There will now be a docker image called "osrf/space_nav2_demo:latest".
Follow instructions on space-ros/docker/space-robots/
Start the space_nav2 container and launch the navigation2 nodes:
ros2 launch space_nav2_bringup use_sim_time:=True params_file:=nav2_params.yaml
docker exec -it osrf_space_nav2_demo bash
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch space_nav2_bringup use_sim_time:=True map:=mars_map.yaml params_file:=nav2_params.yaml
Exec into the same space_nav2 container and launch Rviz2:
docker exec -it -e DISPLAY osrf_space_nav2_demo bash
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch nav2_bringup
In the Rviz GUI, localize robot in Rviz using 2D Pose estimate tool, with an arrow pointing up at the center of the grid. Wait for Nav2 to initialize / costmaps to appear. When the costmap appears, send a goal using the "Nav2 goal" tool in Rviz