Welcome to shubhamistic.com
Explore the world of stunning web projects developed by shubhamistic
- N-Queens [Website] [Repository]: Visualize popular N-Queens DSA problem.
- HeapSort [Website] [Repository]: Visualize HeapSort Sorting Algorithm.
- Ping-Pong [Website] [Repository]: A classic game of table tennis brought to your browser.
- Tic-Tac-Toe [Website] [Repository]: Play TicTacToe with your friends online.
- Stopwatch [Website] [Repository]: A stopwatch inspired by iPhone's stopwatch app.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
This repository is maintained by shubhamistic, a passionate programmer and web developer. Explore my projects and join me on my journey to create innovative solutions and push the boundaries of what's possible.
Feel free to contribute and suggest any improvements to my projects. Thank you for visiting!