title | date | position | layout |
2018-05-24 13:31:00 -0400 |
6 |
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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new set of privacy rules that apply to all businesses that are inside or deal with citizens of the European Union (EU). Read the full General Data Protection Regulations here.
- We believe that all customer data belongs to our customers, not us.
- You can view the personal data you have provided in your account settings. To export the content of your Siteleaf site account follow these steps for v1 and v2 sites.
- We have never, and will never, sell your data to 3rd parties. View our Privacy Policy see how we use data.
- Data you save or upload to Siteleaf is stored and managed by an EU-US Privacy Shield compliant hosting provider.
- We use third-party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to run Siteleaf. Your data is never transferred outside of US and all processing takes place on location within the secure data center.
- Once you delete your Siteleaf account your data will also be deleted from Siteleaf’s server. You can delete your account in your account settings.
From time to time we email users about product updates. If you would prefer not to be included in these please email [email protected].