diff --git a/package.xml b/package.xml
index a5c8053d05..2906f12677 100644
--- a/package.xml
+++ b/package.xml
@@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
diff --git a/src/Config.php b/src/Config.php
index 63eec92866..59d12d9e0d 100644
--- a/src/Config.php
+++ b/src/Config.php
@@ -272,6 +272,13 @@ public function __set($name, $value)
$this->settings['trackTime'] = true;
+ case 'reports':
+ $reports = array_change_key_case($value, CASE_LOWER);
+ if (array_key_exists('performance', $reports) === true) {
+ $this->settings['trackTime'] = true;
+ }
+ break;
default :
// No validation required.
@@ -1420,8 +1427,8 @@ public function printPHPCSUsage()
echo ' How many files should be checked simultaneously (default is 1)'.PHP_EOL;
echo ' Print either the "full", "xml", "checkstyle", "csv"'.PHP_EOL;
echo ' "json", "junit", "emacs", "source", "summary", "diff"'.PHP_EOL;
- echo ' "svnblame", "gitblame", "hgblame" or "notifysend" report,'.PHP_EOL;
- echo ' or specify the path to a custom report class'.PHP_EOL;
+ echo ' "svnblame", "gitblame", "hgblame", "notifysend" or "performance",'.PHP_EOL;
+ echo ' report or specify the path to a custom report class'.PHP_EOL;
echo ' (the "full" report is printed by default)'.PHP_EOL;
echo ' Write the report to the specified file path'.PHP_EOL;
echo ' How many columns wide screen reports should be printed'.PHP_EOL;
diff --git a/src/Reports/Performance.php b/src/Reports/Performance.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5b94074d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Reports/Performance.php
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * @copyright 2023 Juliette Reinders Folmer. All rights reserved.
+ * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence
+ */
+namespace PHP_CodeSniffer\Reports;
+use PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File;
+use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util\Common;
+use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util\Timing;
+class Performance implements Report
+ /**
+ * Generate a partial report for a single processed file.
+ *
+ * Function should return TRUE if it printed or stored data about the file
+ * and FALSE if it ignored the file. Returning TRUE indicates that the file and
+ * its data should be counted in the grand totals.
+ *
+ * @param array $report Prepared report data.
+ * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\File $phpcsFile The file being reported on.
+ * @param bool $showSources Show sources?
+ * @param int $width Maximum allowed line width.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function generateFileReport($report, File $phpcsFile, $showSources=false, $width=80)
+ {
+ $times = $phpcsFile->getListenerTimes();
+ foreach ($times as $sniff => $time) {
+ echo "$sniff>>$time".PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }//end generateFileReport()
+ /**
+ * Prints the sniff performance report.
+ *
+ * @param string $cachedData Any partial report data that was returned from
+ * generateFileReport during the run.
+ * @param int $totalFiles Total number of files processed during the run.
+ * @param int $totalErrors Total number of errors found during the run.
+ * @param int $totalWarnings Total number of warnings found during the run.
+ * @param int $totalFixable Total number of problems that can be fixed.
+ * @param bool $showSources Show sources?
+ * @param int $width Maximum allowed line width.
+ * @param bool $interactive Are we running in interactive mode?
+ * @param bool $toScreen Is the report being printed to screen?
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function generate(
+ $cachedData,
+ $totalFiles,
+ $totalErrors,
+ $totalWarnings,
+ $totalFixable,
+ $showSources=false,
+ $width=80,
+ $interactive=false,
+ $toScreen=true
+ ) {
+ $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $cachedData);
+ array_pop($lines);
+ if (empty($lines) === true) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // First collect the accumulated timings.
+ $timings = [];
+ $totalSniffTime = 0;
+ foreach ($lines as $line) {
+ $parts = explode('>>', $line);
+ $sniffClass = $parts[0];
+ $time = $parts[1];
+ if (isset($timings[$sniffClass]) === false) {
+ $timings[$sniffClass] = 0;
+ }
+ $timings[$sniffClass] += $time;
+ $totalSniffTime += $time;
+ }
+ // Next, tidy up the sniff names and determine max needed column width.
+ $totalTimes = [];
+ $maxNameWidth = 0;
+ foreach ($timings as $sniffClass => $secs) {
+ $sniffCode = Common::getSniffCode($sniffClass);
+ $maxNameWidth = max($maxNameWidth, strlen($sniffCode));
+ $totalTimes[$sniffCode] = $secs;
+ }
+ // Leading space + up to 12 chars for the number.
+ $maxTimeWidth = 13;
+ // Leading space, open parenthesis, up to 5 chars for the number, space + % and close parenthesis.
+ $maxPercWidth = 10;
+ // Calculate the maximum width available for the sniff name.
+ $maxNameWidth = min(($width - $maxTimeWidth - $maxPercWidth), max(($width - $maxTimeWidth - $maxPercWidth), $maxNameWidth));
+ arsort($totalTimes);
+ echo str_repeat('-', $width).PHP_EOL;
+ echo "\033[1m".'SNIFF'.str_repeat(' ', ($width - 31)).'TIME TAKEN (SECS) (%)'."\033[0m".PHP_EOL;
+ echo str_repeat('-', $width).PHP_EOL;
+ // Mark sniffs which take more than twice as long as the average processing time per sniff
+ // in orange and when they take more than three times as long as the average,
+ // mark them in red.
+ $avgSniffTime = ($totalSniffTime / count($totalTimes));
+ $doubleAvgSniffTime = (2 * $avgSniffTime);
+ $tripleAvgSniffTime = (3 * $avgSniffTime);
+ $format = "%- {$maxNameWidth}.{$maxNameWidth}s % 12.6f (% 5.1f %%)".PHP_EOL;
+ $formatBold = "\033[1m%- {$maxNameWidth}.{$maxNameWidth}s % 12.6f (% 5.1f %%)\033[0m".PHP_EOL;
+ $formatWarning = "%- {$maxNameWidth}.{$maxNameWidth}s \033[33m% 12.6f (% 5.1f %%)\033[0m".PHP_EOL;
+ $formatError = "%- {$maxNameWidth}.{$maxNameWidth}s \033[31m% 12.6f (% 5.1f %%)\033[0m".PHP_EOL;
+ foreach ($totalTimes as $sniff => $time) {
+ $percent = round((($time / $totalSniffTime) * 100), 1);
+ if ($time > $tripleAvgSniffTime) {
+ printf($formatError, $sniff, $time, $percent);
+ } else if ($time > $doubleAvgSniffTime) {
+ printf($formatWarning, $sniff, $time, $percent);
+ } else {
+ printf($format, $sniff, $time, $percent);
+ }
+ }
+ echo str_repeat('-', $width).PHP_EOL;
+ printf($formatBold, 'TOTAL SNIFF PROCESSING TIME', $totalSniffTime, 100);
+ $runTime = (Timing::getDuration() / 1000);
+ $phpcsTime = ($runTime - $totalSniffTime);
+ echo PHP_EOL.str_repeat('-', $width).PHP_EOL;
+ printf($format, 'Time taken by sniffs', $totalSniffTime, round((($totalSniffTime / $runTime) * 100), 1));
+ printf($format, 'Time taken by PHPCS runner', $phpcsTime, round((($phpcsTime / $runTime) * 100), 1));
+ echo str_repeat('-', $width).PHP_EOL;
+ printf($formatBold, 'TOTAL RUN TIME', $runTime, 100);
+ echo str_repeat('-', $width).PHP_EOL;
+ }//end generate()
+}//end class