#Monotouch.Dialog Inline null-able date time picker
An extension to the DateTimeElement from MonoTouch.Dialog to support an inline, expandable/collapsible and nullable UIDateTimePicker.
Very important: You need to set UnevenRows = true in the parent RootElement to work it properly.
Original Monotouch.Dialog datetime picker is not supporting null values. This extension supports null value for UIDateTimeElement as well as:
- Date picker
- Date and Time picker
- Time only
All in one!
Sample code:
RootElement root = new RootElement("Date time demo");
Section section = new Section()
new InlineDateTimePicker("Date only", DateTime.Today, UIDatePickerMode.Date),
new InlineDateTimePicker("Date and Time", DateTime.Now, UIDatePickerMode.DateAndTime),
new InlineDateTimePicker("Time only", DateTime.Now, UIDatePickerMode.Time)
// **** Important -> This line is very important to open the datetimelement inline.
root.UnevenRows = true;
DialogViewController dialogViewController = new DialogViewController(root);