This code snippets shows how to refresh a Select Object without refreshing the whole form. This can be useful when using Hash Cookies in the SQL and to implement cascaded dropdowns.
1. Create a Procedure (Tab Builders -> Procedure -> Add):
☛ Code: refreshSelectObject
☛ Description: Refreshes a Select Object
☛ Launch from: Keep blank
☛ Run: Hidden
☛ PHP: Paste this PHP code:
function getSelectValues($obj) {
$sql = "SELECT sob_select_sql FROM `zzzzsys_object` WHERE sob_all_id = ?";
$t = nuRunQuery($sql, [$obj]);
$a = [];
if (db_num_rows($t) == 1) {
$r = db_fetch_row($t);
if ($r != false) {
$disS = nuReplaceHashVariables($r[0]);
$t = nuRunQuery($disS);
while ($row = db_fetch_row($t)) {
$a[] = $row;
return json_encode($a);
return $a;
$obj = '#refreshSelectObject#';
$j = getSelectValues($obj);
$js = "
function populateSelectObject() {
var p = $j;
$('#$obj').append('<option value=\"\"></option>');
if (p != '') {
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
$('#$obj').append('<option value=\"' + p[i][0] + '\">' + p[i][1] + '</option>');
☛ Save
function refreshSelectObject(obj) {
nuSetProperty('refreshSelectObject', obj);
nuRunPHPHidden("refreshSelectObject", 1);
☛ Save
For example, a select object can be refreshed if this JavaScript code is added to an onchange event of another select object. ☛ Replace objId with the Object Id of your Select Object.