Arduino and IoT information and code for GitHub Satellite Workshop Day 2017
Before arriving to the workshop, please make sure you have the following items installed on your laptop:
- Arduino IDE
- PlatformIO
- Python 2.7 - note that Python 3 will not work with PlatformIO
- Atom with PlatformIO package and Clang if required (Windows users)
- Travis familiarity, especially for C++
- Liquid Crystal Library
- DHT Library
- 1 16x2 Character LCD Display
- 1 400-point breadboard
- 1 Arduino-compatible Pro Micro*
- *This Arduino requires soldering the header pins to the Arduino
- 1 10k trim pot
- Note: this model is a 25-turn, versus the lower-turn number trim pots we used in the demo; either is fine, you just turn one more than the other--the important thing is is that it's 10k (20k would also work)
- 1 330 Ohm resistor
- Note: this model is a 1/4 watt, but you could use a smaller wattage if available; the LCD we're using wants about 300 Ohms
- 10k Ohm resistor for use with LCD
- 1 DHT22 sensor
- DHT11 would work as well, but isn't as accurate
- 1 22k Ohm resistor for use with DHT22
- 1 USB to micro USB cable
- 2 male-male jumper jumper wire packs
- Can also be purchased here
is located in theHelloSatellite
and it's auxiliary files is located in the root folder
Great websites to find cool projects to build include:
- Glyphduino library - library with pre-made glyphs
- Customer character generator - make your own custom glyphs in a web UI and get the code
- Slide deck with instructions for assembly