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Machine Setup

Version: 1.1

Powershell script which simplifies PC installation which primarily target devs but everyone can use it. Installs apps via chocolatey, nodejs and executes other specific commands.

It has a base configuration file config.base.json which can be extended/overwritten by a profile configuration config.home.json.

Getting Started

Cloning Repo

Generally you should clone repo before formatting or you can download as zip file.

  • Run git clone


  1. Powershell 5.0+
  2. Run pre-requisites.ps1
    • If you have powershell issues run this command in PS as Administrator: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.
  3. Update config.base.json
  4. Create/Update any profile configuration. example: config.home.json.
    • At least one profile is required!
    • I've provided my configurations which I've used for my home/work pc installations.

Start Installation

  1. Make Sure you are running powershell as Administrator.
  2. Right click on machine-setup.ps1 and select Run With Powershell.

Enjoy :)

Installation process guidelines

The below process is assuming that you have set ignore: false and install: true in your config.json files.

  1. Set PS Gallery as Trusted
  2. Chocolatey install
  3. NodeJs install
    • Set GlobalSettings
  4. otherCommands - PreCommands executions

*** Restart PC (first time) ***

  1. Chocolatey install packages

*** Restart PC (second time) ***

  1. NodeJs install packages
  2. otherCommands - PreCommands executions

Global Configuration

Name Type Default Description
setPSGalleryAsTrusted boolean false Set Powershell Gallery as 'Trusted'.
restartRequired boolean false Restart your computer (first time).
chocolatey object - Chocolatey section (refer to: chocolatey configuration).
NodeJs object - Node section (refer to: nodejs configuration).
otherCommands object - otherCommands section (refer to: otherCommands configuration).

Chocolatey Configuration

Name Type Default Description Example
ignore boolean false This will skip the whole section. -
install boolean false Install chocolatey on your machine. -
commandName string - Execution command name. "choco"
prefix string - Execution command prefixes. "install -y"
restartRequired boolean false Restart your computer (second time). -
packages string[] [] Package names to be installed. ["googlechrome", "yarn"]
skipPackages string[] [] Skip any packages that match. ["yarn"]

NodeJs Configuration

Name Type Default Description Example
ignore boolean false This will skip the whole section. -
install boolean false Install NodeJs on your machine. -
commandName string - Execution command name. "npm"
prefix string - Execution command prefixes. "install -g"
setGlobalSettings boolean false Set Global Settings. -
packages string[] [] Package names to be installed. ["typescript", "gulp"]
skipPackages string[] [] Skip any packages that match. ["gulp"]

otherCommands Configuration

Name Type Default Description Example
ignore boolean false This will skip the whole section. -
install boolean false Allow preCommands to execute. -
preCommands object[] [] Commands to be executed. [{ "dotnet-install": "choco install dotnet4.6 -y" }]
skipPreCommands string[] [] PreCommands Names to be skipped. ["dotnet-install"]
postCommands object[] [] Commands to be executed. [{ "npm-pull": "npm pull" }, { "npm-install": "npm install" }]
skipPostCommands string[] [] PostCommands Names to be skipped. ["npm-install"]