diff --git a/modules/core/src/main/scala/org/scalasteward/core/forge/data/NewPullRequestData.scala b/modules/core/src/main/scala/org/scalasteward/core/forge/data/NewPullRequestData.scala
index 4e659ac82..125c7fdc2 100644
--- a/modules/core/src/main/scala/org/scalasteward/core/forge/data/NewPullRequestData.scala
+++ b/modules/core/src/main/scala/org/scalasteward/core/forge/data/NewPullRequestData.scala
@@ -96,35 +96,45 @@ object NewPullRequestData {
_ => ""
- s"""|$updatesText
- |
- |## Usage
- |✅ **Please merge!**
- |
- |I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself.
- |
- |${skipVersionMessage}If you have any feedback, just mention me in the comments below.
- |
- |Configure Scala Steward for your repository with a [`${RepoConfigAlg.repoConfigBasename}`](${org.scalasteward.core.BuildInfo.gitHubUrl}/blob/${org.scalasteward.core.BuildInfo.gitHeadCommit}/docs/repo-specific-configuration.md) file.
- |
- |_Have a fantastic day writing Scala!_
- |
- |${details.map(_.toHtml).mkString("\n")}
- |
- |
- |${labels.mkString("labels: ", ", ", "")}
- |
- |
- |""".stripMargin.trim
- }
+ val plainBody =
+ s"""|$updatesText
+ |
+ |## Usage
+ |✅ **Please merge!**
+ |
+ |I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself.
+ |
+ |${skipVersionMessage}If you have any feedback, just mention me in the comments below.
+ |
+ |Configure Scala Steward for your repository with a [`${RepoConfigAlg.repoConfigBasename}`](${org.scalasteward.core.BuildInfo.gitHubUrl}/blob/${org.scalasteward.core.BuildInfo.gitHeadCommit}/docs/repo-specific-configuration.md) file.
+ |
+ |_Have a fantastic day writing Scala!_
+ |
+ |${details.map(_.toHtml).mkString("\n")}
+ |
+ |
+ |${labels.mkString("labels: ", ", ", "")}
+ |
+ |""".stripMargin.trim
- def metadataJson(update: Update, labels: List[String]): String =
- Json
- .obj(
- "Update" -> update.asJson,
- "Labels" -> Json.fromValues(labels.map(_.asJson))
- )
- .toString
+ val metadataJson =
+ Json
+ .obj(
+ "Update" -> update.asJson,
+ "Labels" -> Json.fromValues(labels.map(_.asJson))
+ )
+ .toString
+ val bodyWithMetadata =
+ s"""$plainBody
+ |
+ |""".stripMargin
+ // Github limits PR descriptions to 65536 unicode characters
+ if (bodyWithMetadata.length < 65536)
+ bodyWithMetadata
+ else plainBody
+ }
def renderUpdateInfoUrls(updateInfoUrls: List[UpdateInfoUrl]): Option[String] =
Option.when(updateInfoUrls.nonEmpty) {