JWST Build 7.6
Release Notes
The JWST calibration pipeline (v0.17.1) has been made available on PyPi and Github. A high-level list of updates in this build is given below.
Association generator rules have been updated to:
- Fix incorrect product names for level-3 IFU products
Updates to Level-2a processing for all exposure modes include:
- Enabled creation of the "rateints" product for all exposures, even when NINTS=1
Updates to Level-2b processing for all exposure modes include:
- Enabled application of the "filteroffset" correction for NIRCam and NIRISS imaging modes in the assign_wcs step
- The flat-field step has been updated to set DQ='DO_NOT_USE' for reference file pixels that have values of NaN or zero, as well as reference file pixels flagged as 'NO_FLAT'.
Updates to Level-2b spectroscopic (calwebb_spec2) processing include:
- The ability to perform master background subtraction for NIRSpec MOS exposures
- The ability to process NIRSpec internal lamp exposures
- Improved calculation of bounding boxes for grism images in the assign_wcs step
- Updated the assign_wcs step to allow for user-settable extraction heights in grism (WFSS) images
- The ability to apply minimal processing of MIRI MRS TSO exposures
- Changed the default weighting in the cube_build step to "emsm"
- The ability to perform aperture corrections for point source extracted spectra in the extract_1d step
- Bug fixes in flat-fielding for NIRSpec fixed-slit exposures
Updates to the Level-3 imaging (calwebb_image3) processing include:
- The outlier_detection step has been fixed so that it does not subtract background from the science data
Updates to the Level-3 spectroscopic (calwebb_spec3) processing include:
- Implemented corrections to master background subtraction for NIRSpec IFU exposures
- Updated the master_background step to allow for saving of the 2D master background data
Updates to the Level-3 Coronagraphic (calwebb_coron3) pipeline include:
Implemented bad pixel replacement in the align_refs step
Updates to the Level-3 TSO (calwebb_tso3) pipeline include: -
Fixed a bug in the computation of integration time stamps
Complete change log:
- Add product name override to the
class, to prevent the default
"clear" suffix showing up in NIRSpec IFU product names. [#5326]
Implement using a user-supplied correction which overrides all references. [#5302]
Implement applying the inverse operation. [#5302]
- Do not close files that were not opened by blendmodels [#5299]
If every wavelength plane of the IFU cube contains 0 data, cube_build is skipped [#5294]
Remove "clear" suffix from MIRI MRS product name templates [#5326]
Update how the flat field reference dq mask is used for NIRSpec MOS data [#5284]
Implement providing a user-supplied flat field which overrides all references. [#5302]
Implement applying the inverse operation. [#5302]
Create new step
step to handle NIRSpec MOS data inSpec2Pipeline
[#5317] -
Implement option to save the 2d version of the calculated master background [#5317]
- Fix bug where background was being subtracted on the input data [#4858]
Implement using a user-supplied correction which overrides all references. [#5302]
Implement applying the inverse operation. [#5302]
Implement using a user-supplied correction which overrides all references. [#5302]
Implement applying the inverse operation. [#5302]
Spec3Pipeline check whether master background subtraction has already occurred. [#5308]
Implement master background subtraction in Spec2Pipeline for NIRSpec MOS data. [#5302]
Include the per-slit failure traceback in any RuntimeError raised in Spec2Pipeline. [#5315]
- Reinstate copying of INT_TIMES table to output rateints product for TSO exposures. [#5321]
- Fix a bug in the computation of integration time stamps when the INT_TIMES
table is not available. [#5318]