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Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues edited this page Nov 28, 2012 · 10 revisions

Install prerequesite packages

We need git and autotest, not available on RHEL repos. So, on RHEL hosts run first:

rpm -ivh

To install EPEL repos. It is important to note that EPEL is needed with the sole purpose of providing a git RHEL package. If you can manage to install git from somewhere else, then this is not necessary. Check here for up to date EPEL RPM repo location.

Install the following packages:

  1. Install the p7zip file archiver so you can uncompress the JeOS [2] image.

# yum install p7zip

  1. Install the autotest-framework package, to provide the needed autotest libs.

# yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install autotest-framework

So you install the core autotest libraries to run the tests. If you don't specify it, you'll have to clone an autotest tree and export this path as the AUTOTEST_PATH variable, both as root and as your regular user. I put the following on my .bashrc:

export AUTOTEST_PATH="/path/to/autotest"

where this AUTOTEST_PATH will guide the run script to set up the needed libraries for all tests to work. For other packages:

yum install git

So you can checkout the source code.

yum install qemu-kvm qemu-kvm-tools

The qemu-kvm-tools package provides the kvm_stat profiler used to generate debug data for the tests. If you don't want or need that sort of debug information generated, you can disable the kvm_stat profiler learn more about profilers

yum install bridge-utils dnsmasq

bridge-utils is needed for KVM autotest to bring the internal bridge up, and dnsmasq to make it serve dhcp adresses to the VMs. If you want to use your own bridge, you can use another bridge you have configured.

yum install mkisofs

For newer distros, such as Fedora, you'll need:

yum install genisoimage

Both packages provide the same functionality, needed to create iso images that will be used during the guest installation process. You can also execute

yum install python-imaging

Not vital, but very handy to do imaging conversion from ppm to jpeg and png (allows for smaller images).

Last bug not least, now we depend on libvirt to provide us a stable, working bridge. * By default, the kvm test uses user networking, so this is not entirely necessary. However, non root and user space networking make a good deal of the hardcode networking tests to not work. If you might want to use bridges eventually:

yum install libvirt

Make sure libvirtd is started:

[lmr@freedom autotest.lmr]$ service libvirtd start

Make sure the libvirt bridge shows up on the output of brctl show:

[lmr@freedom autotest.lmr]$ brctl show
bridge name bridge id       STP enabled interfaces
virbr0      8000.525400678eec   yes     virbr0-nic
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