Using CCExtractor-Web is super-easy. All you have to do is upload your files which contain subtitles and optionally choose relevant options to extract subtitles. Here’s a detailed guideline for the usage.
Available features (can be accessed from sidebar) :
Dashboard (
File Uploading
Quick Stats
5 Recently Added Jobs
5 Recently Uploaded Files
Account Info
Platform Status
Uploaded Files (
List of all uploaded files.
Name, Hash, Size, Upload Date
Actions (New Task/Delete)
Queue (
List of the complete job queue.
Job Number, Status Icon, Filename, Parameters, Platform, Status, Added Date
Output (View, Download)
Logs (View, Download)
Admin Dashboard (
(Only for users with Admin privileges).
Goto signup page,
(e.g. https://cc.web/signup). -
Enter your email address.
In you email account, find the verification email and click the link.
Fill the details and click
Complete Signup
Goto login page,
(e.g. https://cc.web/login). -
Enter your email address and password and click login.
On successful attempt, you should be redirected to the dashboard.
To logout, click
on the navigation bar and confirm by clickingLogout
Goto your dashboard,
(e.g. https://cc.web/dashboard). -
Click on
Upload New File
to expand upload form. -
Pick a file you want to process.
[Optional] Click on
Add Custom Parameters
to specify parameters for CCExtractor. Field supports suggestions and tab auto-complete. -
[Optional] Click on
Additional Options
to specify CCExtractor Version, Platform and Remarks. -
If you want to process the file immediately, check
Start Processing
. -
Upload File
(Full video :
Available features (can be accessed from sidebar) :
Dashboard (
CCExtractor Version Form
CCExtractor Parameters Form
Quick Stats
5 Recently Added Jobs
5 Recently Uploaded Files
Account Info
Platform Control Panel
Uploaded Files (
List of all uploaded files.
Name, Hash, Size, Uploader, Upload Date
Actions (New Task/Delete)
Queue (
List of the complete job queue.
Job Number, Status Icon, Filename, Parameters, Platform, Status, User, Added Date
Output (View, Download)
Logs (View, Download)
User List (
List of all users registered.
Id, Username, Email, Account Type, Joining Date
Actions (Make Admin/User)
User Dashboard (
Goto Dashboard,
(e.g. https://cc.web/admin-dashboard). -
Add New CCExtractor Parameter
to expand the form. -
Fill the form and click
Goto Dashboard,
(e.g. https://cc.web/admin-dashboard). -
Add New CCExtractor Version
to expand the form. -
Fill the form and click