rest_time_convert} 秒...')
# 在启动前点了停止按钮
if Flags.stop_flag:
@@ -528,7 +527,7 @@ def scrape(file_mode: FileMode, movie_list):
# self.extrafanart_pool.shutdown(wait=True)
- signal.label_result.emit(' 刮削中:%s 成功:%s 失败:%s' % (0, Flags.succ_count, Flags.fail_count))
+ signal.label_result.emit(f' 刮削中:0 成功:{Flags.succ_count} 失败:{Flags.fail_count}')
save_success_list() # 保存成功列表
if signal.stop:
@@ -542,35 +541,29 @@ def scrape(file_mode: FileMode, movie_list):
average_time = used_time
- signal.set_label_file_path.emit('🎉 恭喜!全部刮削完成!共 %s 个文件!用时 %s 秒' % (count_all, used_time))
- signal.show_traceback_log(
- "🎉 All finished!!! Total %s , Success %s , Failed %s " % (count_all, Flags.succ_count, Flags.fail_count))
- signal.show_log_text(
- " 🎉🎉🎉 All finished!!! Total %s , Success %s , Failed %s " % (count_all, Flags.succ_count, Flags.fail_count))
+ signal.set_label_file_path.emit(f'🎉 恭喜!全部刮削完成!共 {count_all} 个文件!用时 {used_time} 秒')
+ signal.show_traceback_log(f"🎉 All finished!!! Total {count_all} , Success {Flags.succ_count} , Failed {Flags.fail_count} ")
+ signal.show_log_text(f" 🎉🎉🎉 All finished!!! Total {count_all} , Success {Flags.succ_count} , Failed {Flags.fail_count} ")
if Flags.failed_list:
signal.show_log_text(" *** Failed results ****")
for i in range(len(Flags.failed_list)):
fail_path, fail_reson = Flags.failed_list[i]
- signal.show_log_text(" 🔴 %s %s\n %s" % (i + 1, fail_path, fail_reson))
+ signal.show_log_text(f" 🔴 {i + 1} {fail_path}\n {fail_reson}")
- signal.show_log_text(
- ' ⏰ Start time'.ljust(15) + ': ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(Flags.start_time)))
- signal.show_log_text(
- ' 🏁 End time'.ljust(15) + ': ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(end_time)))
- signal.show_log_text(' ⏱ Used time'.ljust(15) + ': %sS' % used_time)
- signal.show_log_text(' 📺 Movies num'.ljust(15) + ': %s' % count_all)
- signal.show_log_text(' 🍕 Per time'.ljust(15) + ': %sS' % average_time)
+ signal.show_log_text(' ⏰ Start time'.ljust(15) + ': ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(Flags.start_time)))
+ signal.show_log_text(' 🏁 End time'.ljust(15) + ': ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(end_time)))
+ signal.show_log_text(' ⏱ Used time'.ljust(15) + f': {used_time}S')
+ signal.show_log_text(' 📺 Movies num'.ljust(15) + f': {count_all}')
+ signal.show_log_text(' 🍕 Per time'.ljust(15) + f': {average_time}S')
- signal.show_scrape_info('🎉 刮削完成 %s/%s' % (count_all, count_all))
+ signal.show_scrape_info(f'🎉 刮削完成 {count_all}/{count_all}')
# auto run after scrape
if 'actor_photo_auto' in config.emby_on:
if config.actor_photo_kodi_auto:
- if config.auto_link:
- newtdisk_creat_symlink('copy_netdisk_nfo' in config.switch_on)
if len(Flags.again_dic):
@@ -604,10 +597,8 @@ def start_new_scrape(file_mode: FileMode, movie_list=None):
def _check_stop(file_name_temp):
if signal.stop:
Flags.now_kill += 1
- signal.show_log_text(
- f' 🕷 {get_current_time()} 已停止刮削:{Flags.now_kill}/{Flags.total_kills} {file_name_temp}')
- signal.set_label_file_path.emit(
- f'⛔️ 正在停止刮削...\n 正在停止已在运行的任务线程({Flags.now_kill}/{Flags.total_kills})...')
+ signal.show_log_text(f' 🕷 {get_current_time()} 已停止刮削:{Flags.now_kill}/{Flags.total_kills} {file_name_temp}')
+ signal.set_label_file_path.emit(f'⛔️ 正在停止刮削...\n 正在停止已在运行的任务线程({Flags.now_kill}/{Flags.total_kills})...')
# exceptions must derive from BaseException
raise '手动停止刮削'
@@ -649,7 +640,8 @@ def get_remain_list():
movie_path = convert_path(movie_path)
temp_remain_path = convert_path(Flags.remain_list[0])
if movie_path not in temp_remain_path:
- box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, '提醒',
+ box = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning,
+ '提醒',
box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No)
@@ -658,8 +650,7 @@ def get_remain_list():
reply = box.exec()
if reply == QMessageBox.No:
return True
- signal.show_log_text(
- f'🍯 🍯 🍯 NOTE: 继续刮削未完成任务!!! 剩余未刮削文件数量({len(Flags.remain_list)})')
+ signal.show_log_text(f'🍯 🍯 🍯 NOTE: 继续刮削未完成任务!!! 剩余未刮削文件数量({len(Flags.remain_list)})')
start_new_scrape(FileMode.Default, Flags.remain_list)
return True
return False
diff --git a/src/models/core/subtitle.py b/src/models/core/subtitle.py
index 662fbc8..41f3eaf 100644
--- a/src/models/core/subtitle.py
+++ b/src/models/core/subtitle.py
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ def add_sub_for_all_video():
- movie_path, success_folder, failed_folder, escape_folder_list, \
- extrafanart_folder, softlink_path = get_movie_path_setting()
+ movie_path, success_folder, failed_folder, escape_folder_list, extrafanart_folder, softlink_path = get_movie_path_setting()
signal.show_log_text(f' 🖥 Movie path: {movie_path} \n 🔎 正在检查所有视频,请稍候...')
if config.subtitle_add_chs == 'on':
signal.show_log_text(" 如果字幕文件名不以 .chs 结尾,则会自动添加!\n")
@@ -63,14 +62,12 @@ def add_sub_for_all_video():
if config.subtitle_add_chs == 'on':
if '.chs' not in sub_old_path and not os.path.exists(sub_new_path):
move_file(sub_old_path, sub_new_path)
- signal.show_log_text(
- f" 🍀 字幕文件: '{file_name + sub_type}' 已被重命名为: '{file_name + '.chs' + sub_type}' ")
+ signal.show_log_text(f" 🍀 字幕文件: '{file_name + sub_type}' 已被重命名为: '{file_name + '.chs' + sub_type}' ")
sub_old_path_no_chs = sub_old_path.replace('.chs', '')
if '.chs' in sub_old_path and not os.path.exists(sub_old_path_no_chs):
move_file(sub_old_path, sub_old_path_no_chs)
- signal.show_log_text(
- f" 🍀 字幕文件: '{file_name + sub_type}' 已被重命名为: '{split_path(sub_old_path_no_chs)[1]}' ")
+ signal.show_log_text(f" 🍀 字幕文件: '{file_name + sub_type}' 已被重命名为: '{split_path(sub_old_path_no_chs)[1]}' ")
cnword_style = config.cnword_style
if cnword_style and cnword_style not in sub_new_path:
@@ -78,12 +75,10 @@ def add_sub_for_all_video():
file_cnword = config.file_cnword
folder_name = config.folder_name
naming_file = config.naming_file
- if folder_cnword == 'on' or file_cnword == 'on' \
- or 'cnword' in folder_name or 'cnword' in naming_file:
+ if folder_cnword == 'on' or file_cnword == 'on' or 'cnword' in folder_name or 'cnword' in naming_file:
- signal.show_log_text(
- f'\nDone! \n成功添加字幕影片数量: {add_count} \n仍无字幕影片数量: {no_sub_count - add_count} ')
+ signal.show_log_text(f'\nDone! \n成功添加字幕影片数量: {add_count} \n仍无字幕影片数量: {no_sub_count - add_count} ')
# 重新刮削新添加字幕的影片
list2 = list(set(new_sub_movie_list)) # 去重
@@ -93,5 +88,3 @@ def add_sub_for_all_video():
start_new_scrape(FileMode.Default, movie_list=list3)
diff --git a/src/models/core/translate.py b/src/models/core/translate.py
index e69a182..490ae7d 100644
--- a/src/models/core/translate.py
+++ b/src/models/core/translate.py
@@ -48,14 +48,9 @@ def youdao_translate(title, outline):
headers = {
- 'Cookie': random.choice([
- "OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=833904829@",
- "OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=-10218418@;",
- "OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=1989505748@;",
- "OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=2072418438@;",
- "OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=1768574849@;",
- "OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=-2153895048@;",
- ]),
+ 'Cookie': random.choice(["OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=833904829@", "OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=-10218418@;",
+ "OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=1989505748@;", "OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=2072418438@;",
+ "OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=1768574849@;", "OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=-2153895048@;", ]),
'Referer': 'https://fanyi.youdao.com/?keyfrom=dict2.top',
headers_o = config.headers
@@ -129,14 +124,8 @@ def deepl_translate(title, outline, ls='JA', json_data=None):
deepl_url = 'https://api-free.deepl.com' if ':fx' in deepl_key else 'https://api.deepl.com'
url = f'{deepl_url}/v2/translate?auth_key={deepl_key}&source_lang={ls}&target_lang=ZH'
- params_title = {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
- 'text': title,
- }
- params_outline = {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
- 'text': outline,
- }
+ params_title = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'text': title, }
+ params_outline = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'text': outline, }
if title:
result, res = post_html(url, data=params_title, json_data=True)
@@ -177,8 +166,8 @@ def translate_info(json_data):
tag_include = config.tag_include
tag = json_data['tag']
- remove_key = ['HD高画质', 'HD高畫質', '高画质', '高畫質', '無碼流出', '无码流出', '無碼破解', '无码破解',
- '無碼片', '无码片', '有碼片', '有码片', '無碼', '无码', '有碼', '有码', '流出', '国产', '國產']
+ remove_key = ['HD高画质', 'HD高畫質', '高画质', '高畫質', '無碼流出', '无码流出', '無碼破解', '无码破解', '無碼片', '无码片', '有碼片', '有码片', '無碼', '无码',
+ '有碼', '有码', '流出', '国产', '國產']
for each_key in remove_key:
tag = tag.replace(each_key, '')
@@ -294,13 +283,12 @@ def translate_actor(json_data):
# 非读取模式,勾选了使用真实名字时; 读取模式,勾选了允许更新真实名字时
if actor_realname == 'on':
start_time = time.time()
- if mosaic != '国产' and (
- number.startswith('FC2') or number.startswith('SIRO') or re.search(r'\d{3,}[A-Z]{3,}-', number)):
+ if mosaic != '国产' and (number.startswith('FC2') or number.startswith('SIRO') or re.search(r'\d{3,}[A-Z]{3,}-', number)):
result, temp_actor = get_actorname(json_data['number'])
if result:
- actor:str = json_data['actor']
- all_actor:str = json_data['all_actor']
- actor_list:list = all_actor.split(',')
+ actor: str = json_data['actor']
+ all_actor: str = json_data['all_actor']
+ actor_list: list = all_actor.split(',')
json_data['actor'] = temp_actor
# 从actor_list中循环查找元素是否包含字符串temp_actor,有则替换
for item in actor_list:
@@ -308,8 +296,7 @@ def translate_actor(json_data):
actor_list[actor_list.index(item)] = temp_actor
json_data['all_actor'] = ','.join(actor_list)
- json_data[
- 'logs'] += f"\n 👩🏻 Av-wiki done! Actor's real Japanese name is '{temp_actor}' ({get_used_time(start_time)}s)"
+ json_data['logs'] += f"\n 👩🏻 Av-wiki done! Actor's real Japanese name is '{temp_actor}' ({get_used_time(start_time)}s)"
json_data['logs'] += f"\n 🔴 Av-wiki failed! {temp_actor} ({get_used_time(start_time)}s)"
@@ -355,9 +342,7 @@ def translate_actor(json_data):
if actor_href_list:
json_data['actor_href'] = actor_href_list[0]
elif json_data['actor']:
- json_data['actor_href'] = 'https://javdb.com/search?f=actor&q=' + \
- urllib.parse.quote(
- json_data['actor'].split(',')[0]) # url转码,避免乱码
+ json_data['actor_href'] = 'https://javdb.com/search?f=actor&q=' + urllib.parse.quote(json_data['actor'].split(',')[0]) # url转码,避免乱码
return json_data
@@ -389,8 +374,7 @@ def _get_youdao_key_thread():
# 请求 js url ,获取 youdao key
result, req = get_html(js_url)
- youdaokey = re.search(r'(?<="fanyideskweb" \+ e \+ i \+ ")[^"]+', req).group(0)
- # sign: n.md5("fanyideskweb" + e + i + "Ygy_4c=r#e#4EX^NUGUc5")
+ youdaokey = re.search(r'(?<="fanyideskweb" \+ e \+ i \+ ")[^"]+', req).group(0) # sign: n.md5("fanyideskweb" + e + i + "Ygy_4c=r#e#4EX^NUGUc5")
youdaokey = re.search(r'(?<="fanyideskweb"\+e\+i\+")[^"]+', req).group(0)
@@ -466,21 +450,18 @@ def translate_title_outline(json_data, movie_number):
else: # 使用deepl翻译
t, o, r = deepl_translate(trans_title, trans_outline, 'JA', json_data)
if r:
- json_data[
- 'logs'] += f'\n 🔴 Translation failed!({each.capitalize()})({get_used_time(start_time)}s) Error: {r}'
+ json_data['logs'] += f'\n 🔴 Translation failed!({each.capitalize()})({get_used_time(start_time)}s) Error: {r}'
if t:
json_data['title'] = t
if o:
json_data['outline'] = o
- json_data[
- 'logs'] += f'\n 🍀 Translation done!({each.capitalize()})({get_used_time(start_time)}s)'
+ json_data['logs'] += f'\n 🍀 Translation done!({each.capitalize()})({get_used_time(start_time)}s)'
json_data['outline_from'] = each
translate_by = translate_by.strip(',').capitalize()
- json_data[
- 'logs'] += f'\n 🔴 Translation failed! {translate_by} 不可用!({get_used_time(start_time)}s)'
+ json_data['logs'] += f'\n 🔴 Translation failed! {translate_by} 不可用!({get_used_time(start_time)}s)'
# 简繁转换
if title_language == 'zh_cn':
diff --git a/src/models/core/utils.py b/src/models/core/utils.py
index b13b13f..5b44502 100644
--- a/src/models/core/utils.py
+++ b/src/models/core/utils.py
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def get_video_size(json_data, file_path):
if definition and 'definition' in config.tag_include:
new_tag_list.insert(0, definition)
if hd_get == 'video':
- new_tag_list.insert(0, codec_fourcc.upper()) # 插入编码格式
+ new_tag_list.insert(0, codec_fourcc.upper()) # 插入编码格式
json_data['tag'] = ','.join(new_tag_list)
return json_data
@@ -181,8 +181,7 @@ def deal_url(url):
def replace_special_word(json_data):
# 常见字段替换的字符
- all_key_word = ['title', 'originaltitle', 'outline', 'originalplot', 'series', 'director', 'studio',
- 'publisher', 'tag']
+ all_key_word = ['title', 'originaltitle', 'outline', 'originalplot', 'series', 'director', 'studio', 'publisher', 'tag']
for key, value in config.special_word.items():
for each in all_key_word:
json_data[each] = json_data[each].replace(key, value)
@@ -292,17 +291,13 @@ def get_movie_path_setting(file_path=''):
movie_path = nfd2c(movie_path)
end_folder_name = split_path(movie_path)[1]
# 用户设置的软链接输出目录
- softlink_path = config.softlink_path \
- .replace('\\', '/').replace('end_folder_name', end_folder_name)
+ softlink_path = config.softlink_path.replace('\\', '/').replace('end_folder_name', end_folder_name)
# 用户设置的成功输出目录
- success_folder = config.success_output_folder \
- .replace('\\', '/').replace('end_folder_name', end_folder_name)
+ success_folder = config.success_output_folder.replace('\\', '/').replace('end_folder_name', end_folder_name)
# 用户设置的失败输出目录
- failed_folder = config.failed_output_folder \
- .replace('\\', '/').replace('end_folder_name', end_folder_name)
+ failed_folder = config.failed_output_folder.replace('\\', '/').replace('end_folder_name', end_folder_name)
# 用户设置的排除目录
- escape_folder_list = config.folders \
- .replace('\\', '/').replace('end_folder_name', end_folder_name).replace(',', ',').split(',')
+ escape_folder_list = config.folders.replace('\\', '/').replace('end_folder_name', end_folder_name).replace(',', ',').split(',')
# 用户设置的剧照副本目录
extrafanart_folder = config.extrafanart_folder.replace('\\', '/')
@@ -336,5 +331,4 @@ def get_movie_path_setting(file_path=''):
success_folder = success_folder.replace('first_folder_name', first_folder_name)
failed_folder = failed_folder.replace('first_folder_name', first_folder_name)
- return convert_path(movie_path), success_folder, failed_folder, \
- escape_folder_new_list, extrafanart_folder, softlink_path
+ return convert_path(movie_path), success_folder, failed_folder, escape_folder_new_list, extrafanart_folder, softlink_path
diff --git a/src/models/core/video.py b/src/models/core/video.py
index a352045..71b7620 100644
--- a/src/models/core/video.py
+++ b/src/models/core/video.py
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ def add_del_extras(mode):
signal.show_log_text(f'Start {mode} extrafanart extras! \n')
- movie_path, success_folder, failed_folder, escape_folder_list, \
- extrafanart_folder, softlink_path = get_movie_path_setting()
+ movie_path, success_folder, failed_folder, escape_folder_list, extrafanart_folder, softlink_path = get_movie_path_setting()
signal.show_log_text(f' 🖥 Movie path: {movie_path} \n 🔎 Checking all videos, Please wait...')
movie_type = config.media_type
movie_list = movie_lists('', movie_type, movie_path) # 获取所有需要刮削的影片列表
@@ -61,8 +60,7 @@ def add_del_extras(mode):
def add_del_theme_videos(mode):
signal.show_log_text(f'Start {mode} theme videos! \n')
- movie_path, success_folder, failed_folder, escape_folder_list, \
- extrafanart_folder, softlink_path = get_movie_path_setting()
+ movie_path, success_folder, failed_folder, escape_folder_list, extrafanart_folder, softlink_path = get_movie_path_setting()
signal.show_log_text(f' 🖥 Movie path: {movie_path} \n 🔎 Checking all videos, Please wait...')
movie_type = config.media_type
movie_list = movie_lists('', movie_type, movie_path) # 获取所有需要刮削的影片列表
diff --git a/src/models/core/web.py b/src/models/core/web.py
index 95b6d0a..0fc1a87 100644
--- a/src/models/core/web.py
+++ b/src/models/core/web.py
@@ -45,9 +45,7 @@ def get_yesjav_title(json_data, movie_number):
if result and response:
parser = etree.HTMLParser(encoding="utf-8")
html = etree.HTML(response, parser)
- movie_title = html.xpath(
- '//dl[@id="zi"]/p/font/a/b[contains(text(), $number)]/../../a[contains(text(), "中文字幕")]/text()',
- number=movie_number)
+ movie_title = html.xpath('//dl[@id="zi"]/p/font/a/b[contains(text(), $number)]/../../a[contains(text(), "中文字幕")]/text()', number=movie_number)
if movie_title:
movie_title = movie_title[0]
for each in config.char_list:
@@ -111,17 +109,15 @@ def get_big_pic_by_amazon(json_data, originaltitle_amazon, actor_amazon):
originaltitle_amazon_list = [originaltitle_amazon]
for originaltitle_amazon in originaltitle_amazon_list:
# 需要两次urlencode,nb_sb_noss表示无推荐来源
- url_search = 'https://www.amazon.co.jp/black-curtain/save-eligibility/black-curtain?returnUrl=/s?k=' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(
- urllib.parse.quote_plus(originaltitle_amazon.replace('&', ' ') + ' [DVD]')) + '&ref=nb_sb_noss'
+ url_search = 'https://www.amazon.co.jp/black-curtain/save-eligibility/black-curtain?returnUrl=/s?k=' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(urllib.parse.quote_plus(
+ originaltitle_amazon.replace('&', ' ') + ' [DVD]')) + '&ref=nb_sb_noss'
result, html_search = get_amazon_data(url_search)
# 没有结果,尝试拆词,重新搜索
- if 'キーワードが正しく入力されていても一致する商品がない場合は、別の言葉をお試しください。' in html_search and len(
- originaltitle_amazon_list) < 2:
+ if 'キーワードが正しく入力されていても一致する商品がない場合は、別の言葉をお試しください。' in html_search and len(originaltitle_amazon_list) < 2:
for each_name in originaltitle_amazon.split(' '):
if each_name not in originaltitle_amazon_list:
- if len(each_name) > 8 or (not each_name.encode('utf-8').isalnum() and len(
- each_name) > 4) and each_name not in actor_amazon:
+ if len(each_name) > 8 or (not each_name.encode('utf-8').isalnum() and len(each_name) > 4) and each_name not in actor_amazon:
@@ -133,8 +129,7 @@ def get_big_pic_by_amazon(json_data, originaltitle_amazon, actor_amazon):
# 标题缩短匹配(如无结果,则使用缩小标题再次搜索)
if '検索に一致する商品はありませんでした。' in html_search and len(originaltitle_amazon_list) < 2:
- short_originaltitle_amazon = html.xpath(
- '//div[@class="a-section a-spacing-base a-spacing-top-base"]/span[@class="a-size-base a-color-base"]/text()')
+ short_originaltitle_amazon = html.xpath('//div[@class="a-section a-spacing-base a-spacing-top-base"]/span[@class="a-size-base a-color-base"]/text()')
if short_originaltitle_amazon:
short_originaltitle_amazon = short_originaltitle_amazon[0].upper().replace(' DVD', '')
if short_originaltitle_amazon in originaltitle_amazon.upper():
@@ -144,14 +139,12 @@ def get_big_pic_by_amazon(json_data, originaltitle_amazon, actor_amazon):
originaltitle_amazon_half = short_originaltitle_amazon
for each_name in originaltitle_amazon.split(' '):
if each_name not in originaltitle_amazon_list:
- if len(each_name) > 8 or (not each_name.encode('utf-8').isalnum() and len(
- each_name) > 4) and each_name not in actor_amazon:
+ if len(each_name) > 8 or (not each_name.encode('utf-8').isalnum() and len(each_name) > 4) and each_name not in actor_amazon:
# 标题不带演员名匹配
for each_actor in actor_amazon:
- originaltitle_amazon_half_no_actor = originaltitle_amazon_half_no_actor.replace(each_actor.upper(),
- '')
+ originaltitle_amazon_half_no_actor = originaltitle_amazon_half_no_actor.replace(each_actor.upper(), '')
# 检查搜索结果
actor_result_list = set()
@@ -159,12 +152,9 @@ def get_big_pic_by_amazon(json_data, originaltitle_amazon, actor_amazon):
# s-card-container s-overflow-hidden aok-relative puis-wide-grid-style puis-wide-grid-style-t2 puis-expand-height puis-include-content-margin puis s-latency-cf-section s-card-border
pic_card = html.xpath('//div[@class="a-section a-spacing-base"]')
for each in pic_card: # tek-077
- pic_ver_list = each.xpath(
- 'div//a[@class="a-size-base a-link-normal s-underline-text s-underline-link-text s-link-style a-text-bold"]/text()')
- pic_title_list = each.xpath(
- 'div//span[@class="a-size-base-plus a-color-base a-text-normal"]/text()')
- pic_url_list = each.xpath(
- 'div//div[@class="a-section aok-relative s-image-square-aspect"]/img/@src')
+ pic_ver_list = each.xpath('div//a[@class="a-size-base a-link-normal s-underline-text s-underline-link-text s-link-style a-text-bold"]/text()')
+ pic_title_list = each.xpath('div//span[@class="a-size-base-plus a-color-base a-text-normal"]/text()')
+ pic_url_list = each.xpath('div//div[@class="a-section aok-relative s-image-square-aspect"]/img/@src')
detail_url_list = each.xpath('div//a[@class="a-link-normal s-no-outline"]/@href')
if len(pic_ver_list) and len(pic_url_list) and (len(pic_title_list) and len(detail_url_list)):
pic_ver = pic_ver_list[0] # 图片版本
@@ -178,12 +168,10 @@ def get_big_pic_by_amazon(json_data, originaltitle_amazon, actor_amazon):
pic_title_half_no_actor = pic_title_half_no_actor.replace(each_actor, '')
# 判断标题是否命中
- if originaltitle_amazon_half[:15] in pic_title_half or originaltitle_amazon_half_no_actor[
- :15] in pic_title_half_no_actor:
+ if originaltitle_amazon_half[:15] in pic_title_half or originaltitle_amazon_half_no_actor[:15] in pic_title_half_no_actor:
detail_url = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(detail_url)
temp_title = re.findall(r'(.+)keywords=', detail_url)
- temp_detail_url = temp_title[
- 0] + pic_title_half if temp_title else detail_url + pic_title_half
+ temp_detail_url = temp_title[0] + pic_title_half if temp_title else detail_url + pic_title_half
url = re.sub(r'\._[_]?AC_[^\.]+\.', '.', pic_url)
# 判断演员是否在标题里,避免同名标题误匹配 MOPP-023
@@ -208,8 +196,7 @@ def get_big_pic_by_amazon(json_data, originaltitle_amazon, actor_amazon):
for each in actor_result_list:
new_pic_w = get_imgsize(each)[0]
if new_pic_w > pic_w:
- if new_pic_w >= 1770 or (
- 1750 > new_pic_w > 600): # 不要小图 FCDSS-001,截短的图(1758/1759)
+ if new_pic_w >= 1770 or (1750 > new_pic_w > 600): # 不要小图 FCDSS-001,截短的图(1758/1759)
pic_w = new_pic_w
hd_pic_url = each
@@ -220,8 +207,7 @@ def get_big_pic_by_amazon(json_data, originaltitle_amazon, actor_amazon):
return hd_pic_url
# 当搜索结果命中了标题,没有命中演员时,尝试去详情页获取演员信息
- elif len(
- title_result_list) <= 20 and 's-pagination-item s-pagination-next s-pagination-button s-pagination-separator' not in html_search:
+ elif len(title_result_list) <= 20 and 's-pagination-item s-pagination-next s-pagination-button s-pagination-separator' not in html_search:
for each in title_result_list[:4]:
url_new = 'https://www.amazon.co.jp' + re.findall(r'(/dp/[^/]+)', each[1])[0]
@@ -231,10 +217,8 @@ def get_big_pic_by_amazon(json_data, originaltitle_amazon, actor_amazon):
if result and html_detail:
html = etree.fromstring(html_detail, etree.HTMLParser())
detail_actor = str(html.xpath('//span[@class="author notFaded"]/a/text()')).replace(' ', '')
- detail_info_1 = str(html.xpath(
- '//ul[@class="a-unordered-list a-vertical a-spacing-mini"]//text()')).replace(' ', '')
- detail_info_2 = str(
- html.xpath('//div[@id="detailBulletsWrapper_feature_div"]//text()')).replace(' ', '')
+ detail_info_1 = str(html.xpath('//ul[@class="a-unordered-list a-vertical a-spacing-mini"]//text()')).replace(' ', '')
+ detail_info_2 = str(html.xpath('//div[@id="detailBulletsWrapper_feature_div"]//text()')).replace(' ', '')
detail_info_3 = str(html.xpath('//div[@id="productDescription"]//text()')).replace(' ', '')
all_info = detail_actor + detail_info_1 + detail_info_2 + detail_info_3
for each_actor in actor_amazon:
@@ -247,8 +231,7 @@ def get_big_pic_by_amazon(json_data, originaltitle_amazon, actor_amazon):
json_data['poster_from'] = 'Amazon'
# 有很多结果时(有下一页按钮),加演员名字重新搜索
- if 's-pagination-item s-pagination-next s-pagination-button s-pagination-separator' in html_search or len(
- title_result_list) > 5:
+ if 's-pagination-item s-pagination-next s-pagination-button s-pagination-separator' in html_search or len(title_result_list) > 5:
amazon_orginaltitle_actor = json_data.get('amazon_orginaltitle_actor')
if amazon_orginaltitle_actor and amazon_orginaltitle_actor not in originaltitle_amazon:
originaltitle_amazon_list.append(f'{originaltitle_amazon} {amazon_orginaltitle_actor}')
@@ -343,8 +326,7 @@ def trailer_download(json_data, folder_new_path, folder_old_path, naming_rule):
if download_file_with_filepath(json_data, trailer_url, trailer_file_path_temp, trailer_folder_path):
file_size = os.path.getsize(trailer_file_path_temp)
if file_size >= content_length or 'ignore_size' in download_files:
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 Trailer done! (%s %s/%s)(%ss) " % (
- json_data['trailer_from'], file_size, content_length, get_used_time(start_time))
+ json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 Trailer done! (%s %s/%s)(%ss) " % (json_data['trailer_from'], file_size, content_length, get_used_time(start_time))
signal.show_traceback_log(f"✅ {json_data['number']} trailer done!")
if trailer_file_path_temp != trailer_file_path:
move_file(trailer_file_path_temp, trailer_file_path)
@@ -355,13 +337,11 @@ def trailer_download(json_data, folder_new_path, folder_old_path, naming_rule):
if trailer_name == 0: # 带文件名,已下载成功,删除掉那些不用的文件夹即可
if os.path.exists(trailer_old_folder_path):
shutil.rmtree(trailer_old_folder_path, ignore_errors=True)
- if trailer_new_folder_path != trailer_old_folder_path and os.path.exists(
- trailer_new_folder_path):
+ if trailer_new_folder_path != trailer_old_folder_path and os.path.exists(trailer_new_folder_path):
shutil.rmtree(trailer_new_folder_path, ignore_errors=True)
return True
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🟠 Trailer size is incorrect! delete it! (%s %s/%s) " % (
- json_data['trailer_from'], file_size, content_length)
+ json_data['logs'] += "\n 🟠 Trailer size is incorrect! delete it! (%s %s/%s) " % (json_data['trailer_from'], file_size, content_length)
# 删除下载失败的文件
json_data['logs'] += "\n 🟠 Trailer download failed! (%s) " % trailer_url
@@ -399,8 +379,7 @@ def _get_big_thumb(json_data):
# faleno.jp 番号检查,都是大图,返回即可
if json_data['cover_from'] in ['faleno', 'dahlia']:
if json_data['cover']:
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🖼 HD Thumb found! (%s)(%ss)" % (
- json_data['cover_from'], get_used_time(start_time))
+ json_data['logs'] += "\n 🖼 HD Thumb found! (%s)(%ss)" % (json_data['cover_from'], get_used_time(start_time))
json_data['poster_big'] = True
return json_data
@@ -416,9 +395,7 @@ def _get_big_thumb(json_data):
req_url = 'https://faleno.jp/top/works/%s/' % number_lower_no_line
result, response = get_html(req_url)
if result:
- temp_url = re.findall(
- r'src="((https://cdn.faleno.net/top/wp-content/uploads/[^_]+_)([^?]+))\?output-quality=',
- response)
+ temp_url = re.findall(r'src="((https://cdn.faleno.net/top/wp-content/uploads/[^_]+_)([^?]+))\?output-quality=', response)
if temp_url:
json_data['cover'] = temp_url[0][0]
json_data['poster'] = temp_url[0][1] + '2125.jpg'
@@ -473,8 +450,7 @@ def _get_big_thumb(json_data):
pic_domain = re.findall(r'://([^/]+)', thumb_url)[0]
json_data['cover_from'] = f'Google({pic_domain})'
json_data['cover'] = thumb_url
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🖼 HD Thumb found! (%s)(%ss)" % (
- json_data['cover_from'], get_used_time(start_time))
+ json_data['logs'] += "\n 🖼 HD Thumb found! (%s)(%ss)" % (json_data['cover_from'], get_used_time(start_time))
return json_data
@@ -489,8 +465,7 @@ def _get_big_poster(json_data):
# 如果有大图时,直接下载
if json_data.get('poster_big') and get_imgsize(json_data['poster'])[1] > 600:
json_data['image_download'] = True
- json_data[
- 'logs'] += f"\n 🖼 HD Poster found! ({json_data['poster_from']})({get_used_time(start_time)}s)"
+ json_data['logs'] += f"\n 🖼 HD Poster found! ({json_data['poster_from']})({get_used_time(start_time)}s)"
return json_data
# 初始化数据
@@ -500,10 +475,8 @@ def _get_big_poster(json_data):
poster_width = 0
# 通过原标题去 amazon 查询
- if 'amazon' in config.download_hd_pics and json_data['mosaic'] in ['有码', '有碼', '流出', '无码破解', '無碼破解',
- '里番', '裏番', '动漫', '動漫']:
- hd_pic_url = get_big_pic_by_amazon(json_data, json_data['originaltitle_amazon'],
- json_data['actor_amazon'])
+ if 'amazon' in config.download_hd_pics and json_data['mosaic'] in ['有码', '有碼', '流出', '无码破解', '無碼破解', '里番', '裏番', '动漫', '動漫']:
+ hd_pic_url = get_big_pic_by_amazon(json_data, json_data['originaltitle_amazon'], json_data['actor_amazon'])
if hd_pic_url:
json_data['poster'] = hd_pic_url
json_data['poster_from'] = 'Amazon'
@@ -511,8 +484,7 @@ def _get_big_poster(json_data):
json_data['image_download'] = True
# 通过番号去 官网 查询获取稍微大一些的封面图,以便去 Google 搜索
- if not hd_pic_url and 'official' in config.download_hd_pics and 'official' not in config.website_set and \
- json_data['poster_from'] != 'Amazon':
+ if not hd_pic_url and 'official' in config.download_hd_pics and 'official' not in config.website_set and json_data['poster_from'] != 'Amazon':
letters = json_data['letters'].upper()
official_url = config.official_websites.get(letters)
if official_url:
@@ -531,8 +503,7 @@ def _get_big_poster(json_data):
# 使用google以图搜图,放在最后是因为有时有错误,比如 kawd-943
poster_url = json_data.get('poster')
- if not hd_pic_url and poster_url and 'google' in config.download_hd_pics and json_data[
- 'poster_from'] != 'theporndb':
+ if not hd_pic_url and poster_url and 'google' in config.download_hd_pics and json_data['poster_from'] != 'theporndb':
hd_pic_url, poster_size = get_big_pic_by_google(poster_url, poster=True)
if hd_pic_url:
if 'prestige' in json_data['poster'] or json_data['poster_from'] == 'Amazon':
@@ -546,8 +517,7 @@ def _get_big_poster(json_data):
# 如果找到了高清链接,则替换
if hd_pic_url:
json_data['image_download'] = True
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🖼 HD Poster found! (%s)(%ss)" % (
- json_data['poster_from'], get_used_time(start_time))
+ json_data['logs'] += "\n 🖼 HD Poster found! (%s)(%ss)" % (json_data['poster_from'], get_used_time(start_time))
return json_data
@@ -575,8 +545,7 @@ def thumb_download(json_data, folder_new_path, thumb_final_path):
# 尝试复制其他分集。看分集有没有下载,如果下载完成则可以复制,否则就自行下载
if json_data['cd_part']:
done_thumb_path = Flags.file_done_dic.get(json_data['number']).get('thumb')
- if done_thumb_path and os.path.exists(done_thumb_path) and split_path(done_thumb_path)[0] == \
- split_path(thumb_final_path)[0]:
+ if done_thumb_path and os.path.exists(done_thumb_path) and split_path(done_thumb_path)[0] == split_path(thumb_final_path)[0]:
copy_file(done_thumb_path, thumb_final_path)
json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 Thumb done! (copy cd-thumb)(%ss) " % get_used_time(start_time)
json_data['cover_from'] = 'copy cd-thumb'
@@ -604,17 +573,14 @@ def thumb_download(json_data, folder_new_path, thumb_final_path):
cover_from, cover_url = each
cover_url = check_url(cover_url)
if not cover_url:
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🟠 检测到 Thumb 图片失效! 跳过!(%s)(%ss) " % (
- cover_from, get_used_time(start_time)) + each[1]
+ json_data['logs'] += "\n 🟠 检测到 Thumb 图片失效! 跳过!(%s)(%ss) " % (cover_from, get_used_time(start_time)) + each[1]
json_data['cover_from'] = cover_from
if download_file_with_filepath(json_data, cover_url, thumb_final_path_temp, folder_new_path):
cover_size = check_pic(thumb_final_path_temp)
if cover_size:
if not cover_from.startswith('Google') or cover_size == json_data['cover_size'] or (
- cover_size[0] >= 800 and abs(
- cover_size[0] / cover_size[1] - json_data['cover_size'][0] / json_data['cover_size'][
- 1]) <= 0.1):
+ cover_size[0] >= 800 and abs(cover_size[0] / cover_size[1] - json_data['cover_size'][0] / json_data['cover_size'][1]) <= 0.1):
# 图片下载正常,替换旧的 thumb.jpg
if thumb_final_path_temp != thumb_final_path:
move_file(thumb_final_path_temp, thumb_final_path)
@@ -623,14 +589,12 @@ def thumb_download(json_data, folder_new_path, thumb_final_path):
dic = {'thumb': thumb_final_path}
json_data['thumb_marked'] = False # 表示还没有走加水印流程
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 Thumb done! (%s)(%ss) " % (
- json_data['cover_from'], get_used_time(start_time))
+ json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 Thumb done! (%s)(%ss) " % (json_data['cover_from'], get_used_time(start_time))
json_data['thumb_path'] = thumb_final_path
return True
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🟠 检测到 Thumb 分辨率不对%s! 已删除 (%s)(%ss)" % (
- str(cover_size), cover_from, get_used_time(start_time))
+ json_data['logs'] += "\n 🟠 检测到 Thumb 分辨率不对%s! 已删除 (%s)(%ss)" % (str(cover_size), cover_from, get_used_time(start_time))
json_data['logs'] += f"\n 🟠 Thumb download failed! {cover_from}: {cover_url} "
@@ -679,8 +643,7 @@ def poster_download(json_data, folder_new_path, poster_final_path):
# 尝试复制其他分集。看分集有没有下载,如果下载完成则可以复制,否则就自行下载
if json_data['cd_part']:
done_poster_path = Flags.file_done_dic.get(json_data['number']).get('poster')
- if done_poster_path and os.path.exists(done_poster_path) and split_path(done_poster_path)[0] == \
- split_path(poster_final_path)[0]:
+ if done_poster_path and os.path.exists(done_poster_path) and split_path(done_poster_path)[0] == split_path(poster_final_path)[0]:
copy_file(done_poster_path, poster_final_path)
json_data['poster_from'] = 'copy cd-poster'
json_data['poster_path'] = poster_final_path
@@ -729,8 +692,7 @@ def poster_download(json_data, folder_new_path, poster_final_path):
if download_file_with_filepath(json_data, poster_url, poster_final_path_temp, folder_new_path):
poster_size = check_pic(poster_final_path_temp)
if poster_size:
- if not poster_from.startswith('Google') or poster_size == json_data[
- 'poster_size'] or 'media-amazon.com' in poster_url:
+ if not poster_from.startswith('Google') or poster_size == json_data['poster_size'] or 'media-amazon.com' in poster_url:
if poster_final_path_temp != poster_final_path:
move_file(poster_final_path_temp, poster_final_path)
@@ -739,13 +701,11 @@ def poster_download(json_data, folder_new_path, poster_final_path):
json_data['poster_marked'] = False # 下载的图,还没加水印
json_data['poster_path'] = poster_final_path
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 Poster done! (%s)(%ss)" % (
- poster_from, get_used_time(start_time))
+ json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 Poster done! (%s)(%ss)" % (poster_from, get_used_time(start_time))
return True
- json_data['logs'] += "\n 🟠 检测到 Poster 分辨率不对%s! 已删除 (%s)" % (
- str(poster_size), poster_from)
+ json_data['logs'] += "\n 🟠 检测到 Poster 分辨率不对%s! 已删除 (%s)" % (str(poster_size), poster_from)
# 判断之前有没有 poster 和 thumb
if not poster_path and not thumb_path:
@@ -817,8 +777,7 @@ def fanart_download(json_data, fanart_final_path):
# 尝试复制其他分集。看分集有没有下载,如果下载完成则可以复制,否则就自行下载
if json_data['cd_part']:
done_fanart_path = Flags.file_done_dic.get(json_data['number']).get('fanart')
- if done_fanart_path and os.path.exists(done_fanart_path) and split_path(done_fanart_path)[0] == \
- split_path(fanart_final_path)[0]:
+ if done_fanart_path and os.path.exists(done_fanart_path) and split_path(done_fanart_path)[0] == split_path(fanart_final_path)[0]:
if fanart_path:
copy_file(done_fanart_path, fanart_final_path)
@@ -897,8 +856,7 @@ def extrafanart_download(json_data, folder_new_path):
extrafanart_count += 1
extrafanart_name = 'fanart' + str(extrafanart_count) + '.jpg'
extrafanart_file_path = os.path.join(extrafanart_folder_path_temp, extrafanart_name)
- task_list.append(
- [json_data, extrafanart_url, extrafanart_file_path, extrafanart_folder_path_temp, extrafanart_name])
+ task_list.append([json_data, extrafanart_url, extrafanart_file_path, extrafanart_folder_path_temp, extrafanart_name])
extrafanart_pool = Pool(20) # 剧照下载线程池
result = extrafanart_pool.map(_mutil_extrafanart_download_thread, task_list)
for res in result:
@@ -909,13 +867,11 @@ def extrafanart_download(json_data, folder_new_path):
os.rename(extrafanart_folder_path_temp, extrafanart_folder_path)
json_data['logs'] += "\n 🍀 ExtraFanart done! (%s %s/%s)(%ss)" % (
- json_data['extrafanart_from'], extrafanart_count_succ, extrafanart_count,
- get_used_time(start_time))
+ json_data['extrafanart_from'], extrafanart_count_succ, extrafanart_count, get_used_time(start_time))
return True
json_data['logs'] += "\n 🟠 ExtraFanart download failed! (%s %s/%s)(%ss)" % (
- json_data['extrafanart_from'], extrafanart_count_succ, extrafanart_count,
- get_used_time(start_time))
+ json_data['extrafanart_from'], extrafanart_count_succ, extrafanart_count, get_used_time(start_time))
if extrafanart_folder_path_temp != extrafanart_folder_path:
@@ -939,12 +895,11 @@ def show_netstatus():
if proxy == '' or proxy_type == '' or proxy_type == 'no':
- signal.show_net_info(' 当前网络状态:❌ 未启用代理\n 类型: ' + str(proxy_type) + ' 地址:' + str(
- proxy) + ' 超时时间:' + str(timeout) + ' 重试次数:' + str(retry_count))
+ signal.show_net_info(' 当前网络状态:❌ 未启用代理\n 类型: ' + str(proxy_type) + ' 地址:' + str(proxy) + ' 超时时间:' + str(timeout) + ' 重试次数:' + str(
+ retry_count))
- signal.show_net_info(
- ' 当前网络状态:✅ 已启用代理\n 类型: ' + proxy_type + ' 地址:' + proxy + ' 超时时间:' + str(
- timeout) + ' 重试次数:' + str(retry_count))
+ signal.show_net_info(' 当前网络状态:✅ 已启用代理\n 类型: ' + proxy_type + ' 地址:' + proxy + ' 超时时间:' + str(timeout) + ' 重试次数:' + str(
+ retry_count))
signal.show_net_info('=' * 80)
diff --git a/src/models/crawlers/airav.py b/src/models/crawlers/airav.py
index ad1d23c..0990124 100644
--- a/src/models/crawlers/airav.py
+++ b/src/models/crawlers/airav.py
@@ -89,15 +89,13 @@ def getOutline(html, language, real_url):
def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
start_time = time.time()
website_name = 'airav'
- req_web += '-> %s[%s]' % (website_name, language)
+ req_web += f'-> {website_name}[{language}]'
number = number.upper()
if re.match(r'N\d{4}', number): # n1403
number = number.lower()
real_url = appoint_url
- cover_url = ''
image_cut = 'right'
image_download = False
- url_search = ''
mosaic = '有码'
if language == 'zh_cn':
airav_url = 'https://cn.airav.wiki'
@@ -106,7 +104,7 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
airav_url = 'https://jp.airav.wiki'
web_info = '\n '
- log_info += ' \n 🌐 airav[%s]' % language.replace('zh_', '')
+ log_info += f' \n 🌐 airav[{language.replace("zh_", "")}]'
debug_info = ''
try: # 捕获主动抛出的异常
@@ -114,13 +112,13 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
# 通过搜索获取real_url
url_search = airav_url + '/?search=' + number
- debug_info = '搜索地址: %s ' % url_search
+ debug_info = f'搜索地址: {url_search} '
log_info += web_info + debug_info
# ========================================================================搜索番号
result, html_search = curl_html(url_search)
if not result:
- debug_info = '网络请求错误: %s' % html_search
+ debug_info = f'网络请求错误: {html_search}'
log_info += web_info + debug_info
raise Exception(debug_info)
html = etree.fromstring(html_search, etree.HTMLParser())
@@ -136,11 +134,11 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
raise Exception(debug_info)
if real_url:
- debug_info = '番号地址: %s ' % real_url
+ debug_info = f'番号地址: {real_url} '
log_info += web_info + debug_info
result, html_content = curl_html(real_url)
if not result:
- debug_info = '网络请求错误: %s' % html_content
+ debug_info = f'网络请求错误: {html_content}'
log_info += web_info + debug_info
raise Exception(debug_info)
@@ -196,7 +194,7 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
'image_cut': image_cut,
'log_info': log_info,
'error_info': '',
- 'req_web': req_web + '(%ss) ' % (round((time.time() - start_time), )),
+ 'req_web': req_web + f'({round((time.time() - start_time), )}s) ',
'mosaic': mosaic,
'website': real_url,
'wanted': '',
@@ -205,7 +203,7 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
log_info += web_info + debug_info
dic['log_info'] = log_info
except Exception as e:
- debug_info = '数据生成出错: %s' % str(e)
+ debug_info = f'数据生成出错: {str(e)}'
log_info += web_info + debug_info
raise Exception(debug_info)
except Exception as e:
@@ -216,16 +214,10 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
'website': '',
'log_info': log_info,
'error_info': debug_info,
- 'req_web': req_web + '(%ss) ' % (round((time.time() - start_time), )),
+ 'req_web': req_web + f'({round((time.time() - start_time), )}s) ',
dic = {website_name: {'zh_cn': dic, 'zh_tw': dic, 'jp': dic}}
- js = json.dumps(
- dic,
- ensure_ascii=False,
- sort_keys=False,
- indent=4,
- separators=(',', ': '),
- ) # .encode('UTF-8')
+ js = json.dumps(dic, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ) # .encode('UTF-8')
return js
@@ -236,30 +228,4 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
# print(main('STARS-199')) # poster图片
# print(main('APNS-259', language='zh_cn'))
# print(main('PRED-300')) # 马赛克破坏版
- print(main('abs-141'))
- # print(main('HYSD-00083'))
- # print(main('IESP-660'))
- # print(main('n1403'))
- # print(main('GANA-1910'))
- # print(main('heyzo-1031'))
- # print(main('x-art.19.11.03'))
- # print(main('032020-001'))
- # print(main('S2M-055'))
- # print(main('LUXU-1217'))
- # print(main('1101132', ''))
- # print(main('OFJE-318'))
- # print(main('110119-001'))
- # print(main('abs-001'))
- # print(main('SSIS-090', ''))
- # print(main('SSIS-090', ''))
- # print(main('SNIS-016', ''))
- # print(main('HYSD-00083', ''))
- # print(main('IESP-660', ''))
- # print(main('n1403', ''))
- # print(main('GANA-1910', ''))
- # print(main('heyzo-1031', ''))
- # print(main('x-art.19.11.03'))
- # print(main('032020-001', ''))
- # print(main('S2M-055', ''))
- # print(main('LUXU-1217', ''))
- # print(main('x-art.19.11.03', ''))
+ print(main('abs-141')) # print(main('HYSD-00083')) # print(main('IESP-660')) # print(main('n1403')) # print(main('GANA-1910')) # print(main('heyzo-1031')) # print(main('x-art.19.11.03')) # print(main('032020-001')) # print(main('S2M-055')) # print(main('LUXU-1217')) # print(main('1101132', '')) # print(main('OFJE-318')) # print(main('110119-001')) # print(main('abs-001')) # print(main('SSIS-090', '')) # print(main('SSIS-090', '')) # print(main('SNIS-016', '')) # print(main('HYSD-00083', '')) # print(main('IESP-660', '')) # print(main('n1403', '')) # print(main('GANA-1910', '')) # print(main('heyzo-1031', '')) # print(main('x-art.19.11.03')) # print(main('032020-001', '')) # print(main('S2M-055', '')) # print(main('LUXU-1217', '')) # print(main('x-art.19.11.03', ''))
diff --git a/src/models/crawlers/airav_cc.py b/src/models/crawlers/airav_cc.py
index 8588e1e..f0ae761 100644
--- a/src/models/crawlers/airav_cc.py
+++ b/src/models/crawlers/airav_cc.py
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def get_outline(html):
return ''
# 去除简介中的无意义信息,中间和首尾的空白字符、*根据分发等
- result = re.sub(r'[\n\t]', '', result).split('*根据分发', 1 )[0].strip()
+ result = re.sub(r'[\n\t]', '', result).split('*根据分发', 1)[0].strip()
return result
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def get_series(html):
def retry_request(real_url, log_info, web_info):
result, html_content = curl_html(real_url)
if not result:
- debug_info = '网络请求错误: %s ' % html_content
+ debug_info = f'网络请求错误: {html_content} '
log_info += web_info + debug_info
raise Exception(debug_info)
html_info = etree.fromstring(html_content, etree.HTMLParser())
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ def retry_request(real_url, log_info, web_info):
log_info += web_info + debug_info
raise Exception(debug_info)
web_number = get_web_number(html_info) # 获取番号,用来替换标题里的番号
- web_number1 = '[%s]' % web_number
+ web_number1 = f'[{web_number}]'
title = title.replace(web_number1, '').strip()
outline = get_outline(html_info)
actor = get_actor(html_info) # 获取actor
@@ -151,17 +151,14 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
if re.match(r'N\d{4}', number): # n1403
number = number.lower()
real_url = appoint_url
- cover_url = ''
image_cut = 'right'
image_download = False
- url_search = ''
mosaic = '有码'
airav_url = getattr(config, 'airav_cc_website', 'https://airav.io')
if language == 'zh_cn':
airav_url += '/cn'
web_info = '\n '
log_info += f' \n 🌐 airav[{language.replace("zh_", "")}]'
- debug_info = ''
# real_url = 'https://airav5.fun/jp/playon.aspx?hid=44733'
@@ -170,13 +167,13 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
# 通过搜索获取real_url https://airav.io/search_result?kw=ssis-200
url_search = airav_url + f'/search_result?kw={number}'
- debug_info = '搜索地址: %s ' % url_search
+ debug_info = f'搜索地址: {url_search} '
log_info += web_info + debug_info
# ========================================================================搜索番号
result, html_search = curl_html(url_search)
if not result:
- debug_info = '网络请求错误: %s ' % html_search
+ debug_info = f'网络请求错误: {html_search} '
log_info += web_info + debug_info
raise Exception(debug_info)
html = etree.fromstring(html_search, etree.HTMLParser())
@@ -200,12 +197,11 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
raise Exception(debug_info)
real_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(airav_url, real_url) if real_url.startswith("/") else real_url
- debug_info = '番号地址: %s ' % real_url
+ debug_info = f'番号地址: {real_url} '
log_info += web_info + debug_info
for i in range(3):
- html_info, title, outline, actor, cover_url, tag, studio, log_info = (
- retry_request(real_url, log_info, web_info))
+ html_info, title, outline, actor, cover_url, tag, studio, log_info = (retry_request(real_url, log_info, web_info))
if cover_url.startswith("/"): # coverurl 可能是相对路径
cover_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(airav_url, cover_url)
@@ -214,11 +210,11 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
if '�' not in temp_str:
- debug_info = '%s 请求 airav_cc 返回内容存在乱码 �,尝试第 %s/3 次请求' % (number, (i + 1))
+ debug_info = f'{number} 请求 airav_cc 返回内容存在乱码 �,尝试第 {(i + 1)}/3 次请求'
log_info += web_info + debug_info
- debug_info = '%s 已请求三次,返回内容仍存在乱码 � !视为失败!' % number
+ debug_info = f'{number} 已请求三次,返回内容仍存在乱码 � !视为失败!'
log_info += web_info + debug_info
raise Exception(debug_info)
@@ -264,7 +260,7 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
'image_cut': image_cut,
'log_info': log_info,
'error_info': '',
- 'req_web': req_web + '(%ss) ' % (round((time.time() - start_time), )),
+ 'req_web': req_web + f'({round((time.time() - start_time), )}s) ',
'mosaic': mosaic,
'website': real_url,
'wanted': '',
@@ -273,7 +269,7 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
log_info += web_info + debug_info
dic['log_info'] = log_info
except Exception as e:
- debug_info = '数据生成出错: %s' % str(e)
+ debug_info = f'数据生成出错: {str(e)}'
log_info += web_info + debug_info
raise Exception(debug_info)
except Exception as e:
@@ -285,16 +281,10 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
'website': '',
'log_info': log_info,
'error_info': debug_info,
- 'req_web': req_web + '(%ss) ' % (round((time.time() - start_time), )),
+ 'req_web': req_web + f'({round((time.time() - start_time), )}s) ',
dic = {website_name: {'zh_cn': dic, 'zh_tw': dic, 'jp': dic}}
- js = json.dumps(
- dic,
- ensure_ascii=False,
- sort_keys=False,
- indent=4,
- separators=(',', ': '),
- ) # .encode('UTF-8')
+ js = json.dumps(dic, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ) # .encode('UTF-8')
return js
@@ -337,4 +327,4 @@ def main(number, appoint_url='', log_info='', req_web='', language='zh_cn'):
# print(main('ssis-200', '')) # 多个搜索结果
# print(main('JUY-331', '')) # 存在系列字段
# print(main('SONE-248', '')) # 简介存在无效信息 "*根据分发方式,内容可能会有所不同"
- print('CAWD-688','') # 无码破解
+ print('CAWD-688', '') # 无码破解
diff --git a/src/models/crawlers/avsex.py b/src/models/crawlers/avsex.py
index 565652b..34c9997 100644
--- a/src/models/crawlers/avsex.py
+++ b/src/models/crawlers/avsex.py
@@ -47,14 +47,11 @@ def get_actor_photo(actor):
def get_outline(html):
result = html.xpath('string(//h2[contains(text(), "劇情簡介")]/following-sibling::p)')
- rep_list = [
- '(中文字幕1280x720)', '(日本同步最新‧中文字幕1280x720)', '(日本同步最新‧中文字幕)',
- '(日本同步最新‧完整激薄版‧中文字幕1280x720)', '*日本女優* 劇情做愛影片 *完整日本版*',
- '*日本女優* 剧情做爱影片 *完整日本版*', ' ', '
', '
', '
', - '\n', - '', - ' | \n\t\t
', '
', + '\n', + '', + ' | \n\t\t