Unreleased - TBD
- Detect when Foobar2000 is off/stopped and exit.
- Move Album:
- Warning: Attempt to move while Foobar2000 is playing.
- Sanity check: Compare # of items in playlist vs music files in folder.
- GetSongInfo() in a timer instead of function calls.
- Dynamically create speed setting subroutines. (Possible?)
- Improve scrolling hotkey logic to be more efficient, or limit scrolling updates.
- Bug: FileMoveError is encountered when move album from stopped playback.
- Bug: Music shouldn't start again if FileMoveError is encountered.
- Make DisableSpeed subroutine fix error loop when name cannot obtained during speed loop.
- Move Album:
- Move album two levels deep does not remove empty parent folder.
- Sometimes FileRemoveDir does not work on empty/leftover directory.
2.3.0 - 2019-06-07
- Added directory check. Single music files not supported yet.
- Improved time detection
- Changed function order.
- Fixed dynamic speed trigger logic.
- Fixed move files ParentDir truth test & ParentDir/ParentBase logic.
- Fixed Check() order.
2.2.6 - 2019-05-30
- Functionized speed checks and settings.
2.2.5 - 2019-05-30
- Dynamic creation for speed triggers (Ctrl+Num0-9) instead of static hotkeys.
- Note: Limited to 3 speed settings at the moment. Speed subroutines are still static. Working on this.
- Functionized DisableSpeed subroutine.
- Reduced the total amount of global vars by using ByRef.
- Speed2 toggle is working properly.
2.2.1 - 2019-05-27
- Reduced global vars with ByRef.
- Moved time parsing vars from GetSongInfo() to endSec().
2.2.0 - 2019-05-25
- Move Album:
- RunWait() instead of Run().
- ExitApp() uses exit codes for errors.
- First level indentation added for hotkeys & subroutines.
- Move Album:
- ChooseString fixed and genre selection is working reliably now.
- Using logical comparison operators for if() statements.
- LoopGenre() includes return statement.
2.1.0 - 2019-05-24
- Move Album:
- Genre selection confirmation window appears before move, with ability to cancel.
- Checks GetSongInfo() and attempts to fix missing info by starting/stopping music.
- Terminates if information still cannot be obtained.
- Move album trigger workflow opens containing folder (Ctrl+Alt+o) prior to moving.
- Move album trigger workflow starts next song after move completes.
- Move album window now has title. Removed minimize/maximize buttons.
- Move Album:
- Closing window via "x" close button now properly destroys GUI window and exits the app.
2.0.1 - 2019-05-21
- Move album trigger automatically clears missing/removed songs from Foobar2000 after has completed.
- Move album trigger improvements.
2.0.0 - 2019-05-21
- New Feature: Move Album
- GUI window support for moving albums to second temp directory genre folder with hotkey.
- Bug: ChooseString doesn't choose the correct selection when input of < 2 char is received.
- Usage: Ctrl+Alt+m
- GUI window support for moving albums to second temp directory genre folder with hotkey.
- Moved shared functions to separate func.ahk in lib folder.
- Better exception handing.
- Many other updates.
1.1.2 - 2019-05-13
- Fixed MaxHotkeysPerInterval warning when scrolling using touch pad.
- To do: Improve scrolling hotkey logic to be more efficient, or limit scrolling updates.
1.1.1 - 2019-05-13
- Standardized naming & case conventions.
1.1.0 - 2019-05-13
- Scroll detection:
- Pauses the speed times if mouse scroll is detected in last 3 seconds.
- Changelog
1.0.0 - 2019-05-12
- First version commit.