The function addDevButtons() adds additional buttons for the globeadmin for quick access to the Form Properties, PHP Events.
View the Form Description, Form ID, Form Code and Record ID, Browse SQL (Browse Forms) on a button click:
☛ Add this JavaScript and CSS code in the Header (❓ Home ► Setup). Click Save and log in again.
function editPHP(type) {
nuForm('nuphp', nuCurrentProperties().form_id + '_' + type, 'justphp', '', 2);
function openCurrentProperties() {
nuForm('nuform', window.nuFORM.getCurrent().form_id, '', '', 2);
function addDevButton(i, v, f) {
var button = "<input id='nu" + i + "Button' type='button' class='nuActionButton' value='" + nuTranslate(v) + "' onclick='" + f + "'>";
jQuery.fn.cssNumber = function(prop) {
var v = parseInt(this.css(prop), 10);
return isNaN(v) ? 0 : v;
function showFormInfo() {
var cp = nuCurrentProperties();
var record_id = nuFormType() == 'edit' && cp.form_type !== 'launch' ? "<b>Record ID:</b> " + cp.record_id : '';
var browse_sql = nuFormType() == 'browse' ? "<b>Browse SQL:</b></br> " + cp.browse_sql : '';
nuMessage(["<h1>" + cp.form_description + "</h1>", "<b>Form ID:</b> " + cp.form_id, "<b>Form Code:</b> " + cp.form_code, record_id, browse_sql]);
function addDevButtons() {
if (global_access) {
var ft = nuCurrentProperties().form_type;
var b = ft.indexOf("browse") >= 0;
var e = ft.indexOf("edit") >= 0;
var l = ft.indexOf("launch") >= 0;
$('#nuActionHolder').css('height', '50px');
addDevButton("DevBtnFormInfo", "Info", 'showFormInfo();');
addDevButton("DevBtnProperties", "Prop", 'openCurrentProperties();');
if (b || l) { addDevButton("DevBtnBE", "BE", 'editPHP("BE");'); }
if (e) { addDevButton("DevBtnBB", "BB", 'editPHP("BB");'); }
if (e) { addDevButton("DevBtnBS", "BS", 'editPHP("BS");'); }
if (e) { addDevButton("DevBtnAS", "AS", 'editPHP("AS");'); }
var frame = parent.$('#nuDragDialog iframe')
frame.css('height', frame.cssNumber("height") + 50);
var dragDialog = parent.$('#nuDragDialog')
dragDialog.css('height', dragDialog.cssNumber("height") + 50);
$("input[type='button'][id^='nuDevBtn']").css({ 'margin-bottom': '10px', 'background-color': '#f6f6f6', 'background-image': 'none', 'color': 'black', 'border-color': '#9fa5a9', 'text-shadow': 'none' });
function nuOnLoad() {