Coverage-guidance and mutation
User provided coverage and minimal test cases
- E.g. show me all the minimal test cases that lead to each error?
Check coverage of the range of values from responses?
Support for other content types than
Ability to import/export OpenAPI (and later protobuf)
Editor support
Only presents new errors, abstract counterexamples like in "Find More Bugs with QuickCheck!" paper?
Optional models?
Generate prototype from model?
Time-traveling debugger for fail test cases
REPL that can generate data on tab complete
Lint the spec, e.g. can all commands be reached? Or does some command have a parameter which no other command returns and we cannot generate using the built-in types?
Refinement types, e.g.
/pet/{petId : Int | petId > 0}
and ability to generate validation logic from them- Refinement Types: A Tutorial (2021)
Use templating and (Lua?) extensions for doc/code generation from spec, a bit similar to how pandoc does it.
Visualise by generating diagrams
- only makes sense if we have a bigger system out of multiple components and some relations between them?
- complex systems approach? (actants, constructors)
- c4 model?
- https://www.eventcatalog.dev/
REPL which generates data on tab-complete
Ability to specify protocols, e.g. which sequences of commands are valid, and use this to do "run-time session type" checking.
"We need languages to describe encodings and protocols not machine instructions" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieEaaofM7uU)
start & open(File, Modes) -> {ok, Handle} & ready | {error, Reason} & closed.
ready & close(Handle) -> ok & closed | {error, Reason} & closed.
ready & read(Handle, int) -> {ok, Bin} & ready | {error, E} & closed.
start & login : POST /login/{user : String} {password : String} -> {ok200, Token} & inside | unauthorized401 & start inside & list : GET / -> List String & inside
inside & logout : POST /logout & start
Async specs where each component can be annotated with "produces events" and "consumes events", which can be visualised and linted for e.g. events that nobody consumes
Temporal logic on events? E.g. something like
if buyPet then eventually paymentEvent
Something about versioning, upgrades, refinement of specs...
Other types of specifications, e.g. syntax grammars where testing generates random programs? And perhaps find minimal programs that create unique syntax errors? Use grammars as generators? E.g.:
Spec ::= "component" Ident "where" Decl* Decl ::= OpDecl | TypeDecl -- XXX: Allow ModalType in response position? -- semantics: unique response type will never get reused, and abstract -- response type will always get reused? OpDecl ::= ident ":" Method Path Body? ("->" Type)? Method ::= "GET" | "POST" Path ::= ("/" PathSegment)* "/"? PathSegment = "{" ident ":" ModalType "}" | path Body ::= "{" ModalType "}" TypeDecl ::= "type" Ident "=" Type ModalType ::= Mode? Type Mode ::= "@" | "!" Type ::= BaseType | RecordDecl | Ident BaseType ::= "Unit" | "Bool" | "Int" | "String" RecordDecl ::= "{" Field ("," Field)* "}" -- XXX: parser allows empty records? Field ::= ident ":" Type -- XXX: Modal type Ident ::= [A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* ident ::= [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]* -- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-3.3 path ::= pchar+ pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="