diff --git a/.github/workflows/cd-ghcr.io.yaml b/.github/workflows/cd-ghcr.io.yaml
index b2e0ae97e9..3930fff758 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/cd-ghcr.io.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/cd-ghcr.io.yaml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ jobs:
max-parallel: 1
- container: [container3, container3lite]
+ container: [container3, container3lite , enterprise]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci-enterprise.yaml b/.github/workflows/ci-enterprise.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c7adfa0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci-enterprise.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+# ########################################################################
+# Copyright 2021 Splunk Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ########################################################################
+name: ci-enterprise
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - "main"
+ - "enterprise/*"
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - "main"
+ - "enterprise/*"
+ actions: read
+ contents: write
+ deployments: write
+ packages: write
+ meta:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ outputs:
+ sc4s: ghcr.io/${{ github.repository }}/enterprise:${{ fromJSON(steps.docker_action_meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.version'] }}
+ container_tags: ${{ steps.docker_action_meta.outputs.tags }}
+ container_labels: ${{ steps.docker_action_meta.outputs.labels }}
+ container_buildtime: ${{ fromJSON(steps.docker_action_meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.created'] }}
+ container_version: ${{ fromJSON(steps.docker_action_meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.version'] }}
+ container_revision: ${{ fromJSON(steps.docker_action_meta.outputs.json).labels['org.opencontainers.image.revision'] }}
+ container_base: ${{ fromJSON(steps.docker_action_meta.outputs.json).tags[0] }}
+ matrix_supportedSplunk: ${{ steps.matrix.outputs.supportedSplunk }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ submodules: false
+ persist-credentials: false
+ - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: "16"
+ - name: Semantic Release
+ id: version
+ uses: cycjimmy/semantic-release-action@v3
+ with:
+ semantic_version: 18
+ extra_plugins: |
+ @semantic-release/exec
+ @semantic-release/git
+ semantic-release-helm
+ @google/semantic-release-replace-plugin@1.2.0
+ conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits@6.1.0
+ dry_run: true
+ env:
+ - name: Docker meta
+ id: docker_action_meta
+ uses: docker/metadata-action@v5
+ with:
+ images: ghcr.io/${{ github.repository }}/enterprise
+ tags: |
+ type=sha,format=long
+ type=sha
+ type=semver,pattern={{version}},value=${{ steps.version.outputs.new_release_version }}
+ type=semver,pattern={{major}},value=${{ steps.version.outputs.new_release_version }}
+ type=semver,pattern={{major}}.{{minor}},value=${{ steps.version.outputs.new_release_version }}
+ type=ref,event=branch
+ type=ref,event=pr
+ type=ref,event=tag
+ - name: matrix
+ id: matrix
+ uses: splunk/addonfactory-test-matrix-action@v2.1.9
+ security-fossa-scan:
+ continue-on-error: true
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: run fossa anlyze and create report
+ run: |
+ curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fossas/fossa-cli/master/install-latest.sh | bash
+ fossa analyze --debug
+ fossa report attribution --format text > /tmp/THIRDPARTY
+ env:
+ FOSSA_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.FOSSA_API_KEY }}
+ - name: upload THIRDPARTY file
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ path: /tmp/THIRDPARTY
+ - name: run fossa test
+ run: |
+ fossa test --debug
+ env:
+ FOSSA_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.FOSSA_API_KEY }}
+ build_action:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ name: Build Action
+ needs:
+ - meta
+ steps:
+ # To use this repository's private action,
+ # you must check out the repository
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ submodules: false
+ persist-credentials: false
+ - name: Set up QEMU
+ uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3
+ - name: Set up Docker Buildx
+ uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
+ - name: Login to GitHub Packages Docker Registry
+ uses: docker/login-action@v3
+ with:
+ registry: ghcr.io
+ username: ${{ github.actor }}
+ password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ - name: Build and push action
+ id: docker_action_build
+ uses: docker/build-push-action@v6
+ with:
+ context: .
+ provenance: false
+ file: package/Dockerfile.enterprise
+ #platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
+ platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
+ push: true
+ #tags: ${{ needs.meta.outputs.container_tags }}
+ tags: ${{ needs.meta.outputs.container_base }}
+ labels: ${{ needs.meta.outputs.container_labels }}
+ build-args: |
+ BUILDTIME=${{ needs.meta.outputs.container_buildtime }}
+ VERSION=${{ needs.meta.outputs.container_version }}
+ REVISION=${{ needs.meta.outputs.container_revision }}
+ cache-from: type=registry,ref=${{ needs.meta.outputs.container_base }}
+ cache-to: type=inline
+ scan-docker-image-cves:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ name: Scan docker image on CVEs
+ needs:
+ - meta
+ - build_action
+ steps:
+ # To use .trivyignore file, you must check out the repository
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ submodules: false
+ persist-credentials: false
+ - name: Run docker vulnerability scanner
+ uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@master
+ with:
+ image-ref: ${{ needs.meta.outputs.container_base }}
+ format: 'table'
+ exit-code: '1'
+ trivyignores: '.trivyignore'
+ scanners: "vuln"
+ test-container:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs:
+ - meta
+ - build_action
+ # runs all of the steps inside the specified container rather than on the VM host.
+ # Because of this the network configuration changes from host based network to a container network.
+ container:
+ image: python:3.9-buster
+ services:
+ splunk:
+ image: splunk/splunk:${{ fromJson(needs.meta.outputs.matrix_supportedSplunk)[0].version }}
+ ports:
+ - 8000:8000
+ - 8088:8088
+ - 8089:8089
+ env:
+ SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN: 70b6ae71-76b3-4c38-9597-0c5b37ad9630
+ SPLUNK_START_ARGS: --accept-license
+ SPLUNK_APPS_URL: https://github.com/splunk/splunk-configurations-base-indexes/releases/download/v1.0.0/splunk_configurations_base_indexes-1.0.0.tar.gz
+ sc4s:
+ image: ${{ needs.meta.outputs.container_base }}
+ ports:
+ - 514:514
+ - 601:601
+ - 5614:5514
+ - 5601:5601
+ - 6000:6000
+ - 6002:6002
+ - 9000:9000
+ env:
+ SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_HEC_DEFAULT_URL: https://splunk:8088
+ SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_HEC_DEFAULT_TOKEN: 70b6ae71-76b3-4c38-9597-0c5b37ad9630
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ submodules: false
+ persist-credentials: false
+ - name: Run tests
+ run: |
+ pip3 install poetry
+ poetry install
+ mkdir -p test-results || true
+ poetry run pytest -v --tb=long \
+ --splunk_type=external \
+ --splunk_hec_token=70b6ae71-76b3-4c38-9597-0c5b37ad9630 \
+ --splunk_host=splunk \
+ --sc4s_host=sc4s \
+ --junitxml=test-results/test.xml \
+ -n 14 \
+ -k 'not lite and not name_cache'
+ test-ipv4-name-cache:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs:
+ - meta
+ - build_action
+ # runs all of the steps inside the specified container rather than on the VM host.
+ # Because of this the network configuration changes from host based network to a container network.
+ container:
+ image: python:3.9-buster
+ services:
+ splunk:
+ image: splunk/splunk:${{ fromJson(needs.meta.outputs.matrix_supportedSplunk)[0].version }}
+ ports:
+ - 8088:8088
+ - 8089:8089
+ env:
+ SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN: 70b6ae71-76b3-4c38-9597-0c5b37ad9630
+ SPLUNK_START_ARGS: --accept-license
+ SPLUNK_APPS_URL: https://github.com/splunk/splunk-configurations-base-indexes/releases/download/v1.0.0/splunk_configurations_base_indexes-1.0.0.tar.gz
+ sc4s:
+ image: ${{ needs.meta.outputs.container_base }}
+ ports:
+ - 514:514
+ env:
+ SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_HEC_DEFAULT_URL: https://splunk:8088
+ SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_HEC_DEFAULT_TOKEN: 70b6ae71-76b3-4c38-9597-0c5b37ad9630
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ submodules: false
+ persist-credentials: false
+ - name: Run tests
+ run: |
+ pip3 install poetry
+ poetry install
+ mkdir -p test-results || true
+ poetry run pytest -v --tb=long \
+ --splunk_type=external \
+ --splunk_hec_token=70b6ae71-76b3-4c38-9597-0c5b37ad9630 \
+ --splunk_host=splunk \
+ --sc4s_host=sc4s \
+ --junitxml=test-results/test.xml \
+ -n 1 \
+ -m 'name_cache'
+ test-ipv6-name-cache:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs:
+ - meta
+ - build_action
+ # runs all of the steps inside the specified container rather than on the VM host.
+ # Because of this the network configuration changes from host based network to a container network.
+ container:
+ image: python:3.9-buster
+ services:
+ splunk:
+ image: splunk/splunk:${{ fromJson(needs.meta.outputs.matrix_supportedSplunk)[0].version }}
+ ports:
+ - 8088:8088
+ - 8089:8089
+ env:
+ SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN: 70b6ae71-76b3-4c38-9597-0c5b37ad9630
+ SPLUNK_START_ARGS: --accept-license
+ SPLUNK_APPS_URL: https://github.com/splunk/splunk-configurations-base-indexes/releases/download/v1.0.0/splunk_configurations_base_indexes-1.0.0.tar.gz
+ sc4s:
+ image: ${{ needs.meta.outputs.container_base }}
+ ports:
+ - 514:514
+ env:
+ SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_HEC_DEFAULT_URL: https://splunk:8088
+ SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_HEC_DEFAULT_TOKEN: 70b6ae71-76b3-4c38-9597-0c5b37ad9630
+ SC4S_IPV6_ENABLE: "yes"
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ submodules: false
+ persist-credentials: false
+ - name: Run tests
+ run: |
+ pip3 install poetry
+ poetry install
+ mkdir -p test-results || true
+ poetry run pytest -v --tb=long \
+ --splunk_type=external \
+ --splunk_hec_token=70b6ae71-76b3-4c38-9597-0c5b37ad9630 \
+ --splunk_host=splunk \
+ --sc4s_host=sc4s \
+ --junitxml=test-results/test.xml \
+ -n 1 \
+ -m 'name_cache'
+ release:
+ name: Release
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs:
+ - meta
+ - build_action
+ - test-container
+ - test-ipv4-name-cache
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ submodules: false
+ persist-credentials: false
+ - uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: "16"
+ - name: Semantic Release
+ id: version
+ uses: cycjimmy/semantic-release-action@v3
+ with:
+ semantic_version: 18
+ extra_plugins: |
+ @semantic-release/exec
+ @semantic-release/git
+ semantic-release-helm
+ @google/semantic-release-replace-plugin@1.2.0
+ conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits@6.1.0
+ env:
diff --git a/docs/enterprise.md b/docs/enterprise.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2da07714ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/enterprise.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# SC4S Enterprise
+## About SC4S Enterprise
+Introducing SC4S Enterprise, a robust and reliable solution crafted for organizations that prioritize stability over frequent updates. This release represents a shift towards predictable, stable, and streamlined software development, focusing on delivering a high-quality experience with fewer, carefully curated updates,this is initial version of the product, next version will be more matured with feature, patches and removal of experimental feature
+## Release Cycle
+1. Patch Release: Quarterly
+2. Version Update: Annualy
+## Security considerations
+SC4S Enterprise is built on an Alpine lightweight container which has very little vulnerability. SC4S Enterprise supports secure syslog data transmission protocols such as RELP and TLS over TCP to protect your data in transit.
+## Implement SC4S Enterprise
+To implementat of SC4S Enterprise:
+1. Set up the SC4S Enterprise environment.
+2. Install SC4S Enterprise following the [instructions for your chosen environment](../gettingstarted/) except microk8s and Kubernetes with the following changes:
+* In the service file for Podman or Docker replace references of standard container image (`container2` or `container3`) with `enterprise`.
+3. Configure source systems to send syslog data to SC4S Enterprise.
+4. Test the setup to ensure that your syslog data is correctly received, processed, and forwarded to Splunk.
diff --git a/package/Dockerfile.enterprise b/package/Dockerfile.enterprise
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38f5b30871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/Dockerfile.enterprise
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#Splunk Connect for Syslog (SC4S) by Splunk, Inc.
+#To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with
+#Splunk Connect for Syslog (SC4S) has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights
+#to Splunk Connect for Syslog (SC4S).
+#You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this
+#work. If not, see .
+#Splunk Syslog-NG Container Image
+#To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with
+#Splunk Connect for Syslog (SC4S) has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights
+#to Splunk Syslog-NG Container image.
+#You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this
+#work. If not, see .
+FROM ghcr.io/axoflow/axosyslog:${SYSLOGNG_VERSION}
+RUN apk add -U --upgrade --no-cache \
+ bash \
+ build-base \
+ curl \
+ grep \
+ less \
+ net-tools \
+ netcat-openbsd \
+ "openssl>=3.3.2-r1" \
+ procps \
+ py3-pip \
+ python3 \
+ python3-dev \
+ libffi-dev \
+ shadow \
+ socat \
+ tzdata \
+ wget \
+ cargo \
+ postgresql-libs \
+ ca-certificates \
+ poetry \
+ gdb \
+ && groupadd --gid 1024 syslog \
+ && useradd -M -g 1024 -u 1024 syslog \
+ && usermod -L syslog \
+ && touch /var/log/syslog-ng.out /var/log/syslog-ng.err \
+ && chmod 755 /var/log/syslog-ng.*
+EXPOSE 601/tcp
+EXPOSE 6514/tcp
+#Note this is commented out because the default syslog-ng config will try to read
+#/dev/log a low priv user cannot read this and the container will fail in SC4S
+#and other uses the low user may be selected
+HEALTHCHECK --interval=2m --timeout=5s --start-period=30s CMD /usr/sbin/syslog-ng-ctl healthcheck --timeout 5
+COPY pyproject.toml /
+COPY poetry.lock /
+RUN python3 -m venv /var/lib/python-venv \
+ && poetry export --format requirements.txt --without-hashes | /var/lib/python-venv/bin/pip3 --no-cache-dir install -r /dev/stdin \
+ && /var/lib/python-venv/bin/pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade tornado==6.4.2 \
+ && apk del build-base python3-dev libffi-dev
+COPY package/enterprise/etc/syslog-ng.conf /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
+COPY package/enterprise/etc/conf.d /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d
+COPY package/enterprise/etc/pylib /etc/syslog-ng/pylib
+COPY package/enterprise/etc/context_templates /etc/syslog-ng/context_templates
+COPY package/etc/test_parsers /etc/syslog-ng/test_parsers
+COPY package/enterprise/etc/local_config /etc/syslog-ng/local_config
+COPY package/enterprise/etc/local_config /etc/syslog-ng/local_config
+COPY package/sbin/entrypoint.sh /
+COPY package/sbin/source_ports_validator.py /
+ARG VERSION=unknown
+RUN echo $VERSION>/etc/syslog-ng/VERSION
+ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/p_compliance_meta.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/p_compliance_meta.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66de51b873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/p_compliance_meta.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+parser compliance_meta_by_source {
+ add-contextual-data(
+ selector(filters("`syslog-ng-sysconfdir`/conf.d/local/context/compliance_meta_by_source.conf")),
+ database("`syslog-ng-sysconfdir`/conf.d/local/context/compliance_meta_by_source.csv")
+ ignore-case(yes)
+ );
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/p_date-parser_nofilter.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/p_date-parser_nofilter.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81c9848c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/p_date-parser_nofilter.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+block parser date-parser-nofilter(
+ format()
+ template()
+ ) {
+ channel {
+ if {
+ parser {
+ date-parser(format(`format`) template("`template`")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ #We originally used this feaure as part of the date-parser above
+ #However when date-parser is called twice due to a non standard header
+ #The second call does not correctly guess the tz IF its part of date-parser
+ #But does work as a re-write. We think this is a syslog-ng bug
+ guess-time-zone();
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite { set("dtparse: Expected: `format`; Actual: `template`" value("fields.sc4s_error")); };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+block parser date-parser-alts-nofilter(
+ fmt_one()
+ fmt_two()
+ template()) {
+ channel {
+ if {
+ parser {
+ date-parser(format(`fmt_one`) template("`template`")
+ flags(guess-timezone));
+ };
+ filter {
+ '$(round $(- "$S_UNIXTIME" "$R_UNIXTIME"))' < 43200
+ and '$(round $(- "$S_UNIXTIME" "$R_UNIXTIME"))' > -43200
+ };
+ } elif {
+ parser {
+ date-parser(format(`fmt_two`) template("`template`")
+ flags(guess-timezone));
+ };
+ filter {
+ '$(round $(- "$S_UNIXTIME" "$R_UNIXTIME"))' < 43200
+ and '$(round $(- "$S_UNIXTIME" "$R_UNIXTIME"))' > -43200
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite { set("dtparse: Expected: `fmt_one` OR `fmt_two`; Actual: `template`" value("fields.sc4s_error")); };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/syslog_format.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/syslog_format.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09e972d12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/syslog_format.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+filter f_is_nevermatch{
+ tags("nevermatch");
+rewrite set_rfc{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc");
+filter f_is_rfc{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc");
+rewrite set_rfc3164{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164");
+filter f_is_rfc3164{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164");
+rewrite set_rfc5424{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc5424");
+filter f_is_rfc5424{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc5424");
+rewrite set_raw{
+ set-tag("wireformat:raw");
+filter f_is_raw{
+ tags("wireformat:raw");
+filter f_host_is_nil_or_ip{
+ (
+ host('^-') or
+ host('^((((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))|((([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))))$')
+ )
+ and not '$HOST' eq ""
+filter f_host_is_ip{
+ host('^((((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))|((([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))))$')
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_event_legacy.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_event_legacy.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd4728bbc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_event_legacy.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+template t_splunk_hec_event_legacy {
+ template('$(format-json
+ time=$S_UNIXTIME
+ host=${HOST}
+ source=${.splunk.source}
+ sourcetype=${.splunk.sourcetype}
+ index=${.splunk.index}
+ event="$MSG"
+ fields.*
+ )
+ ');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_event.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_event.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22c6c99403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_event.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+python {
+import syslogng
+import json
+def splunk_hec_metric_event(log_message):
+ logger = syslogng.Logger()
+ logger.debug(log_message)
+ m = {}
+ m['time']=log_message.get_as_str('S_UNIXTIME', '', repr='internal')
+ m['host']=log_message.get_as_str('HOST', '').lower()
+ m['source']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.source', '')
+ m['sourcetype']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.sourcetype', '')
+ m['index']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.index', '')
+ m['fields']={}
+ for field in log_message.keys():
+ dfield = field.decode("utf-8")
+ if dfield.startswith('fields.'):
+ sfield=dfield[7:]
+ m['fields'][sfield]=log_message.get_as_str(field, '', repr='internal')
+ rawmetrics = log_message.get_as_str('MESSAGE', '').rstrip(", ").split(", ")
+ metrics = {}
+ metriclist = []
+ event = ""
+ for rm in rawmetrics:
+ # print(rm)
+ metric, locator = rm.split("=", 1)
+ locator, value = locator.strip("'").split("=")
+ t, instance = locator.split("(", 1)
+ instance = (
+ instance.rstrip(")")
+ .replace("(", "_")
+ .replace("/services/collector/event", "")
+ .replace(".", "_")
+ .replace(",", ".")
+ .replace(":", "_")
+ .replace("//", "_")
+ .replace("/", "_")
+ .replace("-", "_")
+ .replace("#", "")
+ )
+ result = f"{t}.{instance}.{metric.replace('.', '_')}={value}"
+ if metric != "not_matched":
+ event = f"{event}spl.sc4syslog.{t}.{instance}.{metric.replace('.', '_')}={value}" + "\n"
+ m['event'] = event
+ message = json.dumps(m)
+ logger.debug(message)
+ return message
+template t_splunk_hec_metric_event {
+ template('$(python splunk_hec_metric_event)');
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_multi.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_multi.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36a21f0f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_multi.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+python {
+import syslogng
+import json
+from io import StringIO
+def splunk_hec_metric_multi(log_message):
+ logger = syslogng.Logger()
+ logger.debug(log_message)
+ output = StringIO()
+ m = {}
+ m['time']=log_message.get_as_str('S_UNIXTIME', '', repr='internal')
+ m['host']=log_message.get_as_str('HOST', '').lower()
+ m['source']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.source', '')
+ m['sourcetype']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.sourcetype', '')
+ m['index']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.index', '')
+ m['fields']={}
+ for field in log_message.keys():
+ dfield = field.decode("utf-8")
+ if dfield.startswith('fields.'):
+ sfield=dfield[7:]
+ m['fields'][sfield]=log_message.get_as_str(field, '', repr='internal')
+ rawmetrics = log_message.get_as_str('MESSAGE', '').rstrip(", ").split(", ")
+ metricset = {}
+ metrics = {}
+ metriclist = []
+ for rm in rawmetrics:
+ # print(rm)
+ metric, locator = rm.split("=", 1)
+ locator, value = locator.strip("'").split("=")
+ t, instance = locator.split("(", 1)
+ instance = (
+ instance.rstrip(")")
+ .replace("(", "_")
+ .replace("/services/collector/event", "")
+ .replace(".", "_")
+ .replace(",", ".")
+ .replace(":", "_")
+ .replace("//", "_")
+ .replace("/", "_")
+ .replace("-", "_")
+ .replace("#", "")
+ )
+ sk = f"{t}.{instance}"
+ if sk not in metricset:
+ metricset[sk]=m
+ if metric != "not_matched":
+ try :
+ float(value)
+ metricset[sk]['fields'][f"metric_name:spl.sc4syslog.{t}.{instance}.{metric.replace('.', '_')}"] = value
+ except :
+ pass
+ feed=False
+ for k,v in metricset.items():
+ if feed:
+ output.write("\n")
+ feed=True
+ output.write(json.dumps(v))
+ message = output.getvalue()
+ logger.debug(message)
+ return message
+template t_splunk_hec_metric_multi {
+ template('$(python splunk_hec_metric_multi)');
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_multi_v2.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_multi_v2.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92168497bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_multi_v2.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+python {
+import syslogng
+import json
+from io import StringIO
+import re
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+def splunk_hec_metric_multi_v2(log_message):
+ logger = syslogng.Logger()
+ logger.debug(log_message)
+ output = StringIO()
+ rawmetrics = log_message.get_as_str('MESSAGE', '').rstrip(", ").split(", ")
+ metricset = {}
+ for rm in rawmetrics:
+ # print(rm)
+ metric, locator = rm.split("=", 1)
+ locator, value = locator.strip("'").split("=")
+ t, instance = locator.split("(", 1)
+ instance = instance.rstrip(")").replace("(", "_")
+ dims={}
+ if "." in t:
+ tparts=t.split('.')
+ t=tparts[0]
+ dims['module'] = tparts[1]
+ else:
+ dims['module'] = t
+ iparts=[]
+ if t in ["center", "global"]:
+ mn=f"{t}.{instance}"
+ else:
+ if "," in instance:
+ iparts = instance.split(',')
+ if '#' in iparts[0]:
+ dims['name'] = iparts[0].split('#')[0]
+ dims['workernum'] = iparts[0].split('#')[1]
+ else:
+ dims['name'] = iparts[0]
+ dims['workernum'] = "agg"
+ else:
+ dims['name'] = instance
+ mn=f"{t}"
+ if t in ["center", "global"]:
+ mk=f"{t}"
+ elif t=="dst":
+ if len(iparts)==2 and iparts[1].startswith('/'):
+ dims['path']=iparts[1]
+ elif len(iparts)==3:
+ dims['proto']=iparts[1]
+ dims['uri']=iparts[2]
+ if dims['module'] in ['syslog', 'network']:
+ dest = iparts[2].split(':')
+ dims['dest']=dest[0]
+ dims['dest_port']=dest[1]
+ elif dims['module'] in ['http']:
+ parsed=urlparse(iparts[2])
+ dims['dest']=parsed.hostname
+ dims['dest_port']=parsed.port
+ dims['scheme']=parsed.scheme
+ else:
+ dims['name']=instance
+ mk = f"{t}.{instance}"
+ elif t=="src":
+ if dims['module'] == "internal":
+ if '#' in instance:
+ dims['name'] = instance.split('#')[0]
+ dims['workernum'] = instance.split('#')[1]
+ elif len(iparts)==2 and dims['module']=="file" and iparts[1].startswith('/'):
+ dims['path']=iparts[1]
+ elif len(iparts)==2 and dims['module'] in ["syslog", "network"]:
+ if iparts[1].startswith('afsocket_sd'):
+ #afsocket_sd.DEFAULT_6587_601_1
+ #afsocket_sd.PFSENSE_tcp_6000_1
+ socketparts = iparts[1].split('_')
+ dims['proto']=socketparts[-3]
+ dims['port']=socketparts[-2]
+ else:
+ dims['dest']=iparts[1]
+ elif len(iparts)==3:
+ dims['proto']=iparts[1]
+ if dims['module'] in ['syslog', 'network']:
+ dims['src']=iparts[2]
+ else:
+ dims['name']=instance
+ mk = f"{t}.{instance}"
+ else:
+ mk = f"{t}.{instance}"
+ if mk not in metricset:
+ metricset[mk]={}
+ metricset[mk]['time']=log_message.get_as_str('S_UNIXTIME', '', repr='internal')
+ metricset[mk]['host']=log_message.get_as_str('HOST', '').lower()
+ metricset[mk]['source']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.source', '')
+ metricset[mk]['sourcetype']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.sourcetype', '')
+ metricset[mk]['index']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.index', '')
+ metricset[mk]['fields']={}
+ for field in log_message.keys():
+ dfield = field.decode("utf-8")
+ if dfield.startswith('fields.'):
+ sfield=dfield[7:]
+ metricset[mk]['fields'][sfield]=log_message.get_as_str(field, '', repr='internal')
+ for k,v in dims.items():
+ metricset[mk]['fields'][k]=v
+ metricset[mk]['fields'][f"metric_name:spl.sc4syslog.{mn}.{metric.replace('.', '_')}"] = value
+ feed=False
+ for k,v in metricset.items():
+ if feed:
+ output.write("\n")
+ feed=True
+ output.write(json.dumps(v))
+ message = output.getvalue()
+ logger.debug(message)
+ return message
+template t_splunk_hec_metric_multi_v2 {
+ template('$(python splunk_hec_metric_multi_v2)');
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_single.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_single.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad5522fd74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_splunk_hec_metric_single.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+python {
+import syslogng
+import json
+from io import StringIO
+def splunk_hec_metric_single(log_message):
+ logger = syslogng.Logger()
+ logger.debug(log_message)
+ output = StringIO()
+ mb = {}
+ mb['time']=log_message.get_as_str('S_UNIXTIME', '', repr='internal')
+ mb['host']=log_message.get_as_str('HOST', '').lower()
+ mb['source']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.source', '')
+ mb['sourcetype']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.sourcetype', '')
+ mb['index']=log_message.get_as_str('.splunk.index', '')
+ mb['fields']={}
+ for field in log_message.keys():
+ dfield = field.decode("utf-8")
+ if dfield.startswith('fields.'):
+ sfield=dfield[7:]
+ mb['fields'][sfield]=log_message.get_as_str(field, '', repr='internal')
+ rawmetrics = log_message.get_as_str('MESSAGE', '').rstrip(", ").split(", ")
+ feed = False
+ for rm in rawmetrics:
+ metric, locator = rm.split("=", 1)
+ if metric != "not_matched":
+ m = mb.copy()
+ locator, value = locator.strip("'").split("=")
+ t, instance = locator.split("(", 1)
+ instance = (
+ instance.rstrip(")")
+ .replace("(", "_")
+ .replace("/services/collector/event", "")
+ .replace(".", "_")
+ .replace(",", ".")
+ .replace(":", "_")
+ .replace("//", "_")
+ .replace("/", "_")
+ .replace("-", "_")
+ .replace("#", "")
+ )
+ result = f"{t}.{instance}.{metric.replace('.', '_')}={value}"
+ m['fields']["metric_name"]=f"spl.sc4syslog.{t}.{instance}.{metric.replace('.', '_')}"
+ m['fields']["_value"] = value
+ if feed:
+ output.write("\n")
+ feed=True
+ output.write(json.dumps(m))
+ message = output.getvalue()
+ logger.debug(message)
+ return message
+template t_splunk_hec_metric_single {
+ template('$(python splunk_hec_metric_single)');
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_templates.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_templates.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dc09795b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_common/t_templates.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# ===============================================================================================
+# Templates for message formatting. Overall JSON formatting for HEC/Kafka is handled in the
+# destination blocks.
+# ===============================================================================================
+# ===============================================================================================
+# Standard format; works for nearly all messages
+# ===============================================================================================
+template t_standard {
+ template("${MONTH_ABBREV} ${DAY} ${HOUR}:${MIN}:${SEC} ${HOST} ${MSGHDR}${MESSAGE}");
+# ===============================================================================================
+# Message Only; useful for bluecoat proxy, palo alto, and others
+# ===============================================================================================
+template t_msg_only {
+ template("${MSGONLY}");
+ };
+# ===============================================================================================
+# Message Only trim leading or trailing white space
+# ===============================================================================================
+template t_msg_trim {
+ template("$(strip $MSGONLY )");
+ };
+# ===============================================================================================
+# Everything; useful for bluecoat proxy and others
+# ===============================================================================================
+template t_everything {
+ template("${ISODATE} ${HOST} ${LEGACY_MSGHDR}${MESSAGE}");
+ };
+# ===============================================================================================
+# Message Header with Message; for Palo Alto
+# ===============================================================================================
+template t_hdr_msg {
+ template("${MSGHDR}${MESSAGE}");
+ };
+template t_legacy_hdr_msg {
+ template("${LEGACY_MSGHDR}${MESSAGE}");
+ };
+template t_program_msg {
+ template("${PROGRAM}[${PID}]: ${MESSAGE}");
+ };
+template t_program_nopid_msg {
+ template("${PROGRAM}: ${MESSAGE}");
+ };
+# ===============================================================================================
+# Message Header, Structured Data (from RFC5424 parse) and Message; for Juniper
+# ===============================================================================================
+template t_hdr_sdata_msg {
+ template("${MSGHDR}${MSGID} ${SDATA} ${MESSAGE}");
+ };
+#Send RFC5424 message
+template t_5424_hdr_sdata_msg {
+ template('${ISODATE} $(if ("${HOST}" ne "") "${HOST}" "-") ${PROGRAM:--} ${PID:--} ${MSGID:--} ${SDATA:--}${MESSAGE}');
+ };
+#drop sdata send message
+template t_5424_hdr_msg {
+ template('${ISODATE} $(if ("${HOST}" ne "") "${HOST}" "-") ${PROGRAM:--} ${PID:--} ${MSGID:--} ${MESSAGE}');
+ };
+#Drop message send sdata
+template t_5424_hdr_sdata {
+ template('${ISODATE} $(if ("${HOST}" ne "") "${HOST}" "-") ${PROGRAM:--} ${PID:--} ${MSGID:--} ${SDATA}');
+ };
+#Send - for host and date to conserve bytes useful for destinations such as splunk where the fields are repetitive
+template t_5424_hdr_sdata_compact {
+ template('- - ${PROGRAM:--} ${PID:--} ${MSGID:--} ${SDATA:--}${MESSAGE}');
+ };
+# ===============================================================================================
+# JSON_3164; for JSON pretty-printing (for debugging)
+# ===============================================================================================
+template t_JSON_3164 {
+ template('$(format-json --scope rfc3164
+ --pair PRI="<$PRI>"
+ --key RAWMSG
+ --exclude FACILITY
+ --exclude PRIORITY
+ )');
+ };
+# ===============================================================================================
+# JSON_5424; for JSON pretty-printing (standard output for RFC5424 messages in production)
+# Fields passed as indexed fields or as Splunk metadata are excluded
+# ===============================================================================================
+template t_JSON_5424 {
+ template('$(format-json --scope rfc5424
+ --key RAWMSG
+ --exclude DATE
+ --exclude FACILITY
+ --exclude PRIORITY
+ --exclude HOST
+ )');
+ };
+# ===============================================================================================
+# JSON_5424_ALL; for JSON pretty-printing (for printing all fields in RFC5424 message and ISO date)
+# Useful for log path development
+# ===============================================================================================
+template t_JSON_5424_ALL {
+ template('$(format-json --scope rfc5424
+ --exclude DATE
+ --key ISODATE
+ --key RAWMSG
+ )');
+ };
+# ===============================================================================================
+# JSON_5424_SDATA; for JSON pretty-printing (for RFC5424 messages with duplicate data in MESSAGE)
+# ===============================================================================================
+template t_JSON_5424_SDATA {
+ template('$(format-json --scope rfc5424
+ --exclude DATE
+ --exclude HOST
+ --exclude FACILITY
+ --exclude PRIORITY
+ --exclude MESSAGE
+ --exclude RAWMSG
+ )');
+ };
+template t_splunk_hec {
+ template('$(format-json
+ time=$(if ("${.netsource.sc4s_use_recv_time}" eq "yes") ${R_UNIXTIME} ${S_UNIXTIME})
+ host=$(lowercase ${HOST})
+ source=${.splunk.source:-SC4S}
+ sourcetype=${.splunk.sourcetype:-sc4s:fallback}
+ index=${.splunk.index:-main}
+ event="$(template ${.splunk.sc4s_template:-t_hdr_msg})"
+ fields.sc4s_tags="$(implode "|" $(explode "," "$TAGS"))"
+ fields.*
+ )');
+template t_fallback_kv {
+ template("$(if (\"${RAWMSG}\" ne \"\") \"RAWMSG=${RAWMSG}\n\" \"\")$(if (\"${PRI}\" ne \"\") \"PRI=${PRI}\n\" \"\")$(if (\"${LEGACY_MSGHDR}\" ne \"\") \"LEGACY_MSGHDR=${LEGACY_MSGHDR}\n\" \"\")$(if (\"${PROGRAM}\" ne \"\") \"PROGRAM=${PROGRAM}\n\" \"\")$(if (\"${PID}\" ne \"\") \"PID=${PID}\n\" \"\")$(if (\"${MESSAGE}\" ne \"\") \"MESSAGE=${MESSAGE}\n\" \"\")");
+template-function "format-ewmm" "<$PRI>1 $ISODATE $LOGHOST @syslog-ng - - ${SDATA:--} $(format-json --leave-initial-dot --scope all-nv-pairs --exclude 0* --exclude 1* --exclude 2* --exclude 3* --exclude 4* --exclude 5* --exclude 6* --exclude 7* --exclude 8* --exclude 9* --exclude SOURCE --exclude .SDATA.* ._TAGS=${TAGS})\n";
+template t_json_values {
+ template('$(format-json --key .metadata.* --key .SDATA.* --key .values.* --shift-levels 2)');
+template t_kv_values {
+ template('$(format-welf --key .metadata.* --key .SDATA.* --key .values.* --shift-levels 2)');
+template t_json_values_msg {
+ template('$(format-json --key .metadata.* --key .SDATA.* --key .values.* --shift-levels 2 message=$MSG)');
+template t_kv_values_msg {
+ template('$(format-welf --key .metadata.* --key .SDATA.* --key .values.* --shift-levels 2 message=$MSG)');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_splunk/fix_dns.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_splunk/fix_dns.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cff5875ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_splunk/fix_dns.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+parser p_fix_hostname_resolver {
+ python(
+ class("parser_fix_dns.FixHostnameResolver")
+ );
+parser p_fix_fqdn_resolver {
+ python(
+ class("parser_fix_dns.FixFQDNResolver")
+ );
+parser p_host_cache {
+ python(
+ class("parser_source_cache.psc_parse")
+ );
+parser p_vpst_cache {
+ python(
+ class("parser_vps_cache.vpsc_parse")
+ );
+parser p_add_context_host {
+ add-contextual-data(
+ selector("${SOURCEIP}"),
+ database("conf.d/local/context/host.csv"),
+ );
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_splunk/netsourcefields.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_splunk/netsourcefields.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..041b8fa89f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_splunk/netsourcefields.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+block parser p_set_netsource_fields(
+ vendor()
+ product()
+) {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ set("`vendor`", value(".netsource.sc4s_vendor") condition('`vendor`' ne ""));
+ set("`product`", value(".netsource.sc4s_product") condition('`product`' ne ""));
+ set("`vendor`_`product`", value(".netsource.sc4s_vendor_product"));
+ set-tag("vps");
+ set-tag("ns_vendor:`vendor`");
+ set-tag("ns_product:`product`");
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_splunk/splunkfields.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_splunk/splunkfields.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd100f9c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/_splunk/splunkfields.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#Used to set indexed fields we will always use to global defaults
+rewrite r_set_splunk_default {
+ channel {
+ rewrite
+ {
+ set("sc4s", value(".splunk.source") condition(not match('^.' value('.splunk.source'))));
+ set("sc4s:unknown", value(".splunk.sourcetype") condition(not match('^.' value('.splunk.sourcetype'))));
+ set("main", value(".splunk.index") condition(not match('^.' value('.splunk.index'))));
+ set("`SC4S_CONTAINER_HOST`", value("fields.sc4s_loghost") condition('`SC4S_CONTAINER_HOST`' ne ""));
+ set($DESTPORT, value("fields.sc4s_destport") condition(match('destport' template('`SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_INDEXED_FIELDS`') type(string) flags(substring)) ));
+ set($LOGHOST, value("fields.sc4s_container") condition(match('container' template('`SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_INDEXED_FIELDS`') type(string) flags(substring)) ));
+ set($SOURCEIP, value("fields.sc4s_fromhostip") condition(match('fromhostip' template('`SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_INDEXED_FIELDS`') type(string) flags(substring)) ));
+ set($R_UNIXTIME, value("fields.sc4s_recv_time") condition(match('r_unixtime' template('`SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_INDEXED_FIELDS`') type(string) flags(substring)) ));
+ };
+ if ("$PROTO" == 6) {
+ rewrite { set("TCP", value("fields.sc4s_proto") condition(match('proto' template('`SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_INDEXED_FIELDS`') type(string) flags(substring)) )); };
+ } elif ("$PROTO" == 17) {
+ rewrite { set("UDP", value("fields.sc4s_proto") condition(match('proto' template('`SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_INDEXED_FIELDS`') type(string) flags(substring)) )); };
+ } else {
+ rewrite { set($PROTO, value("fields.sc4s_proto") condition(match('proto' template('`SC4S_DEST_SPLUNK_INDEXED_FIELDS`') type(string) flags(substring)) )); };
+ };
+ };
+#used by each log-path to set source and sourcetype which may be
+#overridden by user defined values
+block rewrite r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ #While the following is not used it remains to prevent breaking changes in content
+ index("main")
+ source("${.splunk.source}")
+ sourcetype("${.splunk.sourcetype}")
+ template('$(if (tags("wireformat:rfc5424")) "t_5424_hdr_sdata_compact" "t_hdr_msg")')
+ tags("default")
+ vendor("${fields.sc4s_vendor}")
+ product("${fields.sc4s_product}")
+ class("${fields.sc4s_class}")
+ ) {
+ set("`index`", value(".splunk.index"));
+ set("`source`", value(".splunk.source"));
+ set("`sourcetype`", value(".splunk.sourcetype"));
+ set("`template`", value(".splunk.sc4s_template"));
+ set("`vendor`", value("fields.sc4s_vendor") condition('`vendor`' ne ""));
+ set("`product`", value("fields.sc4s_product") condition('`product`' ne ""));
+ set("`class`", value("fields.sc4s_class") condition('`class`' ne ""));
+block rewrite r_set_splunk_dest_update(
+ #While the following is not used it remains to prevent breaking changes in content
+ index("${.splunk.index}")
+ source("${.splunk.source}")
+ sourcetype("${.splunk.sourcetype}")
+ template("${.splunk.sc4s_template}")
+ template_hec("${.splunk.sc4s_hec_template}")
+ vendor("${fields.sc4s_vendor}")
+ product("${fields.sc4s_product}")
+ class("${fields.sc4s_class}")
+ tag("")
+ condition("1" eq "1")
+ ) {
+ channel {
+ if (`condition`){
+ rewrite {
+ set("`index`", value(".splunk.index"));
+ set("`source`", value(".splunk.source"));
+ set("`sourcetype`", value(".splunk.sourcetype"));
+ set("`template`", value(".splunk.sc4s_template"));
+ set("`template_hec`", value(".splunk.sc4s_hec_template"));
+ set("`vendor`", value("fields.sc4s_vendor") condition('`vendor`' ne ""));
+ set("`product`", value("fields.sc4s_product") condition('`product`' ne ""));
+ set("`class`", value("fields.sc4s_class") condition('`class`' ne ""));
+ };
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {
+ "`vendor`" eq "null"
+ };
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ flags(final);
+ };
+block rewrite r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ #While the following is not used it remains to prevent breaking changes in content
+ index("${.splunk.index}")
+ source("${.splunk.source}")
+ sourcetype("${.splunk.sourcetype}")
+ template("${.splunk.sc4s_template}")
+ template_hec("${.splunk.sc4s_hec_template}")
+ class("${fields.sc4s_class}")
+ tags("")
+ condition("1" eq "1")
+ ) {
+ channel {
+ if (`condition`){
+ rewrite {
+ set("`index`", value(".splunk.index"));
+ set("`source`", value(".splunk.source"));
+ set("`sourcetype`", value(".splunk.sourcetype"));
+ set("`template`", value(".splunk.sc4s_template"));
+ set("`template_hec`", value(".splunk.sc4s_hec_template"));
+ set("`class`", value("fields.sc4s_class") condition('`class`' ne ""));
+ };
+ };
+ flags(final);
+ };
+rewrite r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue{
+ set-tag("dest_splunk:null_queue");
+filter f_is_dest_splunk_null_queue{
+ tags("dest_splunk:null_queue");
+rewrite r_set_source_identified{
+ set-tag("source_identified");
+filter f_is_source_identified{
+ tags("source_identified");
+filter f_is_agg{
+ tags("agg");
+filter f_is_proxy_ip{
+ "$HOST" eq "$SOURCEIP"
+ and "$PROXIED_SRCIP" ne ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-airwatch.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-airwatch.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc6da6b22e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-airwatch.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_airwatch_raw{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_airwatch_raw");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_airwatch_netscreen_raw{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_airwatch_raw");
+block parser app-almost-syslog-airwatch_raw() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ template("${MESSAGE}")
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns(
+ '(?\<\d+\>) (?:(?\w+ \d{2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d))\s*(?[^ ]+)\s*(?AirWatch+)\s*(?.*)'
+ )
+ );
+ date-parser(
+ format('%B %d %H:%M:%S')
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}")
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8)
+ template("${$.tmp.pri} $S_ISODATE ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.program} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('epintel')
+ sourcetype('vmware:airwatch')
+ vendor("vmware")
+ product("airwatch")
+ template('t_msg_only')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_airwatch_raw);
+ rewrite(r_set_source_identified);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslog-airwatch_raw[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslog-airwatch_raw(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-barracuda_waf.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-barracuda_waf.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b08d6a6d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-barracuda_waf.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+block parser app-almost-syslog-barracuda_waf() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+\>)(?: *)(?\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3} (\+|-)\d{4})\s{1,2}(?[^ ]+) (?(SYS|WF|TR|AUDIT|NF)) (?.*)')
+ );
+ date-parser(
+ format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %z')
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}")
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, guess-timezone)
+ template("${.tmp.pri} $S_ISODATE ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.log_type} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-almost-syslog-barracuda_waf[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslog-barracuda_waf(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-cisco_ms.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-cisco_ms.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cac0db3e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-cisco_ms.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_cisco_ms{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_cisco_ms");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_cisco_ms{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_cisco_ms");
+block parser app-almost-syslog-cisco_ms() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+\>) ?(?[A-Z][a-z]{2} *\d{1,2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (?[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z]+) (?[^ ]+) (?.*)')
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, guess-timezone)
+ template("${.tmp.pri} ${.tmp.timestamp} ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_cisco_ms);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslog-cisco_ms[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslog-cisco_ms(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-cisco_syslog.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-cisco_syslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72da93bb0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-cisco_syslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_cisco_syslog{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_cisco_syslog");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_cisco_syslog{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_cisco_syslog");
+block parser app-almost-syslog-cisco_syslog() {
+ channel {
+ if ("`SC4S_DISABLE_DROP_INVALID_CISCO`" eq "yes") {
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, no-header)
+ );
+ # split msg and header right before the '%', Cisco messages may
+ # have a variable number of ': ' terminated values
+ csv-parser(delimiters(chars('') strings(': %'))
+ columns('header', 'message')
+ prefix('.tmp.')
+ flags(greedy));
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".values.")
+ patterns('^(%(?.+)-(?[0-7])-(?[^\: ]+))(? ?[: ]) *(?.*)')
+ template("%${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, no-header)
+ );
+ # split msg and header right before the '%', Cisco messages may
+ # have a variable number of ': ' terminated values
+ csv-parser(delimiters(chars('') strings(': %'))
+ columns('header', 'message')
+ prefix('.tmp.')
+ flags(greedy, drop-invalid));
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".values.")
+ patterns('^(%(?.+)-(?[0-7])-(?[^\: ]+))(? ?[: ]) *(?.*)')
+ template("%${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ } else {};
+ filter {
+ #Arista EOS uses a valid semi program syntax this should avoid catching Arista which is otherwise similar to cisco logs
+ (
+ (
+ "${.values.identifier}" eq "ACE"
+ or "${.values.identifier}" eq "ASA"
+ or "${.values.identifier}" eq "FWSM"
+ or "${.values.identifier}" eq "PIX"
+ or match(': ?|\*', value('.tmp.header'))
+ or match('[A-Z]{3,4}:?$', value('.tmp.header'))
+ or match('\d+:?$', value('.tmp.header'))
+ )
+ and not match('[a-z]\S+$', value('.tmp.header'))
+ and not match(' \w+\[\d+\]$', value('.tmp.header'));
+ )
+ or (
+ match('LICENSE', value('.values.identifier') type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or match('MGBL', value('.values.identifier') type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or match('SECURITY', value('.values.identifier') type(string) flags(prefix))
+ )
+ };
+ if {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('(?:[ ]|^(?\<\d+\>)|^)(?(?[\*\.])?(?:(?\d+-\d+-\d+T\d+:\d+:\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:Z|[\+-] *\d+:\d+)|[A-Z][a-z]{2} [ 0123]\d(?: \d{4})? \d\d:\d\d:\d\d(?: [AP]M)?(?:[^ :]+)?)(?: (?[A-Za-z]{1,4}T))?)')
+ template('${.tmp.header}')
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {
+ "${.tmp.timestatus}" eq "."
+ or "${.tmp.timestatus}" eq "*"
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("0" value("fields.timesync"));
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite {
+ set("1" value("fields.timesync"));
+ };
+ };
+ parser { date-parser-nofilter(format(
+ '%b %d %H:%M:%S.%f',
+ '%b %d %H:%M:%S',
+ '%b %d %I:%M:%S %p.%f',
+ '%b %d %I:%M:%S %p',
+ '%b %d %Y %I:%M:%S %p.%f'
+ '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S.%f',
+ '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S',
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%T%z',
+ )
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}"));
+ };
+ } elif {
+ #This is "uptime" if we match this isn't a time stamp
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".values.")
+ patterns('(?<=: )(?\d\d:\d\d:\d\d|\d+ \d)')
+ template('${.tmp.header}')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {};
+ if ("`SC4S_ENABLE_CISCO_IOS_RAW_MSG`" eq "yes") {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('cisco:ios')
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('ios')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('cisco:ios')
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('ios')
+ );
+ set('%${.tmp.message}' value("MESSAGE"));
+ };
+ } else {};
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_cisco_syslog);
+ rewrite(r_set_source_identified);
+ if {
+ parser { app-parser(topic(cisco_syslog)); };
+ };
+ };
+application app-almost-syslog-cisco_syslog[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ filter {
+ message(': %' type(string) flags(substring)) and not message('junos' type(string) flags(substring))
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-almost-syslog-cisco_syslog(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-citrix_netscaler.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-citrix_netscaler.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0408a0ff77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-citrix_netscaler.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_citrix_netscaler{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_citrix_netscaler");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_citrix_netscaler{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_citrix_netscaler");
+block parser app-almost-syslog-citrix_netscaler() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+>) (?(?\d\d)\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d:\d\d:\d\d:\d\d ?(?\w+))? (?[^ ]+) (?[A-Z\-0-9]+ : .*)')
+ );
+ };
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, no-header)
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter { "${.tmp.tspart1}" eq "$R_DAY"};
+ parser {
+ date-parser-nofilter(
+ format('%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z','%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S')
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}")
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ parser {
+ date-parser-nofilter(
+ format('%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z','%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S')
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netfw')
+ sourcetype('citrix:netscaler:syslog')
+ vendor('citrix')
+ product('netscaler')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('citrix:netscaler:appfw') condition(message(':(\s+\S+)?\s+APPFW(\s+\S+){3}\s+:'))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("${.tmp.host}", value("HOST"));
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_citrix_netscaler);
+ rewrite(r_set_source_identified);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslog-citrix_netscaler[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslog-citrix_netscaler(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-juniper_netscreen_raw.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-juniper_netscreen_raw.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f0527fbea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-juniper_netscreen_raw.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_juniper_netscreen_raw{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_juniper_netscreen_raw");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_juniper_netscreen_raw{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_juniper_netscreen_raw");
+block parser app-almost-syslog-juniper_netscreen_raw() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ template("${MESSAGE}")
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns(
+ '(?\<\d+\>) ?(?:(?\w\w\w \d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) )?(?[^: ]+)(?:: | (?[^:]+): )(?NetScreen.*)'
+ )
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, guess-timezone)
+ template('${.tmp.pri} ${.tmp.timestamp} ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.message}')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netfw')
+ sourcetype('netscreen:firewall')
+ vendor("juniper")
+ product("netscreen")
+ class("raw")
+ );
+ set("${.tmp.host}", value("HOST"));
+ set("${.tmp.model}", value(".metadata.juniper.model") condition("${.tmp.model}" ne ""));
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_juniper_netscreen_raw);
+ rewrite(r_set_source_identified);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslog-juniper_netscreen_raw[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslog-juniper_netscreen_raw(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_bad5424.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_bad5424.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bed2b6e955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_bad5424.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_bad5424{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_bad5424");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_bad5424{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_bad5424");
+block parser app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_bad5424() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+\>)(?\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d[^ ]+) (?[^ ]+) [\w]+: \w+ (?[^\[]+)\[(?\d+)\] (?\[[a-zA-Z]+@6876[^\]]+\]) *(?.*)')
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ drop-invalid(no)
+ flags(assume-utf8, syslog-protocol)
+ template("${.tmp.pri}1 ${.tmp.timestamp} ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.program} ${.tmp.pid} - ${.tmp.sdata} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ filter {
+ not program('syslog-ng' type(string))
+ };
+ } else {
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ drop-invalid(no)
+ flags(assume-utf8, syslog-protocol)
+ template("${.tmp.pri}1 ${.tmp.timestamp} ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.program} ${.tmp.pid} - - ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('\[(?[^@]+)@(?[^ ]+) (?.*)\]$')
+ template("${.tmp.sdata}")
+ );
+ kv-parser(
+ prefix(".SDATA.originator@6876.")
+ pair-separator(" ")
+ template("${.tmp.kv}")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ } elif {
+ if {
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ drop-invalid(yes)
+ flags(assume-utf8, syslog-protocol)
+ template("${.tmp.pri}1 ${.tmp.timestamp} ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.program} ${.tmp.pid} - ${.tmp.sdata} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ filter {
+ not program('syslog-ng' type(string))
+ };
+ } else {
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ drop-invalid(yes)
+ flags(assume-utf8, syslog-protocol)
+ template("${.tmp.pri}1 ${.tmp.timestamp} ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.program} ${.tmp.pid} - - ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('\[(?[^@]+)@(?[^ ]+) (?.*)\]$')
+ template("${.tmp.sdata}")
+ );
+ kv-parser(
+ prefix(".SDATA.originator@6876.")
+ pair-separator(" ")
+ template("${.tmp.kv}")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ } else {};
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc5424);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_bad5424);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_bad5424[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_bad5424(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_dataslope.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_dataslope.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..273163a32b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_dataslope.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_dataslope{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_dataslope");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_dataslope{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_dataslope");
+block parser app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_dataslope() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+\>)(?datastoreSlopeUS\[\d+\]: \d+,) *(?[^ ]+) (?[^:]+:) (?a.*)')
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8)
+ template("${.tmp.pri} $R_DATE ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.program} ${.tmp.prefix}d${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_dataslope);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_dataslope[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_dataslope(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_guiddate.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_guiddate.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c119bdf1fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_guiddate.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_guiddate{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_guiddate");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_guiddate{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_guiddate");
+block parser app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_guiddate() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+\>) ?[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{3}Z (?[^ ]+) (?.*)')
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8)
+ template("${.tmp.pri} $R_DATE ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_vmware_vsphere_guiddate);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslog-ciscvmware_vsphere_guiddate[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslog-vmware_vsphere_guiddate(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-zscaler-nss-alerts.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-zscaler-nss-alerts.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dc52bb558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslog-zscaler-nss-alerts.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_zscaler-nss-alerts{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_zscaler-nss-alerts");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_zscaler-nss-alerts{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_zscaler-nss-alerts");
+block parser app-almost-syslog-zscaler-nss-alerts() {
+ channel {
+ #
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ template("${MESSAGE}")
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+>) ?(?\w\w\w [ \d]?\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) \[(?[^\]]+)] (?ZscalerNSS: .*)')
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, guess-timezone)
+ template("${.tmp.pri} ${.tmp.timestamp} ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_zscaler-nss-alerts);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslog-zscaler-nss-alerts[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslog-zscaler-nss-alerts(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogy-wlevelword.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogy-wlevelword.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ea0ace9fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogy-wlevelword.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_wlevel{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_wlevel");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_wlevel{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_wlevel");
+block parser app-almost-syslogz-wlevelword() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+>) ?(?\w\w\w +\d{1,2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (?[^ ]+) (?alert|crit|debug|emerg|error|err|info|notice|warning) (?.*)')
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, expect-hostname)
+ template("${.tmp.pri} ${.tmp.timestamp} ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ guess-time-zone();
+ set("${.tmp.level}", value(".metadata.header.log_level"));
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_wlevel);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslogz-wlevelword[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslogz-wlevelword(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-epoch.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-epoch.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a015f3f09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-epoch.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_epoch{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_epoch");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_epoch{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_epoch");
+block parser app-almost-syslogz-bsd-epoch() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+\>)(?:1(?= ))? ?(?\d{10,13}(?:\.\d+)?) (?.*)')
+ );
+ date-parser(
+ format('%s.%f', '%s')
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}")
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, guess-timezone)
+ template("${.tmp.pri} $S_ISODATE ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_epoch);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslogz-bsd-epoch[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslogz-bsd-epoch(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-isotime.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-isotime.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6c5c627ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-isotime.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_bsddate_isotime{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_bsddate_isotime");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_bsddate_isotime{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_bsddate_isotime");
+block parser app-almost-syslogz-bsd-isotime() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+\>) ?(?[A-Z][a-z]{2} ?\d{1,2}(?: \d{4})? \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+(?:Z|(?:-|\+)\d{4})) (?[^ ]+) (?.*)')
+ );
+ date-parser(
+ format('%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S.%f%z')
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}")
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8)
+ template("${$.tmp.pri} $S_ISODATE ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_bsddate_isotime);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslogz-bsd-isotime[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslogz-bsd-isotime(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-onedigitday.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-onedigitday.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e95ce4acbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-onedigitday.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_bsd-onedigitday{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_bsd-onedigitday");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_bsd-onedigitday{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_bsd-onedigitday");
+block parser app-almost-syslogz-bsd-onedigitday() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+\>) ?(?[A-Z][a-z]{2}) (?\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (?.*)')
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, guess-timezone)
+ template("${.tmp.pri} ${.tmp.tsp1} ${.tmp.tsp2} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_bsd-onedigitday);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslogz-bsd-onedigitday[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslogz-bsd-onedigitday(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-wrongver.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-wrongver.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b5a78de51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-bsd-wrongver.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_wrongver{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_wrongver");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_wrongver{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_wrongver");
+block parser app-almost-syslogz-bsd-wrongver() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+\>)1 *(?.*)')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite{
+ subst('^(\<\d+\>)1(.*)', '$0' , value("MESSAGE"));
+ };
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8,guess-timezone)
+ template('${.tmp.pri}${.tmp.header}')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_wrongver);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslogz-bsd-wrongver[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ filter {
+ message('^\<\d+\>1 ')
+ };
+ parser { app-almost-syslogz-bsd-wrongver(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-hip.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-hip.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e06222f944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-hip.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_host_ip{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_host_ip");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_host_ip{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_host_ip");
+block parser app-almost-syslogz-hip() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?<\d+>) ?(?\w\w\w \d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (?[a-z0-9\.-]+) \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d +(?.*)')
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, guess-timezone)
+ template("${.tmp.pri} ${.tmp.timestamp} ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_host_ip);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslogz-hip[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslogz-hip(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-hostnodate.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-hostnodate.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbcb91a9e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-hostnodate.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_nodate{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_nodate");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_nodate{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_nodate");
+block parser app-almost-syslogz-hostnodate() {
+ channel {
+ filter {
+ not message('^\<\d+\> ?[A-Z][a-z]{2} ');
+ };
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+\>) ?(?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+) (?[^ ]+ .*)')
+ );
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8)
+ template("${.tmp.pri} $R_DATE ${.tmp.host} ${.tmp.message}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_nodate);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslogz-hostnodate[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslogz-hostnodate(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-isodate.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-isodate.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..833c12ea1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-isodate.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_isodate{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_isodate");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_isodate{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_isodate");
+block parser app-almost-syslogz-isodate() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\<\d+\>)1?(?: *)(?\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(?: |T)?\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}),(?\d+.*)')
+ );
+ };
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, guess-timezone)
+ template("${.tmp.pri}${.tmp.h1}.${.tmp.h2}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_isodate);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslogz-isodate[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ parser { app-almost-syslogz-isodate(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-json.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-json.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da3b100f3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/almost-syslog/app-almost-syslogz-json.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+rewrite set_rfc3164_json{
+ set-tag("wireformat:rfc3164_json");
+filter f_is_rfc3164_json{
+ tags("wireformat:rfc3164_json");
+block parser app-almost-syslogz-json() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, no-header)
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164_json);
+ };
+application app-almost-syslogz-json[sc4s-almost-syslog] {
+ filter {
+ message('^(?:\<\d+>)? ?{.*}$');
+ };
+ parser { app-almost-syslogz-json(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-dashdash.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-dashdash.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d0f5e83e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-dashdash.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+application app-fix-invalid-program-dashdash[fix-invalid-program] {
+ filter {
+ program('--' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-epoch.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-epoch.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54e7bc2607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-epoch.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+application app-fix-invalid-program-epoch[fix-invalid-program] {
+ filter {
+ program('^\d{10}(?:\.\d+)?')
+ };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-ipv4.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-ipv4.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1f8fdfdb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-ipv4.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+application app-fix-invalid-program-ipv4[fix-invalid-program] {
+ filter {
+ program('(\b25[0-5]|\b2[0-4][0-9]|\b[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}')
+ };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-ne.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-ne.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b79f26b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-ne.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+application app-fix-invalid-program-ne[fix-invalid-program] {
+ filter {
+ };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-z_bsdconvention.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-z_bsdconvention.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b3ac762a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-fix-invalid-program/app-fix-invalid-program-z_bsdconvention.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+application app-fix-invalid-program-z_bsdconvention[fix-invalid-program] {
+ filter {
+ not program('^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\/\(\)\.]+$')
+ };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-hec-debug/app-hec-debug.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-hec-debug/app-hec-debug.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a74d50ad82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-hec-debug/app-hec-debug.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#This "app" parser will always match unless disabled by SC4S_ARCHIVE_GLOBAL=no
+application app-hec-debug[sc4s-hec-debug] {
+ filter {
+ '$(if ("`SC4S_DEBUG_HEC`" ne "") "`SC4S_DEBUG_HEC`" "no")' eq "yes"
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp-archive/app-lp-global_archive.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp-archive/app-lp-global_archive.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..511647d1aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp-archive/app-lp-global_archive.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#This "app" parser will always match unless disabled by SC4S_ARCHIVE_GLOBAL=no
+application app-lp-global_archive[sc4s-lp-archive] {
+ filter {
+ '$(if ("`SC4S_ARCHIVE_GLOBAL`" ne "") "`SC4S_ARCHIVE_GLOBAL`" "no")' eq "yes"
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp_dest_archive/plugin.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp_dest_archive/plugin.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee21c4753c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp_dest_archive/plugin.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+@module confgen context(root) name(app-lp_dest_archive) exec("`SC4S_ETC`/conf.d/conflib/app-lp_dest_archive/plugin.py")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp_dest_archive/plugin.jinja b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp_dest_archive/plugin.jinja
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..017551fbc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp_dest_archive/plugin.jinja
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+application sc4s-lp-dest-archive-{{ source }}[sc4s-lp-archive] {
+ filter {
+ '{{ source }}' eq "${fields.sc4s_vendor}_${fields.sc4s_product}"
+ };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp_dest_archive/plugin.py b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp_dest_archive/plugin.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8e39a48c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/app-lp_dest_archive/plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import jinja2
+import re
+plugin_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=plugin_path)
+templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(
+ loader=templateLoader,
+ autoescape=jinja2.select_autoescape(default_for_string=False),
+tm = templateEnv.get_template("plugin.jinja")
+regexfa = r"SC4S_DEST_(.*)(?Viptela)-(?.*)-(?.*)$')
+ template('${.values.identifier}')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite{
+ unset(value('PROGRAM'));
+ unset(value('PID'));
+ set('${.tmp.host}' value('HOST') condition(host('^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+')));
+ set('${.tmp.id1}-${.tmp.id2}' value('.values.identifier'));
+ subst('[A-Z]+-','', value('.values.mnemonic'));
+ set('%${.values.identifier}-${.values.severity}-${.values.mnemonic}${.values.seperator} ${.values.message}' value('MESSAGE'));
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-cisco-cisco_viptela[cisco_syslog] {
+ filter {
+ message('%Viptela' type(string) flags(prefix));
+ };
+ parser { app-cisco-cisco_viptela(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/cisco-syslog/app-cisco-cisco_xr.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/cisco-syslog/app-cisco-cisco_xr.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..995ad4cc2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/cisco-syslog/app-cisco-cisco_xr.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+block parser app-cisco-cisco_xr() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netops")
+ sourcetype('cisco:xr')
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('xr')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-cisco-cisco_xr[cisco_syslog] {
+ filter {
+ message('%LICENSE-' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or message('%MGBL-' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or message('%SECURITY-' type(string) flags(prefix));
+ };
+ parser { app-cisco-cisco_xr(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallback-json.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallback-json.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..109af134dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallback-json.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+block parser app-fallback-json() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ sourcetype('json')
+ vendor("json")
+ product('generic')
+ );
+ set("t_msg_trim", value(".splunk.sc4s_template"));
+ };
+ parser {
+ json-parser(
+ prefix('.values.')
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ parser { app-parser(topic(json)); };
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ groupunset(values('.values.*'));
+ };
+ };
+application app-fallback-json[sc4s-syslog] {
+ filter {
+ "${PROGRAM}" eq ""
+ and message('{' type(string) flags(prefix));
+ };
+ parser { app-fallback-json(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallback-netsource.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallback-netsource.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83d43286b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallback-netsource.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+block parser app-fallback-netsource() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("osnix")
+ sourcetype('nix:syslog')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("osnix")
+ sourcetype('nix:syslog')
+ source('program:${.PROGRAM}')
+ vendor('${.netsource.sc4s_vendor}')
+ product('${.netsource.sc4s_product}')
+ class('nix_syslog')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-fallback-netsource[fallback] {
+ filter {
+ (
+ filter(f_is_rfc5424);
+ or (
+ filter(f_is_rfc3164)
+ and "${PROGRAM}" ne ""
+ and "${MESSAGE}" ne ""
+ )
+ )
+ and "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor}" ne ""
+ and "${.netsource.sc4s_product}" ne ""
+ };
+ parser { app-fallback-netsource(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallback-nix_syslog.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallback-nix_syslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..570012d746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallback-nix_syslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+block parser app-fallback-nix_syslog() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("osnix")
+ sourcetype('nix:syslog')
+ vendor('nix')
+ product('syslog')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('program:${.PROGRAM}')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-fallback-nix_syslog[fallback] {
+ filter {
+ (
+ filter(f_is_rfc5424);
+ or (
+ filter(f_is_rfc3164)
+ and "${PROGRAM}" ne ""
+ and "${MESSAGE}" ne ""
+ )
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-fallback-nix_syslog(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallbackz-lastchance.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallbackz-lastchance.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea1b19219f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/fallback/app-fallbackz-lastchance.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+block parser app-fallbackz-lastchance() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ sourcetype('sc4s:fallback')
+ vendor('splunk')
+ product('sc4s')
+ class("fallback")
+ template('t_fallback_kv')
+ );
+ };
+ #rewrite { set("$(template t_fallback_kv)" value("MSG")); };
+ };
+application app-fallbackz-lastchance[fallback] {
+ parser { app-fallbackz-lastchance(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/json/app-json-novell_netiq.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/json/app-json-novell_netiq.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ac923a70e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/json/app-json-novell_netiq.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+block parser app-json-novell_netiq() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ vendor('novell')
+ product('netiq')
+ index('netauth'),
+ source('novell:netiq:${.values.component}'),
+ sourcetype('novell:netiq')
+ );
+ };
+ parser {
+ date-parser-nofilter(format(
+ '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z',
+ )
+ template("${.values.timeStamp}")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-json-novell_netiq[json] {
+ filter{
+ "${.values.appName}" eq "Novell Access Manager";
+ };
+ parser { app-json-novell_netiq(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/json/app-json-zscaler_lss.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/json/app-json-zscaler_lss.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..880ca8e15e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/json/app-json-zscaler_lss.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+block parser app-json-zscaler_lss() {
+ channel {
+ if {
+ filter {
+ match('.' value('.values.ClientZEN'))
+ and match('.' value('.values.AppGroup'))
+ and match('.' value('.values.Application'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netproxy")
+ sourcetype('zscalerlss-zpa-app')
+ vendor('zscaler')
+ product('lss')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('.' value('.values.Exporter'))
+ and match('.' value('.values.Customer'))
+ and match('.' value('.values.ConnectionID'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netproxy")
+ sourcetype('zscalerlss-zpa-bba')
+ vendor('zscaler')
+ product('lss')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('.' value('.values.Connector'))
+ and(
+ (
+ match('.' value('.values.Customer')) and
+ match('.' value('.values.ConnectorGroup'))
+ )
+ or
+ (
+ match('.' value('.values.ProcessMemoryUtilization')) and
+ match('.' value('.values.SystemMemoryUtilization'))
+ )
+ )
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netproxy")
+ sourcetype('zscalerlss-zpa-connector')
+ vendor('zscaler')
+ product('lss')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('.*' value('.values.SAMLAttributes'))
+ and match('.' value('.values.Customer'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netproxy")
+ sourcetype('zscalerlss-zpa-auth')
+ vendor('zscaler')
+ product('lss')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ parser {
+ #.jsonLog.Timestamp Mar 04 20:37:53 2020
+ date-parser(
+ format('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y',
+ '%a %b %d %k:%M:%S %Y')
+ template("${.values.LogTimestamp}")
+ flags(guess-timezone)
+ );
+ };
+ };
+block parser app-json-zscaler_lss_audit() {
+ channel {
+ if {
+ filter {
+ match('.' value('.values.ClientAuditUpdate'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netproxy")
+ sourcetype('zscalerlss-zpa-audit')
+ vendor('zscaler')
+ product('lss')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ parser {
+ date-parser(
+ format('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ',
+ '%a %b %d %k:%M:%S %Y')
+ template("${.values.CreationTime}")
+ flags(guess-timezone)
+ );
+ };
+ };
+block parser app-json-zscaler() {
+ channel {
+ if {
+ parser { app-json-zscaler_lss(); };
+ } else {
+ parser { app-json-zscaler_lss_audit(); };
+ };
+ };
+application app-json-zscaler_lss[json] {
+ parser { app-json-zscaler(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/leef/app-leef-kaspersky_es.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/leef/app-leef-kaspersky_es.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d406f2c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/leef/app-leef-kaspersky_es.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+block parser app-leef-kaspersky_es() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('epav'),
+ sourcetype('kaspersky:leef')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('kaspersky:klaud')
+ condition(match('^KLAUD_' value('.metadata.leef.EventID')))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('kaspersky:klsrv')
+ condition(match('^KLSRV_' value('.metadata.leef.EventID')))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('kaspersky:gnrl')
+ condition(match('^GNRL_' value('.metadata.leef.EventID')))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('kaspersky:klnag')
+ condition(match('^KLNAG_' value('.metadata.leef.EventID')))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('kaspersky:klprci')
+ condition(match('^KLPRCI_' value('.metadata.leef.EventID')))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('kaspersky:klbl')
+ condition(match('^KLBL_' value('.metadata.leef.EventID')))
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-leef-kaspersky_es[leef] {
+ filter{
+ match("KasperskyLab" value(".metadata.leef.vendor"))
+ and match("SecurityCenter" value(".metadata.leef.product"));
+ };
+ parser { app-leef-kaspersky_es(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-aruba_clearpass.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-aruba_clearpass.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..451a0c7fdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-aruba_clearpass.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+block parser app-netsource-aruba_clearpass() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('aruba:clearpass')
+ vendor('aruba')
+ product('clearpass')
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class("endpoint-profile")
+ condition(program("CPPM_Endpoint_Profile", type(string) flags(ignore-case, prefix)))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class("alert")
+ condition(program("CPPM_Alert", type(string) flags(ignore-case, prefix)))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class("endpoint-audit-record")
+ condition(program("CPPM_Audit_Record", type(string) flags(ignore-case, prefix)))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class("policy-server-session")
+ condition(program("CPPM_Policy_Server_Session", type(string) flags(ignore-case, prefix)))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class("post-auth-monit-config")
+ condition(program("CPPM_Post_Auth_Monit_Config", type(string) flags(ignore-case, prefix)))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class("radius-session")
+ condition(program("CPPM_RADIUS_Session", type(string) flags(ignore-case, prefix)))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class("snmp-session-log")
+ condition(program("CPPM_SNMP_Session_Log", type(string) flags(ignore-case, prefix)))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class("system-event")
+ condition(program("CPPM_System_Event", type(string) flags(ignore-case, prefix)))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class("tacacs-accounting-detail")
+ condition(program("CPPM_TACACS_Accounting_Detail", type(string) flags(ignore-case, prefix)))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class("tacacs-accounting-record")
+ condition(program("CPPM_TACACS_Accouting_Record", type(string) flags(ignore-case, prefix)))
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-aruba_clearpass[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ program('CPPM_' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or (
+ (
+ match("aruba", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("clearpass", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ and (tags("ns_vendor:aruba") and tags("ns_product:clearpass"))
+ or tags(".source.s_ARUBA_CLEARPASS")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "aruba_clearpass"
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-aruba_clearpass(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-aruba_silverpeak.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-aruba_silverpeak.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a54d11b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-aruba_silverpeak.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+block parser app-netsource-aruba_silverpeak() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('aruba:silverpeak')
+ vendor('aruba')
+ product('silverpeak')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-aruba_silverpeak[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("aruba", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("silverpeak", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ and (tags("ns_vendor:aruba") and tags("ns_product:silverpeak"))
+ or tags(".source.s_ARUBA_SILVERPEAK")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "aruba_silverpeak"
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-aruba_silverpeak(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-barracuda_syslog.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-barracuda_syslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b168ba6e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-barracuda_syslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+block parser app-netsource-barracuda_syslog() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netops")
+ sourcetype('barracuda:syslog')
+ vendor("barracuda")
+ product("syslog")
+ template("t_msg_only")
+ );
+ };
+ parser {
+ kv-parser(
+ prefix(".values.")
+ pair-separator(" ")
+ );
+ };
+ # Web Firewall Logs (WF) web_firewall_logs
+ # Access Logs (TR) access_logs
+ # Audit Logs (AUDIT) audit_logs
+ # Network Firewall Logs (NF) network_firewall_logs
+ if {
+ filter {
+ "${.values.logType}" ne "";
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('barracuda:$(lowercase ${.values.logType})')
+ class('$(lowercase ${.values.logType})')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ index('netfw')
+ condition(match('nf' value('.values.logType') type(string) ,flags(ignore-case) ))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ index('netwaf')
+ condition(match('wf' value('.values.logType') type(string) ,flags(ignore-case) ))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ index('netwaf')
+ condition(match('tr' value('.values.logType') type(string) ,flags(ignore-case) ))
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-barracuda_syslog[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("barracuda", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("syslog", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:barracuda") and tags("ns_product:syslog"))
+ or tags(".source.s_BARRACUDA_SYSLOG")
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-barracuda_syslog(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-brocade_syslog.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-brocade_syslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..270a7ecdaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-brocade_syslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+block parser app-netsource-brocade_syslog() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ source('brocade:${.PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('brocade:syslog')
+ vendor("brocade")
+ product("syslog")
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-brocade_syslog[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("brocade", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("syslog", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:brocade") and tags("ns_product:syslog"))
+ or tags(".source.s_BROCADE")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "brocade_syslog"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-brocade_syslog(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-buffalo_terastation.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-buffalo_terastation.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4a9bfb09b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-buffalo_terastation.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+block parser app-netsource-buffalo_terastation() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('infraops')
+ sourcetype('buffalo:terastation:$(lowercase $PROGRAM)')
+ vendor('buffalo')
+ product('terastation')
+ class("$PROGRAM")
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-buffalo_terastation[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("buffalo", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("terastation", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:buffalo") and tags("ns_product:terastation"))
+ or tags(".source.s_BUFFALO_TERASTATION")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "buffalo_terastation"
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-buffalo_terastation(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-checkpoint_fw.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-checkpoint_fw.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64a80eabd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-checkpoint_fw.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+block parser app-netsource-checkpoint_fw() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('cp_log:fw:syslog')
+ vendor('checkpoint')
+ product('fw')
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-checkpoint_fw[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("checkpoint", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("fw", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:checkpoint") and tags("ns_product:fw"))
+ or tags(".source.s_CHECKPOINT_FW")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "checkpoint_fw"
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-checkpoint_fw(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_esa.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_esa.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5af68b6ed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_esa.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+filter f_cisco_esa_http {
+ program('gui_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_gui_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or match('https?\s*service\s*', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('[sS]ession\s*\w+\s*from\s*', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('\s*PERIODIC\s*REPORTS\s*:\s*', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('\s*req\s*:.+\s*user\s*:\s*.+\s*id\s*:\s*', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('testmaillog\s*:\s*[iI]nfo\s*:', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('[sS]ystem\s*is\s*coming\s*up', value("MESSAGE"))
+filter f_cisco_esa_textmail {
+ program('mail_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_mail_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or match('mail_logs:', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('MID\s+\d+', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('ICID\s+\d+', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('DCID\s+\d+', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('RID\s+\[?(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('(?:SplunkMailSyslog|MAIL_SecurityAudit|CES_VPN_Mail_SecurityAudit)\s*:', value("MESSAGE"))
+filter f_cisco_esa_amp {
+ program('amp' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_amp' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or match('SHA256:', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('File\s*not\s*uploaded\s*for\s*analysis', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('Response\s*received\s*for\s*file\s*reputation\s*query\s*from\s*Cloud', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('File\s*reputation\s*query\s*initiating', value("MESSAGE"))
+filter f_cisco_esa_authentication {
+ program('sc4s_audit_log' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or match('[Ii]nfo\s*:\s*Begin\s*Logfile', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('authenticated\s*successfully.', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('successfully\s*logged\s*on\s*from', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('An\s*authentication\s*attempt', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('failed\s*authentication.', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('Time\s*offset\s*from\s*UTC:', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('[vV]ersion:\s+.*\s+SN:\s+.*', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('\s*login|logout:\s*[^\s]*\s*[Uu]ser:[\w\-]+\s*session:[^\s]+', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('\slogged\s*out\s*', value("MESSAGE"))
+ or match('MAR_SecurityAudit', value("MESSAGE"))
+filter f_cisco_esa_antispam {
+ program('antispam' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_antispam' type(string) flags(prefix))
+filter f_cisco_esa_euq_logs {
+ program('euq_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_euq_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+filter f_cisco_esa_service_logs {
+ program('service_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_service_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+filter f_cisco_esa_reportd_logs {
+ program('reportd_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_reportd_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+filter f_cisco_esa_sntpd_logs {
+ program('sntpd_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_sntpd_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+filter f_cisco_esa_smartlicense {
+ program('smartlicense' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_smartlicense' type(string) flags(prefix))
+filter f_cisco_esa_updater_logs {
+ program('updater_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_updater_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+filter f_cisco_esa_content_scanner {
+ program('content_scanner' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_content_scanner' type(string) flags(prefix))
+filter f_cisco_esa_error_logs {
+ program('error_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_error_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+filter f_cisco_esa_system_logs {
+ program('system_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sc4s_system_logs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+block parser app-netsource-cisco_esa() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('email')
+ source('program:${.PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa')
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('esa')
+ template('t_msg_only')
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_amp);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:amp')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:amp')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_http);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:http')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:http')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_euq_logs);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:euq_logs')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:system_logs')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_service_logs);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:service_logs')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:system_logs')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_reportd_logs);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:reportd_logs')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:system_logs')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_sntpd_logs);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:sntpd_logs')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:system_logs')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_smartlicense);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:smartlicense')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:system_logs')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_updater_logs);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:updater_logs')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:error_logs')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_textmail);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:textmail')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:textmail')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_antispam);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:antispam')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:antispam')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_content_scanner);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:content_scanner')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:content_scanner')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_error_logs);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:error_logs')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:error_logs')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_system_logs);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:system_logs')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:system_logs')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter(f_cisco_esa_authentication);
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('esa:authentication')
+ sourcetype('cisco:esa:authentication')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ template("t_hdr_msg")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-cisco_esa[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("cisco", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("esa", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or ( tags("ns_vendor:cisco") and tags("ns_product:esa"))
+ or tags(".source.s_CISCO_ESA")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "cisco_esa"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-cisco_esa(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_meraki.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_meraki.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d54b000d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_meraki.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+block filter f_cisco_meraki(vendor() product()) {
+ (
+ match(`vendor`, value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match(`product`, value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags('ns_vendor:`vendor`') and tags('ns_product:`product`'))
+ or tags('`vendor`_`product`')
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq '`vendor`_`product`'
+block parser app-netsource-cisco_meraki() {
+ channel {
+ if {
+ filter {
+ f_cisco_meraki(
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('meraki')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netfw')
+ sourcetype('meraki')
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('meraki')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ f_cisco_meraki(
+ vendor('meraki')
+ product('securityappliances')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netfw')
+ sourcetype('meraki:securityappliances')
+ vendor('meraki')
+ product('securityappliances')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ f_cisco_meraki(
+ vendor('meraki')
+ product('accesspoints')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netfw')
+ sourcetype('meraki:accesspoints')
+ vendor('meraki')
+ product('accesspoints')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ f_cisco_meraki(
+ vendor('meraki')
+ product('switches')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netfw')
+ sourcetype('meraki:switches')
+ vendor('meraki')
+ product('switches')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-cisco_meraki[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ f_cisco_meraki(vendor('cisco') product('meraki'))
+ or f_cisco_meraki(vendor('meraki') product('securityappliances'))
+ or f_cisco_meraki(vendor('meraki') product('accesspoints'))
+ or f_cisco_meraki(vendor('meraki') product('switches'))
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-cisco_meraki(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_mm.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_mm.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05efc43b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_mm.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+block parser app-netsource-cisco_mm() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('cisco:mm')
+ sourcetype('cisco:mm:audit')
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('mm')
+ class('audit')
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-cisco_mm[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and not program('cmm-' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ and
+ (
+ (
+ match("cisco", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("mm", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or ( tags("ns_vendor:cisco") and tags("ns_product:mm"))
+ or tags(".source.s_CISCO_MM")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "cisco_mm"
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-cisco_mm(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_ms.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_ms.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7830ee0eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_ms.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+block parser app-netsource-cisco_ms() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ source('program:${PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('cisco:ms')
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('ms')
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-cisco_ms[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("cisco", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("ms", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:cisco") and tags("ns_product:ms"))
+ or tags(".source.s_CISCO_ms")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "cisco_ms"
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-cisco_ms(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_wsa.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_wsa.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9e974da23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_wsa.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+block parser app-netsource-cisco_wsa() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netproxy')
+ source("cisco_wsa")
+ sourcetype('cisco:wsa')
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('wsa')
+ );
+ };
+ if{
+ filter{
+ message('(?:^| )(Info|Warning|Alert|Debug):.*')
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('cisco:wsa:l4tm')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("$PROGRAM $MSG" value("MSG"));
+ unset(value("PROGRAM"));
+ };
+ } elif {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?:(?\d{10})(?:\.(?\d{1,9}))?)')
+ );
+ date-parser-nofilter(format('%s.%f')
+ template("${.tmp.epoch}.${.tmp.frac}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('cisco:wsa:squid')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-cisco_wsa[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("cisco", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("wsa", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:cisco") and tags("ns_product:wsa"))
+ or tags(".source.s_CISCO_WSA")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "cisco_wsa"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-cisco_wsa(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_wsa_11_7.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_wsa_11_7.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab2fe47e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_wsa_11_7.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+block parser app-netsource-cisco_wsa_11_7() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netproxy')
+ source("cisco_wsa_11.7")
+ sourcetype('cisco:wsa:squid:new')
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('wsa')
+ );
+ };
+ if{
+ filter{
+ message('(?:^| )(Info|Warning|Alert|Debug):.*')
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('cisco:wsa:l4tm')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("$PROGRAM $MSG" value("MSG"));
+ unset(value("PROGRAM"));
+ };
+ } elif {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?:(?\d{10})(?:\.(?\d{1,9}))?)')
+ );
+ date-parser-nofilter(format('%s.%f')
+ template("${.tmp.epoch}.${.tmp.frac}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('cisco:wsa:squid:new')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-cisco_wsa_11_7[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("cisco", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("wsa11-7", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:cisco") and tags("ns_product:wsa11-7"))
+ or tags(".source.s_CISCO_WSA")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "cisco_wsa11-7"
+ );
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-cisco_wsa_11_7(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_wsa_splunk.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_wsa_splunk.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00fc5bfb20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-cisco_wsa_splunk.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+block parser app-netsource-cisco_wsa_splunk() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netproxy')
+ source("cisco_wsa_splunk")
+ sourcetype('cisco:wsa')
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('wsa')
+ );
+ };
+ if{
+ filter{
+ message('(?:^| )(Info|Warning|Alert|Debug):.*')
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('cisco:wsa:l4tm')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("$PROGRAM $MSG" value("MSG"));
+ unset(value("PROGRAM"));
+ };
+ } elif {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?:(?\d{10})(?:\.(?\d{1,9}))?)')
+ );
+ date-parser-nofilter(format('%s.%f')
+ template("${.tmp.epoch}.${.tmp.frac}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('cisco:wsa:w3c:recommended')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-cisco_wsa_splunk[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("cisco", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("wsa_recommended", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:cisco") and tags("ns_product:wsa_recommended"))
+ or tags(".source.s_CISCO_WSA")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "cisco_wsa_recommended"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-cisco_wsa_splunk(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-clearswift.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-clearswift.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..035d61be81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-clearswift.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+block parser app-netsource-clearswift() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('email')
+ sourcetype('clearswift:$(lowercase $PROGRAM)')
+ vendor('clearswift')
+ class("$PROGRAM")
+ template("t_msg_only")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-app-netsource-clearswift[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("clearswift", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("clearswift", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:clearswift") and tags("ns_product:clearswift"))
+ or tags(".source.s_CLEARSWIFT_CLEARSWIFT")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "clearswift"
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-clearswift(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_poweredge_cmc.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_poweredge_cmc.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a82c252e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_poweredge_cmc.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+block parser app-netsource-dell_poweredge_cmc() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('infraops')
+ sourcetype('dell:poweredge:cmc:syslog')
+ vendor('dell')
+ product('poweredge')
+ class('cmc')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-dell_poweredge_cmc[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("dell", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("poweredge_cmc", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or tags("ns_vendor:dell") and tags("ns_product:poweredge_cmc")
+ or tags(".source.s_DELL_POWEREDGE_CMC")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "dell_poweredge_cmc"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-dell_poweredge_cmc(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_rsa_secureid.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_rsa_secureid.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e46cf06d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_rsa_secureid.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+block parser app-netsource-dell_rsa_secureid() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netauth')
+ sourcetype('rsa:securid:trace')
+ vendor('dell-rsa')
+ product('secureid')
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter{
+ message('audit\.|system\.');
+ };
+ parser {
+ #basic parsing
+ #we need to actual even time from the field GeneratedTime. Use csv-parser to extract it.
+ csv-parser(
+ columns("time","ms","host","type")
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ delimiters(',')
+ );
+ #2012/04/10 04:39:55
+ #parse the date
+ date-parser-nofilter(format(
+ '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f')
+ template("${LEGACY_MSGHDR} ${.tmp.time},${.tmp.ms}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('rsa:securid:syslog')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('rsa:securid:admin:syslog')
+ condition(match('audit\.admin' value('.tmp.type')))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('rsa:securid:system:syslog')
+ condition(match('\s*system\.+\w+' value('.tmp.type')))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('rsa:securid:runtime:syslog')
+ condition(match('\s*audit\.runtime\.(com\.rsa|sa\.ims)' value('.tmp.type')))
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter{
+ program('...*')
+ and not program('at' type(string))
+ and not program('Caused' type(string))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ subst("^[^\t]+\t", "", value("MESSAGE"), flags("global"));
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('nix:syslog')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('program:${.PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('rsa:securid:trace')
+ class('trace')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-dell_rsa_secureid[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("dell", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("rsa_secureid", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or ( tags("ns_vendor:dell") and tags("ns_product:rsa_secureid"))
+ or tags(".source.s_DELL_RSA_SECUREID")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "dell_rsa_secureid"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-dell_rsa_secureid(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_sonic.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_sonic.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..227be6afed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_sonic.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+block parser app-netsource-dell_sonic() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('dell:sonic')
+ vendor('dell')
+ product('sonic')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-dell_sonic[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ ("${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "dell_sonic"
+ or "${SOURCE}" eq "s_DELL_SONIC")
+ and "${fields.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq ""
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-dell_sonic(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_switch_n.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_switch_n.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cf3932efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-dell_switch_n.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+block parser app-netsource-dell_switch_n() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('dell:emc:powerswitch:n')
+ vendor('dellemc')
+ product('powerswitch')
+ class('n')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-dell_switch_n[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ ("${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "dellemc_powerswitch_n"
+ and "${fields.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq ""
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-dell_switch_n(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-f5_bigip.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-f5_bigip.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09ac6f9d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-f5_bigip.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+block parser app-netsource-f5_bigip() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netops")
+ source("program:${PROGRAM}")
+ sourcetype('f5:bigip:syslog')
+ vendor("f5")
+ product("bigip")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-f5_bigip[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("f5", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("bigip", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or ( tags("ns_vendor:f5") and tags("ns_product:bigip"))
+ or tags(".source.s_F5_BIGIP")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "f5_bigip"
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-f5_bigip(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-ibm_datapower.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-ibm_datapower.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98e684e6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-ibm_datapower.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+block parser app-netsource-ibm_datapower() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('infraops')
+ sourcetype('ibm:datapower:syslog')
+ vendor('ibm')
+ product('datapower')
+ template('t_msg_only')
+ );
+ };
+ #
+ if {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('\[[^\]]*\]\[(?[^\]]*)\]\[[^\]]*\]\s')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite{
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('ibm:datapower:${.tmp.category}')
+ class("${.tmp.category}")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-ibm_datapower[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("ibm", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("datapower", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:ibm") and tags("ns_product:datapower"))
+ or tags(".source.s_IBM_DATAPOWER")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "ibm_datapower"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-ibm_datapower(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-infoblox.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-infoblox.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8547bfe1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-infoblox.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+block parser app-netsource-infoblox() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ source('program:${.PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('infoblox')
+ vendor("infoblox")
+ product("nios")
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter{program('named' type(string) flags(prefix))};
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ index('netdns')
+ class('dns')
+ source('program:${PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('infoblox:dns')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter{program('dhcpd' type(string) flags(prefix))};
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ index('netipam')
+ class('dhcp')
+ source('program:${PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('infoblox:dhcp')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter{program('threat-protect-log' type(string) flags(prefix))};
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ index('netids')
+ class('threatprotect')
+ source('program:${PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('infoblox:threatprotect')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter{message('^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d+)Z\s+\[[^\]]+\]:')};
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('audit')
+ source('program:${PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('infoblox:audit')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('fallback')
+ source('program:${PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('infoblox:port')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ subst("^[^\t]+\t", "", value("MESSAGE"), flags("global"));
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-infoblox[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ (
+ (
+ match("infoblox", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("nios", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or ( tags("ns_vendor:infoblox") and tags("ns_product:nios"))
+ or tags(".source.s_INFOBLOX")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "infoblox_nios"
+ )
+ and not message('CEF:0', type('string') flags(prefix))
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-infoblox(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-mikrotik_routeros.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-mikrotik_routeros.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cca8e71010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-mikrotik_routeros.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+block parser app-netsource-mikrotik_routeros() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ source('program:${.PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('routeros')
+ vendor("mikrotik")
+ product("routeros")
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter{program('forward' type(string) flags(prefix))};
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ index('netfw')
+ class('fw')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-mikrotik_routeros[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("mikrotik", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("routeros", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:mikrotik") and tags("ns_product:routeros"))
+ or tags(".source.s_MIKROTIK_ROUTEROS")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "mikrotik_routeros"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-mikrotik_routeros(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-netapp_ontap.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-netapp_ontap.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08cd806164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-netapp_ontap.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+block parser app-netsource-netapp_ontap() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("infraops")
+ vendor("netapp")
+ product("ontap")
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^[A-Za-z0-9\-\_\.]+: [0-9a-f]+\.[0-9a-f]+ [0-9a-f]+ [A-Z][a-z][a-z] (?[A-Z][a-z][a-z] \d\d \d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d [+-]?\d{1,2}:\d\d)')
+ );
+ date-parser-nofilter(
+ format(
+ '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z',
+ )
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set('$PROGRAM: $MESSAGE', value(MESSAGE));
+ set('$PROGRAM', value(HOST));
+ unset(value(PROGRAM));
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('netapp:ontap:audit')
+ class('audit')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('netapp:ontap:ems')
+ class('ems')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-netapp_ontap[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ match("netapp", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("ontap", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ and "`SC4S_NETAPP_ONTAP_NEW_FORMAT`" eq "yes"
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-netapp_ontap(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-nix_syslog.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-nix_syslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7666e09344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-nix_syslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+block parser app-netsource-nix_syslog() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('osnix')
+ source('program:${.PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('nix:syslog')
+ vendor('nix')
+ product('syslog')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-nix_syslog[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("nix", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("syslog", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:nix") and tags("ns_product:syslog"))
+ or tags(".source.s_NIX_SYSLOG")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "nix_syslog"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-nix_syslog(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-pfsense.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-pfsense.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ec0e349f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-pfsense.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+block parser app-netsource-pfsense() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ source('program:${.PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('pfsense:${PROGRAM}')
+ vendor("pfsense")
+ product("firewall")
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ index('netfw')
+ sourcetype('pfsense:filterlog')
+ class('filterlog')
+ condition( program('filterlog' type(string) flags(prefix)) )
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-pfsense[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("pfsense", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("firewall", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:pfsense") and tags("ns_product:firewall"))
+ or tags(".source.s_PFSENSE")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "pfsense_firewall"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-pfsense(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-proofpoint_pps.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-proofpoint_pps.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..368ba59ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-proofpoint_pps.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+filter f_proofpoint_pps_filter {
+ match('^(background|cvt|filter|pps)_instance\d+$' value("PROGRAM") type("pcre"))
+ or match('^\/opt\/proofpoint\/pps-\d\.\d\.\d\.\d+\/\S' value("PROGRAM") type("pcre"))
+ or match('^queued-(alert|default|digest|reinject|released)$' value("PROGRAM") type("pcre"))
+ ;
+block parser app-netsource-proofpoint_pps() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('email')
+ sourcetype('pps_mail_log')
+ vendor("proofpoint")
+ product("pps")
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('sendmail')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('filter')
+ sourcetype('pps_filter_log')
+ condition(filter(f_proofpoint_pps_filter))
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-proofpoint_pps[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ (
+ (
+ match("proofpoint", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("pps", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or ( tags("ns_vendor:proofpoint") and tags("ns_product:pps"))
+ or tags(".source.s_PROOFPOINT_PPS")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "proofpoint_pps"
+ )
+ or (
+ match('^(background|cvt|filter|pps)_instance\d+$' value("PROGRAM") type("pcre")) or
+ match('^\/opt\/proofpoint\/pps-\d\.\d\.\d\.\d+\/\S' value("PROGRAM") type("pcre")) or
+ match('^queued-(alert|default|digest|reinject|released)$' value("PROGRAM") type("pcre"))
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-proofpoint_pps(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-raritan_dsx.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-raritan_dsx.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..114c032436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-raritan_dsx.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+block parser app-netsource-raritan_dsx() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('infraops')
+ sourcetype('raritan:dsx')
+ vendor('raritan')
+ product('dsx')
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-raritan_dsx[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("raritan", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("dsx", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:raritan") and tags("ns_product:dsx"))
+ or tags(".source.s_RARITAN_DSX")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "raritan_dsx"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-raritan_dsx(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-riverbed_syslog.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-riverbed_syslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1bd12823a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-riverbed_syslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+block parser app-netsource-riverbed_syslog() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('riverbed:syslog')
+ vendor('riverbed')
+ product('syslog')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('riverbed:steelhead')
+ class("steelhead")
+ condition(
+ program('alarmd', type(string))
+ or program('cifs', type(string))
+ or program('cmcfc', type(string))
+ or program('rgp', type(string))
+ or program('rgpd', type(string))
+ or program('cli', type(string))
+ or program('mgmtd', type(string))
+ or program('http', type(string))
+ or program('hald', type(string))
+ or program('notes', type(string))
+ or program('mapi', type(string))
+ or program('nfs', type(string))
+ or program('pm', type(string))
+ or program('sched', type(string))
+ or program('virtwrapperd', type(string))
+ or program('vspd', type(string))
+ or program('statsd', type(string))
+ or program('wdt', type(string))
+ or program('webasd', type(string))
+ or program('domain', type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sport', type(string))
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-riverbed_syslog[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("riverbed", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("syslog", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ and (tags("ns_vendor:syslog") and tags("ns_product:syslog"))
+ or tags(".source.s_RIVERBED_SYSLOG")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "riverbed_syslog"
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-riverbed_syslog(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-schneider_apc.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-schneider_apc.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e883fd3d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-schneider_apc.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+block parser app-netsource-schneider_apc() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('main')
+ sourcetype('apc:syslog')
+ vendor('schneider')
+ product('apc')
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-schneider_apc[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("schneider", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("apc", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:schneider") and tags("ns_product:apc"))
+ or tags(".source.s_SCHNEIDER_APC")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "schneider_apc"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-schneider_apc(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-simple_source.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-simple_source.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ac832f7f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-simple_source.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+block parser app-netsource-simple_source() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ set('$SOURCE' value('.simple_dest_key'));
+ subst('^s_SIMPLE_', "" , value(".simple_dest_key"));
+ };
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?[^_]+)_(?.+)')
+ template('${.simple_dest_key}')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ source('program:${.PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('sc4s:simple:$(lowercase ${.simple_dest_key})')
+ vendor("$(lowercase ${.tmp.vendor})")
+ product("$(lowercase ${.tmp.product})")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-simple_source[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and match('^s_SIMPLE_', value('SOURCE'))
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-simple_source(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-sophos_webappliance.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-sophos_webappliance.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae22601df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-sophos_webappliance.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+block parser app-netsource-sophos_webappliance() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netproxy")
+ sourcetype('sophos:webappliance')
+ vendor("sophos")
+ product("webappliance")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite{
+ subst(' [^=]+=(?:"-"|-)', '' flags(global));
+ };
+ parser {
+ kv-parser(
+ prefix(".values.")
+ pair-separator(" ")
+ );
+ };
+ parser {
+ date-parser-nofilter(format("%s") template("${.values.t}"));
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-sophos_webappliance[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("sophos", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("webappliance", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:sophos") and tags("ns_product:webappliance"))
+ or tags(".source.s_SCHNEIDER_APC")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "sophos_webappliance"
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-sophos_webappliance(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-spectracom-ntp.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-spectracom-ntp.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a14919efe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-spectracom-ntp.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+block parser app-netsource-spectracom-ntp() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite{
+ set('$PROGRAM' value('HOST'));
+ unset(value('PROGRAM'));
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netops")
+ sourcetype('spectracom:ntp')
+ vendor("spectracom")
+ product("ntp")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-spectracom-ntp[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("spectracom", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("ntp", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:spectracom") and tags("ns_product:ntp"))
+ or tags(".source.s_SPECTRACOM_NTP")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "spectracom_ntp"
+ )
+ and message('^\[[^\]]+\] ')
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-spectracom-ntp(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-symantec_dlp.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-symantec_dlp.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24a8554040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-symantec_dlp.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+block parser app-netsource-symantec_dlp() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netdlp')
+ sourcetype('symantec:dlp:system')
+ vendor("symantec")
+ product('dlp')
+ template('t_msg_only')
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {
+ message(' Incident_id=', type(string) flags(substring, ignore-case))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('symantec:dlp:syslog')
+ class('alert')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-symantec_dlp[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("symantec", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("dlp", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:symantec") and tags("ns_product:dlp"))
+ or tags(".source.s_SYMANTEC_DLP")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "symantec_dlp"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-symantec_dlp(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-ubiquiti_unifi.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-ubiquiti_unifi.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..839a2b1a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-ubiquiti_unifi.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+block parser app-netsource-ubiquiti_unifi() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netfw')
+ sourcetype('ubnt:fw')
+ vendor("ubiquiti")
+ product("unifi")
+ );
+ set("${LEGACY_MSGHDR}${MSG}" value("MSG"));
+ unset(value("PROGRAM"));
+ };
+ if (match("[^)]\s\S+\skernel:\s[^ll\sheader][^\[\d+.\d+\]]\S+\s\w+:" value("MSG"))) {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('threat')
+ index('netids')
+ sourcetype('ubnt:threat')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif (match("\S+\slinkcheck:" value("MSG"))) {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('link')
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('ubnt:link')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif (match("\d+:\d+:\d+\s\S+\ssudo:" value("MSG"))) {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('sudo')
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('ubnt:sudo')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-ubiquiti_unifi[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("ubiquiti", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("unifi", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:ubiquiti") and tags("ns_product:unifi"))
+ or tags(".source.s_UBIQUITI_UNIFI")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "ubiquiti_unifi"
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-ubiquiti_unifi(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-vmware_esx_invalidmultiline.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-vmware_esx_invalidmultiline.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..352afb64fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-vmware_esx_invalidmultiline.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+block parser app-netsource-vmware_esx_invalidmultiline() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('infraops')
+ source('vmware:esxlog:$(lowercase ${PROGRAM})')
+ sourcetype('vmware:esxlog:$(lowercase ${PROGRAM})')
+ vendor("vmware")
+ product("vsphere")
+ class("esx")
+ );
+ set("t_msg_trim", value(".splunk.sc4s_template"));
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-vmware_esx_invalidmultiline[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("vmware", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("vsphere", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:vmware")
+ and (
+ tags("ns_product:esx") or tags("ns_product:vcenter")
+ )
+ )
+ or tags(".source.s_VMWARE_VCENTER")
+ or tags(".source.s_VMWARE_VSPHERE")
+ or tags(".source.s_VMWARE_ESX")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "vmware_vsphere"
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "vmware_vcenter"
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "vmware_esx"
+ )
+ and ("$MESSAGE" eq "" or message('^-->'))
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-vmware_esx_invalidmultiline(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-vmware_esx_json.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-vmware_esx_json.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf9f09d622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-vmware_esx_json.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+block parser app-netsource-vmware_esx_json() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('infraops')
+ sourcetype('vmware:vcenter:json')
+ vendor("vmware")
+ product('vsphere')
+ class('esx-json')
+ );
+ set("t_msg_trim", value(".splunk.sc4s_template"));
+ };
+ parser {
+ json-parser(
+ prefix('.values.')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-vmware_esx_json[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("vmware", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("vsphere", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:vmware")
+ and (
+ tags("ns_product:esx") or tags("ns_product:vsphere")
+ )
+ )
+ or tags(".source.s_VMWARE_VCENTER")
+ or tags(".source.s_VMWARE_VSPHERE")
+ or tags(".source.s_VMWARE_ESX")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "vmware_vsphere"
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "vmware_vcenter"
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "vmware_esx"
+ )
+ and message('^{')
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-vmware_esx_json(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-vmware_vsphere.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-vmware_vsphere.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e19d7ec3ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/netsource/app-netsource-vmware_vsphere.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+filter syslog-netsource-vmware_vsphere-vcenter-pgm{
+ #Used by TA
+ program("trust", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("analytics", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("ui-", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("vum", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("sso", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("sca", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("content-library", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("lookup", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("envoy", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("vapi", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("observ", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("sps", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("firewall-pktlog", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ # Requested by community
+ or program("applmgmt", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("certificatemanagement-svcs", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("cis-license", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("dnsmasq", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("eam-", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("gclog", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("perfcharts-localhost_access", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("postgres-archiver", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("procstate", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("rsyslogd", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("updatemgr", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("vmafdd", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("vmcad", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("vmdird", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("vmon", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("vpxd-", type(string) flags(ignore-case,prefix))
+ or program("vsan-health-main", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("vsm-main", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("vstats", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program("wcpsvc", type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+block parser app-netsource-vmware_vsphere() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('infraops')
+ sourcetype('vmware:esxlog:$(lowercase ${PROGRAM})')
+ vendor("vmware")
+ product('vsphere')
+ class('esx')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update(
+ source('vmware:vclog:$(lowercase ${PROGRAM})')
+ sourcetype('vmware:vclog:$(lowercase ${PROGRAM})')
+ class("vc")
+ condition(filter(syslog-netsource-vmware_vsphere-vcenter-pgm))
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-netsource-vmware_vsphere[sc4s-network-source] {
+ filter {
+ not filter(f_is_source_identified)
+ and (
+ (
+ match("vmware", value('.netsource.sc4s_vendor'), type(string))
+ and match("vsphere", value('.netsource.sc4s_product'), type(string))
+ )
+ or (tags("ns_vendor:vmware")
+ and (
+ tags("ns_product:esx") or tags("ns_product:vsphere")
+ )
+ )
+ or tags(".source.s_VMWARE_VCENTER")
+ or tags(".source.s_VMWARE_VSPHERE")
+ or tags(".source.s_VMWARE_ESX")
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "vmware_vsphere"
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "vmware_vcenter"
+ or "${.netsource.sc4s_vendor_product}" eq "vmware_esx"
+ )
+ and (
+ filter(syslog-netsource-vmware_vsphere-vcenter-pgm)
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-netsource-vmware_vsphere(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-beyondtrust_sra.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-beyondtrust_sra.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..546e0c3986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-beyondtrust_sra.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+template t_beyondtrust_sra {
+ template("${.values.siteid}:${.values.seq}:${values.num}:${.gb.message}");
+block parser app-postfilter-beyondtrust_sra() {
+ channel {
+ parser{
+ grouping-by(
+ scope(program)
+ key("${.values.siteid}")
+ trigger("$(context-length)" >= "${.metadata.sc4s.countOfParts}")
+ sort-key("${.values.seq}")
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ value(".gb.message" "$(implode ';' $(list-slice 0:-1 $(context-values ${.message})))")
+ value(".values.siteid", "00")
+ value(".metadata.sc4s.countOfParts", "${.values.siteid}@1")
+ value("PROGRAM" "${PROGRAM}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sc4s_template", "t_beyondtrust_sra")
+ value(".metadata.sc4s.countOfParts", "$(context-length)")
+ tags("isStructured")
+ inherit-mode(context)
+ )
+ timeout(10)
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter{ not filter(f_is_agg) };
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-beyondtrust_sra[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ program('BG' type(string))
+ and "${.metadata.sc4s.countOfParts}" > 1;
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-beyondtrust_sra(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_01-partials.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_01-partials.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d90184e22b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_01-partials.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+block parser app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_01-partials() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+application app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_01-partials[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ match('checkpoint', value('fields.sc4s_vendor') type(string))
+ and match('splunk', value('fields.sc4s_product') type(string))
+ and "${.values.loguid}" ne ""
+ and "${.values.bytes}" eq ""
+ and ( "${.values.product}" eq "Application Control" or "${.values.product}" eq "Firewall" or "${.values.product}" eq "URL Filtering")
+ and ( "${.values.rule_action}" eq "Accept" or "${.values.rule_action}" eq "Inline")
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_01-partials(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_02-group.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_02-group.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..946d508578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_02-group.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+block parser app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_02-group() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ grouping-by(
+ key("${.values.loguid}")
+ #This looks silly but we have no way of knowing if an event is complete so
+ #We must make an impossible condition and rely on time out
+ trigger(1 == 2)
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ inherit-mode(last-message)
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter{ not filter(f_is_agg) };
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_02-group[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ match('checkpoint', value('fields.sc4s_vendor') type(string))
+ and match('splunk', value('fields.sc4s_product') type(string))
+ and "${.values.loguid}" ne "";
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-checkpoint_splunk_02-group(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_01-partials.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_01-partials.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b7ac11c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_01-partials.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+block parser app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_01-partials() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+application app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_01-partials[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ program('CheckPoint' type(string))
+ and ("${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.loguid}" ne ""
+ and "${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.bytes}" eq ""
+ and ( "${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product}" eq "Application Control" or "${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product}" eq "Firewall" or "${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product}" eq "URL Filtering")
+ and ( "${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.rule_action}" eq "Accept" or "${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.rule_action}" eq "Inline")
+ );
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_01-partials(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_02-group.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_02-group.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77b11304df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_02-group.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+block parser app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_02-group() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ grouping-by(
+ key("${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.loguid}")
+ #This looks silly but we have no way of knowing if an event is complete so
+ #We must make an impossible condition and rely on time out
+ trigger(1 == 2)
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ inherit-mode(last-message)
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter{ not filter(f_is_agg) };
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_02-group[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ program('CheckPoint' type(string))
+ and "${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.loguid}" ne "";
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-checkpoint_syslog_02-group(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-cisco_acs.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-cisco_acs.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3897c0f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-cisco_acs.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+parser p_acs_event_time_multi {
+ csv-parser(
+ columns(DATE, TIME, TZ)
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ delimiters(chars(" "))
+ template('${.tmp.date_seg}')
+ );
+ date-parser-nofilter(
+ #YYYY- MM-DD hh:mm:ss:xxx +/-zh:zm
+ format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %z')
+ template("${.tmp.DATE} ${.tmp.TIME} ${.tmp.TZ}")
+ );
+template t_acs_message {
+ template("${PROGRAM} ${.values.serial} 1 0 ${.gb.message}");
+block parser app-postfilter-cisco_acs() {
+ channel {
+ parser{
+ grouping-by(
+ scope(program)
+ key("${.values.serial}")
+ trigger("$(context-length)" >= "${.values.num}")
+ sort-key("${.values.seq}")
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ #value(".gb.message" "$(context-lookup ("1" eq "1" ) ${.values.message})")
+ value(".gb.message" "$(implode '' $(list-slice 0:-1 $(context-values ${.values.message})))")
+ value("PROGRAM" "${PROGRAM}@1")
+ value(".values.serial" "${.values.serial}@1")
+ value(".tmp.date_seg" "$(list-head $(context-values ${.values.message}))")
+ value(".splunk.sc4s_template", "t_acs_message")
+ value(".metadata.sc4s.countOfParts", "$(context-length)")
+ inherit-mode(context)
+ )
+ timeout(10)
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ parser(p_acs_event_time_multi);
+ };
+ if {
+ filter{ not filter(f_is_agg) };
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-cisco_acs[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ program('CSCOacs' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ and "${.values.num}" > 1;
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-cisco_acs(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-cisco_ise.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-cisco_ise.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..640705d906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-cisco_ise.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+parser p_ise_event_time_multi {
+ csv-parser(
+ columns(DATE, TIME, TZ)
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ delimiters(chars(" "))
+ template('${.tmp.date_seg}')
+ );
+ date-parser-nofilter(
+ #YYYY- MM-DD hh:mm:ss:xxx +/-zh:zm
+ format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %z')
+ template("${.tmp.DATE} ${.tmp.TIME} ${.tmp.TZ}")
+ );
+template t_ise_message {
+ template("${PROGRAM} ${.values.serial} 1 0 ${.gb.message}");
+block parser app-postfilter-cisco_ise() {
+ channel {
+ parser{
+ grouping-by(
+ scope(host)
+ key("${.values.serial}")
+ trigger("$(context-length)" >= "${.values.num}")
+ sort-key("${.values.seq}")
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ value(".gb.message" "$(implode '' $(list-slice 0:-1 $(context-values ${.values.message})))")
+ value("PROGRAM" "${PROGRAM}@1")
+ value(".values.serial" "${.values.serial}@1")
+ value(".tmp.date_seg" "$(list-head $(context-values ${.values.message}))")
+ value(".splunk.sc4s_template", "t_ise_message")
+ value(".metadata.sc4s.countOfParts", "$(context-length)")
+ inherit-mode(context)
+ )
+ timeout(10)
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ parser(p_ise_event_time_multi);
+ };
+ if {
+ filter{ not filter(f_is_agg) };
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-cisco_ise[sc4s-finalfilter] {
+ filter {
+ program('CISE_' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ and "${.values.num}" != 1
+ and not program('CISE_Alarm');
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-cisco_ise(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-dell_rsa_secureid.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-dell_rsa_secureid.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffafd6726d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-dell_rsa_secureid.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+block parser app-postfilter-dell_rsa_secureid() {
+ channel {
+ parser{
+ grouping-by(
+ scope(host)
+ key('x')
+ timeout(1)
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ value("MESSAGE" "$(implode '\n' $(context-values ${LEGACY_MSGHDR}${MESSAGE}))")
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter{ not filter(f_is_agg) };
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-dell_rsa_secureid[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ match('dell-rsa', value('fields.sc4s_vendor') type(string))
+ and match('secureid', value('fields.sc4s_product') type(string))
+ and match('trace', value('fields.sc4s_class') type(string))
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-dell_rsa_secureid(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-mark.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-mark.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ec849cbf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-mark.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+block parser app-syslog-mark() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("main")
+ sourcetype('sc4s:remote_mark')
+ vendor('splunk')
+ product('sc4s')
+ class("events")
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter{ "`SC4S_SOURCE_MARK_MESSAGE_NULLQUEUE`" ne "no" };
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-mark[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ message('-- MARK --$')
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-mark(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-symantec_brightmail.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-symantec_brightmail.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70a8c2ae35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-symantec_brightmail.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+template t_symantec_brightmail {
+ template("${.metadata.seq}|${.metadata.id}|${.gb.message}");
+block parser app-postfilter-symantec_brightmail() {
+ channel {
+ parser{
+ grouping-by(
+ scope(program)
+ key("${.tmp.id}")
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ value(".metadata.seq" "${.metadata.seq}@1")
+ value(".metadata.id" "${.metadata.id}@1")
+ value(".gb.message" "$(implode ';' $(list-slice 0:-1 $(context-values ${.message})))")
+ value("PROGRAM" "${PROGRAM}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sc4s_template", "t_symantec_brightmail")
+ value(".splunk.sourcetype", "symantec:smg:mail")
+ value(".metadata.sc4s.countOfParts", "$(context-length)")
+ tags("isStructured")
+ inherit-mode(context)
+ )
+ timeout(2)
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter{ not filter(f_is_agg) };
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('merged')
+ condition(not filter(f_is_agg))
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-symantec_brightmail[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ program('bmserver' type(string) flags(prefix)) and not message('[Brightmail]' type(string) flags(substring))
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-symantec_brightmail(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_cmmdsTimeMachineDump.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_cmmdsTimeMachineDump.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea365aeb05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_cmmdsTimeMachineDump.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# template t_vmware_vsphere_cmmdsTimeMachineDump {
+# template("${.metadata.seq}|${.metadata.id}|${.gb.message}");
+# };
+block parser app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_cmmdsTimeMachineDump() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ subst('\.$', '', value('MESSAGE'));
+ };
+ parser{
+ grouping-by(
+ scope(host)
+ key('$SOURCEIP')
+ trigger(message('\\q$'))
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ value("MESSAGE" "$(implode '' $(list-slice 0:-1 $(context-values ${MESSAGE})))")
+ value("PROGRAM" "${PROGRAM}@1")
+ value("HOST" "${HOST}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sc4s_template", "${.splunk.sc4s_template}@1")
+ value(".splunk.index", "${.splunk.index}@1")
+ value(".splunk.source", "${.splunk.source}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sourcetype", "${.splunk.sourcetype}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_vendor", "${fields.sc4s_vendor}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_product", "${fields.sc4s_product}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_class", "${fields.sc4s_class}@1")
+ value(".metadata.sc4s.countOfParts", "$(context-length)")
+ tags("isStructured")
+ inherit-mode(context)
+ )
+ timeout(5)
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {
+ filter(f_is_agg)
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ subst('\q', '', type(string) flags(substring) value('MESSAGE'));
+ };
+ if {
+ parser {
+ csv-parser(
+ columns("timestamp","guid1","value1","value2","guid2","value3","message")
+ prefix(".metadata.")
+ delimiters(',')
+ flags(greedy)
+ #template('${MESSAGE}')
+ );
+ json-parser(
+ prefix('.values.')
+ template('${.metadata.message}')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ unset(value(".metadata.message"));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ template('t_json_values')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite {
+ set(
+ '${.gb.message}',
+ value('MESSAGE')
+ );
+ unset(value(".gb.message"));
+ };
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_cmmdsTimeMachineDump[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ program('cmmdsTimeMachineDump' type(string))
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_cmmdsTimeMachineDump(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_invalidmultiline.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_invalidmultiline.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cbe8bb1ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_invalidmultiline.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# template t_vmware_vsphere_cmmdsTimeMachineDump {
+# template("${.metadata.seq}|${.metadata.id}|${.gb.message}");
+# };
+block parser app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_invalidmultiline() {
+ channel {
+ parser{
+ grouping-by(
+ scope(program)
+ key('$SOURCEIP')
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ value(".gb.message" "$(implode '\n' $(list-slice 0:-1 $(context-values ${MESSAGE})))")
+ value("PROGRAM" "${PROGRAM}@1")
+ value("HOST" "${HOST}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sc4s_template", "${.splunk.sc4s_template}@1")
+ value(".splunk.index", "${.splunk.index}@1")
+ value(".splunk.source", "${.splunk.source}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sourcetype", "${.splunk.sourcetype}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_vendor", "${fields.sc4s_vendor}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_product", "${fields.sc4s_product}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_class", "${fields.sc4s_class}@1")
+ value(".metadata.sc4s.countOfParts", "$(context-length)")
+ tags("isStructured")
+ inherit-mode(context)
+ )
+ timeout(2)
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {
+ filter(f_is_agg)
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_invalidmultiline[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ match('vmware', value('fields.sc4s_vendor') type(string))
+ and (
+ match('vsphere', value('fields.sc4s_product') type(string))
+ or match('vcenter', value('fields.sc4s_product') type(string) )
+ or match('esx', value('fields.sc4s_product') type(string))
+ )
+ and (
+ message('^--> ')
+ or message('[{:}] *$')
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_invalidmultiline(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_localcli.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_localcli.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9412962a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_localcli.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# template t_vmware_vsphere_cmmdsTimeMachineDump {
+# template("${.metadata.seq}|${.metadata.id}|${.gb.message}");
+# };
+block parser app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_localcli() {
+ channel {
+ parser{
+ grouping-by(
+ scope(process)
+ key('$SOURCEIP')
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ value(".gb.message" "$(implode '\n' $(list-slice 0:-1 $(context-values ${MESSAGE})))")
+ value("PROGRAM" "${PROGRAM}@1")
+ value("HOST" "${HOST}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sc4s_template", "${.splunk.sc4s_template}@1")
+ value(".splunk.index", "${.splunk.index}@1")
+ value(".splunk.source", "${.splunk.source}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sourcetype", "${.splunk.sourcetype}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_vendor", "${fields.sc4s_vendor}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_product", "${fields.sc4s_product}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_class", "${fields.sc4s_class}@1")
+ value(".metadata.sc4s.countOfParts", "$(context-length)")
+ tags("isStructured")
+ inherit-mode(context)
+ )
+ timeout(2)
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {
+ filter(f_is_agg)
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_localcli[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ match('vmware', value('fields.sc4s_vendor') type(string))
+ and (
+ match('vcenter', value('fields.sc4s_product') type(string) )
+ or match('vsphere', value('fields.sc4s_product') type(string))
+ or match('esx', value('fields.sc4s_product') type(string))
+ )
+ and program('localcli' type(string))
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_localcli(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_sdrsInjector.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_sdrsInjector.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16b8dd598a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_sdrsInjector.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# template t_vmware_vsphere_cmmdsTimeMachineDump {
+# template("${.metadata.seq}|${.metadata.id}|${.gb.message}");
+# };
+block parser app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_sdrsInjector() {
+ channel {
+ parser{
+ grouping-by(
+ scope(program)
+ key('$FULLHOST')
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ value("MESSAGE" "$(implode '\n' $(list-slice 0:-1 $(context-values ${MESSAGE})))")
+ value("PROGRAM" "${PROGRAM}@1")
+ value("HOST" "${HOST}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sc4s_template", "${.splunk.sc4s_template}@1")
+ value(".splunk.index", "${.splunk.index}@1")
+ value(".splunk.source", "${.splunk.source}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sourcetype", "${.splunk.sourcetype}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_vendor", "${fields.sc4s_vendor}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_product", "${fields.sc4s_product}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_class", "${fields.sc4s_class}@1")
+ value(".metadata.sc4s.countOfParts", "$(context-length)")
+ tags("isStructured")
+ inherit-mode(context)
+ )
+ timeout(2)
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {
+ filter(f_is_agg)
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_sdrsInjector[sc4s-finalfilter] {
+ filter {
+ (
+ program('sdrsInjector' type(string))
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_sdrsInjector(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_storageRM.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_storageRM.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c6dcb46b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/post-filter/app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_storageRM.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# template t_vmware_vsphere_cmmdsTimeMachineDump {
+# template("${.metadata.seq}|${.metadata.id}|${.gb.message}");
+# };
+block parser app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_storageRM() {
+ channel {
+ parser{
+ grouping-by(
+ scope(program)
+ trigger(message('datastoreSlopeUS\[5\]'))
+ aggregate(
+ tags("agg")
+ value("MESSAGE" "$(implode '\n' $(list-slice 0:-1 $(context-values ${MESSAGE})))")
+ value("PROGRAM" "${PROGRAM}@1")
+ value("HOST" "${HOST}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sc4s_template", "${.splunk.sc4s_template}@1")
+ value(".splunk.index", "${.splunk.index}@1")
+ value(".splunk.source", "${.splunk.source}@1")
+ value(".splunk.sourcetype", "${.splunk.sourcetype}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_vendor", "${fields.sc4s_vendor}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_product", "${fields.sc4s_product}@1")
+ value("fields.sc4s_class", "${fields.sc4s_class}@1")
+ value(".metadata.sc4s.countOfParts", "$(context-length)")
+ tags("isStructured")
+ inherit-mode(context)
+ )
+ timeout(2)
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {
+ filter(f_is_agg)
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite(r_set_dest_splunk_null_queue);
+ };
+ };
+application app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_storageRM[sc4s-postfilter] {
+ filter {
+ (
+ program('storageRM' type(string))
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-postfilter-vmware_vsphere_storageRM(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-bsd_nopri.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-bsd_nopri.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f66031700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-bsd_nopri.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+rewrite set_raw_nopri_bsd{
+ set-tag("wireformat:raw_nopri_bsd");
+filter f_is_raw_nopri_bsd{
+ tags("wireformat:raw_nopri_bsd");
+block parser app-raw-bsd_nopri() {
+ channel {
+ if ("`SC4S_DISABLE_DROP_INVALID_RAW_BSD`" eq "yes") {
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ drop-invalid(no)
+ flags(assume-utf8, guess-timezone));
+ };
+ } elif {
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ drop-invalid(yes)
+ flags(assume-utf8, guess-timezone));
+ };
+ } else {};
+ if {
+ filter{
+ not host('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$')
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("${HOST} $(template t_hdr_msg)" value("MSG"));
+ unset(value("LEGACY_MSGHDR"));
+ unset(value("PID"));
+ unset(value("PROGRAM"));
+ set('$SOURCEIP' value('HOST'));
+ };
+ };
+ if {
+ # If program is probably not valid cleanup MESSAGE so log paths don't have too
+ # This isn't great for performance but is reliable good reason to use 5424
+ parser(app-plugin-syslog-fix-program);
+ rewrite {
+ set("$(template t_hdr_msg)" value("MSG"));
+ unset(value("LEGACY_MSGHDR"));
+ unset(value("PID"));
+ unset(value("PROGRAM"));
+ };
+ };
+ #Note this should be RFC this tag is being set to allow routing to rfc destinations
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_raw);
+ rewrite(set_raw_nopri_bsd);
+ };
+application app-raw-bsd_nopri[sc4s-raw-syslog] {
+ filter {
+ message('^\w{3} ([0 ][1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]) (0\d|1\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\d):([0-5]\d) ');
+ };
+ parser { app-raw-bsd_nopri(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-checkpoint_splunk.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-checkpoint_splunk.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67bd1ae2d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-checkpoint_splunk.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+rewrite set_raw_raw_cp_splunk{
+ set-tag("wireformat:raw_cp_splunk");
+filter f_is_raw_raw_cp_splunk{
+ tags("wireformat:raw_raw_cp_splunk");
+block parser app-raw-checkpoint_splunk() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite{
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netfw')
+ sourcetype('cp_log')
+ vendor("checkpoint")
+ product("splunk")
+ );
+ };
+ parser {
+ kv-parser(prefix(".values.") pair-separator("|") template(t_hdr_msg));
+ };
+ if {
+ parser {
+ date-parser-nofilter(format("%s") template("${.values.time}"));
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("${.values.hostname}", value("HOST"));
+ set("${.values.hostname}", value("fields.cp_lm"));
+ };
+ if (
+ {
+ if {
+ #Get the FW host from the originsicname
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('^[Cc][Nn]\\?=(?[^,]+)')
+ template("${.values.originsicname}")
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ #Get the FW host from the origin_sic_name
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('^[Cc][Nn]\\?=(?[^,]+)')
+ template("${.values.origin_sic_name}")
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ # If hostname field is not empty, host should be evaluated from there
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('(?\S+)')
+ template("${.values.hostname}")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ } else {
+ if {
+ # If hostname field is not empty, host should be evaluated from there
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('(?\S+)')
+ template("${.values.hostname}")
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ #Get the FW host from the originsicname
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('^[Cc][Nn]\\?=(?[^,]+)')
+ template("${.values.originsicname}")
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ #Get the FW host from the origin_sic_name
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('^[Cc][Nn]\\?=(?[^,]+)')
+ template("${.values.origin_sic_name}")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ # If this device is a v host we need to get the firewall name
+ if {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('-v_(?.*)')
+ template("$HOST")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {
+ "${.values.product}" eq "Syslog"
+ };
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, no-hostname)
+ template("${.values.default_device_message}")
+ );
+ };
+ parser {
+ date-parser-nofilter(format("%s") template("${.values.time}"));
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ index('netops')
+ source('program:${PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('nix:syslog')
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('Firewall' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Application\h+Control' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('RAD' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('HTTPS\h+Inspection' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Compliance\h+Blade' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('^Compliance' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('VPN-1\h+&\h+Fire[wW]all-1' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Network\h+Security' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('FG\h+VPN-1\h+&\h+FireWall-1' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('QoS' value('.values.product'))
+ and not match('VPN' value('.values.fw_subproduct'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('firewall')
+ index('netfw')
+ source('checkpoint:firewall')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('U[rR][lL]\h+Filtering' value('.values.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('web')
+ index('netproxy')
+ source('checkpoint:web')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('Scheduled\h+system\h+update' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('WEB_API' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('SmartDefense' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Smart\h+Defense' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('W[eE][bB]-UI' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('SmartDashboard' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('System\h+Monitor' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Log\h+Update' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('license-mgmt' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('smart_event' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('SmartConsole' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('SmartEvent\h+Client' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('SmartUpdate' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('SmartView' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Security\h+Gateway\/Management' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Smart\h+Defense' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('WEB_API_INTERNAL' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Eventia\h+Analyzer\h+Client' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('SmartProvisioning\h+Connector' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('SmartLSM\h+Endpoint\h+Security\h+Console' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('SmartLSM' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('ROBO\h+GUI' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Management\h+Blade' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Connectra' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Check\h+Point\h+Security\h+Management\h+Server' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('CLI' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Check\h+Point\h+GO\h+Password\h+Reset' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Database\h+Tool' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('cpmidu_update_tool' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('query-database' value('.values.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('audit')
+ index('netops')
+ source('checkpoint:audit')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('Endpoint\h+Management' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Core' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Endpoint\h+Compliance' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('MEPP' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Media\h+Encryption\h+&\h+Port\h+Protection' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Endpoint\h+Security\h+Console' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('endpoint' value('.values.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('endpoint')
+ index('netops')
+ source('checkpoint:endpoint')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('^VPN$' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('^Mobile$' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Mobile\h+App' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('^VPN' value('.values.fw_subproduct'))
+ or match('^VPN-1' value('.values.fw_subproduct'))
+ or match('Identity\h+Awareness' value('.values.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('sessions')
+ index('netops')
+ source('checkpoint:sessions')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('IOS\h+Profile' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('iOS\h+Profiles' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Device' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('WIFI\h+Network' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Mobile\h+Access' value('.values.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('network')
+ index('netops')
+ source('checkpoint:network')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('Threat\h+Emulation' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Virus' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('New\h+Anti\h+Virus' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Bot' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Threat\h+Extraction' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Ransomware' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Exploit' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Forensics' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('OS\h+Exploit' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('OS\h+Exploits' value('.values.product'))
+ or (match('Application' value('.values.product')) and not match('Application Control' value('.values.product')))
+ or match('Text\h+Message' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Network\h+Access' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Zero\h+Phishing' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Malware' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti\h+Malware' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti\h+Malware\h+New\h+Anti\h+Virus' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('New\h+Anti\h+Virus\h+Anti\h+Malware' value('.values.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('ids_malware')
+ index('netids')
+ source('checkpoint:ids_malware')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('IPS' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('W[iI][fF][iI]' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Cellular' value('.values.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('ids')
+ index('netids')
+ source('checkpoint:ids')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('MTA' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Spam' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti\h+Spam' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Phishing' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti\h+Phishing' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Spam\h+and\h+Email\h+Security' value('.values.product'))
+ or match('Anti\h+Spam\h+and\h+Email\h+Security' value('.values.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('email')
+ index('email')
+ source('checkpoint:email')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('DLP' value('.values.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('dlp')
+ index('netfw')
+ source('checkpoint:firewall')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('Syslog' value('.values.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('os')
+ index('netops')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ index('netops')
+ source('checkpoint:cp_default')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ rewrite(set_raw);
+ rewrite(set_raw_raw_cp_splunk);
+ rewrite(r_set_source_identified);
+ };
+application app-raw-checkpoint_splunk[sc4s-raw-syslog] {
+ filter {
+ message('^time=\d{10}\|hostname=');
+ };
+ parser { app-raw-checkpoint_splunk(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri-bsd.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri-bsd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e808c4cdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri-bsd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+rewrite set_raw_cisco_ftd_nopri_bsddate{
+ set-tag("wireformat:raw_cisco_ftd_nopri_bsddate");
+filter f_is_raw_cisco_ftd_nopri_bsddate{
+ tags("wireformat:raw_cisco_ftd_nopri_bsddate");
+block parser app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri_bsddate-bsd() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('(?[A-Z][a-z]{2} *\d{1,2} \d{4} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (?[^ ]+)?(?: : | *)(?%FTD-\d-\d+:.*)')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("${.tmp.message}", value("MESSAGE"));
+ set("${.tmp.host}", value("HOST"));
+ };
+ parser {
+ date-parser-nofilter(format(
+ '%b %d %H:%M:%S.%f',
+ '%b %d %H:%M:%S',
+ '%b %d %I:%M:%S %p.%f',
+ '%b %d %I:%M:%S %p',
+ '%b %d %Y %I:%M:%S %p.%f'
+ '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S.%f',
+ '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S',
+ )
+ template("${.tmp.timeStamp}")
+ );
+ };
+ #Note this should be RFC this tag is being set to allow routing to rfc destinations
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_raw);
+ rewrite(set_raw_cisco_ftd_nopri_bsddate);
+ };
+application app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri_bsddate-bsd[sc4s-raw-syslog] {
+ parser { app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri_bsddate-bsd(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri-iso.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri-iso.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e11c3805d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri-iso.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+rewrite set_raw_cisco_ftd_nopri_isodate{
+ set-tag("wireformat:raw_cisco_ftd_nopri_isodate");
+filter f_is_raw_cisco_ftd_nopri_isodate{
+ tags("wireformat:raw_cisco_ftd_nopri_isodate");
+block parser app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri_isodate-iso() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('(?\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d.\d\d:\d\d:\d\d[^ ]*) (?[^ ]+)(?: : | *)(?%FTD-\d-\d+:.*)')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("${.tmp.message}", value("MESSAGE"));
+ set("${.tmp.host}", value("HOST"));
+ };
+ parser {
+ date-parser(
+ format(
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%T.%f%z',
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%T%z',
+ '%Y-%m-%d %T.%f%z',
+ '%Y-%m-%d %T%z',
+ '%Y-%m-%d%T.%f%z',
+ '%Y-%m-%d%T%z',
+ )
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}")
+ );
+ };
+ #Note this should be RFC this tag is being set to allow routing to rfc destinations
+ rewrite(set_rfc);
+ rewrite(set_rfc3164);
+ rewrite(set_raw);
+ rewrite(set_raw_cisco_ftd_nopri_isodate);
+ };
+application app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri_isodate-iso[sc4s-raw-syslog] {
+ parser { app-raw-cisco_ftd_nopri_isodate-iso(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-isodate.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-isodate.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94c8208033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-isodate.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+rewrite set_raw_raw_isodate{
+ set-tag("wireformat:raw_raw_isodate");
+filter f_is_raw_raw_isodate{
+ tags("wireformat:raw_raw_isodate");
+block parser app-raw-isodate() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(?: |T)?\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(?:\.\d+)?(?:[+-]\d{2}:?\d{2}|Z)?)\s?(?.*)')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("${.tmp.message}", value("MESSAGE"));
+ };
+ if {
+ parser {
+ date-parser(
+ format(
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%T.%f%z',
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%T%z',
+ '%Y-%m-%d %T.%f%z',
+ '%Y-%m-%d %T%z',
+ '%Y-%m-%d%T.%f%z',
+ '%Y-%m-%d%T%z',
+ )
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}")
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ parser {
+ date-parser(
+ format(
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%T.%f',
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%T',
+ '%Y-%m-%d %T.%f',
+ '%Y-%m-%d %T',
+ '%Y-%m-%d%T.%f',
+ '%Y-%m-%d%T',
+ )
+ flags(guess-timezone)
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ rewrite(set_raw);
+ rewrite(set_raw_raw_isodate);
+ };
+application app-raw-isodate[sc4s-raw-syslog] {
+ parser { app-raw-isodate(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-xml.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-xml.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bb195cca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/raw/app-raw-xml.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+rewrite set_raw_xml{
+ set-tag("wireformat:raw_xml");
+filter f_is_raw_xml{
+ tags("wireformat:raw_xml");
+block parser app-raw-xml() {
+ channel {
+ if ("`SC4S_DISABLE_DROP_INVALID_XML`" eq "yes") {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^ *(?:<\d+>)?(?.*)')
+ );
+ xml(
+ prefix('.values.')
+ template('${.tmp.message}')
+ drop-invalid(no)
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^ *(?:<\d+>)?(?.*)')
+ );
+ xml(
+ prefix('.values.')
+ template('${.tmp.message}')
+ drop-invalid(yes)
+ );
+ };
+ } else {};
+ rewrite {
+ set("${.tmp.message}" value("MESSAGE"));
+ };
+ rewrite(set_raw);
+ rewrite(set_raw_xml);
+ };
+application app-raw-xml[sc4s-raw-syslog] {
+ filter {
+ message('^ *<(?![0-9]+\>)');
+ };
+ parser { app-raw-xml(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-a10.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-a10.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bd1784386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-a10.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+block parser app-syslog-a10() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ source('a10networks:vThunder')
+ sourcetype('a10networks:vThunder:syslog')
+ vendor('a10networks')
+ product('vThunder')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-a10[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('a10logd' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10timer' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10stat' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10switch' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10hm' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10rt' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10rip' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10ospf' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10snmpd' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10wa' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10gmpd' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10snpm_trapd' type(string) flags(prefix)) or
+ program('a10lb' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-a10(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-airwatch.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-airwatch.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72c94afeee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-airwatch.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+block parser app-syslog-vmware_airwatch() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('epintel')
+ sourcetype('vmware:airwatch')
+ vendor("vmware")
+ product("airwatch")
+ template('t_msg_only')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ source('program:${.PROGRAM}')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-vmware_airwatch[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('Airwatch' type(string) flags(ignore-case));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-vmware_airwatch(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-alcatel_switch.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-alcatel_switch.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d29c2d3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-alcatel_switch.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+block parser app-syslog-alcatel_switch() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('alcatel:switch')
+ vendor("alcatel")
+ product("switch")
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-alcatel_switch[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('swlogd' type(string) flags(prefix));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-alcatel_switch(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-alsid_syslog.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-alsid_syslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a1091344c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-alsid_syslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+block parser app-syslog-alsid_syslog() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('oswinsec')
+ sourcetype('alsid:syslog')
+ vendor("alsid")
+ product("syslog")
+ template('t_standard')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-alsid_syslog[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ "${PROGRAM}" eq "AlsidForAD";
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-alsid_syslog(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-arista_eos.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-arista_eos.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6ce3752fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-arista_eos.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+block parser app-syslog-arista_eos() {
+ channel {
+ #
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?: ?(?\d+): )?(?%[A-Z]+-\d+-[^: ]+: .*)')
+ flags(ignore-case)
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('arista:eos')
+ source('arista:eos:$(lowercase ${PROGRAM})')
+ vendor("arista")
+ product("eos")
+ class('$(lowercase ${.tmp.program})')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set('${.tmp.seq}' value('fields.seq') condition("${.tmp.seq}" ne ""));
+ set('${.tmp.message}' value('MESSAGE') condition("${.tmp.seq}" ne ""));
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-arista_eos[sc4s-syslog] {
+ filter {
+ program('^[A-Z]\S+$')
+ and message('%' type(string) flags(prefix));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-arista_eos(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-aruba_ap.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-aruba_ap.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac9d68039e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-aruba_ap.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+block parser app-syslog-aruba_ap() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ source('aruba:${PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('aruba:syslog')
+ vendor("aruba")
+ product("ap")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-aruba_ap[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ (
+ (
+ program('authmgr' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('stm' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('wms' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('dot1x-proc' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('nanny' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ )
+ and message('^\<\d+\> \<\d+\> \<[A-Z]+\>')
+ )
+ or (
+ (
+ program('sapd' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ )
+ and message('^\<\d+\> \<[A-Z]+\>')
+ )
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-aruba_ap(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avaya_sipmgr.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avaya_sipmgr.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51d670b201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avaya_sipmgr.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+block parser app-syslog-avaya_sipmgr() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('main')
+ source('avaya:${PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('avaya:sipmgr')
+ vendor("avaya")
+ product("sipmgr")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-avaya_sipmgr[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('AasSipMgr' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-avaya_sipmgr(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avi_controller_legacy.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avi_controller_legacy.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5631d4db20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avi_controller_legacy.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+block parser app-syslog-avi_controller_legacy() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('avi:events')
+ vendor("avi")
+ product("vantage")
+ );
+ };
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^\[(?[^ ]+ [^,]+,[^:]+)')
+ );
+ date-parser-nofilter(
+ format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f')
+ template("${.tmp.timestamp}")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-avi_controller_legacy[sc4s-syslog] {
+ filter {
+ message('^\[')
+ and message(": Avi-Controller: " type(string) flags(substring));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-avi_controller_legacy(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avi_controller_rfc5424.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avi_controller_rfc5424.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7397369241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avi_controller_rfc5424.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+block parser app-syslog-avi_controller_rfc5424() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, syslog-protocol)
+ template("<${PRI}>1 $S_ISODATE $HOST $PROGRAM $MESSAGE")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('avi:events')
+ vendor("avi")
+ product("vantage")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-avi_controller_rfc5424[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('Avi-Controller' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ and message('-' type(string) flags(prefix));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-avi_controller_rfc5424(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avi_vantage.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avi_vantage.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..951087608f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-avi_vantage.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+block parser app-syslog-avi_vantage() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('avi:logs')
+ vendor("avi")
+ product("vantage")
+ class('logs')
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-avi_vantage[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('aer01-' type(string) flags(prefix));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-avi_vantage(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-aviatrix.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-aviatrix.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4847ee72c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-aviatrix.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+block parser app-syslog-aviatrix() {
+ channel {
+ # /usr/local/bin/avx-gw-state-sync -> avx-gw-state-sync
+ rewrite {
+ set("${PROGRAM}", value(".PROGRAM"));
+ subst('^\/(?:[^\/]+\/)+', "" , value(".PROGRAM"));
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("cloudx-cli", value(".PROGRAM") condition("${.PROGRAM}" eq "cloudx_cli"));
+ set("perfmon", value(".PROGRAM") condition("${.PROGRAM}" eq "perfmon.py"));
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('aviatrix:${.PROGRAM}')
+ vendor("aviatrix")
+ product("${.PROGRAM}")
+ template('t_msg_only')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-aviatrix[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('cloudxd' type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program('avx-gw-state-sync' type(string) flags(substring, ignore-case))
+ or program('cloudx_cli' type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program('perfmon.py' type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or program('avx-nfq' type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ or (
+ program('kernel' type(string) flags(ignore-case))
+ and (
+ message('AvxRl' type(string) flags(substring))
+ or message('AviatrixUser' type(string) flags(substring))
+ )
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-aviatrix(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-barracuda_waf.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-barracuda_waf.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b85bfdcb8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-barracuda_waf.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+block parser app-syslog-barracuda_waf() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netwaf")
+ vendor("barracuda")
+ product("waf")
+ sourcetype('barracuda:syslog')
+ )
+ };
+ if (program('SYS')) {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('barracuda:system')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif (program('WF')) {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('barracuda:waf')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif (program('TR')) {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('barracuda:web')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif (program('AUDIT')) {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('barracuda:audit')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif (program('NF')) {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ sourcetype('barracuda:firewall')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-barracuda_waf[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('SYS' type(string))
+ or program('WF' type(string))
+ or program('TR' type(string))
+ or program('AUDIT' type(string))
+ or program('NF' type(string))
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-barracuda_waf(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed8717d0a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+block parser app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('infraops')
+ sourcetype('beyondtrust:sra')
+ vendor("beyondtrust")
+ product("sra")
+ template('t_msg_only')
+ );
+ set-tag("isStructured");
+ };
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?\d+):(?\d+):(?\d+):(?.*)')
+ );
+ kv-parser(
+ prefix(".values.")
+ pair-separator(";")
+ template('${.tmp.message}')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set('${.tmp.siteid}' value('.values.siteid'));
+ set('${.tmp.seq}' value('.values.seq'));
+ set(int("${.tmp.num}") value('.metadata.sc4s.countOfParts'));
+ set('${.tmp.message}' value('.message'));
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ "${PROGRAM}" eq "BG"
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra(); };
+#Destination type formatters
+block parser app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra-splunk_hec() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite{
+ set("t_json_values", value(".splunk.sc4s_template"));
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra-splunk_hec[sc4s-lp-dest-format-hec_fmt] {
+ filter {
+ match('beyondtrust', value('fields.sc4s_vendor') type(string))
+ and match('sra', value('fields.sc4s_product') type(string))
+ and (
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra-splunk_hec(); };
+block parser app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra-syslog() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ map-value-pairs(
+ key('.values.*' rekey(shift-levels(2) add-prefix(".SDATA.sc4sfields@27389.")))
+ );
+ map-value-pairs(
+ key('fields.*' rekey(shift-levels(2) add-prefix(".SDATA.sc4smeta@27389.")))
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite{
+ unset(value('MESSAGE'));
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra-syslog[sc4s-lp-dest-format-syslog] {
+ filter {
+ match('beyondtrust', value('fields.sc4s_vendor') type(string))
+ and match('sra', value('fields.sc4s_product') type(string))
+ and (
+ )
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra-syslog(); };
+block parser app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra-bsd() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite{
+ set('$(template ${.splunk.sc4s_template:-t_hdr_msg})' value('MESSAGE'));
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra-bsd[sc4s-lp-dest-format-bsd] {
+ parser { app-syslog-beyondtrust_sra-bsd(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-broadcom_sslva.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-broadcom_sslva.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d35b406a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-broadcom_sslva.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+block parser app-syslog-broadcom_sslva() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netproxy')
+ sourcetype('broadcom:sslva')
+ vendor("broadcom")
+ product("sslva")
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-broadcom_sslva[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('ssldata' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or program('sslpilot' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-broadcom_sslva(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cef.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cef.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e53230d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cef.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+parser p_cef_kv {
+ python(
+ class("parser_cef.cef_kv")
+ );
+parser p_cef_ts_rt {
+ date-parser-nofilter(format(
+ '%s.%f',
+ '%s',
+ '%b %d %T',
+ '%b %d %T UTC',
+ '%b %d %T %Z',
+ '%b %d %Y %T',
+ '%b %d %Y %T UTC',
+ '%b %d %Y %T %Z',
+ )
+ template("${.values.rt}")
+ );
+parser p_cef_ts_end {
+ date-parser-nofilter(format(
+ '%s.%f',
+ '%s',
+ '%b %d %T',
+ '%b %d %T UTC',
+ '%b %d %T %Z',
+ '%b %d %Y %T',
+ '%b %d %Y %T UTC',
+ '%b %d %Y %T %Z',
+ )
+ template("${.values.end}")
+ );
+block parser app-syslog-cef() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('main')
+ sourcetype('cef')
+ vendor("cef")
+ product('generic')
+ );
+ };
+ if (message('CEF:0', type('string') flags(prefix))) {
+ rewrite{
+ unset(value('PROGRAM'));
+ };
+ };
+ if (program('CEF:0', type('string') flags(prefix))) {
+ rewrite{
+ set('${.values.message}' value('MESSAGE'));
+ unset(value('PROGRAM'));
+ };
+ };
+ if {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^(?(?!-)[a-zA-Z-\/0-9\.]+).*(?CEF:0.*)')
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set('${.tmp.message}' value('MESSAGE'));
+ set('${.tmp.preamble}' value('HOST'));
+ };
+ };
+ if ("`SC4S_DISABLE_DROP_INVALID_CEF`" eq "yes") {
+ parser {
+ csv-parser(
+ delimiters(chars('') strings('|'))
+ columns('version', 'device_vendor', 'device_product', 'device_version', 'device_event_class', 'name', 'severity', 'ext')
+ prefix('.metadata.cef.')
+ flags(greedy));
+ };
+ } elif {
+ parser {
+ csv-parser(
+ delimiters(chars('') strings('|'))
+ columns('version', 'device_vendor', 'device_product', 'device_version', 'device_event_class', 'name', 'severity', 'ext')
+ prefix('.metadata.cef.')
+ flags(greedy, drop-invalid));
+ };
+ } else {};
+ parser(p_cef_kv);
+ rewrite {
+ unset(value('.metadata.cef.ext'));
+ set-tag("isStructured");
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ vendor('${.metadata.cef.device_vendor}')
+ product('${.metadata.cef.device_product}')
+ class('${.metadata.cef.device_event_class}')
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ # We already have the syslog msg time stamp however that may not be the best one
+ # If we have an rt or end field that is best we use the If trick here so if this parser fails
+ # We don't get sent to fallback.
+ if {
+ # 12 digit epoch timestamps are non-standard; when used they often indicate the fields are misused
+ # Non-standard strptime formats also choke the syslog-ng date parser, which outputs wildy random timestamps
+ # Simply filter and ignore
+ filter{
+ match('^\d{12}', value('.values.start')) or match('^\d{12}', value('.values.end')) or match('^\d{12}', value('.values.rt'));
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter{
+ match('^.', value('.values.rt'))
+ };
+ parser (p_cef_ts_rt);
+ } elif {
+ filter{
+ match('^.', value('.values.end'))
+ };
+ parser (p_cef_ts_end);
+ } else { };
+ #Do nothing this is allows for both rt and end to be missing and still pass with the message ts
+ rewrite {
+ set(
+ "${.values.dvchost}",
+ value("HOST")
+ condition("${.values.dvchost}" ne "")
+ );
+ };
+ # CEF TAs use the source as their bounds in props.conf
+ # CEF source entries in splunk_metadata.csv should reflect the proper source as well as sourcetype
+ if {
+ parser { app-parser(topic(cef)); };
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-cef-pgm[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('CEF' type(string) flags(prefix));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-cef(); };
+application app-syslog-cef[sc4s-syslog] {
+ filter {
+ message('CEF:0' type(string) flags(substring));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-cef(); };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-checkpoint_syslog.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-checkpoint_syslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f6408f40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-checkpoint_syslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+block parser app-syslog-checkpoint_syslog() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ date-parser-nofilter(format("%s") template("${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.time}"));
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.hostname}", value("HOST") condition("${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.hostname}" ne ""));
+ set("${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.hostname}", value("fields.cp_lm") condition("${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.hostname}" ne ""));
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netfw')
+ sourcetype('cp_log:syslog')
+ vendor("checkpoint")
+ product("syslog")
+ template('t_5424_hdr_sdata_compact')
+ );
+ };
+ if (
+ {
+ if {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('^[Cc][Nn]\\?=(?[^,]+)')
+ template('${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.originsicname}')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ #Get the FW host from the origin_sic_name
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('^[Cc][Nn]\\?=(?[^,]+)')
+ template('${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.origin_sic_name}')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ # If hostname field is not empty, host should be evaluated from there
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('(?\S+)')
+ template('${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.hostname}')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ } else {
+ if {
+ # If hostname field is not empty, host should be evaluated from there
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('(?\S+)')
+ template('${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.hostname}')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ #Get the FW host from the originsicname
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('^[Cc][Nn]\\?=(?[^,]+)')
+ template('${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.originsicname}')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ #Get the FW host from the origin_sic_name
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('^[Cc][Nn]\\?=(?[^,]+)')
+ template('${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.origin_sic_name}')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ # If this device is a v host we need to get the firewall name
+ if {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ patterns('-v_(?.*)')
+ template("$HOST")
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {
+ "${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product}" eq "Syslog"
+ };
+ parser {
+ syslog-parser(
+ flags(assume-utf8, no-hostname)
+ template("${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.default_device_message}")
+ );
+ };
+ parser {
+ date-parser-nofilter(format("%s") template("${.SDATA.sc4s@2620.time}"));
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('nix_${PROGRAM}')
+ index('netops')
+ source('program:${PROGRAM}')
+ sourcetype('nix:syslog')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('Firewall' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Application\h+Control' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('RAD' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('HTTPS\h+Inspection' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Compliance\h+Blade' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('^Compliance' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('VPN-1\h+&\h+Fire[wW]all-1' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Network\h+Security' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('FG\h+VPN-1\h+&\h+FireWall-1' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('QoS' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ and not match('VPN' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.fw_subproduct'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('firewall')
+ index('netfw')
+ source('checkpoint:firewall')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('U[rR][lL]\h+Filtering' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('web')
+ index('netproxy')
+ source('checkpoint:web')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('Scheduled\h+system\h+update' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('WEB_API' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('SmartDefense' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Smart\h+Defense' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('W[eE][bB]-UI' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('SmartDashboard' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('System\h+Monitor' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Log\h+Update' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('license-mgmt' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('smart_event' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('SmartConsole' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('SmartEvent\h+Client' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('SmartUpdate' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('SmartView' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Security\h+Gateway\/Management' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Smart\h+Defense' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('WEB_API_INTERNAL' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Eventia\h+Analyzer\h+Client' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('SmartProvisioning\h+Connector' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('SmartLSM\h+Endpoint\h+Security\h+Console' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('SmartLSM' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('ROBO\h+GUI' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Management\h+Blade' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Connectra' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Check\h+Point\h+Security\h+Management\h+Server' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('CLI' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Check\h+Point\h+GO\h+Password\h+Reset' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Database\h+Tool' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('cpmidu_update_tool' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('query-database' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('audit')
+ index('netops')
+ source('checkpoint:audit')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('Endpoint\h+Management' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Core' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Endpoint\h+Compliance' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('MEPP' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Media\h+Encryption\h+&\h+Port\h+Protection' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Endpoint\h+Security\h+Console' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('endpoint' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('endpoint')
+ index('netops')
+ source('checkpoint:endpoint')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('^VPN$' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('^Mobile$' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Mobile\h+App' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('VPN' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.fw_subproduct'))
+ or match('VPN-1' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.fw_subproduct'))
+ or match('Identity\h+Awareness' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('sessions')
+ index('netops')
+ source('checkpoint:sessions')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('IOS\h+Profile' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('iOS\h+Profiles' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Device' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('WIFI\h+Network' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Mobile\h+Access' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('network')
+ index('netops')
+ source('checkpoint:network')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('Threat\h+Emulation' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Virus' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('New\h+Anti\h+Virus' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Bot' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Threat\h+Extraction' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Ransomware' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Exploit' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Forensics' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('OS\h+Exploit' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('OS\h+Exploits' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or (match('Application' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product')) and not match('Application Control' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product')))
+ or match('Text\h+Message' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Network\h+Access' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Zero\h+Phishing' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Malware' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti\h+Malware' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti\h+Malware\h+New\h+Anti\h+Virus' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('New\h+Anti\h+Virus\h+Anti\h+Malware' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('ids_malware')
+ index('netids')
+ source('checkpoint:ids_malware')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('IPS' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('W[iI][fF][iI]' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Cellular' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('ids')
+ index('netids')
+ source('checkpoint:ids')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('MTA' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Spam' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti\h+Spam' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Phishing' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti\h+Phishing' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti-Spam\h+and\h+Email\h+Security' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ or match('Anti\h+Spam\h+and\h+Email\h+Security' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('email')
+ index('email')
+ source('checkpoint:email')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('DLP' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('dlp')
+ index('netfw')
+ source('checkpoint:firewall')
+ );
+ };
+ } elif {
+ filter {
+ match('Syslog' value('.SDATA.sc4s@2620.product'))
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ class('os')
+ index('netops')
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_update_v2(
+ index('netops')
+ source('checkpoint:cp_default')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-checkpoint_syslog[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('CheckPoint' type(string) flags(prefix));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-checkpoint_syslog(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_acs.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_acs.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19e840e444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_acs.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#This parser adds messages from ACS to a context without sending them on to destination
+parser p_acs_event_time {
+ csv-parser(
+ columns(DATE, TIME, TZ)
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ delimiters(chars(" "))
+ template('${.values.message}')
+ );
+ date-parser-nofilter(
+ #YYYY- MM-DD hh:mm:ss:xxx +/-zh:zm
+ format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %z')
+ template("${.tmp.DATE} ${.tmp.TIME} ${.tmp.TZ}")
+ );
+block parser app-syslog-cisco_acs() {
+ channel {
+ parser {
+ csv-parser(
+ columns(serial, num, seq, message)
+ prefix(".values.")
+ delimiters(chars(" "))
+ flags(greedy)
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set(int("${.values.num:-0}") value(".values.num"));
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {"${.values.seq}" eq "0"};
+ parser(p_acs_event_time);
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netauth')
+ sourcetype('cisco:acs')
+ vendor("cisco")
+ product('acs')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-cisco_acs[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('CSCOacs' type(string) flags(prefix));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-cisco_acs(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_dna_syslog.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_dna_syslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..226bc6c151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_dna_syslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+block parser app-syslog-cisco_dna_syslog() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index("netops")
+ sourcetype('cisco:dna')
+ vendor('cisco')
+ product('dna')
+ template("t_msg_only")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("$SOURCEIP", value("HOST") condition("`SC4S_SOURCE_CISCO_DNA_FIXHOST`" eq "yes"));
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-cisco_dna_syslog[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('DNAC' type(string) ,flags(ignore-case))
+ ;
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-cisco_dna_syslog(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_firepower.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_firepower.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d776a7032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_firepower.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+block parser app-syslog-cisco_firepower() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netids')
+ sourcetype('cisco:firepower:syslog')
+ vendor("cisco")
+ product('firepower')
+ template('t_hdr_msg')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-cisco_firepower[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('SFIMS' type(string) flags(prefix));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-cisco_firepower(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_ise.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_ise.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebdb9136bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_ise.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#This parser adds messages from ACS to a context without sending them on to destination
+parser ise_event_time {
+ csv-parser(
+ columns(DATE, TIME, TZ)
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ delimiters(chars(" "))
+ template('${.values.message}')
+ );
+ date-parser-nofilter(
+ #YYYY- MM-DD hh:mm:ss:xxx +/-zh:zm
+ format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %z')
+ template("${.tmp.DATE} ${.tmp.TIME} ${.tmp.TZ}")
+ );
+block parser app-syslog-cisco_ise() {
+ channel {
+ if {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ template("${MESSAGE}")
+ patterns("^(?\\d{2}) (?\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}) (?[^ ]+) (?[^ ]+) (?.*)")
+ prefix(".parsed.")
+ );
+ date-parser-nofilter(
+ format('%b %d %H:%M:%S')
+ template("${PROGRAM} ${.parsed.real_day} ${.parsed.real_hour}")
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set("${.parsed.real_host}" value("HOST"));
+ set("${.parsed.real_program}" value("PROGRAM"));
+ set("${.parsed.rest_of_message}" value("MESSAGE"));
+ };
+ };
+ parser {
+ csv-parser(
+ columns(serial, num, seq, message)
+ prefix(".values.")
+ delimiters(chars(" "))
+ flags(greedy)
+ );
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ set(int("${.values.num:-0}") value(".values.num"));
+ };
+ if {
+ filter {"${.values.seq}" eq "0"};
+ parser(ise_event_time);
+ };
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netauth')
+ sourcetype('cisco:ise:syslog')
+ vendor("cisco")
+ product('ise')
+ );
+ };
+ };
+application app-syslog-cisco_ise[sc4s-syslog-pgm] {
+ filter {
+ program('CISE_' type(string) flags(prefix))
+ or message('CISE_' type(string) flags(substring));
+ };
+ parser { app-syslog-cisco_ise(); };
diff --git a/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_mm.conf b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_mm.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52a0a591fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/enterprise/etc/conf.d/conflib/syslog/app-syslog-cisco_mm.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+block parser app-syslog-cisco_mm() {
+ channel {
+ rewrite {
+ r_set_splunk_dest_default(
+ index('netops')
+ sourcetype('cisco:mm')
+ sourcetype('cisco:mm:system')
+ vendor("cisco")
+ product("mm")
+ class('system')
+ template('t_msg_only')
+ );
+ };
+ if {
+ parser {
+ regexp-parser(
+ prefix(".tmp.")
+ patterns('^cmm-(?