This is a Dockerized "somatic paired-WES(Normal-Tumor) hg19 pipeline" which is refer to GATK best practice.
- git clone to your main project directory (ex. OSCC)
- put "" and "" in your main project directory (ex. OSCC)
- prepare your own raw data in sub project directory (ex. 66xWES)
- tag: wes_v3(docker image:
- genome coordinate: ucsc.hg19.fasta
- dbSNP: dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf
- COSMIC: CosmicAllMutsHeaderSorted.vcf
- seq_bed: agilent_region_OSCC_hg19_rmheader.bed
- gnomAD: gnomad.exomes.r2.0.2.rename.vcf.gz
- multi-thread: p = Pool(15)
- rmSAM: remove sam & sai file to release disk space
- getAllVCF: copy all subproject vcf to mainDir/annotation
- rawdataRename: rename raw data directory (ex. OC_631N to 631N)
- enterData: input patient ID (for parallel processing)
- CheckDir: mkdir ref_data (for reference and intermediate file), data (for storage)
- NGSMainWES: copy reference (ucsc.hg19.fasta, dbsnp_138.hg19.vcf, 'CosmicAllMutsHeaderSorted.vcf) to ref_data
- ReferenceIndex: build index for reference with samtools
- MergeFastq: merge multiple fastq into one (N.fq1, N.fq2, T.fq1, T.fq2)
- AfterQC: trimming raw fastq data with Afterqc (auto trimming), and produce a QC report
- FastqtoSam: align fastq reads to reference genome with BWA, and produce sam file
- SamtoSortbam: transform sam file (sequence alignment map) to bam file (binary alignment map) with picard, and build index with samtools
- MarkDuplicates: MarkDuplicates and AddOrReplaceReadGroups with picard, and build index with samtools
- BaseRecalibrator: BaseRecalibrator and ApplyBQSR with GATK4, and build index with samtools
- NormalforPONsOfMutect2: call variant using Mutect2 (tumor-only mode) without dbSNP and COSMIC with GATK4, and record patient to build Panel of Normal in normals_for_pon_vcf.args
- Mutect2: call variant using Mutect2 (Paired: Normal and Tumor) without dbSNP and COSMIC with GATK4
- Mutect2_v3: call variant using mutect2 (Paired: Normal and Tumor) with dbSNP and COSMIC with GATK4
- CheckVcf: record result (good_report.txt or bad_report.txt)
- CreatePONforCNV: create PON of CNV
- CNV: call copy number variant with GATK4
- MSIsensor: microsatellite instability
- Phial: clinical FDA drug relevence annotation (based on autoOncotator, please see
- ParaSNP: scoring variants in vcf, based on annovar annotation(Notes: process in data, not ref_data)
- CreatePONforMutect2: generate total vcf from normals of subproject patient
- Mutect2_PONs: call variant using Mutect2 with PONs and gnomAD