In nuBuilderPro (v3) it was possible to run a Procedure from outside nuBuilder. (By setting "Allow Non Secure Access"). Unfortunately, this is no longer possible with nuBuilder 4.
Therefore, I created nucall_ext.php which makes this possible again.
☛ Place nucall_ext.php in a subfolder of your nuBuilder root directory (e.g. /libs)
☛ Next, create a new Procedure if you do not have one already or check out this sample Procedure.
☛ Create a new Access Level. For security reasons, do not assign that Access Level to a user.
☛ Add the Procedure to the Access Level.
Call nucall_ext.php and pass these two parameters:
- p (Procedure): Replace test in the URL with your Procedure Code.
- acc (Access Level): Replace acl_cron_job in the URL with your Access Level Code.
E.g. http://localhost/nubuilder/libs/nucall_ext.php?p=test&acc=acl_cron_job
Now you may want to set up a cron job to call the script on a scheduled basis. A cron job in PHP powered systems, in particular, is often used to ensure timely execution of important tasks including executing or scheduling a code snippet.
They are often used for system maintenance, to send automated reminder emails etc.