- January 12, 2011: initial partial version by "Peter Wagenet":credits.html#pwagenet
- January 19, 2011: further updates by "Peter Wagenet":credits.html#pwagenet
- January 20, 2011: corrections to "The init Method" and "The Run Loop" by "Peter Wagenet":credits.html#pwagenet
- January 24, 2011: added section on "Bindings and Chained Property Paths" by "Peter Wagenet":credits.html#pwagenet
- March 2, 2011: fixed paragraph formmatting by "Topher Fangio":credits.html#topherfangio
- March 2, 2011: fixed grammar, clarified phrasing, added examples to the Observer section by "Jason Gignac":credits.html#jgignac