%webtest is the main testing routine. It only works on GTM/YDB, and requires the libcurl plugin (https://github.com/shabiel/fis-gtm-plugins/tree/master/libcurl).
You need to fix the variables acvc and dfn to be valid variables and patient for your instance.
FOIA201805-SYN>D ^%webtest
---------------------------------- %webtest ----------------------------------
tdebug - Debug Entry Point..---------------------------------- [OK] 149.808ms
thome - Test Home Page..-------------------------------------- [OK] 37.508ms
tgetr - Test Get Handler Routine..---------------------------- [OK] 81.437ms
tputr - Put a Routine..--------------------------------------- [OK] 221.658ms
tgetxml - Test Get Handler XML..------------------------------ [OK] 75.453ms
tgzip - Test gzip encoding...--------------------------------- [OK] 53.270ms
tping - Ping..------------------------------------------------ [OK] 32.384ms
terr - generating an error.----------------------------------- [OK] 78.026ms
terr2 - crashing the error trap.------------------------------ [OK] 30.632ms
tlong - get a long message..---------------------------------- [OK] 32.172ms
trpc1 - Run a VistA RPC w/o authentication - should fail.----- [OK] 77.047ms
trpc2 - Run a VistA RPC (requires authentication - ac/vc provided)...
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 68.073ms
trpc3 - Run the VPR RPC (XML Version)..----------------------- [OK] 829.807ms
trpc4 - Run the VPR RPC (JSON Version)..---------------------- [OK] 98.600ms
tParams - Test a web service with parameters...--------------- [OK] 55.788ms
tDC - Test Disconnecting from the Server w/o talking---------- [OK] 102.021ms
tInt - ZInterrupt.-------------------------------------------- [OK] 117.300ms
tLog1 - Set HTTPLOG to 1..------------------------------------ [OK] 46.762ms
tLog2 - Set HTTPLOG to 2..------------------------------------ [OK] 52.635ms
tLog3 - Set HTTPLOG to 3....---------------------------------- [OK] 89.058ms
tDCLog - Test Disconnecting from the Server w/o talking while logging.
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 206.458ms
tWebPage - Test Getting a web page....------------------------ [OK] 74.997ms
tINIT - Test Fileman INIT code
Deleting the DATA DICTIONARY.....
This version (#1.0) of '%webINIT' was created on 22-JAN-2019
(at DEMO.OSEHRA.ORG, by MSC FileMan 22.1061)
CORS - Make sure CORS headers are returned.....--------------- [OK] 32.291ms
USERPASS - Test that passing a username/password works..
STOP issued to process 93579
-------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 222.275ms
NOGBL - Test to make sure no globals are used during webserver operations..
STOP issued to process 93592
-------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 398.873ms
tStop - Stop the Server. MUST BE LAST TEST HERE.-------------- [OK] 0.137ms
STOP issued to process 93463
----------------------------- %webjsonEncodeTest -----------------------------
NUMERIC - is numeric function............--------------------- [OK] 0.494ms
NEARZERO - encode of numbers near 0.-------------------------- [OK] 0.503ms
JSONESC - create JSON escaped string.........----------------- [OK] 0.947ms
BASIC - encode basic object as JSON.-------------------------- [OK] 1.081ms
VALS - encode simple values only object as JSON.-------------- [OK] 0.855ms
LONG - encode object with continuation nodes for value....---- [OK] 2.472ms
PRE - encode object where parts are already JSON encoded.----- [OK] 0.524ms
WP - word processing nodes inside object..-------------------- [OK] 1.740ms
LTZERO - leading / trailing zeros get preserved.-------------- [OK] 0.527ms
STRINGS - force encoding as string..-------------------------- [OK] 0.435ms
LABELS - unusual labels..------------------------------------- [OK] 0.704ms
EXAMPLE - encode samples that are on JSON.ORG.....------------ [OK] 13.614ms
KEYESC - keys should be escaped.------------------------------ [OK] 0.380ms
----------------------------- %webjsonDecodeTest -----------------------------
JSONUES - unescape JSON encoded string........---------------- [OK] 0.648ms
SPLITA - JSON input with escaped characters on single line (uses BUILD)......
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 1.598ms
SPLITB - multiple line JSON input with lines split across tokens (uses BUILDA)......
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 1.359ms
SPLITC - multiple line JSON input with lines split inside boolean value......
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 1.933ms
SPLITD - multiple line JSON input with key split....---------- [OK] 0.778ms
LONG - long document that must be saved across extension nodes.........
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 9.283ms
FRAC - multiple lines with fractional array elements..-------- [OK] 1.423ms
VALONLY - passing in value only -- not array...--------------- [OK] 1.132ms
NUMERIC - passing in numeric types and strings......---------- [OK] 0.741ms
NEARZERO - decoding numbers near 0......---------------------- [OK] 0.802ms
BADQUOTE - poorly formed JSON (missing close quote on LABEL).- [OK] 0.872ms
BADSLASH - poorly formed JSON (non-escaped backslash).-------- [OK] 0.919ms
BADBRACE - poorly formed JSON (Extra Brace).------------------ [OK] 0.433ms
BADCOMMA - poorly formed JSON (Extra Comma).------------------ [OK] 0.427ms
PSNUM - subjects that look like a numbers shouldn't be encoded as numbers....
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 1.232ms
NUMLABEL - label that begins with numeric..------------------- [OK] 1.412ms
PURENUM - label that is purely numeric.......----------------- [OK] 3.311ms
STRTYPES - strings that may be confused with other types..---- [OK] 1.927ms
ESTRING - a value that looks like an exponents, other numerics.......
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 2.287ms
SAM1 - decode sample 1 from JSON.ORG...----------------------- [OK] 1.637ms
SAM2 - decode sample 2 from JSON.ORG...----------------------- [OK] 3.434ms
SAM3 - decode sample 3 from JSON.ORG....---------------------- [OK] 4.022ms
SAM4 - decode sample 4 from JSON.ORG......-------------------- [OK] 14.797ms
SAM5 - decode sample 5 from JSON.ORG....---------------------- [OK] 7.136ms
MAXNUM - encode large string that looks like number.....------ [OK] 3.434ms
ESCQ - escaped quote across lines....------------------------- [OK] 1.414ms
KEYQUOTE - keys with quotes...-------------------------------- [OK] 0.454ms
Ran 3 Routines, 67 Entry Tags
Checked 220 tests, with 0 failures and encountered 0 errors.
ORIG: 1323
LEFT: 259
%webapi 55.13% 129 out of 234
ERR 100.00% 2 out of 2
F 0.00% 0 out of 11
FILESYS 100.00% 58 out of 58
FILESYSE 100.00% 3 out of 3
FV 0.00% 0 out of 10
LISTER 0.00% 0 out of 50
LISTERT 0.00% 0 out of 6
POSTTEST 0.00% 0 out of 8
PR 100.00% 5 out of 5
R 100.00% 8 out of 8
REMAP 0.00% 0 out of 9
RPC 100.00% 28 out of 28
RPCO 0.00% 0 out of 11
SAVE 100.00% 10 out of 10
bigoutput 100.00% 8 out of 8
rpc2 100.00% 7 out of 7
%webhome 100.00% 31 out of 31
en 100.00% 31 out of 31
%webjson 86.11% 31 out of 36
DECODE 100.00% 1 out of 1
ENCODE 100.00% 1 out of 1
ERRX 87.50% 21 out of 24
ESC 100.00% 1 out of 1
UES 100.00% 1 out of 1
XERRX 100.00% 4 out of 4
decode 100.00% 1 out of 1
encode 100.00% 1 out of 1
esc 0.00% 0 out of 1
ues 0.00% 0 out of 1
%webjsonDe 96.43% 162 out of 168
ADDBUF 100.00% 3 out of 3
ADDSTR 100.00% 16 out of 16
CURNODE 100.00% 6 out of 6
DIRECT 96.67% 29 out of 30
ERRX 100.00% 2 out of 2
ISCLOSEQ 100.00% 9 out of 9
NAMPARS 100.00% 10 out of 10
NUMPARS 100.00% 7 out of 7
NXTKN 100.00% 8 out of 8
OSETBOOL 0.00% 0 out of 5
REALCHAR 100.00% 12 out of 12
SAVEBUF 100.00% 4 out of 4
SETBOOL 100.00% 12 out of 12
SETNUM 100.00% 5 out of 5
SETSTR 100.00% 7 out of 7
UES 100.00% 10 out of 10
UESEXT 100.00% 22 out of 22
%webjsonEn 95.70% 89 out of 93
CONCAT 100.00% 3 out of 3
DIRECT 100.00% 8 out of 8
ERRX 0.00% 0 out of 2
ESC 100.00% 10 out of 10
ISVALUE 100.00% 5 out of 5
JNUM 100.00% 5 out of 5
NUMERIC 100.00% 12 out of 12
SERARY 91.67% 11 out of 12
SERNAME 100.00% 4 out of 4
SEROBJ 92.31% 12 out of 13
SERVAL 100.00% 17 out of 17
UCODE 100.00% 2 out of 2
%webreq 80.53% 182 out of 226
ADDHEAD 91.67% 11 out of 12
CHILDDEBUG 100.00% 8 out of 8
DEBUG 83.33% 5 out of 6
ETBAIL 100.00% 5 out of 5
ETCODE 83.33% 10 out of 12
ETDC 100.00% 4 out of 4
ETSOCK 0.00% 0 out of 3
GTMLNX 0.00% 0 out of 6
INCRLOG 100.00% 12 out of 12
JOBEXAM 100.00% 4 out of 4
LOGBODY 100.00% 6 out of 6
LOGCN 0.00% 0 out of 5
LOGDC 100.00% 5 out of 5
LOGERR 100.00% 13 out of 13
LOGHDR 100.00% 7 out of 7
LOGRAW 100.00% 8 out of 8
LOGRSP 100.00% 7 out of 7
LOOP 70.59% 12 out of 17
NEXT 100.00% 2 out of 2
RDCHNKS 0.00% 0 out of 1
RDCRLF 100.00% 4 out of 4
RDLEN 100.00% 2 out of 2
RDLOOP 100.00% 7 out of 7
TLS 60.00% 3 out of 5
WAIT 81.08% 30 out of 37
go 0.00% 0 out of 3
job 0.00% 0 out of 4
start 78.95% 15 out of 19
stop 100.00% 2 out of 2
%webrsp 86.94% 233 out of 268
AUTHEN 72.73% 8 out of 11
BODYASSTR 100.00% 4 out of 4
FLUSH 100.00% 3 out of 3
GZIP 87.50% 28 out of 32
MATCH 55.88% 19 out of 34
MATCHF 100.00% 34 out of 34
MATCHFS 100.00% 4 out of 4
MATCHR 80.95% 17 out of 21
PING 100.00% 2 out of 2
QSPLIT 100.00% 6 out of 6
RESPOND 91.67% 44 out of 48
RSPERROR 100.00% 5 out of 5
RSPLINE 100.00% 7 out of 7
SENDATA 88.37% 38 out of 43
W 100.00% 4 out of 4
XML 100.00% 10 out of 10
%webutils 77.53% 207 out of 267
ADDCRLF 100.00% 6 out of 6
BASE 100.00% 2 out of 2
CNV 100.00% 3 out of 3
DEC 100.00% 3 out of 3
DEC2HEX 0.00% 0 out of 1
DECODE64 100.00% 10 out of 10
ENCODE64 0.00% 0 out of 11
F1 100.00% 1 out of 1
F2 0.00% 0 out of 3
F3 0.00% 0 out of 3
F4 0.00% 0 out of 3
F5 0.00% 0 out of 3
F6 0.00% 0 out of 3
F7 0.00% 0 out of 3
F8 0.00% 0 out of 2
F9 0.00% 0 out of 2
FMT 66.67% 2 out of 3
GMT 81.82% 9 out of 11
HEX2DEC 100.00% 1 out of 1
HR 100.00% 1 out of 1
HTE 100.00% 3 out of 3
HTFM 100.00% 5 out of 5
INIT64 100.00% 1 out of 1
LOW 100.00% 1 out of 1
LTRIM 100.00% 4 out of 4
M 100.00% 1 out of 1
PARSE10 100.00% 11 out of 11
REFSIZE 54.55% 6 out of 11
REFSIZEGTM 100.00% 5 out of 5
T2 100.00% 2 out of 2
TM 57.14% 4 out of 7
UNKARGS 0.00% 0 out of 6
UP 100.00% 1 out of 1
URLDEC 100.00% 8 out of 8
URLENC 85.71% 12 out of 14
VARSIZE 57.14% 4 out of 7
VARSIZEGTM 100.00% 3 out of 3
YMD 100.00% 5 out of 5
addService 87.50% 28 out of 32
deleteService 100.00% 15 out of 15
setError 100.00% 1 out of 1
setError1 100.00% 49 out of 49
saichiko:M-Web-Server sam$ docker build .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.002MB
Step 1/11 : FROM yottadb/yottadb-base:latest
---> 03171a83c00b
Step 2/11 : ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
---> Using cache
---> ee0980d6f836
Step 3/11 : RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev git
---> Using cache
---> 9aca15f79848
Step 4/11 : RUN git clone https://github.com/shabiel/fis-gtm-plugins.git
---> Using cache
---> 747ea2f8d399
Step 5/11 : ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/yottadb/current
---> Using cache
---> 6623b66582e8
Step 6/11 : RUN cd fis-gtm-plugins/libcurl && . /opt/yottadb/current/ydb_env_set && export gtm_dist=$ydb_dist && make install
---> Using cache
---> eb4614500719
Step 7/11 : RUN git clone https://github.com/joelivey/M-Unit.git munit
---> Using cache
---> 42d694ef26d1
Step 8/11 : RUN cd munit && mkdir r && cd Routines && for file in %*.m; do mv "$file" /data/munit/r/"$(echo "$file" | sed s/\%/\_/)"; done
---> Using cache
---> e9d64e0104d7
Step 9/11 : COPY ./src /mwebserver/r
---> 4a01e511cb59
Step 10/11 : ENV GTMXC_libcurl "/opt/yottadb/current/plugin/libcurl_ydb_wrapper.xc"
---> Running in 667c4e890bc9
Removing intermediate container 667c4e890bc9
---> 25cd79119660
Step 11/11 : RUN . /opt/yottadb/current/ydb_env_set && export ydb_routines="/mwebserver/r /data/munit/r $ydb_routines" && mumps -r ^%webtest
---> Running in 2531e569c375
---------------------------------- %webtest ----------------------------------
tdebug - Debug Entry Point..---------------------------------- [OK] 150.463ms
thome - Test Home Page..-------------------------------------- [OK] 15.992ms
tgetr - Test Get Handler Routine..---------------------------- [OK] 31.241ms
tputr - Put a Routine----------------------------------------- [OK] 0.103ms
tgetxml - Test Get Handler XML..------------------------------ [OK] 10.817ms
tgzip - Test gzip encoding...--------------------------------- [OK] 23.777ms
tping - Ping..------------------------------------------------ [OK] 12.186ms
terr - generating an error.----------------------------------- [OK] 14.214ms
terr2 - crashing the error trap.------------------------------ [OK] 7.736ms
tlong - get a long message..---------------------------------- [OK] 9.730ms
trpc1 - Run a VistA RPC w/o authentication - should fail------ [OK] 0.093ms
trpc2 - Run a VistA RPC (requires authentication - ac/vc provided)
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 0.087ms
trpc3 - Run the VPR RPC (XML Version)------------------------- [OK] 0.090ms
trpc4 - Run the VPR RPC (JSON Version)------------------------ [OK] 0.086ms
tParams - Test a web service with parameters------------------ [OK] 0.076ms
tDC - Test Disconnecting from the Server w/o talking---------- [OK] 102.467ms
tInt - ZInterrupt.-------------------------------------------- [OK] 106.481ms
tLog1 - Set HTTPLOG to 1..------------------------------------ [OK] 11.018ms
tLog2 - Set HTTPLOG to 2..------------------------------------ [OK] 11.020ms
tLog3 - Set HTTPLOG to 3-------------------------------------- [OK] 0.341ms
tDCLog - Test Disconnecting from the Server w/o talking while logging.
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 204.767ms
tWebPage - Test Getting a web page....------------------------ [OK] 25.397ms
tINIT - Test Fileman INIT code-------------------------------- [OK] 0.177ms
CORS - Make sure CORS headers are returned.....--------------- [OK] 12.438ms
USERPASS - Test that passing a username/password works..
STOP issued to process 116
-------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 133.566ms
NOGBL - Test to make sure no globals are used during webserver operations..
STOP issued to process 130
-------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 258.625ms
tStop - Stop the Server. MUST BE LAST TEST HERE.-------------- [OK] 0.286ms
STOP issued to process 37
----------------------------- %webjsonEncodeTest -----------------------------
NUMERIC - is numeric function............--------------------- [OK] 2.313ms
NEARZERO - encode of numbers near 0.-------------------------- [OK] 0.852ms
JSONESC - create JSON escaped string.........----------------- [OK] 2.045ms
BASIC - encode basic object as JSON.-------------------------- [OK] 2.228ms
VALS - encode simple values only object as JSON.-------------- [OK] 1.039ms
LONG - encode object with continuation nodes for value....---- [OK] 3.882ms
PRE - encode object where parts are already JSON encoded.----- [OK] 0.951ms
WP - word processing nodes inside object..-------------------- [OK] 2.804ms
LTZERO - leading / trailing zeros get preserved.-------------- [OK] 0.975ms
STRINGS - force encoding as string..-------------------------- [OK] 1.053ms
LABELS - unusual labels..------------------------------------- [OK] 1.491ms
EXAMPLE - encode samples that are on JSON.ORG.....------------ [OK] 15.676ms
KEYESC - keys should be escaped.------------------------------ [OK] 0.532ms
----------------------------- %webjsonDecodeTest -----------------------------
JSONUES - unescape JSON encoded string........---------------- [OK] 4.072ms
SPLITA - JSON input with escaped characters on single line (uses BUILD)......
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 2.901ms
SPLITB - multiple line JSON input with lines split across tokens (uses BUILDA)......
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 2.403ms
SPLITC - multiple line JSON input with lines split inside boolean value......
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 2.857ms
SPLITD - multiple line JSON input with key split....---------- [OK] 1.464ms
LONG - long document that must be saved across extension nodes.........
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 12.578ms
FRAC - multiple lines with fractional array elements..-------- [OK] 2.185ms
VALONLY - passing in value only -- not array...--------------- [OK] 2.222ms
NUMERIC - passing in numeric types and strings......---------- [OK] 1.190ms
NEARZERO - decoding numbers near 0......---------------------- [OK] 1.193ms
BADQUOTE - poorly formed JSON (missing close quote on LABEL).- [OK] 1.165ms
BADSLASH - poorly formed JSON (non-escaped backslash).-------- [OK] 1.390ms
BADBRACE - poorly formed JSON (Extra Brace).------------------ [OK] 0.686ms
BADCOMMA - poorly formed JSON (Extra Comma).------------------ [OK] 0.662ms
PSNUM - subjects that look like a numbers shouldn't be encoded as numbers....
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 2.068ms
NUMLABEL - label that begins with numeric..------------------- [OK] 2.196ms
PURENUM - label that is purely numeric.......----------------- [OK] 4.798ms
STRTYPES - strings that may be confused with other types..---- [OK] 1.193ms
ESTRING - a value that looks like an exponents, other numerics.......
------------------------------------------------------------- [OK] 4.039ms
SAM1 - decode sample 1 from JSON.ORG...----------------------- [OK] 2.192ms
SAM2 - decode sample 2 from JSON.ORG...----------------------- [OK] 5.117ms
SAM3 - decode sample 3 from JSON.ORG....---------------------- [OK] 5.386ms
SAM4 - decode sample 4 from JSON.ORG......-------------------- [OK] 18.673ms
SAM5 - decode sample 5 from JSON.ORG....---------------------- [OK] 8.901ms
MAXNUM - encode large string that looks like number.....------ [OK] 4.797ms
ESCQ - escaped quote across lines....------------------------- [OK] 2.903ms
KEYQUOTE - keys with quotes...-------------------------------- [OK] 1.242ms
Ran 3 Routines, 67 Entry Tags
Checked 199 tests, with 0 failures and encountered 0 errors.
On Cache, there are no manual tests available. Here is a list of manual tests to perform: Adjust AC/VC, patients, and paths as appropriate.
Tests without VistA:
- curl localhost:9080
- curl localhost:9080/ping
- curl localhost:9080/test/xml
- curl localhost:9080/test/empty
- curl --compressed localhost:9080/test/empty
- curl localhost:9080/r/%25webapi
- curl -I localhost:9080/r/%25webapi
- do resetURLs^%webtest
- curl localhost:9080/test/error
- curl localhost:9080/test/error?foo=crash2
- curl localhost:9080/test/bigoutput
- curl localhost:9080/test/gloreturn
- nc -v localhost 9080 # CTRL-C after that
- curl -I localhost:9080/r/%25webapi
- do stop^%webreq
- set ^%webhttp(0,"logging")=3
- do ^%webreq
- curl -I localhost:9080/r/%25webapi
- zwrite ^%webhttp("log")
- set ^%webhome="/tmp/"
- curl localhost:9080/webinit.rsa
- kill ^%webhome
- curl localhost:9080/cache.lck
Tests with VistA:
- do ^webinit
- curl localhost:9080
- curl localhost:9080/ping
- curl localhost:9080/test/xml
- curl localhost:9080/test/empty
- curl --compressed localhost:9080/test/empty
- do resetURLs^%webtest
- curl localhost:9080/r/%25webapi
- curl -I localhost:9080/r/%25webapi
- curl localhost:9080/test/error
- curl localhost:9080/test/error?foo=crash2
- curl localhost:9080/test/bigoutput
- curl localhost:9080/test/gloreturn
- curl 'http://SM1234:SM1234!!!@localhost:9080/rpc/ORWU%20NEWPERS' -d '["A", "1"]'
- curl 'http://SM1234:SM1234!!!@localhost:9080/rpc/VPR%20GET%20PATIENT%20DATA' -d '["1"]'
- curl 'http://SM1234:SM1234!!!@localhost:9080/rpc/VPR%20GET%20PATIENT%20DATA%20JSON' -d '[{"patientId":"1","domain":""}]'
- curl 'http://SM1234:SM1234!!!@localhost:9080/rpc2/ORWU%20NEWPERS' -d 'start=A&direction=1'
- nc -v localhost 9080 # CTRL-C after that
- curl 'http://SM1234:SM1234!!!@localhost:9080/rpc2/ORWU%20NEWPERS' -d 'start=A&direction=1'
- do stop^%webreq
- set ^%webhttp(0,"logging")=3
- do ^%webreq
- curl 'http://SM1234:SM1234!!!@localhost:9080/rpc2/ORWU%20NEWPERS' -d 'start=A&direction=1'
- zwrite ^%webhttp("log")
- set ^%webhome="/tmp/"
- curl localhost:9080/webinit.rsa
- kill ^%webhome
- curl localhost:9080/cache.lck