diff --git a/software_engineering/3_Distribution/fat_binaries.rst b/software_engineering/3_Distribution/fat_binaries.rst
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--- a/software_engineering/3_Distribution/fat_binaries.rst
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-Fat binaries
-Standalone self-contained applications or installers.
-- Include Python interpreter and all dependencies.
-- Fits Windows and MacOS application distribution, as unlike Linux they lack a dependency management tools.
-- Fat binaries are fat (~150 Mb for projects involving GUIs).
-- You are redistributing (many) other people's work, so take care about licenses
- (e.g., numpy compiled with Intel's Math Kernel Library).
-There is a number of tools to 'freeze' a Python application for distribution from an installation on a computer.
-- Analyze a script to find its dependencies (i.e., its imports).
-- Collect all dependencies and python interpreter in a directory.
-- Add a launcher and eventually bundle everything in a single file or installer.
-- Analysis can miss some hidden imports.
-- All runtime dependencies must be included (including external libraries wrapped by Python packages).
-- Data files cannot be guessed and need to be explicitly added.
-Test the result on a different computer than the one used for packaging.
-- `cx_Freeze `_: Cross-platform
-- `py2app `_: macOS
-- `PyInstaller `_: Cross-platform
-`Platypus `_ (macOS),
-`pynsist `_ (Windows),
-`py2exe `_ (Windows),
-`bbFreeze `_ (Windows, Linux),
-`pex `_ (Linux, macOS)
-`cx_Freeze `_ extends ``distutils``.
-It is cross-platform.
-Install cx_Freeze: ``pip install cx_Freeze``.
-.. code-block:: python
- from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
- build_exe_options = {
- 'packages': [],
- 'includes': [],
- 'excludes': [],
- 'include_files': []
- }
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- build_exe_options['include_msvcr'] = True
- base = 'Win32GUI' if sys.platform == 'win32' else None
- setup(name='my_app',
- version='0.1',
- options={
- 'build_exe': build_exe_options,
- 'bdist_dmg': {'applications-shortcut': True}
- },
- executables=[Executables('my_app.py', base=base)])
-First install your package and its dependencies.
-On Windows, run ``python cx_setup.py build_exe`` to build a directory with all required files.
-Then you can create an installer with a tool such as `NSIS `_.
-On MacOS, run ``python cx_setup.py bdist_dmg`` to build a .dmg with an .app included.
-MacOS specific *freezing* tool.
-.. code-block:: python
- from setuptools import setup
- setup(app=['my_app_script.py'],
- setup_requires=['py2app'],
- options={'py2app': {
- 'argv_emulation': True,
- 'packages': [], # List of packages
- 'iconfile': 'icon_file.icns',
- }}
- )
-Run ``python py2app_setup.py py2app`` to build an application bundle ``.app`` in ``dist/``.
-MacOS Application Bundle
-A MacOS application (``.app``) is a directory also called an *application bundle*.
-It contains::
- App.app/
- Contents/
- Info.plist -> Bundle configuration file (XML)
- MacOS/ -> Contains the executable file
- Resources/ -> Application resources
- Frameworks/ -> frameworks: dynamic libraries and there resources
- ...
-See `bundle doc `_.
-Limitation: Currently support only one executable
-Different tools to freeze.
-Main issue: Making sure it is stand-alone and includes everything required.