Cassandra audit trigger built with scala sbt project for messaging. This is particularly useful to implement auditing prior to Cassandra 4, and useful for creating other boilerplate triggers.
Everything at SFPL uses encryption by default (even testing). You can find docker images with encryption on by default (with test certificates below).
From the .setup/keys
keytool -keystore nats-truststore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file rootCa.crt -storepass password -noprompt -storetype pkcs12
cat nats-client.key nats-client.crt > combined.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -in combined.pem -out cert.p12
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore cert.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore nats-keystore.jks
keytool -keystore nats-keystore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file rootCa.crt -storepass password -noprompt
rm cert.p12 combined.pem
Build jar file from this project(cstar-audit-nats-trigger.jar) and copy it to $CASSANDRA_HOME/triggers on every cassandra server, for example:
sbt assembly && \
sudo cp ./target/cstar-audit-nats-trigger-assembly-1.0.jar /etc/cassandra/triggers/
Then setup your config in /etc/cassandra/nats.conf
nats {
servers = "nats://localhost:4222"
servers = ${?NATS_SERVERS}
defaultTopic = "tic.log.audit"
defaultTopic = ${?NATS_DEFAULT_TOPIC}
keystorePath = "/etc/cassandra/nats-keystore.jks"
keystorePath = ${?NATS_KEYSTORE_PATH}
keystorePassword = "password"
keystorePassword = ${?NATS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD}
truststorePath = "/etc/cassandra/nats-truststore.jks"
truststorePath = ${?NATS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH}
truststorePassword = "password"
truststorePassword = ${?NATS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD}
Then run something like:
ON cstartest.blobs
USING 'io.sfpl.cstar.AuditNatsTrigger';
Then run an auditable event (we always use updater in our update queries so we know who's responsible). A simpler example:
INSERT INTO cstartest.blobs(id, payload) VALUES('001', 'dev');
And test:
cqlsh> SELECT * FROM cstartest.logs where params['__table'] = 'blobs' allow filtering;
By default we run encryption for all of our test services, so you can find default setups for use with the configuration & keys above using the following dependencies.
Nats is required for this example. Install by running:
docker-compose up
Or get a copy from
We recommend elassandra for your workhorse database over cassandra. It provides realtime querying (elastic integration) with cassandra scalability ( We have our own docker image for testing here:
We use an in house GDPR compliant telemetry system called tracker. The schema for the default log entry, ends up in LOGS
Get a copy from