All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Added icon and selectedIcon as optional props to PoiUpdateForm
- Improve build process to export types so third-party can use them
- Improve GeofenceForm.geometric type
- Fix typo in SitumApiPermissionLevel typing enum
- Move all the auth session logic to its own domain, this allows third integrators to query for session information, specifically permission access level
- Lazy load all internal domain (cartography, auth, realtime, user). This improves code maintability.
- Improved documentation
- Fix build problem
- Implement new auth mechanism by direct pass of a JWT string
- Add method to renew expired JWT
- Migrate all tests to raw jest expectations, removed chai and mocha
- Improve all JSDoc comments
- Updated almost all dependencies to latest versions (important to fix a CVE from axios)
- Fix createPoi and patchPoi methods broken due to invalid types
- Fixed error on pois fetching duplicating pois when there were outdoor pois,
- Query params where not passed propertly
- Add new compact view support for the buildings and pois endpoints. This new view allow to save bandwidth while fetching information.
- Remove the email parameter in email/apikey authentication. Now you only need to specify a valid apikey.
- Added cartesian coordinates to Poi instances.
SDKConfiguration may include an optional lang parameter to override the Accept-Language HTTP header. Fallsback to "en" if no language is provided. This avoids known issues when retrieving translated entities (bad translations due to sending arbitrary Accept-Language headers).
Usage example:
const SitumSDK = require("@situm/sdk-js");
const situmSDK = new SitumSDK({
auth: {
apiKey: "MY-API-KEY",
email: "MY-EMAIL",
domain: "",
lang: "es",
Technically you could use any standard Accept-Language values but we recommend to stick to ISO_639-1, avoiding language variants. For example, don't use "es-GB", use "es" instead.
- Handler for fetching the current organization info (activated modules, logos, accent colors)
- Add base domain to the poi categories icon urls. This fixes image urls pointing to wrong environment.
- build: Export types propertly to dist/index.d.ts
- renamed method
- renamed method
- renamed method
- renamed method
togetPois, now supports filtering
- renamed method
- renamed method
- build:
- move to rollup and esbuild as the build system
- generate cjs, umd and es5 builds
- chore: improve typing system by using generics in the base API
- test:
- Improve test coverage
- doc:
- Added documentation for all domain methods
- Improved typedoc configuration to export symbols of internal
domain classes. Now you can use
npm run doc
to generate documentation in docs/public
- ensure to pass base configuration in the SitumSDK main class
- remove duplicated User-Agent headers check in apiBase
- crash in browsers due to user-agent header not writeable
- Disable injecting version in headers for now
- double check in content-type header while building request headers
- Separated all data mappers (functions to map server responses to TS objects) into the adapters/ folder
- Added JSDoc to all API wrappers
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Crash in cartography fetch request due to improper server response handling
- API wrappers for the POI REST api, now with the complete CRUD
- ES 2017 support
This is the first version of the Situm Javascript SDK.Please bear in mind this is the first draft version. You must not use it as a production-ready package. We will publish further more stable versions.
- Consumer wrappers for the cartography REST API for the cartography (floors, geofences, pois, paths, events)
- Consumer wrappers for the Users REST API
- Consumer wrappers for fetching realtime positioning.
- Support for multiple authentication methods