- Initial release.
- Issue 78 - Spyder Vim plugin maintenance and Spyder Vim 0.1.0 release
- Issue 76 - Is Spyder-vim still under development? (PR 77 by @ok97465)
- Issue 75 - Update plugin to be compatible with Spyder 5 (PR 77 by @ok97465)
- Issue 66 - need to tweak c commands to end in insert mode (PR 68 by @bgallois)
- Issue 58 - _get_line() method is not working at the last line (PR 59 by @bgallois)
- Issue 53 - Regex expression is not working with search command. (PR 54 by @bgallois)
- Issue 48 - The behavior of "dw" is different from vi.
- Issue 43 - Vim in Spyder 4 (PR 44 by @bgallois)
- Issue 41 - vim plugin spyder_vim error (PR 77 by @ok97465)
- Issue 40 - How to start using spyder-vim? (PR 82 by @ccordoba12)
- Issue 31 - Rename files to follow plugins files naming conventions better (PR 77 by @ok97465)
- Issue 27 - Consistent naming with other spyder plugins (PR 30 by @andfoy)
- Issue 24 - Add tests to the project and CI Integration (PR 30 by @andfoy)
- Issue 21 - Create a pypi package
- Issue 18 - Cannot dd the last line
- Issue 14 - When your cursor sits somewhere for too long, it disappears.
- Issue 13 - When you yank a whole line, p (for "put" or "paste") should put the line on a new line. (PR 16 by @pwoosam)
- Issue 9 - Make this plugin based on FakeVim
- Issue 8 - Continue to next/previous line for h or l keys is not a vim behavior
- Issue 7 - Cursor hidden when occurrences are highlighted
- Issue 6 - update readme/wiki entry for installation
- Issue 5 - Test Reports
- Issue 4 - Visual mode (PR 20 by @pwoosam)
- Issue 3 - Repeat actions with multiple digits
- Issue 2 - Cursor in command mode
In this release 25 issues were closed.
- PR 82 - PR: Add "Usage" section to Readme, by @ccordoba12 (40)
- PR 81 - PR: Add long description for PyPI, by @ok97465
- PR 80 - PR: Update readme.md, by @ok97465
- PR 79 - PR: Add initial contributing guide and release steps docs, by @dalthviz
- PR 77 - PR: Updates to provide Spyder 5 compatibility, by @ok97465 (76, 75, 41, 31)
- PR 73 - Add <<, >> command, by @ok97465
- PR 72 - PR: Add r command, by @ok97465
- PR 71 - PR: Add ~ command, by @ok97465
- PR 70 - PR: Fix position after D command, by @ok97465
- PR 69 - PR: Add J command, by @ok97465
- PR 68 - PR: Fix c commands, by @bgallois (66)
- PR 65 - PR: Add % command, by @bgallois
- PR 64 - PR: Fix insert mode display, by @bgallois
- PR 63 - PR: Add registers, by @bgallois
- PR 62 - PR: Add cursor screen movements, by @bgallois
- PR 61 - PR: Fix cursor decorator, by @bgallois
- PR 60 - Add gt, gT command, by @ok97465
- PR 59 - Fix get line, by @bgallois (58)
- PR 57 - PR: Fix "a" behavior at the end of block, by @ok97465
- PR 56 - PR: Fix cursor at end of line and brackets selection, by @bgallois
- PR 55 - PR: add modes to p and P commands, by @bgallois
- PR 54 - PR: Fix regex search, by @bgallois (53)
- PR 52 - PR: Add mode display, by @bgallois
- PR 51 - PR: Add search commands, by @bgallois
- PR 50 - PR: Fix deletion behavior, by @bgallois
- PR 49 - PR:Fix behavior of dw command, by @ok97465
- PR 47 - PR: Fix copy/paste cursor behavior, by @bgallois
- PR 46 - PR: Move CI to GitHub actions, by @bgallois
- PR 45 - Add features, by @bgallois
- PR 44 - PR: Update plugin to work with Spyder 4, by @bgallois (43)
- PR 39 - PR: Command x to delete character under cursor, by @mikemb
- PR 36 - PR: Command e to move to end of current word, by @mariacamilarg
- PR 30 - PR: Enable CircleCI and first tests addition, by @andfoy (27, 24)
- PR 26 - PR: Added command ^, by @pwoosam
- PR 23 - PR: new b command, by @mariacamilarg
- PR 20 - Visual mode added, by @pwoosam (4)
- PR 19 - added command return and _get_line() helper, by @pwoosam
- PR 17 - Fix escape behavior and add backspace command, by @pwoosam
- PR 16 - Commands p, P, u fixed/added and clipboard selection type is tracked, by @pwoosam (13)
- PR 15 - Fixed behavior of h, l and I, gg commands added, by @pwoosam
- PR 12 - Implement cw (as dw + i), by @martinfiers
- PR 11 - Update vim cursor after dw, by @martinfiers
- PR 10 - Renaming readme, required in the setup, by @martinfiers
In this release 43 pull requests were closed.