Neovim GUI written in Rust, using relm4 and gtk4-rs.
Thanks Neovide
To setup font add next line to init.vim
set guifont=Cascadia\ Code,Symbols\ Nerd\ Font\ Mono\ Light:h12
or init.lua
vim.opt.guifont="Cascadia Code, Symbols Nerd Font Mono Light:h12"
First install the GTK development packages. On Debian/Ubuntu derivatives this can be done as follows:
sudo apt install libgtk-4-dev>=4.6 libadwaita-1-dev>=1.0 clang
On Arch Linux derivatives this can be done as follows:
pacman -S gtk4 libadwaita clang pkg-config
Then install the latest rust compiler, best with the rustup tool. The build command:
cargo install --git
Supports ligatures and font shaping.
Font fallback supports rendering of emoji not contained in the configured font.