- add the right mongohq uri
- add space
- dont add comment unless logged in
- new mongohq uri
- use latest version of connect-mongodb
- throw err if unauthorized
- fb oauth details for production
- mongohq uri for production
- use my own
- port back to official node package repo
- mongodb uri for production
- use my (gh/madhums) node-compress
- remove semi colons
- add user to comments
- route middlewares
- remove old references, update readme
- add author of article if present
- add flash messages to edit article form
- add user to comments
- add user to articles
- consistent way of doing findX
- fix update method and populate users
- user profile view
- add users controller
- add back gzippo
- use latest version of everyauth to support alias helper method
- add login/logout link to the header
- modify user schema
- add route for home path
- add user alias for everyauth
- fb oauth app id and secred
- unfortunately had to remove gzippo coz heroku doesn't support node>0.4.7
- new application architecture and lots of changes
- terminal bell
- readme
- comments functionality with dbref and populate demonstration
- change repo links
- credits
- appname as dynamic helper
- update readme
- refactor update functionality
- adding ga code
- update readme
- add commonjs date formatting library
- style changes
- use dateformat dynamic helper
- use of express dynamic helpers, dateformat helper
- use of app.param and sort articles list in descending order
- demo use of flash variables
- styles for flash messages
- fix github ribbon
- update readme
- use express-message module
- update readme
- database connection file
- config example file
- remove unwanted setting variable
- require db_connect file instead of declaring the same connection string in every model file
- ignore config file
- heroku specific port settings
- port fix for heroku
- procfile for foreman
- body font size 15
- update readme
- update todo
- fix
- minor modification
- change title
- layout changes, meta tags etc
- use partial for listing
- add titles, theme changes etc
- bug fix
- remove nodester files
- Initial commit via nodester-cli
- adding fork me link
- update readme