Get Tableau Public's Viz of the Day as a slack message on weekdays.
- Create a Slack App with these requirements
- Bot Token Scopes: chat:write
- If you'd like to use the Tableau logo for your app icon, I've attached an image file that is compatible for this purpose.
- Install your Slack App to get Bot User OAuth Access Token
- Create a python script to post data from the VOTD API to Slack using the Slack API.
I wanted to make mine fully automated, so I chose to deploy the file in this repo as a Cloud Function on Google Cloud.
- Create a Cloud Function with:
- Trigger: HTTP
- Slack Bot User OAuth Access Token as a Runtime Environment Variable 'SLACK_TOKEN'
- Runtime: Python 3.7
- Entry point: post_votd_to_slack
- Create a Cloud Scheduler job:
- Frequency: 0 7 * * 1-5
- Time zone: Whatever your preferred timezone is (note: depending on your timezone, you may receive VOTD that is one day old)
- URL: The HTTP endpoint for the Cloud Function you just created
- HTTP Method: POST
If you prefer using AWS over GCP, I also included file in this repo to use as a Lambda Function on AWS. (note: instead of using Botocore, you will need to bundle dependencies with your Lambda function. I found this tutorial quite helpful:
- Create a Lambda Function with:
- Author from scratch
- Runtime: Python 3.7
- Execution role: Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions
- Add trigger to Lambda created above:
- EventBridge
- Rule: Create a new rule
- Rule name: votd_scheduler
- Rule type: Schedule expression
- Schedule expression: (Any cron schedule you want, but VOTD is only posted on weekdays. I'd suggest 0 7 ? * MON-FRI *)
- Check box for "Enable trigger"