Brackets is a modern open-source code editor for HTML, CSS and JavaScript that's built in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Brackets is at 1.0 and we're not stopping there. We have many feature ideas on our trello board that we're anxious to add and other innovative web development workflows that we're planning to build into Brackets. So take Brackets out for a spin and let us know how we can make it your favorite editor.
You can see some screenshots of Brackets on the wiki, intro videos on YouTube, and news on the Brackets blog.
The text editor inside Brackets is based on CodeMirror—thanks to Marijn for taking our pull requests, implementing feature requests and fixing bugs! See Notes on CodeMirror for info on how we're using CodeMirror.
Step 01: Make sure you fork and clone Bramble.
$ git clone[yourusername]/brackets --recursive
Step 02: Install its dependencies
Navigate to the root of the directory you cloned and run
$ npm install
$ git submodule update --init
Grunt commands to be added
Step 03: Run Bramble:
Run one of the suggested local servers (or your own) from the root directory of Bramble:
Assuming you have Bramble running on port 8080
. Now you can visit http://localhost:8080/src.
Bramble supports enabling and disabling various extensions via the URL and query params. A standard set of default extensions are always turned on:
- CSSCodeHints
- HTMLCodeHints
- JavaScriptCodeHints
- InlineColorEditor
- JavaScriptQuickEdit
- QuickOpenCSS
- QuickOpenHTML
- QuickOpenJavaScript
- QuickView
- UrlCodeHints
- brackets-paste-and-indent
You could disable QuickView and CSSCodeHints by loading Bramble with ?disableExtensions=QuickView,CSSCodeHints
on the URL.
In addition, you can enable other extra extensions:
- SVGCodeHints
- HtmlEntityCodeHints
- LESSSupport
- CloseOthers
- InlineTimingFunctionEditor
- WebPlatformDocs
- CodeFolding
- JSLint
- QuickOpenCSS
- RecentProjects
- brackets-cdn-suggestions
- ImageUrlCodeHints
- HTMLHinter
- MdnDocs
You could enable JSLint and LESSSupport by loading Bramble with ?enableExtensions=JSLint,LESSSupport
on the URL
NOTE: you can combine disableExtensions
and enableExtensions
to mix loading/disabling extensions.
You should check src/utils/BrambleExtensionLoader.js for the most up-to-date version of these
extension lists.
After you have everything setup, you can now run the server you chose in the root of your local Bramble directory and see it in action by visiting http://localhost:8080/src.