v0.2.0 (2021-04-07)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Let the extension work with ActiveStorage #57 (MinasMazar)
- Update gemspec with correct Github organization #52 (MinasMazar)
- Fix option types and values processors #47 (stefano-sarioli)
- Update to the latest dev-support template and allow usage of Solidus 3.0 #46 (MinasMazar)
- Skip empty option values #45 (derrickp)
- Do not add taxon if it's on the product #44 (derrickp)
- OptionTypes loaded from DB instead of off product #43 (derrickp)
v0.2.0 (2020-10-23)
Closed issues:
- Error messages leak from one row to the other #35
- Missing billing and shipping address for customers #34
- SolidusImporter::Processors::Address tries to import the wrong state and fails #33
- Reconsider adding an address to the imported StockLocation #31
- Test the importer with data coming from a sample Shopify store #16
Merged pull requests:
- Fix replication of shipping methods #42 (MinasMazar)
- Package new release #41 (MinasMazar)
- Fix a typo in the readme #40 (elia)
- Enhance order importer #39 (MinasMazar)
- Find another way to "preserve context between rows processing" #38 (MinasMazar)
- Fix customer addresses processor #37 (MinasMazar)
- Update binstubs #36 (MinasMazar)
- Store entities on context and trigger post-processors after the import #30 (MinasMazar)
- Update customers.csv fixture and customer related processors #28 (MinasMazar)
- Add an entry about usage from the backend w/ GIFs! #27 (elia)
v0.1.0 (2020-06-26)
Closed issues:
- Implement an Options processor (for products) #15
- Implement a Taxon processor (for products) #14
- Roadmap #5
- Version 1.0 #4
Merged pull requests:
- Update to the latest solidus-dev-support templates + UI improvements #25 (elia)
- Add Taxon processors #23 (MinasMazar)
- Fix product/variant processors according to Shopify Product CSVs #22 (MinasMazar)
- Fix and improve customer processor #21 (MinasMazar)
- Implement product options processors #20 (MinasMazar)
- Improve processors context #13 (blocknotes)
- Packaging for 1.0 #11 (blocknotes)
- Update specs removing unnecessary destroys because of database_cleaner #10 (blocknotes)
- Structure improvements #9 (blocknotes)
- Images processing #8 (blocknotes)
- Update the README to open the project to the public #7 (blocknotes)
- Admin UI #3 (blocknotes)
- Background processing #2 (blocknotes)
- Main structure #1 (blocknotes)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator