#LWC Local Development ##Steps to use the code
If you haven't already done so, authenticate with your org. You can do it by using SFDX: Authorize an Org from the command pallete.
Clone the repository into your local system by using the following command in the Terminal.
git clone https://github.com/satyasekharcvb/lwc-local-dev.git
cd lwc-local-dev
Start your Local Development server from your terminal in the lwc-local-dev folder using the command.
sfdx force:lightning:lwc:start
You can open the local development interface in the browser by clicking the local host url(e.g. https://localhost:3333) in the terminal log
Make any changes to the code and see it dynamicall refreshed in the browser
You can also deploy the code to your org by using SFDX: Deploy This Source to org