Palywright with Java::
Selectors in Palywright
- text page.locator(text=) or page.locator('yourtext')
- frame --> page.frame("name of frame") or page.frameLocator("selector ")
- slecting element in shadow dom
- visible --> button:visible oe button >> visible=true
- Selecting element that contains other element ---> :has('text or link')
- Comma n Union (|)
- xpath union
- Selecting element based on layout/ or relative element-- left of , right of below, above near and near,200 ( near, pixel)
- Nth element.
- "button >> nth=0" //gives 1st ele
- "button >> nth=-1" //gives last ele
- React Selector
- page.locator("_react:componentName[followeed by selector]") using using react developer tool.
- Xpath Selector
- Xpath selector
One time login::
- it has capability to store strore cred in .json file and can it be re-utilized for further login (browserContext is used here)
JS Alert
with the help of playwrght listner, we can handle it, Page page = browser.newPage(); // to handle alert with confirm and Cancel button page.onDialog(dialog -> { String text= dialog.message(); --> to get alert message System.out.println(text); dialog.accept(""); --> to accept/ with or without message //dialog.dismiss(); // to cancel alert/
Attache n De attache file:;
- page.setInputFiles("Locator", Paths.get("path of your file")) // upload
- page.setInputFiles("Locator", new Paths[0]) // remove
- page.setInputFiles("Locator", new Paths[]{Paths.get("fist file name"),Paths.get("2ns file name"),Paths.get("3rd file name")}) -- upload multiple files
Donwload File via Playwright:
page.waitForDownload(() -> { page.locator("a:has-text('')").click(); });
Running codegen::
- mvn exec:java -e -D -D exec.args="codegen"
Test urls:
example websites:
http://londonfreelance.ord/courses/frames.index.html iframe/fram:: check box:
drop-down canvas, data picker, check box, radio button : image title:: title="Records-Request-Forms-and-Examples"
Shadow dom reference::
all type of coponent::