Add package to default install
- polkit-default-privs (removes requirement for entering root password for rfkill on every boot)
Add packages to default install
- clipman (clipboard management within sway)
- remove swaynag, not necessary, blame Maurizio
Add packages to default install for better UX
- blueman (managing bluetooth devices/connections)
- swaynag
- bash-completion
Merged change from sfalken, to add config dropin for transactional-update
Merged changes from Maurizio
- New firstboot script setup, based in terminal, rather than zenity
- Revisions to the sway config, moving the clock to the center of the waybar, altering the calendar date formatting, and revising some of the colour and transparency for items in the waybar.
Merged change from Maurizio to bind PrtScrn for screenshots with grim
Added packages to install pattern, for better user experience, see
- pulseaudio-utils
- adwaita-icon-theme
- gtk3-metatheme-adwaita
- gnome-keyring
- gnome-keyring-pam
Merged changes from sfalken
- Change size of sway-launcher-desktop window
- Enable Adwaita cursor theme
Merged changes from Maurizio
- Enable dark mode for GTK4 themeing
- Add config/mimeapps.list for file associations
Next Steps
- Continue refining the mime associations setup
- Enable easy screenshotting
Merged changes from sfalken to set foot as the default terminal, and use sway-launcher-desktop
Next steps
- Sort out mime associations, for things like autolaunching URLS in the browser
- GTK4 Themeing for a consistent application presentation
Config additions, to autostart sway, and autolaunch the firstboot script, to set flatpak repos, and install Firefox, set default window colors.
Next steps
- Continue revising the user experience within sway
Merged Maurizio's port of mod-firstboot - want to improve it but it's good enough meanwhile Also merged Maurizio's theme for SwayNC - no improvements needed
Next steps
- Tweak firstboot
- Tweak window theme to have less blue (Greys/monochrome with transparency to show wallpaper is tempting)
Getting annoyed with testing in a VM (hardware acceleration needed for sway testing), so trying real hardware
- Realised nmtui isn't installed but is needed by jeos-firstboot, added to patterns-greybeard
- added distrobox + podman to patterns-greybeard
- added distrobox to default greybeard sway config with keybinding Mod+Shift+Enter (akin to terminal being Mod+Enter)
- added transactional-update-notifier
Next steps - not much left now
- Firstboot wizard - install flatpaks as --user by default, not system wide, find a nice way of introducing beginners to sway (keyboard shortcuts and such)
Lots of work on by m4u9 Nicely packaged using a git _service file in OBS\_service?expand=1
Testing the latest image and making tweaks
- Latest bug ProjectGreybeard/bugs#6
Tested first image with sway, but pattern is obvious incomplete, added more required packages
Testing first image (Basic non-GUI MicroOS rebranded as Greybeard). Mostly perfect, but still installs grub2-branding-openSUSE and doesn't include the gpg key for the greybeard repo by default
- Addressed key with
- Address grub2-branding with
Created jeos-firstboot module for creating the user on firstboot
Next Steps
- Add sway and config into skel so it works
Created branding-greybeard in OBS WebUI
- Checked it out on my machine -
osc co home:RBrownSUSE:Greybeard:branding-greybeard
cd home:RBrownSUSE:Greybeard/branding-greybeard
- Created .spec using as inspiration, but dramatically smaller as we have far less to worry about
- Threw together a quick wallpaper in GIMP
osc add
everything so far and checked in, it builds, though at this point it's useless - that's fine, will add to it as the pattern comes together and it becomes obvious what needs 'branding'
Created patterns-greybeard in OBS WebUI
- Checked it out on my machine -
osc co home:RBrownSUSE:Greybeard:patterns-greybeard
cd home:RBrownSUSE:Greybeard/patterns-greybeard
- Created .spec using as inspiration, but dramatically smaller as we have far less to worry about
osc add
everything so far and checked in, it builds, though at this point it's useless - that's fine, will add to i t as the pattern comes together
Created greybeard in OBS WebUI
- Checked it out on my machine -
osc co home:RBrownSUSE:Greybeard:greybeard
cd home:RBrownSUSE:Greybeard/greybeard
- Created .kiwi using as inspiration, but dramatically smaller as we have far less to worry about
osc add
everything so far and checked in, it builds, though at this point it's useless beyond basic boot testing
Opened first bugs
- ProjectGreybeard/bugs#1 - Might not fix
- ProjectGreybeard/bugs#2 - fixed with
Next Steps
- Test the image and fix the obvious issues that are bound to be found
- Add contents to the pattern to start actually making it a graphical desktop system
Realised that, given we don't plan on making YaST installation media we probably dont need all the 000* stuff..removed all mention of it from previous journal entries to keep this readable
Created a greybeard-release package in OBS WebUI
- Checked it out on my machine -
osc co home:RBrownSUSE:Greybeard:greybeard-release
cd home:RBrownSUSE:Greybeard/greybeard-release
- Created greybeard-release.spec using for inspiration, but removing anything which I suspect in YaST/SUSE Product specific
- Package is doing the bare minimum, providing the 'Provides' that should everything should need, setting the welcome on the terminal, defining the os-release, and of course putting the distros LICENSE in full on the system
- Checked it in
osc ci
- Watched the build and made a few minor tweaks till it worked
so the -release package is steps are now
- creating a branding-greybeard package
- creating a patterns-greybeard package to be where most of the magic will happen
- creating our first greybeard image, most likely based on the "SelfInstall" image from openSUSE-MicroOS - I want to avoid YaST and the associated skelcd-*, installation-images work, especially as that would require forking installation-images to support this not-openSUSE distro we're building
Created initial OBS Project home:RBrownSUSE:Greybeard
- Used OBS WebUI -
Configured Project Meta using OBS WebUI
- standard build target duplicating the role of openSUSE:Factory standard where all RPMs are built
- images build target for building installation images from home:RBrownSUSE:Greybeard
- The above names could be anything, just used the above to copy openSUSE:Factory
- x86_64 only for starters, aarch64 maybe someday
Configured Project Config using OBS WebUI
- images repo needs to be defined as a kiwi repo, to build kiwi images
Next steps
- creating a greybeard-release package
- creating a branding-greybeard package
- creating a patterns-greybeard package to be where most of the magic will happen
- creating our first greybeard image, most likely based on the "SelfInstall" image from openSUSE-MicroOS - I want to avoid YaST and the associated skelcd-*, installation-images work, especially as that would require forking installation-images to support this not-openSUSE distro we're building
Created, wrote initial README