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Releases: smartrent/grizzly


23 Aug 22:05
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  • Enhancements
    • Add support for Network Management Installation Maintenance
    • Updates to docs and examples


12 Aug 16:10
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Changed how configuration works.

Grizzly now requires the serial port to be configured:

config :grizzly,
  serial_port: "/dev/ttyACM0"

Also added the pidof_bin configuration option to allow official
Nerves systems to work with some of the Grizzly scripts the call
that utility by using the busybox package and
pointing to the executable of pidof that is compiled with busybox.

If you are using a custom system you can add that utility to the
busybox config, and not need to use this configuration option.

config :grizzly,
  pidof_bin: "/srv/erlang/lib/busybox-0.1.2/priv/bin/pidof"

Double-check the version of busybox you are using and make sure that
version matches the version in the pidof_bin path.

Changed run_grizzly_bin to run_zipgateway_bin.


01 Aug 21:15
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  • Enhancements
    • Implement multilevel sensor command to get supported sensor types


11 Jul 21:34
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The big change here is removing the in memory
cache for devices on the network. Most common
use cases will be for a consuming application to
hold on to the network device information and apply
some costume logic to now that is managed.

Also, we would have to keep both the external
and internal cache in sync, which is really hard
and was creating an odd event based system, which
also lends itself to complexity.

Breaking Changes

Grizzly.list_nodes() -> Grizzly.get_nodes()

This is mostly because before we were listing nodes
from a cache, and now we are getting nodes from the
Z-Wave network.

Also with get_nodes we don't automatically connect
to the nodes. So getting and connecting to all nodes
on the Z-Wave network might look something like this:

def get_and_connect() do
  case Grizzly.get_nodes() do
    {:ok, nodes} ->, &Grizzly.Node.connect/1)
    error -> error

Grizzly.update_command_class_versions/2 -> Grizzly.update_command_class_versions/1

Before we would pass if the update would be async or not
after reviewing how this gets used it made sense to
always do it sync. Also it returns a Node.t() now
with the command classes updated with the version.

This is the same change found in Grizzly.Node.update_command_class_versions

Grizzly.command_class_version/3 -> Grizzly.get_command_class_version/2

Removed the use_cache param as there is no longer a cache.

Same change found in Grizzly.Node.get_command_class_version

  • Enhancements
    • Support Grizzly.CommandClass.Time command class
    • Support Grizzly.CommandClass.TimeParameters GET and SET commands
    • Support Grizzly.CommandClass.ScheduleEntryLock command class
    • Grizzly.Notifications.subscribe_all/1 - subscribe to many notifications at once
    • - get the name of the command class
    • Grizzly.CommandClass.version/1 - get the version of the command class
    • Grizzly.Network.get_nodes/0 - get the nodes on the network
    • Grizzly.Network.get_node/1 - get a node by node id from the network
    • Grizzly.Network.get_node_info/1 - get node information about a node via node id
    • Grizzly.Node.get_ip/1 - can now take either a Node.t() or a node id
  • Updates
    • Docs and type clean up
  • Fixes
    • Timeout when getting command class versions


20 Jun 14:57
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  • Fixes
    • Logging with old ZipGateway label is now Grizzly
    • Fix queued API from {ZipGateway, :queued_response, ref, response}
      to {Grizzly, :queued_response, ref, response}
    • Fix timeout error when waiting for DTLS server from the
      zipgateway side


17 Jun 21:01
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Initial Release