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Docker container for FlightAirMap.

Builds and runs on x86_64, arm32v6, arm32v7 and arm64v8 (and possibly other architectures).

FlightAirMap is a fork of barriespotter/Web_App with map, airspaces, PDO and ADS-B support.

Browse through the data based on a particular aircraft, airline or airport or search through the database. See extensive statistics such as most common aircraft type, airline, departure & arrival airport and busiest time of the day, or just explore flights.

Flights are displayed on 2D or 3D map with layer from : OpenStreetMap, Mapbox, MapQuest, Yandex, Bing, Google,...

Satellites can also be displayed on 3D map.

FlightAirMap also support marine (via AIS) and trackers.

You MUST have a source. No default sources are provided.

It can use as source ADS-B extended with format tsv, SBS (port 30003), raw (alpha support), VRS (aircraftlist.json), deltadb.txt from Radarcape and IVAO with format from phpVMS (/action.php/acars/data), whazzup, Virtual Airlines Manager,...

It also support glidernet APRS source.

This container is designed to work in conjunction with a Mode-S / BEAST provider. Check out mikenye/readsb or mikenye/piaware for this, or BYO.

Container notes

On the first run of the container, the database will be created & populated and data will be downloaded from the internet. This process can take quite some time. On my system, around 30 minutes. Once the first run processes are finished, to access FlightAirMap, you can:

  • Browse to http://dockerhost:8080/ to access the FlightAirMap GUI.
  • Browse to http://dockerhost:8080/install/ to access the FlightAirMap settings area.

With regards to settings - where one exists, you should use an environment variable to set your desired setting. The environment variables get written to the require/settings.php file on container start, so any configuration items applied via /install/ area may be overwritten. Long story short, your first port of call for configuration should be environment variables.

Quick Start with docker-compose

NOTE: The Docker command provided in this quick start is given as an example and parameters should be adjusted to suit your needs.

NOTE:: This provided configuration doesn't work. You have to use the external database configuration. This is a known issue, and the config is being left in the README for reference and consideration as we decide what to do about this.

An example docker-compose.yml file is as follows:

version: "2.0"


    container_name: flightairmap
    restart: always
      - 8080:80
      - TZ=${FEEDER_TZ}
      - BASESTATIONHOST=readsb
      - FAM_INSTALLPASSWORD="very_secure_password_12345"
      - fam_db:/var/lib/mysql
      - fam_webapp:/var/www/flightairmap

Quick Start with docker-compose using external database

NOTE: The Docker command provided in this quick start is given as an example and parameters should be adjusted to suit your needs.

An example docker-compose.yml file is as follows:

version: "2.0"



    container_name: flightairmap_db
    restart: always
      - PUID=0
      - PGID=0
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=shai5Eisah7phe0aic5foote
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=flightairmap
      - MYSQL_USER=flightairmap
      - TZ=${FEEDER_TZ}
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=xi6Paig4yeitae3Pah9aew3j
      - fam_db:/config

    container_name: flightairmap
    restart: always
      - 8080:80
      - TZ=${FEEDER_TZ}
      - BASESTATIONHOST=readsb
      - FAM_INSTALLPASSWORD="very_secure_password_12345"
      - MYSQLHOSTNAME=flightairmap_db
      - MYSQLDATABASE=flightairmap
      - MYSQLUSERNAME=flightairmap
      - MYSQLPASSWORD=xi6Paig4yeitae3Pah9aew3j
      - MYSQLROOTPASSWORD=shai5Eisah7phe0aic5foote
      - fam_webapp:/var/www/flightairmap
      - flightairmap_db

Environment Variables

To customize some properties of the container, the following environment variables can be passed via the -e parameter (one for each variable). Value of this parameter has the format <VARIABLE_NAME>=<VALUE>.

Name Description Default Required
TZ Your local timezone in "TZ database name" format List-of-tz-database-time-zones. UTC Optional.
FAM_INSTALLPASSWORD Sets the $globalInstallPassword variable in require/settings.php. The password to access the install area. If not given, a randomly password will be generated and used. To obtain the generated password, you can issue the command docker exec flightairmap cat /var/www/flightairmap/htdocs/require/settings.php | grep globalInstallPassword. unset Optional
BASESTATIONHOST You can specify the IP or hostname of a host/container running readsb or dump1090. See sdre-enthusiasts/docker-readsb-protobuf. If given, FlightAirMap will pull ADS-B data from the specified host/container. Without this, you'll need to set up your own sources via the install area. unset Optional
BASESTATIONPORT If your readsb or dump1090 is running on a non-standard TCP port, you can change it here. 30003 Optional
QUIET_FAM If set to true, will suppress the output of FAM in the logs. true Optional
FAM_GLOBALSITENAME Sets the $globalName variable in require/settings.php.The name of your site My FlightAirMap Site Optional
FAM_LANGUAGE Sets the $globalLanguage variable in require/settings.php. Interface language. Can be set to EN, DE or FR EN Optional
FAM_MAPPROVIDER Sets the $globalMapProvider variable in require/settings.php. Can be Mapbox, OpenStreetMap, MapQuest-OSM or MapQuest-Aerial OpenStreetMap Optional
FAM_MAPBOXID Sets the $globalMapboxId variable in require/settings.php Optional
FAM_MAPBOXTOKEN Sets the $globalMapboxToken variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_GOOGLEKEY Sets the $globalGoogleAPIKey variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_BINGKEY Sets the $globalBingMapKey variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_MAPQUESTKEY Sets the $globalMapQuestKey variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_HEREAPPID Sets the $globalHereappID variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_HEREAPPCODE Sets the $globalHereappCode variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_OPENWEATHERMAPKEY Sets the $globalOpenWeatherMapKey variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_LATITUDEMAX Sets the $globalLatitudeMax variable in require/settings.php 46.92 Optional
FAM_LATITUDEMIN Sets the $globalLatitudeMin variable in require/settings.php 42.14` Optional
FAM_LONGITUDEMAX Sets the $globalLongitudeMax variable in require/settings.php 6.2 Optional
FAM_LONGITUDEMIN Sets the $globalLongitudeMin variable in require/settings.php 1.0 Optional
FAM_LATITUDECENTER Sets the $globalCenterLatitude variable in require/settings.php 46.38 Optional
FAM_LONGITUDECENTER Sets the $globalCenterLongitude variable in require/settings.php 5.29 Optional
FAM_LIVEZOOM Sets the $globalLiveZoom variable in require/settings.php 9 Optional
FAM_SQUAWK_COUNTRY Sets the $globalSquawkCountry variable in require/settings.php. Can be set to UK, NZ, US, AU, NL, FR or TR EU Optional
FAM_SAILAWAYEMAIL Sets the $globalSailaway array's email value in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_SAILAWAYPASSWORD Sets the $globalSailaway array's password value in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_SAILAWAYKEY Sets the $globalSailaway array's key value in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_BRITISHAIRWAYSAPIKEY Sets the $globalBritishAirwaysKey variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_CORSPROXY Sets the $globalCORSproxy variable in require/settings.php cors Optional
FAM_LUFTHANSAKEY Sets the $globalLufthansaKey array's key value in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_LUFTHANSASECRET Sets the $globalLufthansaKey array's secret value in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_FLIGHTAWAREUSERNAME Sets the $globalFlightAwareUsername variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_FLIGHTAWAREPASSWORD Sets the $globalFlightAwarePassword variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_MAPMATCHINGSOURCE Sets the $globalMapMatchingSource variable in require/settings.php fam Optional
FAM_GRAPHHOPPERAPIKEY Sets the $globalGraphHopperKey variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_NOTAMSOURCE Sets the $globalNOTAMSource variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_METARSOURCE Sets the $globalMETARurl variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_BITLYACCESSTOKENAPI Sets the $globalBitlyAccessToken variable in require/settings.php unset Optional
FAM_GEOID_SOURCE Sets the $globalGeoidSource variable in require/settings.php egm96-15 Optional
FAM_ENABLE_ACARS Sets the $globalACARS variable in require/settings.php false Optional
FAM_GLOBAL_URL Sets the $globalURL variable in require/settings.php. Default is unset. Sets the URL pathing for asset requests. Useful for running FAM behind a proxy. No trailing / unset Optional

If you wish to use an external database:

Name Description Default Required
MYSQLHOSTNAME Sets the hostname of the mysql/mariadb server. unset Required for external databases, else please leave unset
MYSQLPORT Sets the port used to communicate to mysql/mariadb. 3306 Required for external databases, else please leave unset
MYSQLDATABASE Sets the mysql/mariadb database name. flightairmap. Required for external databases, else please leave unset
MYSQLUSERNAME Sets the mysql/mariadb user name. flightairmap. Required for external databases, else please leave unset
MYSQLPASSWORD Sets the mysql/mariadb password. unset Required for external databases, else please leave unset

Data Volumes

The following table describes data volumes used by the container. The mappings are set via the -v parameter. Each mapping is specified with the following format: <VOL_NAME>:<CONTAINER_DIR>[:PERMISSIONS].

Container path Permissions Description
/var/lib/mysql rw This is where the application database resides, if using the internal database.
/var/www/flightairmap rw This is where the application itself resides.

It is suggested to make docker volumes for both of these areas, with the docker volume create command, and assign the volumes to the paths above.


Here is the list of ports used by the container. They can be mapped to the host via the -p parameter (one per port mapping). Each mapping is defined in the following format: <HOST_PORT>:<CONTAINER_PORT>. The port number inside the ainer cannot be changed, but you are free to use any port on the host side.

Container Port Purpose
80 (tcp) FlightAirMap application, web server
9999 (udp) ACARS UDP Messages

Getting Help

Having troubles with the container or have questions? Please create a new issue.

I also have a Discord channel, feel free to join and converse.