Specifications for the Rails with jQuery Assessment
- Use jQuery for implementing new requirements
- Include a show page rendered using jQuery and an Active Model Serialization JSON backend. The shared destination_review page renders the next review when a button is clicked. It also loads comments on click.
- Include an index page rendered using jQuery and an Active Model Serialization JSON backend. The reviews index shows a truncated review for top destinations and expands when you click on more.
- Include at least one has_many relationship in information rendered via JSON Destinations have many reviews and users have many reviews and comments
- Include at least one link that loads or updates a resource without reloading the page Load more comments, next review, More
- Translate JSON responses into js model objects Comments are js model objects
- At least one of the js model objects must have at least one method added by your code to the prototype Rendering CommentDisplay is added to the prototype
- You have a large number of small Git commits
- Your commit messages are meaningful
- You made the changes in a commit that relate to the commit message
- You don't include changes in a commit that aren't related to the commit message