This is a simple Binance bot written in NodeJs that could be controlled trough a Telegram bot. This bot considers the last N candles to calculate the buying and selling prices.
By setting the method to "down", it sets a buy order as the lower price found in the candles and the sell order to the current price.
By setting the method to "up", it sets a buy order to the current price and a sell order to the higher price found in the candles.
You can configure the number of the last candles and their period.
- Create a Telegram bot
- Set your Binance, Telegram credentials and currency in
file. - Execute in the terminal:
docker-compose up -d
- To read the logs, type:
docker-compose logs -f
/start 5m 10 20% 0.001 up
candle period | number of candles | balance percent | buy margin | method/stop
/check 5m 10 20% 0.001 up