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The branchwater plugin for sourmash

command functionality docs
manysketch Rapidly build sketches for many input files link
singlesketch Sketch a single sequence file link
fastgather Multithreaded gather of one metagenome against a database link
fastmultigather Multithreaded gather of multiple metagenomes against a database link
manysearch Multithreaded containment search for many queries in many large metagenomes link
multisearch Multithreaded comparison of multiple sketches, in memory link
pairwise Multithreaded pairwise comparison of multiple sketches, in memory link
cluster cluster sequences based on similarity data from pairwise or multisearch link
index build a RocksDB inverted index for efficient containment queries link

This repository implements multithreaded plugins for sourmash that provide very fast implementations of sketch, search, and gather. These commands are typically hundreds to thousands of times faster, and 10-50x lower memory, than the current sourmash code. For example, a gather of SRR606249 with sourmash v4.8.6 against GTDB rs214 takes 40 minutes and 14 GB of RAM, while fastgather with 64 cores takes only 2 minutes and 2 GB of RAM.

The main drawback to these plugin commands is that their inputs are more restricted than the native sourmash commands, and in some cases their outputs are in a different format. This means that your input files may need to be prepared differently, and the output may need to be processed differently. The plugin commands are also a bit less user friendly, because (for now) we're more focused on speed than polish and user experience.

Note: As of v0.9.5, the outputs of fastgather and fastmultigather almost completely match the output of sourmash gather; see below for details.

Input file formats

sourmash supports a variety of different storage formats for sketches (see sourmash docs), and the branchwater plugin works with some (but not all) of them. Branchwater also supports an additional database type, a RocksDB-based inverted index, that is not (yet) supported natively by sourmash (through v4.8.11).

As of v0.9.8, we recommend using zip files or standalone manifest CSVs pointing to zip files whenever you need to provide multiple sketches.

command command input database format
manysketch CSV with input fasta/fastq paths (details below) produces Zip database
gather Single metagenome in sig, zip, or pathlist Zip or pathlist
fastmultigather Multiple metagenomes in sig, zip, or pathlist Zip, pathlist, or rocksdb index
manysearch Multiple genomes in sig, zip, or pathlist Zip, pathlist, or rocksdb index
multisearch Multiple sketches in sig, zip, or pathlist Multiple sketches in sig, zip, or pathlist
pairwise Multiple sketches in sig, zip, or pathlist N/A
cluster Output from pairwise or multisearch N/A
index Multiple sketches in sig, zip, or pathlist N/A

Using zipfiles

When working with large collections of small sketches such as genomes, we suggest using zipfiles as produced by sourmash (e.g. using sourmash sig cat or manysketch). Zip files have a few nice features:

  • sketches are compressed in zip files;
  • zip files can contain many sketches, including incompatible types (e.g. multiple k-mer sizes);
  • subsets of zip files can be efficiently selected and loaded;
  • in particular, single sketches can be loaded on demand, supporting lower memory requirements for certain kinds of searches.

For all these reasons, zip files are the most efficient and effective basic storage type for sketches in sourmash, and as of the branchwater plugin v0.9.0, they are fully supported!

You can create zipfiles with sourmash like so:

sourmash sig cat <list of sketches> -o

Using manifests for input databases - why and when?

The branchwater plugin commands take a relatively restricted set of inputs, compared to sourmash: they take a single file for query and a single file for search. These files must be a collection of sketches (in .sig/.sig.gz format), a RocksDB database, a pathlist, or a standalone manifest.

When you want to search subsets or deal with many large files, we recommend standalone manifests over constructing new databases or using pathlists to point at subsets of files. Why?

There are three main reasons NOT to use zip files or pathlists in this case:

  • first, metagenome sketches are often extremely large (100s of MBs to GBs), and it is not ideal to zip them all into a single zip file;
  • second, both manysearch and fastmultigather take a single argument that specifies collections of metagenomes which need to be loaded on demand, because they cannot fit into memory;
  • third, when searching subsets of large collections, it can be expensive to make a copy of the subset;

Manifests are a sourmash filetype that catalog sketch content and can be used to point at many sketches and/or subset large collections of sketches, and so they provide solutions to these problems. In particular, manifests let you provide large collections of sketches/collections of large sketches to manysearch and fastmultigather, and also let you select a subset of a collection without making a copy.

The branchwater plugin supports manifest CSVs. These can be created from lists of sketches by using sourmash sig collect or sourmash sig check; for example,

sourmash sig check < -F csv --picklist idents.csv:ident:ident -m subset.csv

will create a manifest CSV containing a subset of sketches using picklists,


find -type f /path/to/sig/files/* > pathlist.txt
sourmash sig collect pathlist.txt -o summary-manifest.csv -F csv

will collect a list of all of the sketches under /path/to/sig/files and make the list available through a combined manifest.

Note here that manifests are much smaller than the files containing all of the sketches!

Note also that manifests have many advantages over pathlists: in particular, they contain metadata that enables fast loading of specific sketches, and they support subsetting from large databases; pathlists support neither.

Using RocksDB inverted indexes

The branchwater plugin also supports a database type that is not yet supported by sourmash: inverted indexes stored in a RocksDB database. These indexes provide fast and low-memory lookups when searching very large datasets, and are used for the branchwater petabase scale search hosted at

Some commands - fastmultigather and manysearch - support using these RocksDB-based inverted indexes for efficient search, and they can be created by running sourmash scripts index. See the index documentation, below.

Using "pathlists"

Note: We no longer recommend using "pathlists". Use zip files or standalone manifests instead.

You can make a pathlist by listing a collection of .sig.gz files like so:

find /path/to/directory/ -name "*.sig.gz" -type f > directory.txt

When using a pathlist for search, we load all signatures into memory at the start in order to generate a manifest. To avoid memory issues, the signatures are not kept in memory, but instead re-loaded as described below for each command (see: Notes on concurrency and efficiency). This makes using pathlists less efficient than zip files (as of v0.9.0) or manifests (as of v0.9.8).

Running the commands

Running manysketch

The manysketch command sketches a list of FASTA/FASTQ files into a zipped sourmash signature collection (zip). manysketch uses one thread per input file, so it can (very) efficiently sketch many files at once; and, because sequence file parsing is entirely implemented in Rust, it is much, much faster than sourmash sketch for large FASTQ files. However, it does not currently support translation, i.e. protein signature generation from DNA FASTA.

manysketch can be used to sketch collections of genomes, pairs of R1/R2 files, and more flexible collections based on prefix - which approach is used depends on the columns provided to manysketch in the input CSV file.

Specifying input FASTA

To run manysketch, you need to build a text file list of FASTA/FASTQ files (see manysketch.csv example, below).

The following formats are accepted:

  • 3 columns: name,genome_filename,protein_filename

    genome_filename entries are considered DNA FASTA, protein_filename entries are considered protein FASTA.

  • 3 columns: name,read1,read2

    All entries considered DNA FASTA, and both read1 and read2 files are used as input for a single sketch with name name.

  • 4 columns: name,input_moltype,prefix,exclude

    This filetype uses glob to find files that match prefix but do not match exclude. As such, * are ok in the prefix and exclude columns. Since we are dealing with "prefixes" here, we automatically search with * on the end of the prefix entry.

A simple way to build a manysketch input file for a directory is this command snippet:

echo name,genome_filename,protein_filename > manysketch.csv
for i in *.fa.gz
echo $i,$i,
done >> manysketch.csv

You can then run:

sourmash scripts manysketch manysketch.csv -o

The output will be written to

You can check if all signatures were written properly with

sourmash sig summarize

To modify sketching parameters, use --param-str or -p and provide valid param string(s)

sourmash scripts manysketch fa.csv -o -p k=21,k=31,k=51,scaled=1000,abund -p protein,k=10,scaled=200

See the sourmash sketch docs for more information on param strings.

singleton sketching

manysketch also supports building independent sketches for each record in a FASTA file (--singleton).

You can run:

sourmash scripts manysketch manysketch.csv -o --singleton

The output will be written to

You can check if all signatures were written properly with

sourmash sig summarize

The number of sketches per parameter combination should equal the total number of records in all input FASTA. The name column will not be used. Instead, each sketch will be named from the FASTA record name.

Protein sketching: hp and dayhoff moltypes

manysketch supports all sourmash moltypes: protein, hp, and dayhoff. See also sourmash protein encoding documentation and sourmash parameter documentation for more information about what these "moltypes" mean and their default parameters.

manysketch does not translate DNA to protein, sorry. You'll need to do that ahead of time.

If you have a proteins.csv file which looks like:


You can run:

sourmash scripts manysketch proteins.csv -o -p dayhoff,k=16 -p protein,k=10 -p hp,k=42

The output will be written to

You can check if all signatures were written properly with

sourmash sig summarize

In this case, three sketches of protein, dayhoff, and hp moltypes were made for each file in proteins.csv and saved to

Running singlesketch

The singlesketch command generates a sketch for a single sequence file.

Basic Usage

sourmash scripts singlesketch input.fa -p k=21,scaled=1000,dna -o output.sig --name signature_name

Using stdin/stdout

You can use - for stdin and output the result to stdout:

cat input.fa | sourmash scripts singlesketch - -o -

Running multisearch and pairwise

The multisearch command compares one or more query genomes, and one or more subject genomes. It differs from manysearch because it loads everything into memory.

multisearch takes two input collections and outputs a CSV:

sourmash scripts multisearch query.sig.gz -o results.csv

The results file results.csv, will have 8 columns: query and query_md5, match and match_md5, and containment, jaccard, max_containment, and intersect_hashes.

The pairwise command does the same comparisons as multisearch but takes only a single collection of sketches, for which it calculates all the pairwise comparisons. Since the comparisons are symmetric, it is approximately twice as fast as multisearch.

The -t/--threshold for multisearch and pairwise applies to the containment of query-in-target and defaults to 0.01. To report any overlap between two sketches, set the threshold to 0.

Running fastgather

The fastgather command is parallelized (and typically much faster) version of sourmash gather.

fastgather takes a single query metagenome and a database, and outputs a CSV:

sourmash scripts fastgather query.sig.gz -o results.csv --cores 4

As of v0.9.5, fastgather outputs the same columns as sourmash gather, with only a few exception

  • match_name is output instead of name;
  • match_md5 is output instead of md5;
  • match_filename is output instead of filename, and the value is different;
  • potential_false_negative is not present in fastgather output;

Running fastmultigather

fastmultigather takes a collection of query metagenomes and a collection of sketches as a database, and outputs many CSVs:

sourmash scripts fastmultigather queries.manifest.csv --cores 4 --save-matches

We suggest using standalone manifest CSVs wherever possible, especially if the queries are large.

The main advantage that fastmultigather has over running fastgather on multiple queries is that fastmultigather only needs to load the database once for all queries, unlike with fastgather; this can be a significant time savings for large databases.

Output files for fastmultigather

On a database of sketches (but not on RocksDB indexes) fastmultigather will output two CSV files for each query, a prefetch file containing all overlapping matches between that query and the database, and a gather file containing the minimum metagenome cover for that query in the database.

The prefetch CSV will be named {signame}.prefetch.csv, and the gather CSV will be named {signame}.gather.csv. Here, {signame} is the name of your sourmash signature.

--save-matches is an optional flag that will save the matched hashes for each query in a separate sourmash signature {signame}.matches.sig. This can be useful for debugging or for further analysis.

When searching against a RocksDB index, fastmultigather will output a single file containing all gather results, specified with -o/--output. No prefetch results will be output.

fastmultigather gather CSVs provide the same columns as fastgather, above.

Warning: At the moment, if two different queries have the same {signame}, the CSVs for one of the queries will be overwritten by the other query. The behavior here is undefined in practice, because of multithreading: we don't know what queries will be executed when or files will be written first.

Running manysearch

The manysearch command compares one or more collections of query sketches, and one or more collections of subject sketches. It is the core command we use for searching petabase-scale databases of metagenomes for contained genomes.

manysearch takes two collections as input, and outputs a CSV:

sourmash scripts manysearch metagenomes.manifest.csv -o results.csv

We suggest using a manifest CSV for the metagenome collection.

The results file here, query.x.gtdb-reps.csv, will have the following columns: query, query_md5, match_name, match_md5, containment, jaccard, max_containment, intersect_hashes, query_containment_ani.

If you run manysearch without using a RocksDB database (that is, against regular sketches), the results file will also have the following columns: , match_containment_ani, average_containment_ani, and max_containment_ani.

Finally, if using sketches that have abundance information, the results file will also contain the following columns: average_abund, median_abund, std_abund, n_weighted_found, and total_weighted_hashes.

See the prefetch CSV output column documentation for information on these various columns.

The -t/--threshold for manysearch applies to the containment of query-in-database (e.g. genome in metagenome) and defaults to 0.01. To report any overlap between two sketches, set the threshold to 0. (This will produce many, many results when searching a collection of metagenomes!)

By default, manysearch will display the contents of the CSV file in a human-readable format. This can be disabled with -N/--no-pretty-print when executing large searches.

Running cluster

The cluster command conducts graph-based clustering via the sequence similarity measures in pairwise or multisearch outputs. It is a new command and we are exploring its utility.

cluster takes the csv output of pairwise or multisearch input, and outputs two CSVs:

  1. -o, --output will contain the names of the clusters and the ident of each sequence included in the cluster (e.g. Component_1, name1;name2)
  1. --cluster-sizes will contain information on cluster size, with a counts for the number of clusters of that size. For the two clusters above, the counts would look like this:

cluster takes a --similarity_column argument to specify which of the similarity columns, with the following choices: containment, max_containment, jaccard, average_containment_ani, maximum_containment_ani. All values should be input as fractions (e.g. 0.9 for 90%)

Running index

The index subcommand creates a RocksDB inverted index that can be used as an efficient database for manysearch (containment queries into mixtures) and fastmultigather (mixture decomposition against a database of genomes).

RocksDB inverted indexes support fast, low-latency, and low-memory queries, in exchange for a time-intensive indexing step and extra disk space. They are also used for the real-time SRA metagenome query.

Note that RocksDB indexes do not support abundance estimation for containment queries.

To run index, provide it with multiple sketches in sig, zip, or pathlist format, and specify the desired output directory; we suggest using the .rocksdb extension for RocksDB databases, e.g. -o gtdb-rs214-k31.rocksdb.

By default, as of v0.9.7, index will store a copy of the sketches along with the inverted index. This will substantially increase the disk space required for large databases. You can provide an optional --no-internal-storage to index to store them externally, which reduces the disk space needed for the index. Read below for technical details!

As of v0.9.8, index can take any of the supported input types, but unless you are using a zip file or a pathlist of JSON files, it may need to load all the sketches into memory before indexing them. Moreover, you can only use external storage with a zip file. We are working on improving this; see issue #415 for details. A warning will be printed to stderr in situations where the sketches are being loaded into memory.

Internal vs external storage of sketches in a RocksDB index

(The below applies to v0.9.7 and later of the plugin; for v0.9.6 and before, only external storage was implemented.)

RocksDB indexes support containment queries (a la the branchwater application), as well as gather-style mixture decomposition (see Irber et al., 2022). For this plugin, the manysearch command supports a RocksDB index for the database for containment queries, and fastmultigather can use a RocksDB index for the database of genomes.

RocksDB indexes contain references to the sketches used to construct the index. If --internal-storage is set (which is the default), a copy of the sketches is stored within the RocksDB database directory; if --no-internal-storage is provided, then the references point to the original source sketches used to construct the database, wherever they reside on your disk.

The sketches are not used by manysearch, but are used by fastmultigather: with v0.9.6 and later, you'll get an error if you run fastmultigather against a RocksDB index where the sketches cannot be loaded.

What this means is therefore a bit complicated, but boils down to the following two approaches:

  1. The safest thing to do is build a RocksDB index and use internal storage (the default). This will consume more disk space but your RocksDB database will always be usable for both manysearch and fastmultigather, as well as the branchwater app.
  2. If you want to avoid storing duplicate copies of your sketches, then specify --no-internal-storage and provide a stable absolute path to the source sketches. This will again support both manysearch and fastmultigather, as well as the branchwater app. If the source sketches later become unavailable, fastmultigather will stop working (although manysearch and the branchwater app should be fine).

You should (for the moment) avoid specifying relative paths to the sketches when running index. Follow sourmash_branchwater_plugin#415 if better support for relative paths is of interest!

Links and more materials

Note that RocksDB indexes are implemented in the core sourmash Rust library, and used in downstream software packages (this plugin, and the branchwater application code). The above documentation applies to sourmash core v0.15.0.

Notes on concurrency and efficiency

Each command does things somewhat differently, with implications for CPU and disk load; moreover, the performance will vary depending on the database format. You can measure threading efficiency with /usr/bin/time -v on Linux systems, and disk load by number of complaints received when running. Your best bet is to just ask the team for suggestions, but you can lightly skim the docs below and play with some small data sets, too!

manysketch loads one sequence file from disk per thread and sketches it using all signature params simultaneously.

manysearch loads all the queries at the beginning, and then loads one database sketch from disk per thread. The compute-per-database-sketch is dominated by I/O. So your number of threads should be chosen with care for disk load. We typically limit it to -c 32 for shared disks.

multisearch loads all the queries and database sketches once, at the beginning, and then uses multithreading to search across all matching sequences. For large databases it is extremely efficient at using all available cores. So 128 threads or more should work fine! Zipfiles should work well.

pairwise acts just like multisearch, but only loads one file (and then does all comparisons between all pairs within that file).

Like multisearch and pairwise, fastgather loads everything at the beginning, and then uses multithreading to search across all matching sequences. For large databases it is extremely efficient at using all available cores. So 128 threads or more should work fine! We suggest using zipfiles for the database.

fastmultigather loads the entire database once, and then loads one query from disk per thread. The compute-per-query can be significant, though, so multithreading efficiency here is less dependent on I/O and the disk is less likely to be saturated with many threads. We suggest limiting threads to between 32 and 64 to decrease shared disk load.

cluster loads the entire file multithreaded, and then populates the graph sequentially.

Appendix 1 - index to create a low-memory index

The command sourmash scripts index makes an on-disk inverted index for low memory fast search. Indexing takes a while, but then search takes fewer resources.

Currently only fastmultigather and manysearch can use this kind of index.

fastmultigather with this index produces a complete set of sourmash gather columns.

We suggest using the extension .rocksdb for these databases, as we use RocksDB for the underlying database storage mechanism.