SANSMIC (or sansmic) is research software developed to simulate the leaching of salt caverns. Its primary use has been modeling the leaching for the caverns at the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). SANSMIC differs from other leaching software as it implements a simultaneous leach+fill simulation which was used in the 1980s during the construction and original fill of the SPR Bryan Mound site. The primary use for SANSMIC is for modeling liquid petroleum product storage caverns that use raw water for product withdrawals, and as a comparison point for newer salt disolution models.
All lower-case 'sansmic' is used as the repository name and remaining documentation to differentiate this package from the older SANSMIC program written in FORTRAN - and because all-caps feels very loud. The sansmic package provided here is a re-write of the original program using the C++ and Python programming languages.
The sansmic package requires Python 3.9 or greater and at least the numpy and pandas packages.
Installation can be accomplished most easily by using the PyPI. It can also be installed by downloading a wheel from the releases in this repository, or by cloning this repository and building it yourself. Finally, a standalone executable has been created that will be added to each release for Windows users that are unable due to install Python on their corporate computers (see the releases on the right side of the page).
To install a pre-compiled version of sansmic, use the pip command
python -m pip install sansmic
To download and build from source, you should clone the repository
(or, fork sansmic and clone your repository) and then install using
the editable (-e
) flag.
git clone
cd sansmic
python -m pip install -e .
Once installed, you can use
sansmic --help
sansmic-convert --help
to get help on how to run sansmic commands from the command line. For more detailed usage and API information, please see our documentation.
If you use sansmic for a publication, please use the following citation:
- Hart, David, & Zeitler, Todd, & Maurer, Hannah. (2024). SANSMIC v.1.0. [Computer software]. doi:10.11578/dc.20240911.9
The list of current contributors is located in the AUTHORS file. If you would like to contribute, please read the guide to contributing.
Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.