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257 lines (226 loc) · 8.56 KB

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257 lines (226 loc) · 8.56 KB

Genesis Starter Theme Changelog

[3.5.3] - 2019-06-09

  • Add Genesis style trump

[3.5.2] - 2019-05-09

  • Add test suite

[3.5.1] - 2019-04-09

  • Remove gitattributes

[3.5.0] - 2019-01-09

  • Add Laravel Mix
  • Remove Gulp WP Toolkit
  • Remove all non-dev composer packages
  • Remove updatable directory

[3.4.0] - 2019-06-22

  • Add updatable directory

[3.3.3] - 2018-10-10

  • Add front page template and widget areas
  • Add full width and landing page templates
  • Add default hero image
  • Add generated stylesheets to version control
  • Update Sass file structure

[3.3.2] - 2018-10-05

  • Add featured image display setting for single posts
  • Fix text domains in config

[3.3.1] - 2018-10-04

  • Switch to gridkit and mqkit sass packages
  • Fix .entry-title-link selector

[3.3.0] - 2018-09-08

  • Switch to seothemes/core composer package
  • Add Bourbon node package
  • Update Sass to ITCSS
  • Update styles, only provide base styling
  • Update Gutenberg compatibility
  • Remove hero image

[3.2.0] - 2018-08-07

  • Add d2/core Composer package dependencies
  • Update config to use d2 instead of child theme library

[3.1.0] - 2018-07-12

  • Add contributing guidelines
  • Add gulp-src-ordered-globs as dependency
  • Add TGMPA as composer dependency instead of embedded
  • Update compatibility with child theme library OOP update
  • Update autoload function
  • Update theme images compression
  • Fix Customizer background color element
  • Remove Child Theme Library as git submodule
  • Remove constants from config

[3.0.1] - 2018-07-01

  • Add and clean up WooCommerce Sass
  • Add Gutenberg Sass
  • Add Gulp zip task
  • Add .gitattributes
  • Add and run stylelint
  • Update widget content
  • Update readme to include composer requirements
  • Fix hero section Sass variables
  • Fix sticky header setting CSS

[3.0.0] - 2018-06-01

  • Switch to Child Theme Library
  • Switch to Gulp WP Toolkit

[2.2.7] - 2018-02-09

  • Add and run PostCSS auto focus gulp function
  • Add support for search and 404 page settings
  • Move widget area functions to own file
  • Update for postcss-focus gulp function
  • Fix home page hero height at bigger breakpoints
  • Fix date typo in changelog
  • Fix Task 'i18n' is not in your gulpfile

[2.2.6] - 2018-02-01

  • Add basic support and styling for Gutenberg
  • Add support for WooCommerce gallery features
  • Add asset concatenation gulp task/combine front-end JS into single file
  • Add Blank Page page template
  • Add sourcemaps for WooCommerce styles
  • Add Customizer data and jsbeautify config
  • Fix hero-section removal in all page templates
  • Fix hero-section CSS being output when no header image is set
  • Fix strings in functions for gulp rename issue
  • Fix hero-section height when nav-secondary is active
  • Remove theme support for title-tag to fix SEO settings conflict
  • Remove Gravity Forms CSS override

[2.2.5] - 2017-01-12

  • Add secondary color to Customizer
  • Change default HTTP connection method for BrowserSync

[2.2.4] - 2017-12-28

  • Fix incorrect schema when title moved outside of entry

[2.2.3] - 2017-10-08

  • Add support for fixed header
  • Add gulp rename task
  • Add gulp bump task
  • Update gulp build task
  • Remove aws.json file from gulp publish task

[2.2.2] - 2017-09-30

  • Add support for fixed header
  • Add theme.js file
  • Add file
  • Update
  • Remove /inludes/header.php - moved to /includes/helpers.php and /functions.php
  • Remove editor styles

[2.2.1] - 2017-09-11

  • Add structural wrap hooks function
  • Improve styling for accessibility
  • Update front page template

[2.2.0] - 2017-09-10

  • Add hero-section section
  • Add custom 404 template
  • Avoid hijacking the genesis flow on front page template
  • Add custom header callback
  • Add function to prevent updates
  • Add editor style CSS
  • Add column class variable to utilities.scss
  • Update standards and restructure helper functions
  • Remove gravity forms json file
  • Fix responsive menu margin

[2.1.0] - 2017-07-18

  • Add RGBA customizer color settings
  • Add custom page layout
  • Add support for default structural wraps (removed custom)
  • Improve support for Simple Social Icons
  • Separate WooCommerce CSS from style.css
  • Bring responsive menu script current with Genesis Sample
  • Enable shortcodes in widgets by default
  • Rename navigation menus to defaults
  • Remove front page and footer customizer settings
  • Remove complex functions from front-page.php
  • Remove menus.php and sidebars.php
  • Remove 'all' (*) selectors from stylesheet
  • Remove postMessage customizer support (in favor of RGBA)
  • Remove Cleaner Gallery from recommended plugins

[2.0.1] - 2017-06-14

  • Add custom nav menu function
  • Add customize partial refresh support for site title and tagline
  • Add role="navigation" to all menus
  • Add includes/menus.php to organize menu related functions
  • Menus, site title and tagline now have edit icons in customizer
  • Combine Superfish with theme menu script to reduce requests
  • Remove hoverIntent script
  • Clean up gulp file
  • Make front-page-1 full-screen with fix to prevent mobile jump

[2.0.0] - 2017-06-13

  • Add compatibility for WordPress 4.8 & Genesis 2.6
  • Add support for new media widgets
  • Add support for Superfish accessible menus
  • Add CSS only menu and sub-menu toggle buttons
  • Add Gravity Forms reset styles
  • Add support for footer navigation menu
  • Add support for no JavaScript menus
  • Add Simple Social Icons CSS to theme and remove plugin CSS output for easy overwriting and to remove !important styles
  • Add .gitignore for node modules, xml & wie files
  • Add better support for WP Featherlight jQuery lightbox
  • Switch everything to flexbox based CSS/SCSS where possible
  • Switch to Genesis Sample style design for consistency
  • Switch to Genesis Sample menu script for combining menus on mobile
  • Upgrade all customizer settings to use postMessage
  • Update to normalize.css v7.0.0 and combine selectors
  • Rename templates/ to views/ for better organization (so it can contain more than templates)
  • Move front-page.php to views/ subfolder
  • Move .pot file out of subfolder until translations are submitted
  • Replace superfish args for nicer drop-down menus
  • Replace all px with rem or em
  • Remove Cleaner Gallery script and add theme support for plugin instead
  • Remove 'Flexible Widget' functions, using flexbox CSS instead
  • Reduce style.css from ~40kb to ~25kb, even with plugin styles

[1.6.0] - 2017-06-02

  • NEW: Add front-page, landing-page and page-builder templates
  • NEW: Added front-page widgets and footer widgets customizer settings
  • NEW: Added front-page customizer settings
  • NEW: Added accessible 'read more' links with descriptive text
  • Added 'dynamic widgets' functionality
  • Added some helper functions
  • Improved gulp configuration
  • Move theme functionality back to functions.php
  • Rename lib/ to includes/
  • Remove 'Hero' section on inner pages - use plugin instead
  • Remove Kirki customizer support
  • Remove Easy Widget Columns support
  • Remove WP Page Widget support
  • Remove WooCommerce support
  • Remove optimizations class

[1.5.0] - 2017-04-02

  • Add video background feature
  • Add WooCommerce support
  • Add customizer colors
  • Add customizer fonts
  • Add sticky header customizer option
  • Add one-click demo import
  • Add new page templates
  • Add 'i18n' gulp task
  • Add back to top scroll button
  • Add cleaner-gallery
  • Add cleaner-body classes
  • Add jquery cdn with local fallback
  • Add support for Genesis Testimonials plugin
  • Add support for Easy Widget Columns plugin
  • Add custom logo schema microdata
  • Update clean-up functions
  • Update hero-section class
  • Update gulp (postcss, cssnano & mqpacker)
  • Update Sass, split-up partials
  • Update assets, moved to /assets/ direcrory
  • Update list of recommended plugins
  • Remove front-page.php (now uses widgetized template)
  • Remove front page widget areas (now uses Easy Widget Columns)
  • Remove backstretch
  • Remove compression class to avoid plugin conflicts
  • Other minor improvements

[1.4.0] - 2017-03-03

  • Add backstretch
  • Add autoprefix for more browsers
  • Add 'zip' task to gulpfile
  • Convert all custom functionality into theme features
  • Move everything out of functions.php into correct file in /lib.
  • Combine customize.php and output.php into custom-colors.php
  • Rename theme-compression and plugin-activation classes

[1.3.1] - 2017-02-26

  • Add readme & changelog
  • Update Gulpfile.js to enable theme packaging
  • Remove font variables in functions.php

[1.3.0] - 2017-02-26

  • Remove WP-SCSS support
  • Remove register-plugins.php (moved to class-plugin-activation.php)
  • Remove Google Fonts Customizer support
  • Add helper-functions.php
  • Add output.php
  • Add theme-defaults.php

[1.2.0] - 2017-02-21

  • Fix header image issues