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Irina Balaur edited this page Mar 19, 2019 · 10 revisions

SBGN-ML to yEd GraphML

### ReconMap2_01

For the SBGN-to-yEd conversion, the ReconMap resource, available in CellDesigner xml format via the MINERVA interface at the Virtual Metabolic Human, was transformed to SBGN-ML format by the cd2sbgnml converter, a complementary tool that converts between CellDesigner-specific SBML extension and SBGN-ML.

The output yEd GraphML ReconMap2_01 file, generated using the ySBGN converter, can be downloaded from the example_files/RECON folder.

### Glycolysis

The input SBGN file is available from the SBGN resources:

The output yEd GraphML glyscolysis file, generated using the ySBGN converter, can be downloaded from the example files/pathways folder.


### Central plant metabolism

The input SBGN file is available on the SBGN resources:

The output yEd GraphML central plant metabolism file, generated using the ySBGN converter, can be downloaded from the example files/pathways folder.

SBGN resource
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