T3chFlicks: Smart Buoy
A complete ocean characteristic measuring and analytics system.
🎖️ Featured by Raspberry Pi Blogs
🎖️ Featured by Hackaday
🎖️ Featured by Adafruit Blogs
🎖️ Featured by Arduino
🎖️ Featured by Instructables
🎖️ Second place Instructables Sensor Contest
contains the code which runs on an Arduino inside the Buoy, as well as the build files (3d model, schematic etc). -
contains the code for the server, database, and dashboard. for the dashboard which is a VueJS application
- Environment
- Wave measurements
- Size
- Period
- Power
- Direction
- Water temperature
- Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Pressure
- Position (GPS)
- Wave measurements
- Power
- Solar powered
- Scheduled time for power based on battery voltage
- Radio Communication (Range 1KM)
- Interactive dashboard
- Realtime view
- Graph historical measurements
This project was created by T3chFlicks - A tech focused education and services company.